Will Switch be Nintendo's last console?

Sales are already rapidly declining because there's nothing new of value to play after you finish Zelda.

No serious third party support until market has seen Switch taking off

Switch won't take off without better third party support.

Moment 22.

Will this be Nintendo last console before they finally go full third party?


From what i can gather stock is more or less gone until the end of this month.

I'm not saying the console doesn't have a fucking pathetic launch and 1st year line up but it's perhaps a pretty big factor.

Personally i like the idea behind the switch but holding out for the inevitable improved model in some years when they actually have a worthwhile line up as well/

It's the N64 launch all over again. One great launch title, and then nothing for six months.

>Will this be Nintendo last console before they finally go full third party?
Probably not, they'll find some way to hold on, but dammit I wish they would go third party.
They've got all these great IP's, yet ruining them by pushing shit gimmicks into them just to fit the shit gimmicks on their consoles.

The difference between this and the Wii U is that they can still say "pokemon" and have it be a mainline game

I feel like in 2/3 years the switch might have a great lineup, a kind of combination between handheld games and console games, to this end it COULD be great, but as you say they've really shot themselves in the foot releasing this early with nothing to show.

It's like they've advertised a firework display but when you turn up there's one alright firework, a few roman candles and you're told you have to wait 6 months for the next rocket.

do you people not realize that an obsessive fanbase is way more profitable than going third party?

how do you think anime stays alive at such high production costs? because of the neets who make anime their identity so they're willing to pay thousands for a shitty limited edition figure, same with nintendo

>sales are rapidly declining

Then why the fuck can't I find one within 100 miles of my location?

I'm honestly hoping it their last "innovative" console and they go back to making consoles not based on gimmicks. Might just be me though.

You do know nintendo is worth more than sony? They can afford a few more fuck ups.

>sold out everywhere
>sales are declining you guys!

Sure thing

That's why sales are declining. Also, who the fuck wouldn't expect the first two weeks of sales to be better than the next couple?

They're still chasing that Wii success, but that shit was a weird fluke. If they had a normal console that was graphically competitive, with Nintendo games PLUS all the multiplatform games, they could be the best.

And you forget in kind that it's the type of shit worth investing into by buying the product on cheapies.

>Will this be Nintendo last console before they finally go full third party?

If it lacks thrid party then yes.

GF_Sybb thread

Thanks for reminding me how fucking shit Devil's Third was.

>"Will N64 be Nintendo's last console?"
>"Will GCN be Nintendo's last console?"
>"Will Wii be Nintendo's last console?"
>"Will Wii U be Nintendo's last console?"
>"Nintendo is SO DOOMED, guys!"

The answer is NO. Just like it always fucking is.

At least wait until the new year to start making nintendoomed threads where it will have more games and a holiday period under its belt.

Wouldn't it just be better for them to release their games on other consoles instead at that point? I mean as a consumer what are you getting out of them making their own no gimmick console instead of releasing their games on other platforms?

Why do people think that Nintendo games are going to have the same Nintendo polish if they're being pushed out onto 3-4 different platforms at once? The developers are going to have to familiarize themselves with Sony hardware, Xbox hardware, and PC crap, and the quality of the games is going to suffer. If you have ANY kind of respect for Nintendo, even just their IPs, going third party should be the last thing you want.


>Nintendo sells itself to Apple for 6 gorillion dollars when they can no longer afford to make consoles and has iOS/Mac exclusive games.

I enjoyed it. Story was ridiculous and fun. Multiplayer was great earlier on when there were enough people actively playing to have sieges on rival clans.
Only thing that sucked was the framerate would eat a dick online if there was lots of shit going on in a full game. Still pissed about the servers being taken down, even if it was the same people online all the time. Being a nintendo exclusive fuked it over, 'cause ninty refused to drop the price until they decided the servers would be killed

Remember when the Wii U was going to be Nintendo's last console?

Switch is not even a console. it's Nintendo's exit of the console market and going all handheld. they just masked it by having an HDMI output

Well, the Switch seems to be aiming at indies at the moment.

This is the early access launch for fanbabies who wanted it now

They're going to "Relaunch" the switch around christmas time with more ads and a Mario bundle

>Will this be Nintendo last console before they finally go full third party?
probably not. too many fanatics that will buy any overprice shit nintendo releases because of "muh mario"

>I feel like in 2/3 years the switch might have a great lineup
Ah.... I remember the wiiu

Thing is, the Wii U would have had a decent line up if third parties hadn't fucked over the consumers.
All they had to do was make a decent port with the DLC that the other versions got and then they just shit out glitchy messes with half to none of the support the other versions had.

they're called nindies

And they wanted an excuse to sell handheld games for $60

It all depends on the policies implemented by Nintendo because if they still follow the same policies they are going to eat some bullshit sales

>games people can play on a cheap laptop

The problem is that the wii & wii u are inferior hardware, and required game developers to write custom graphics drivers to port to those systems. In comparison, I could take my xbone game and port it to the ps4 with minimal effort. Both have a decent market. Why would I spend extra money to port to a system that's not even going to sell enough to justify the effort. In short, they didn't screw anyone over. Its nintendo's fault pure and simple.

>Sales are already rapidly declining because there's nothing new of value to play after you finish Zelda

Did Donald Trump lose the election in your timeline? Just curious about what's happening over there.


That's a nice ass, what other games have nice asses? Other than automata

ITT: People talking about shit they know nothing about

Also, OP is a colossal faggot

what a nightmare. is there no end to this madness?

>no balls

I've barely fapped this week because as soon as Automata is out I wont have balls anymore.

So to answer your question, Automata.

The Wii U was Nintendo's last console, dude. The Switch is literally just a handheld with HDMI out, it's not a console by any stretch of the imagination. It's an upgraded Vita.

>It's only good when Microsoft and Sony gets these games!

Remember Me
mediocre game, with a great ass

The game call bad taste


Thanks, I needed motivation to go on a diet.

Nintendo's shit approach cannot be tolerated anymore, who releases a console with 1 game and doesn't allow anyone else to develop games for the platform?
Its almost like they wanted this.

I own a switch and currently have beaten and completed as much of BoTW as I care to. Currently waiting for the Splatoon 2 tesfires and then I will finally play shovel knight and wait for indies until arms/mario.

I don't regret purchasing only because I didn't own a WiiU, if I did I would have.

They switched to gimmicks because they were losing the console wars anyway. Gamecube wasn't graphically competitive and since then theyve stopped trying.

Or maybe, just maybe, sales are declining because there's nothing to fucking sell. Still no restock.