>As video games get better and job prospects worse, more young men are dropping out of the job market to spend their time in an alternate reality
wtf I hate wagecuckery now
The Economist: Video games seem to be stopping young men growing up
>not leeching from liberal societies
>Video games
>Get better
Easily Brave New World here
This the current way western society is going it won't be able to survive.
Might as well leech the system too as long as it still works.
Good job, you searched the darkweb to find an article that triggers you instead of playing a fun video game
>the economist
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
Also, the only triggered person in this thread so far is you
i wanna join too
>Some lazy NEETs not working instead of working at McDonalds = CRISIS
>bringing in thousands upon thousands of uneducated, culturally incompatible, potentially violent/criminal/terrorist and entirely unemployable young brown men who will be a drain on society their entire lives = A-OK SO PROGRESSIVE!
More likely the welfare system we have encourages neets, plus modern women are out of control garbage encouraged by a degenerate society, biased courts, and no fault divorce.
Those two combined remove 90% of motivation to "grow up."
Yeah man it's so easy to just get a job when a robot it does it 1000 times faster and doesn't join unions
>video games
>get better
the man knows nothing.
But robots don't buy things.
Automation is going to bite HARD in the next few decades.
Doing my part, getting that autismbux.
there is only so much you can automatize though
can't do it for grocery stores, because people will always want to check fruits and shit themselves
can't do it for schools, yet...
if we made it ALL amazon based buying and no more stores, then yes we would have a problem. too many people would be out of jobs real fast
>Sup Forums
How dare you have such right winged bigoted views????
I like to check fruits and shit myself.
>As games improve, the terms of this trade-off change. Among those predisposed to the leisure-luxury life, better games mean people are quicker to swap working hours for gaming hours
tl:dr Stop doing fun things, make more money for us instead
>can't do it for grocery stores
Amazon Go begs to differ
>getting better
Wew lad
The article is basically saying that it makes sense given the shitty job choices young men have. It isn't even demonizing them for playing video games.
Last paragraph:
>A life spent buried in video games, scraping by on meagre pay from irregular work or dependent on others, might seem empty and sad. Whether it is emptier and sadder than one spent buried in finance, accumulating points during long hours at the office while neglecting other aspects of life, is a matter of perspective. But what does seem clear is that the choices we make in life are shaped by the options available to us. A society that dislikes the idea of young men gaming their days away should perhaps invest in more dynamic difficulty adjustment in real life. And a society which regards such adjustments as fundamentally unfair should be more tolerant of those who choose to spend their time in an alternate reality, enjoying the distractions and the succour it provides to those who feel that the outside world is more rigged than the game.
>the jobs market is getting worse and now more young people are playing videogames
>It's the videogames fault, not the lack of jobs
you know how old people and moms are with produce and shit, they will scour the entire area for the PERFECT radish
they wouldn't let some clinkclank do it for them!
Doom 4 was pretty good.
im a filthy neet but ive been looking for a part time job to get more vidya money. i couldnt get welfare because im not an autist. does mcdicks really hire anyone? i could do whatever shit job there but cashier because im pretty sure id scare people away
>A life spent buried in video games, scraping by on meagre pay from irregular work or dependent on others, might seem empty and sad. Whether it is emptier and sadder than one spent buried in finance, accumulating points during long hours at the office while neglecting other aspects of life, is a matter of perspective. But what does seem clear is that the choices we make in life are shaped by the options available to us. A society that dislikes the idea of young men gaming their days away should perhaps invest in more dynamic difficulty adjustment in real life. And a society which regards such adjustments as fundamentally unfair should be more tolerant of those who choose to spend their time in an alternate reality, enjoying the distractions and the succour it provides to those who feel that the outside world is more rigged than the game.
Seems alright desu
It's literally saying it's okay and entirely expected since life right now is pretty shit
>I can barely read so I only read headlines and then shitpost about them
you're late
>kid is autistic
>it's a miracle!
>expected to buy a house and raise a family
>on erratic part time work that doesn't pay as much as it used to, while competing with baby boomers who refuse to retire
Don't get a job unless you have to. If you can hold on to what you have, you should
>I don't know how to read
Maybe you should actually get a job
>not making money on the darknet
>baah waah we need more taxpayers
>baah waah we need families with kids who will grow up as tax payers
jokes on you fags, I work and spend my entire free time on videogames
One thing that annoys me about articles like these is that they always assume that videogames are still an entirely solitary pursuit.
That hasn't been true for at least a decade now thanks to the rise of the internet and the ubiquity of multiplayer capability.
>And what he got from the game was much more than mere distraction. It was fellowship with others. Indeed, his group of friends has become a broader online community, calling itself Dads of Destiny. The men bonded over shared experiences. “Sometimes a player would say, ‘Guys, I need to change a baby,’ and the other players would provide covering fire while he was gone.” They helped each other. Dads would pass around their cvs and connect with each other on LinkedIn. One of their number, a veteran, credits their gaming community with helping him adjust to life after military service and deal with post-traumatic stress. David is pretty sure they have saved at least one marriage.
No, it didnt.
Well, yeah, that's more or less what it says, you read it first
Huh, neat.
Is this the ultra-rare nuanced normie gaming article?
>video games are the reason society is failing
What is this the 90s?
> implying that's not a good thing
It already takes like 25 or so years to take a fresh human and make him or her useful to modern society, meanwhile career-obsessed faggots like me can setup machines to do the work of a thousand said humans over a single workday
Of course your run the mill young man is going to play video games, he's fucking less than useless compared to seasoned vets, and it's better he enjoys himself on the new Zelda than get in the way of our corporations and systems
>article gets posted
>almost no one reads it
>they still comment and bitch about the article
FFS you dont have to read it, but at least be intelligent enough to shut the fuck up if that's your choice.
The economist is an actual publication that employs actual journalists, and the writer also plays video games.
It's actually a very reasonable article.
Does it surprise anyone? Being a man is difficult if you weren't born genetically gifted. And when job prospects and women are utter shit what do you they expect young men to do?
I worked hard to get my current cushy job that allows me to play vidya in all my free time while getting my bills paid on time. Why would I, ever, think of giving up this type of freedom for some cunt to mooch off my hard work and take half the shit that I worked so hard for?
Yeah man, I'm sure there are still some nice girls out there but it's not worth wading through all the shit.
>its not falling pay in the face of inflation
its like no one cares about work when you can't make any money worth saving
its just rocket science you know?
It's not videogames.
It's society as whole. Young men are the outcasts of modern society. Go to any liberal lecture. They'll be talking about promoting women, promoting browns, promoting anyone but the young white male populace. They are the outcasts. There is no special incentive for them. There is no great motivator for them. They are the unwanted. Their ambition is rejected. Their laziness applauded. All while liberals promote the advances of women and browns, slowly pushing white young men to their shallow escapism that grows weaker and weaker by the year.
But arent videogames just as good as any other hobby as long you dont put them over your more important priorities and hobbies tho?
Having common sense maybe?
This has been discussed a million times before.
Media is mistaking the symptom for the problem, and the problem won't be fixed because it goes against every good feeling liberal thing we've been taught to believe.
So much this
This is literally the point of the article, that video games are easy and current 'real life' is shit, and if we're not going to change shit than people don't have the right to talk shit about video games
Pretty good article desu
There's some nice girls, but them being nice means your chance of becoming close with them, hell, even meeting them are close to zero, as you won't find them at the club getting plastered, or attention whoring with duck face photos on facebook. Nice women are those you pass silently without ever knowing.
It is! God is killing the west.
Fight Club seems more relevant these days.
>videogames are why men don't man up
>Breaking news: People over 20 live at home usually to save money or pay off debt
>The job market is hard since companies would rather pay for cheaper workers or take on experienced people rather than entry levels.
>SOME of these people play vidja gaems.
>THUS, Its the video games fault
>no citations to case studies
> But what does seem clear is that the choices we make in life are shaped by the options available to us.
This is very true. Those who are born in a big city are very lucky, they are given a lot more opportunities than those born in small cities and rural areas, and are far more likely to get a good education and their dream job.
Being brought up in a small city sucks, quality of education is terrible, and after graduating the only jobs you can get are retail, cleaning, or hospitality - no specialist jobs or anything that you can be passionate about, just low paying wage slave jobs that won't get you anywhere in life.
This isn't as much of a problem if you have parents who are willing to pay for you to move to a big city, but good luck getting out if you have no support at all.
Say your income is £200/week. You live in a house share with rent that costs £120/week. Your travel and food expenses come to £50/week. This leaves you with just £20/week in savings. You generally want around £2000 to move to a big city which would give you a couple of months to find a job, which is still very risky depending on the demand. Saving up for this £2000 at £20/week would take 2 whole years, and that's if you don't spend any money on anything other than food and travel, it's more likely going to take 5 years or more.
>but them being nice means your chance of becoming close with them, hell, even meeting them are close to zero
This is absolutely true. You basically have to stalk them (without actually doing so) and snipe them when they are finally single. Good women aren't out at bars/clubs, and they are rarely single.
well when you have influx of immigrants into your country who take up all the jobs what are original born people supposed to do?
we will turn into that one southpark episode where they come from the future to TAKE'N OUR JORBS!
It's all a matter of affluence which is usually what people actually mean when they say privilege but people who use that term seriously are buttfucking retarded
>doesn't read the article but posts anyway
Your view also pretty short sighted.
Its not just brown people or women, its not the failures of liberalism, its a combination of a ton of people hitting the job market after 2008's recession and certain liberals forgetting what they're supposed to be protecting.
Yeah there's unneccessary shitting on white dudes, but its ultimately because people are fighting over scraps, I don't like Trump, but I'm glad that liberals lost in their hubris.
The point is that you shouldn't let these crabs impose a collective identity on you, that's what makes you black, thats what makes you a woman, you have a collective identity that you have to live up to.
Liberals biggest failure, that Sup Forums glosses over because its too nuanced to shitpost over, is that they switched from trying to bring minorities up, to trying to condecend the bigotry or privelige out of people. They tried to take a shortcut.
Thats the biggest problem right now, that instead of making efforts to free individuals of collective racial or sexual identity, and allowing them to pursue self-actualization, they just pushed a white identity onto a bunch of white people who, for many, were more than willing to give it up before being forced to embrace it due to competitive tribalism.
Shit, I'm just waiting for AI to get good enough for VR that I can dive into the VR realm with my waifu and never leave as I wither and rot in my "new" reality.
£130 for rent*
>Video games
>Get better
>Yeah there's unneccessary shitting on white dudes, but its ultimately because people are fighting over scraps
I never thought of it this way before, this makes a llot of sense
top-tier post
>willingly getting married
I must have hit the jackpot with my gf because neither of us care about marriage or kids.
Automation is largely hyped up by the tech industry and is an over exaggerated job destroyer. The tech industry over hypes everything they work on. Just think about how video game developers promise games to be released X year and it turns out they need two more years. Then when the game finally releases its not half as impressive and people imaged.
Even the best AI today aren't even close to understanding human judgement, emotions, or consciousness. And automating these things is NOT going to be easy. Even if computer scientist are successful; I imagine the technology is going to be extremely expensive and will take a long time to be implemented in a majority of businesses.
I could be wrong, but I am not buying this 50% of jobs are going to be obsolete from AI meme.
That'd be nice if it was just recent but the whole mess has been in the making for years because of well-intentioned but ultimately harmful laws and culture shifts that have all culminated together.
Women working? Half the population suddenly enter the workforce for the same number of jobs. NAFTA? All the jobs move overseas. Hell even the oldest black rights movements have always acted the same way as BLM does now, just we never learned about that.
>He just got a job working for a hedge fund, after spending time volunteering for the Hillary Clinton campaign (in some games you can score more points than the opponent and still lose).
>tanking the economy to militarize the nation well beyond what is necessary, and consequently building a massive multi-billion-dollar wall along miles and miles of unincorporate desert borderlands to combat some immigration boogeyman is A-OKAY
thing is, stuff like male privelige, white privelige, all that shit SJW rave about IS real
but they make mountains out of every hill, whether its a molehill, or a even a moderate hill, such that the minorities and women don't even want to fight this leviathan of an oppressive force.
They act like they can condecend the privelige out of people, that they can get identity groups to come together by forced ass kissing instead of mutual understanding.
No fucking wonder unironic white nationalism is on a rise, becuase lazy progressives thought they could take that shortcut.
>The reason to work harder and earn more than the minimum needed to survive is, in part, the desire to have something more than the bare necessities – nice meals, rather than the cheapest calories available, a car, holidays abroad, a home full of books and art.
Sounds like shit, is this what people work for?
>Grand strategy games – like Crusader Kings II, in which players manage a ruling dynasty over the course of centuries – are a particular favourite. Another – Hearts of Iron 4, in which the player controls a nation at war – has absorbed more than 100 hours over the last year.
no seriously after 100 hours you barely know how to play the game
>Yeah man it's so easy to just get a job when a robot it does it 1000 times faster and doesn't join unions
>muh automation
spoilers: you're still going to have to work, even if it means watching cuckbot over there fuck your wife while you make sure its fucking her properly.
maybe he has more hours on hoi 3
This what the fuck
I work because I have bills, the rest is just for videogames and food
Not even what it says fucko, for once that's not the tune an article like this is signing
The people I know that basically exist solely for career and money have become absolutely miserable as we're entering our mid-20s. The bad thing is that now the internet has enabled depression and suicidal thoughts to become this epic meme spammed over Facebook, so people don't take this shitty situation remotely seriously anymore. It's easier to douse it in ten layers of irony instead of being sincere.
Video games are probably the biggest thing that have kept my friend group together from the start of elementary school to the post-college years now. We've spend probably thousands of hours bonding and making memories that other people just don't have. The older we get, the more we realize just how special and rare it is nowadays to have genuine close friends. I can't fathom an existence where you just live to work, excess material wealth doesn't bring me happiness. It feels like our culture has told young people to just focus on their careers, and everything else, emotional satisfaction, love, anything to fill the gaping void in your soul, will just somehow all fall into place because you're working 50 hours a week to impress your boss.
We're not that far from Japan. That's the scary bit.
My idea is that the article miss a point.
It's not just young man wanting to work less for playing games.
It's young man wanting to work less to have more time for doing things we enjoy.
I just think we are the first generation that somehow know what to do with our free time and the idea of working 50+ hour at week sacrificing our hobby and interest is often out of the equation.
>is often out of the equation
What is there honestly to look forward to?
Women are shit. I'm not going to have a family.
The economy is shit, I'm not going to have a house. Or a job.
Culture is shit. The majority of people watch and listen to trash, and are either too numb or too ignorant to make any inroads into ANYTHING outside of what's popular.
Even though I live in a Red State I may actually have to worry about civil unrest soon because dumbass Mexican politicians holding rallies in CALIFORNIA are talking about how they want to unleash the cartels on the US if immigration policy doesn't go their way.
What the fuck do I have to look forward to?
I'd rather Japan than this. At least I'd know nihongo and such would be able to consume even more escapist media than here. Japan is not as much of a shithole either.
Very interesting read OP
definitely oodled my noodle
For the reason that the article explain :
More money = More working hour = less free time while if your hobby and interest are relative cheap a job that permit you to pay your bills and give you more free time is a better choice for a lot more people this days.
"out of the equation" means something would be physically impossible for you to do
not wanting to do something is not "out of the equation", it's just something you don't wanna do