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Open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur
Minor issue and nothing a simple patch won't fix.
Sup Forums is desperate to shit on Andromeda and will cherrypick anything.
This is bait.
what year is this?
Fuck you I am at work and my co-workers are looking at me becasue I keked too much
Must have just taken a horse cock because she's got those jelly legs.
>t. bioware
We want the crab audience.
This game has to be a joke. It can't be a serious attempt.
This shit is amazing. I burst out laughing when she reached the bottom of the stairs and stayed in that squat stance.
how can a multi million company be this fucking incompetent
lol fuck off
>they'll fix EVERYTHING
>You can even make me do the duck walk!
Ubisoft and Bioware games are what you get when you hire a steady stream of Indians straight out of programming/animation school.
You can't polish a turd user.
>queue benny hill music
>they will fix everything wrong in a patch!
Hmmm, where have I heard this before?
Restless Legs Syndrome isn't funny, user. Delete this.
keep pre ordering broken games from shitty devolpers, just dont cry to us when you realize all of these games are shit and you have to pay for dlc to fix/finish them.
someone thought this was acceptable enough and approved the gold status
karl pilkington is that you
Just like the time a simple patch fixed all the problems from all their other games.
Sorry I forgot that OP had to include a 1 hour compilation of bugs and animation skips in the game in order to have a point.
This is a ridiculously immersion breaking bug in the first few minutes of the game, and as such is an example.
>crotch arrow!
The devs are just fans of John Lennon. Fuck off shitposters.
>video game in which you spend 80% of the time running around
Just like Syphon Filter. but much more faster and retarded.
This comes straight from one of the bigger mainstream outlets.
For all the bad animation in DA:I, at least it was somewhat interesting from the start, and you could actually customize character looks.
ME:A so far is boring as all fuck, does not pick up hours into it, and you can't change how you looks from presets except for the most slightest of deviations plus hair.
They actually took a step back from DA:I.
This is all I hear when I watch this.
Looks like a first person run animation.
Dead Island's beta launch and hacked TP Mirror's Edge looked like that too.
Which begs the question, does MEA even have FP view?
I'm pretty sure it does.
i am gonna be totally honest i believe this game will be so shit that it will actually be good giving birth to memes that will last for years to come
Not everything is a meme. Sometimes it's just a joke.
Name one game where one patch replaced the whole game.
Well, it wasn't one patch, but after an endless series of patches the notes of which could fill an entire encyclopedia Rome 2 is a totally different game from where it was at launch.
There is also Star Wars Galaxies.
One patch and it was a KotOR beta, killing the entire game.
What do you want?
Final Fantasy XIV
This game might end up becoming one of those it's so bad it's good classics and worth getting just for the laughs.
Don't remind me of that patch, you- you swine.
Not him but what?
This will go down in history as one of the funniest games ever made.
congratulations on such an astute observation, what would Sup Forums do without such a keen mind
Fucking crab people help no one but themselves.
I'm stumbling... yeah... thats it
How is this a bait? they did the exact same thing for horizon, don't you see it you ignorant moron, your haterade for sjw agenda is literally clouding your real judgement of a video game, OBVIOUSLY it will be fixed, all games have glitches.
Final Fantasy XIV was one of the most embarrassing games ever released on launch.
It was copy pasted assets every 5 steps and a general mockery. When A Realm Reborn came out it had a very different reception and, as far as I can see, is a completely different game.
I didn't play it though and I'm not him.
>OBVIOUSLY it will be fixed, all games have glitches
>the entire game is one huge glitch
>OBVIOUSLY it will be fixed.
FF14 had its game literally changed completely through a patch.
Goddamn this looks shit. I'm almost surprised by how bad it looks.
>it's so bad it's good classics
no, its never going to reach that status
its just shit
THPS5. The patch was the whole game
So the power...of Frostbite...
wrong one. fuck it.
this game is an insult to gaming as a medium and it'll score 9.2 from critics on metacritic
[zoidberg whoop intensifies]
>First objective
>Legs.exe stop running
How can you fail so hard, even the prologue is looking like shit.
The Vertibirds in Fallout 4 looks better than this shit.
I don't know. It being savaged by a number of gaming websites and even some hardcore Biodrones.
A Realm Reborn wasn't a patch, it was a re-release of the game. I think means the Heavensward Patch for A Realm Reborn, which came out summer 2015 and was a colossal disappointment. Most of the regular players quit and the game is now primarily inhabited by ERPers, newbies and hardcore autists.
The only thing I like from Mass Effect Andromeda is the graphics
And for that I already have Horizon that has even better animations than this shit
cohhcarnage already said it was his GOTY. also, no man's sky sits at like a 7.5 on metacritic i think. i have faith that this game will ride on its SJW charms and land a high score
>ruin your series with a shit ending
>be forced to make a quasi-reboot via a copout because the franchise prints money
>ruin your series again by making an absolutely abhorrent game
don't give me you's, just save everything
>This is the end of Trump's Presidency, says increasingly nervous man for the 7th time this year.
oh my god i am laffin so hard
>no man's sky sits at like a 7.5 on metacritic
I swear to shit, nobody who reviews games ever gives anything under a 5 when in truth almost everything they play should be given a 5. The bell curve is WAYYYY further right than it should be.
>can't even manage to make 3 seconds of promotional material look normal
It's like she accidentally took a shit in her pants during the ensuing chaos and doesn't know what to do about it, so she starts playing it off as best as she can.
it's just insulting to the development studios and indie devs that actually produce quality games when something like andromeda and no man's sky lie and cheat then get high scores for no fucking reason
This makes Fallout 4 look like game of the century
>you guys smell that?
>is that... is that the pathfinder?
>oh fuck don't look don't look
What if there never were any real shills like FFXV-kun or the horizon guy and it's always just some guy so desperate for (you)s that he'd say shit like with a straight face to play all of Sup Forums?
This has to be the ugliest cast ever made in a video game, and I've played every David Cage game and Horizon Zero Dawn.
i'm convinced that it's all ironic trolling
No one remembers that.
Big publishers have been pushing for 7 to be "average" and 5 to be "worst thing ever" since the 80's since almost every big budget game will be guaranteed an average score no matter how bad it sucks simply because it's too big to fail outright. It's like their "damn we fucked this up bad, well just give us our 7" safety net, and most consumers will see a 7 and thing "this can't be that bad".
I just saw some multiplayer footage and that seemed fun. Not 70$ fun, but there's worse.
As for the singleplayer, it'll probably take half a year to get it all sorted out, and it'll still be mediocre at best.
If you can recommend me shooters for PC that are more enjoyable, i wont support BioWaste, howbow dah?
Nier Automoata
>howbow dah?
How about you take your instagram memes back to facebook, you cunt?
Thats too weeb.
Oh you won't allow it here, damn thats tough...
So you can't fix Ryder's weirdly uncanny face?
I guarantee Binary Domain has better animations, squad mates, AI and writing.
>how about
No. Kill yourself you meme loving retard
I know you're in here, Darren. Our network monitors all incoming and outgoing activity. Come see me in my office immediately.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Seems promising indeed! Thanks.