All you Altmer belong in a TES thread because you will never end reality
All you Altmer belong in a TES thread because you will never end reality
Other urls found in this thread:
>ftw no SKSE for special edition
I want my tiddy and gameplay mods
People were told time and time again it would take ages for skse, even longer for the big mods to be ported over, and many never will.
>Thalmor just want to reverse Toddkhan's lies
Are they the most redpilled group in TES? Aside from Vivec obviously.
>dfw morrowfags, oblivifags and skyfags will never get along and see the Pro's and cons of each in a pragmatic manner
Release date is mid March, according to their website.
Should I start up a new playthrough in Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim?
What's your favorite Bonemold Armor (Morrowind)? Mines the base set, with the Gah-Julan Cuirass; I think the scarf looks cool, but I also like the smaller shoulders from the base set.
Full Gah-Julan, except for left pauldron which I just use the base
>asymmetrical pauldrons
How to spot an n'wah trying to look cool
Are there any games that play similar to TES but focus more on the RPG aspect than making your character able to everything?
modded TES games
I don't want to look like a random guard
Wear a fucking robe then. N'wah.
Name three (3) pros of Skyrim that does not involve sex mods.
Comfy snowy setting
Jackie Chan
Faces don't look like shit
Werewolves are fun to play as
then i just look like a redoran guard
>That do not involve janky, terrible animations that can easily be outperformed by searching for nearly any sfm
>quick rundowns
Go back to /vg/
Definitely not Skyrim.
What are the essential mods for Oblivion and Morrowind?
/tesg/ is a shithole and nobody wants to go there
TES but don't do everything on one char.
what's Geert Wilders doing in a TES game?
Bare essentials? Morrowind Patch and Morrowind Code Patch, the 4gb patch, a fix for windows 10 that is somewhere, and whatever graphics mods you want. I can't play that shit without Better Bodies (which also implies Better Clothes and Better Armor).
If you want to improve everything, read the thread.
Skyrim with a fucking lot of lewd mods
60 at the minimum
get to it
and then post your load order
>easily the smoothest combat/animations
>easily the best looking, especially when modded
>largest selection of gameplay altering mods to create the experience closest to each players preference
list these mods for us
is there a way to download oblivion with all the essential mods (mostly gameplay and HD textures) in one pack already pre installed? Basically just download the entire directory instead of doing a clean install and then modding.
no and if there was it wouldn't work very well. just spend a few hours modding it dude, put a tv show on or an audio book in the background if you need to be entertained
Seeing this comfyness automatically triggers the ost playback in my brain.
it's not so much the lengthy process as the near guaranteed crash to desktop and hours of fucking around with every mod to see which one is fucking up. I've followed guides and still bad luck every time.
stop after every ten or so mods and play around on the game for a bit then
I'm looking for a game that actually gives me restrictions based on the kind of character I make. One where I have to work around problems with the strengths of my character. I guess I'll add the stipulation other than TES.
There's no other game/franchise that does what TES does.
It's why bethesda can be lazy shits who let Modders "fix" their games, zero competition.