Steam Moderators delete thousands of anti-Denuvo posts

((they))'re shutting it down

>some autist makes three or four threads shitting on Denuvo in different ways
>causes denuvo shills to melt down
>denuvo shills instruct other denuvo shills to mass report his posts
>steam moderator "merges" his threads
>1000+ anti-denuvo posts lost in an "accident"
>moderator apologizes
>says to keep it contained to any existing thread
>people start discussing in an old thread
>they lock an existing thread that was well written and accurately explains why Denuvo sucks
>no explanation given

They even deleted the thread that the pic related article linked to. What the fuck.

>inb4 mmoexaminer

Other urls found in this thread:

>no pastebin
>bo archive

Nigga i aint clicking on that shit

>pastebinning a forum screenshot

>Alexander DeLarge
neck yourself faggot

He meant paste bin the article.

So tell me how this fits in to the Jewish world domination plot?

Denuvo is dead.

I like how OP types this
>some autist makes three or four threads shitting on Denuvo in different ways

Then this
>denuvo shills

It's sad you can't react against literal autistic sperging online without being called a shill or some shadowy zionist puppet master by some retard from Sup Forums

Point of linking the article is for the links that the article links to, it's just some shitty website reporting on happenings on the Automata forums (which are now deleted)

Here you go I guess

>well written and accurately explains why Denuvo sucks
Funny way of saying memes

I'll just wait till they drop it, same as Inside.

I don't care if it's autistic sperging, the mods deleted his thread, "oops sorry but keep it to a single thread", the anti-denuvo people do, treat it like a megathread, it gets locked anyways

Go look at the post

>meanwhile this is still up and has 19 pages
my fucking sides they're not even trying to hide it

denuvo should not exist desu

i want free games i have bills to pay

Just a note to Denuvo shills here:
It wasn't DRM which convinced me out of pirating games, it was convenience combined with disposable income.
Convenience also let me drop the Denuvo-infested platform for a PS4. I'm now paying more for physical games and publishers get less.

And the point of the pastebin is not falling into clickbait.

>It's sad you can't react against literal autistic sperging online without being called a shill or some shadowy zionist puppet master by some retard from Sup Forums

to be fair the "((they))" comment is emulating a anti-Jewish Chrome Extension

Do PC bros even play games or just complain about technical aspects of them?

>PC gamers care more about anti-piracy DRM than playing a actual good game

Why are they so autistic? Did they literally go broke after paying $400 for their GPUs and CPUs?

I planned on buying this just because platinum. Still going to, drm will not stop me from playing it.

They use DRM that doesn't stop piracy and install artificial software limitations via 1080p 60fps locks

Why have such an arbitrarily limited product?

So you like getting fuck in the ass for something you paid then?

Why are some people so rabidly anti-piracy?

because they're mad they got fucked in the ass for 60 dollars and have to deal with shitty DRM that only fucks them while pirates enjoy the game for free and don't deal with intrusive DRM

If anti-piracy measures didn't affect performance or anything at all nobody would complain about it.
But usually it does and fucks the people who buy the game and the cracked versions end being superior.

>prevents modding
>prevents any performance tweaks
>has a stigma around it with ssd's
>reduces performance especially on older machines with slower disk write speeds

greetings from Sup Forums Sup Forums brothers, welcome to the censor madness of today

If you defend Denuvo chances are you're a shill for it, to be fair. The only difference between shit like SecuROM and Denuvo is that Denuvo dumps a lot more money into advertising and maintaining an image of being "different", and that Denuvo is slightly harder to crack

Wm I the only one who doesn't care about Denuvo but is on the fence about having to use Steam?

>PC cucks
>playing games
Unless its overwatch or csgo all they do is load it up with show fps toggled on and then go reeeeeeee about consoles

Yes, mental retardation is fairly rare and I don't think most other victims play videogames.

>people thkinking denuvo means shit

I'll be playing it for free a week after it releases

Don't tar us all with the same brush. Although I bought Nier for the PS4.

b-but they already got their sales! it did its job!

Has any denuvo game so far managed to outsell the witcher 3 with its no drm at all?

Because Denuvo is fucking trash, it's one of the worst forms of DRM in recent history, if not the absolute worst. It fucks performance, it fucks over mods of any kind (including fan patches, resolution tweaks, graphical changes, or even just fucking FPS unlimiting), it fucks over SSDs, and the worst part about it is that they have legions of literal shills who go onto the internet and delete any threads shitting on it and if they can't do that, they damage control by denying all of the above and misleading people by saying these issues have been "fixed" in most recent revisions with their only proof being Denuvo themselves saying "lol we fixed it this time guise"

I wanted to actually support the sequel to one of my favorite games of all time, now I can't unless I buy the inferior version

What even is denuvo?

>Reduces perf on old boxes with slow disk writes
Lol this is fucking wrong and stupid.
Please don't comment on shit you don't understand.
It doesn't touch disk after it loads, and it especially wouldn't write to disk, that makes no fucking sense, decryption is done in memory

A virtual machine.

why not just play the game?

>PCfags beg for ports
>Cry when they get them because MUH DRM
Will developers ever learn? Don't listen to the idiots.

why play a game that is artificially gimped and suffers from the blight that is DRM?

why not play the same game without those limitations?

$0.01 has been deposited into your account.

Oh please, I don't even see how it's even possible to discuss anything with you fans, what the fuck is the problem with Denuvo anyways? There's no proof it damages performance and it's not like some bullshit always online thing, it does some online checks yeah but then how the fuck did you even download the game ?

The only people I can reasonably assume being affected by this are pirate fans crying about having the game but these days Denuvo is being cracked anyways so I don't see what the fuck is this all about or what the big deal is that needs such outcry, what is the issue here?

fuck steam
fuck denuvo
don't buy this game till it's like $1.50 on humble bundle
download the CPY crack instead

>I don't know how computers work so I'm just going to call you a shill
Cool dude, good work.
Do you understand the purpose of RAM?

>it fucks over SSDs,
This is the worst part about Denvuo imo. You are literally raping the life out of your SSD and probably cutting how long it should have lasted in half depending on how many games you play that use this abomination of anti piracy.

I was going to buy this game but fuck it, il just wait till its cracked so my ssd doesnt get raped

there isn't one, people just like to cherry pick nonexistent problems so that they have reasons to make denuvo out to be shit, and try to justify their pirating habits

the only reason people parrot these "problems" is because they are reaching very far to try to find some reason to get people to boycott denuvo games

Proof that Denuvo fucks SSD's?

It doesn't do this, there is literally 0 proof and 0 reason it would.

You realise that Denuvo cracks do not remove Denuvo, but work around the authentication?


you do realize SSD = secondary memory, and denuvo operates in primary memory (RAM), right?

How do you cherry-pick things that don't exist? This is called fabrication.
DRM hurts only the paying consumer and not the pirate, as the only truly effective means of anti-piracy is totally enforcing always online.

And what is the matter with it? make games go bad, fuck some of your hardware or what?

what is this? This doesn't prove denuvo did 4tb worth of read/writes to your SSD, for all anyone knows is YOU ran 4tb worth of shit through your SSD

if it has his OS on it, which is constantly reading and writing things, that's pretty typical

Shills out in full force tonight boys, time for pajeet to make his rubies.

Those are two screenshots next to each other:
one before and one after playing a Denuvo game for an hour.

"i don't like hearing the truth, so i'll call them shills, that will work!"

i'll be enjoying my game

exactly. This isn't any evidence that denuvo is streaming all this data to and from his SSD. Hell he could be constantly reading and writing torrents he's downloaded tons and tons of stuff

denuvo is shit

>entitled fanbase finally gets ports
>bitch about them because they can't get it for free or mod it
why dont you play the game how it's supposed to be and then mod it after some time when everything blows away

And I will enjoy it in a few days, without the limitations of course.

31 GB writes per hour is not pretty typical. Client SSDs are made for a maximum 20 GB PER DAY.

Fuck off shill.
There is plenty of proof, shill.
You do realize that's bullshit that has no basis in reality and is just a lie Denuvo told to avoid the SSD controversy right? I bet you think the massive performance increase in DOOM after the Denuvo removal patch was because of the Vulkan updates only, too.

Theres no proof that Denuvo did this, you just say its denuvo because it suits your purposes. Your OS does tons of stuff in the back ground and for all I know your OS downloaded updates, steam downloaded updates or what ever

>and then mod it after some time when everything blows away
You can't. That's the problem, you fucking idiot.

>game is locked to 1080p/60fps
>DRM restricts hexedits which are used to force resolution/frame rate changes

Denuvo always does horrible shit to customers but this will be far more apparent than any other release because we can't fix their shit now

You downloaded 31gb worth of shit, whats the deal?

>There is plenty of proof, shill.
then post evidence you faggot not some before and after picture you claim is because of Denuvo

Denuvo exists because bad games lose sales to piracy.

>Your OS does tons of stuff in the back ground
An OS doesn't write 31 GB per hour to a SSD, shillfaggot

Shilling how? For nier or against it?

What's wrong with modding? I understand the whole "Piracy is killing the industry" thing, but how is modding bad in any objective way?

>all this Denuvo shill damage control
This basically confirms that Denuvo fucks SSDs.

One person's anecdotal picture doesn't prove anything, decryption occurs via memory. The encrypted pages permissions are set to cause an access violation when the game tries to execute that encrypted instruction. This causes a kernel context switch, and passes the exception to denuvos exception handler, which fixes the encrypted page and starts execution back at the faulting instruction. Nothing is read or written to disk.
Consistency checks are done via hashing the memory page pre encryption and post encryption, and storing it in an array. If anything in this read only executable memory is modified, the hash for that page will change, causing denuvo to recognize that it's been modified.

You could have
-downloaded OS updates
-downloaded a game, music, media, anything
-updated a number of games in steam
anything. You have no objective proof Denuvo caused this.

What WOULD be proof however is if you packet sniffed denuvo or what ever its reading and writing from your computer. It would be easy to set a task scheduler to measure this activity through windows resource monitor

Against Denuvo, not the game itself.

You are emulating a computer with your computer, is mostly wasted performance.

>game comes out with identical experience to consoles

For Denuvo here, we all ready have the army on Sup Forums posting 2b's ass.

>Have games with Denuvo
>Never had an issue

Before you accuse me of being a (((shill))), does Denuvo actually affect game performance or am I being lied to?

A picture of you saying "this is because of denuvo" doesn't prove its denuvo

You could have downloaded a game in that hour which is easy, thats 8.6MB/s which is a typical internet connection. This isn't proof of Denuvo

Its not. Its a bullshit argument. Mods have been a part of games for years.

Where does it say that modding is bad? Nigga said don't bitch because you can't mod.

>You could have downloaded a game in that hour which is easy, thats 8.6MB/s which is a typical internet connection.
>8.6MB/s is a typical internet connection
That is what Denuvo shills really believe.

>posts an erroneous statistic with no controlled variables or any meta data available, not objective at all

Then why are you supporting a system that neuters modding?

>Emulating a computer with your computer


There was some in depth discussion about the plot today. Ass, too. But still.

It's just pirates lying and throwing temper tantrums. You'll note they never post any evidence for anything, ever.

You're fucking retarded, your "before and after" picture doesn't explicitly let alone objectively prove denuvo did it. You have no control, no constants, for all I know you could have downloaded a 31gb game, or done a slew of things at the same time to your SSD to add up to 31gb

The only reason I was going to buy this game was for the nude mods, I'm not going to buy it at all now.

I am not. i was just answering your question.

and when they are driven into a corner, they say "heh, shills"

meanwhile, the opposing party actually understands how this works it's obvious where the truth lies here

Fun fact: When a company pays shills to damage control on image boards, you know they have something hide.
I'm now completely convinced that Denuvo fucks SSDs.

Here's your (you), I feel bad.

It can affect performance, but usually not in any major degree. It's more a user rights issue as well as how often it read and writes to and from your system.

obfuscated code is running inside a VM

steam is already an drm, why do we deserve a second one? denuvo makes future use of game more troublesome (like when you want to make a cracked backup copy in case gabe trips over and rolls through the entire steam infrastructure) and pirates will just have to wait a month tops to get to play the game