Why does western games suck so much? Is it because eastern games have now catch up to the "muh 3d" gimmick?

Why does western games suck so much? Is it because eastern games have now catch up to the "muh 3d" gimmick?

your bias is showing

>nioh 85
>horizon 89


They don't.

fuck off weeb

What the fuck are you talking about?


>Wii U version of Yooka Laylee

because Japan doesn't mix video games and politics

I already know PC exclusives sell sonybro, you might get a few more if you're lucky

Horizon is pretty decent if we're being honest

All the others are garbage though

fun fact:
majority of zelda was developed by nintendo's unnamed american studio which largely consists of ex ubisoft employees.

Did it already come out?

but thats wrong.

>westacucks defending a list with andromeda on it

but there's nothing wrong with yooka laylee and lots wrong with nioh

>Horizon is pretty decent

I seriously don't understand why Horizon has such good ratings. Literally just finished it and I would've happily not bought it had I known what I was in for.

Apart from the combat which is fairly good, I didn't give a fuck about Aloy, almost every "strong" character is a girl and/or person of colour. The only two white dudes are the drunkard and the guy that fucks the planet.

Facial expressions during cutscenes were fucked up weird, dialogue options didn't seem to affect the outcome of the story and apart from finding out about the old world I literally didn't care about anyone or anything in the game.

Is it just me who feels this way?


>Horizon - Enjoyed it. Not as good as MH, obviously.
>Wildlands - Ubisoft. No.
>Yooka-Laylee - Very keen. Enjoyed the toybox demo. Pre-ordered.
>Mass Effect - Disappointing. Likely wont get it.

>Nioh - Snore.
>Zelda - Looks fun, tempted to get a Switch for it.
>P5 - Likely day-one purchase, but only because I enjoyed the STORY of p4g. I hate turn-based combat, but I'm willing to push through it for a nice story.
>Nier - Pre-ordered for PC after playing the PS4 demo on three difficulty settings.

Yes, I pre-order games. I have a lot of money and don't care if I'm literally killing the gaming industry.

of course not, everyone here hates it. I've been saying it would be shit since E3 2015 but you didn't listen.

>on Sup Forums
>fuck off weeb
All my keks

japenese devs have a passion for making good games

western devs have a passion using a game as an engine for "social change" and too fight for "progressive values" as in "everything is sexist/racist" and "kill all white men" or other left wing buzzwords starting with "muh trump..."

it´s not surprising that there is such a huge difference in quality

the priorities simply are vastly different

Horizon is fun as fuck though.

>no yakuza or resident evil 7 in that image

biased shit

i mean nioh has dogshit areas, forgettable OST, enemy variety and a lot of piss poor enemies with game breaking spell but we let that shit slide because team ninja? Horizon is a better ARPG overall

No user, the game is legit garbage.

>the only good western video game coming out this year is a tribute to eastern games
What the fuck happened?

Shrek is pretty good though.

>playing an action RPG for anything other than it's action

What about the Crash remakes? They're actually taking the criticism and applying it and look to keep on improving it.

>japenese devs have a passion for making good games

kek let's forget all the shovelware garbage nep and atelier games they flood all over the market

Bloodborne, Nier, zelda and P5 are the only good japanese games produced this fucking gen and 3 of those came recently

I guess. Don't really like Crash to know.

Here it is a better image.

What's wrong with Crash?

Crash is being remastered by a decent developer that is not desperate for money like Bioware or Blizzard.

Are PC cucks so thirsty for games they even buy early access now?


>Not listing Gravity Rush Remastered
>not listing Gravity Rush 2

this is literally the only argument weebs have

Fun game, wish they kept the difficulty.
Haven't played
This shit is boring as fuck, fuck Sup Forums for b8ting me into buying this boring piece of shit.
Tempting to buy but I don't want to fall for another Sup Forums game

I don't like corridor gameplay in my 3D platformers.

nope it seems to be the general consensus on Sup Forums as well user


>it's another weeb false flag episode

sounds like you got nioh and nier mixed up bud

I guess that's fair. At least you didn't dismiss them as bad, since the original trilogy were competently made, and as well as the N-Sane Trilogy so far.

Nah bro your waifu shit game is the most boring game I've ever played in my entire life. I think most of you fucks only like the game because of 2bs ass

oh you're still here
reddit is that way

Because Japanese developers actually have passion and honor when it comes to video games, and aren't just selling out to SJWs and normies.

pc only here
only 2 things really get sand in my vagina regarding EA
>seemingly no time limit
>can sell DLC
fucking ark devs need to be castrated, i don't care how popular it is

The Japanese just care about games more. I can list the number of good western games released in the past few years on one hand, meanwhile nearly every Japanese game released is quality.

>complaining about low budget niché games made for the 30k people who buy them
the funny thing is that bb, nier, nioh, yakuza0, gr2 or p5 didn't had 1/3 of the budget of the avarage western AAA games like andromeda, for honor, or the new tom clancy shit yet they still shit all over them.

>plays on a japanese console with japanese games and goes on a website to discuss japanese anime before deviating into its videogame board (which is mostly japanese aside from non-pornigraphic pc games)
>calls others weebs

because of left wing nepotism in the industry

marxists do this to every industry

But zelda is average at best and horizon is good.

>source: my ass

Horizon ZD was pretty good desu

>listing poor man infamous games

Yeah man gravity kicking everything is so fun huh?

So? Those games are what loads of jap devs are producing.

The ones i listed are like the only few good ones they produced this gen in 4 years for damn sake.

Let's forget XV's overblowed budget on a shitty unfinished mess while we're at it too huh.

my man

you are retarded, that's like showing all the western early access steam shit as a reasoning for how shitty western games are

you have to compare games with similar budget behind them, but the fact is that most japanese games have nowhere near the same budget as the western ones. Not even FF15 MGS5 and BotW are the only games with a budget that comes close to the avarage western games and these games only had such budget because they were in development for 5-10 years, while the west just shits out the next AC in the next year with the same budget as them.

Fuck off nigga those are full games released on consoles and handhelds and are not like early access shit on pc

You are damage controlling trying to act like they don't count because reasons.

Either way your hilarious acting like japs produce hit after hit

>but muhh budget

Even the average mid sided budget franchises like Yakuza suck ass besides 2 games in its whole series.

plenty of those early acces games get fully released lately so eat shit. The budget of the game is an important factor when you want to fairly compare games.

I'm also not saying every or even most jap games are shit, but generally the big japanese games are a lot better than the big western games especially recently.

>aren't shit

>Horizon gets 10/10 from outlets like polycuck and cucktaku for being brave enough to have the first ever strong womyn (female) protagonist, EVER
>ignore the fact that it's just another Ubisoft-esque empty open world collectaton bullshit game

Would that be on the East or West side?

the lines are too blurry

The game developers are fully Japanese staff. There are some western voice actors.

Game publisher is Japanese as well.

What's is this so confusing?

Japanese perspective/game design = Eastern games.

It would be more blurry if you include the new Kojima game. That would be a fusion of Eastern/Western game designs/developers.

I only wish Nioh had more variety. For its length, the level and enemy variety don't cut it.

Good 8th gen Japanese games:
>Wonderful 101
>Bayonetta 2
>Mario 3D World
>Yakuza 0
>Persona 5
>Nier: Automata
>Breath of the Wild
>Gravity Rush 1 & 2
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
>All the various Monster Hunter versions
>Hyrule Warriors

Good 8th gen western games:
>Tropical Freeze
>The Witcher 3 (if Poland counts as the west)

Really makes you think

>Good 8th gen western games:
>>Tropical Freeze
>>The Witcher 3 (if Poland counts as the west)

Rayman Legends? Shovel Knight?

Nioh is actually pretty great.

>Rayman Legends
>Shovel Knight
I wasn't counting indies since I don't think they fit into the paradigm of "western companies are like this, eastern companies are like this" as clearly which is what I assume this thread is trying to compare. However if you want to add them then yeah I'd put Shovel Knight and Binding of Isaac Rebirth on the west side and Revolver360 on the nip side

>>Rayman Legends

Why not?

>Batman Arkham Knight
>Battlefield 4/1
>Rocket League
>The Last of Us
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Dishonored 2
>Titanfall 2
>Rainbow Six Siege
>Cities: Skylines
>Dying Light
>Wolfenstein: The New Order
>Metro Last Light
>Alien: Isolation
>Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

That's a whole lot of garbage, most of which is last gen

The new Hitman and Cities: Skylines are decent though, I'll add them to the list

Weaboo anime bullshit for 10 year olds
Actually good games

Just asking, since I honestly didn't know.

because he doesnt like it. it only counts if he likes it

around 4 or 5 came out on last gen, might replace some of them with XCOM 2, CIV 6, maybe even Deus Ex MD but i bet those don't count because you say so

>but I'm willing to push through it for a nice story
Same final boss as the past few MegaTen games though

frogposters are dumb forreal

I mean its obviously just my opinion, I'm not sure what other measure you could use other than metacritic which tells you nothing when HZD can get an 88


Jim Sterling gave NiOh a 10 and Horizon a 9.5 though

>spent dozens of hours just climbing shit in Zelda
>finally fucking started Nier:A after a week of owning it, got past the same prologue I played in the demo, and proceeded to run around the city, stumbling upon level 25-30 machines instead of doing what I was supposed to do
Am I falling for the openworld meme, or are Japanese devs just better at making (((fun))) games?

Western games have always sucked, the only difference between now and say 20 years ago is that they have more money invested so their games can look nicer. Normies love graphics so thats why shit like COD or GTA sell well and even political propaganda games like Horizon Feminist Dawn do well because people forget about gameplay and just focus on graphics and production values.

Apart from 2d platforms games like Shovel Knight or racing games like Fast RMX, there is almost of value coming from Western developers.

Even their open world games are buggy, just compare Skyrim to Zelda. Its sad to see that the Japanese market is shrinking becoz of these SJW shits.

All of those games are garbage.

Horizon is just a paid political agenda

Its garbage with good graphics. It got good scores because most reviewers are into that SJW agenda.