What mouse is Sup Forums gaymen with?

What mouse is Sup Forums gaymen with?

As with Keyboards I prefer ones without a ton of gimmicks like customizable weights or 20 macro buttons, just good Manufacturing, a solid size that comfortably fits the hand and precision.

Why yes, my G400 did just die and I'm looking for recommendations on a new mouse.

I have a Sensei Rubberized now. I still miss my MX518 though.

MS intellimouse from 10 years ago.

I bought it on a whim a few months ago because I needed one. I didn't know what a MMO mouse was.

I miss my MX518. It should be on god tier desu

G400S currently

Went through two MX518 and a G400 before that.


>That list.

g302 for fps games
g502 for browsing and wow

Logitech m325

Why do they keep manufacturing mice in that kind of shapes?
It is fucking horrible.

i really like my death adder 2013
too bad the scroll is rather inconsistent after using it for a while

MX518 is hella comfy though, the hell you're tacking about?

my nigga

had a zowie fk, was great but rmb started getting stuck after about a year, shitsux

I used a bunch of these, I feel like it was made by someone who had never actually used a corsair m95. If it were a little larger and didn't have garbage software support, it would literally be the perfect mouse.

>stupid tier

Nigga what? They are cheap, great quality and don't have any retarded ricer shit on them.

Actually, shit don't fucking buy one of these! They're terrible and they also don't make them anymore. Don't even bother looking.

They feel like you are sliding a massive turd/rock across your mousepad.

how's the g900?

I'm using the g402
I like it so far

I got a G Pro. It was too late when I found out there's a cheaper version with the same build but with a lesser sensor (g203)

Got one of these for christmas, it's allright

handlets btfo

I've been using this thing since 2012.

Is it still good? Should I upgrade?

woah! 15 fragz!
you are such a pr0 gamer!

I cant config g400 anymore. Did they fuck it with the program or is this thing done for?

I miss my razer salmosa

steelseries is a meme

Wtf gigabyto ghost is way better than decent

Razer is overpriced and has shite build quality

Haha yeah, the screen is gimmicky as fuck. The mouse itself works gud though.

If you like it and it works you should keep using it. New mice are an artificial upgrade.

I use it for all my computing needs

Mine scroll broke after 10 years. Scrolling is fine but clicking stopped working.

all mice are overpriced now. my steelseries failed faster than the razer.


Wish there was a mouse that had roughly its shape, but better build quality. It's the most comfy mouse, but the doubleclick issue just sucks.

Wheres zowie fk1???

Am i not a real gamer guys?

>dislikes specific shape design
>"he must be a handlet"
Sorry, above average.

Outdated list.

Zowie FK1 is among the "overpriced" tier.

I went back to my Sensei when mine died after 1.5 years, still going strong

In all honesty, it probably depends on your grip whether you like g400-shaped mice or not. It's probably not really got for fingertip and really bad for claw grip.

Where does the G502 rank on that tier list? I haven't had many experiences if any at all with other mice but I love this thing, it's so comfy & has a couple nice extra buttons that don't overdo it, plus it has weights so I can control how heavy it is.

>deathadder not in god tier
fucking hang yourself
>wireless in god tier
there's no excuse for being this shit

Great but kinda expensive.

some POS logitech ancient 10 dollar mouse.

I'll probably get the finalmouse scream since it has 1ms click latency

Has a perfect sensor, great features.

SUCKS ASS for compeittive fps play.
Too big, unsafe shape, too heavy.

Still my favorite to browse and play non aiming games.

Ss ikari since 2009
Pretty good

Don't make the same mistake I did and freescroll spin the mouse wheel for a long time. I've had it for 3 months and I can feel the wheel getting weird because of how much I did it.


i don't want to spend too much just for shitposting


damn this is an old picture. 2011?

I use a Zowie EC1-A at 800 dpi

>Has a perfect sensor
>SUCKS ASS for compeittive fps play.
Pick one. Retard.

logitech m215
came with a keyboard and they both connect to the same receiver.

I use SteelSeries Rival 300. It gets the job done and it's comfortable, but the rubber side grips have worn down. I think I've had it about 2 years. It's still comfy to hold, but the issue now is all the rubbery pieces that are always coming off it. They get on my fingers and on my mat and I'm having to constantly brush them away, so that's getting annoying. I'm never going to buy another mouse with rubber sides like this again. I would be 100% still satisfied with this mouse if it had plastic sides.

ok the sensor must suck then

>g400 lasted me at least 10 years
>can't find it anywhere in my local area

I hurt myself today

Logitech G300.

It's a phenomenal mouse for competitive fps (csgo, overwatch)

I spent all my money on adderall insteAd. Helps more than these shitty cheap pieces of plastic that doesn't do more than a regular 10$ mouse

Corsair Vengeance M60, it feels good in my hand and doesn't have 9000 gimmicky buttons, just a momentary switch that adjusts the dpi, and dpi profiles. I don't ever use that momentary switch. The mouse is a solid 8 imo.

If your buttons are still ok, then there is no need to change.

If you want to replace your mouse for RGB, you are a fag and should be set on fire on brimstone.

logitech products used to look good. Looks like they fell for the GAMUR GEAR meme.

God tier. Using without critical problems every day for 2+ years.

fight me


how is adderal different from ritalin?

Which one is the I just want to play video games mouse?
I just broke my 3rd chinkshit mouse and I've had enough.

I miss my MX518 so fucking much. Just remembering the feel of holding it in my hand is nostalgic as fuck. Nothing will ever top that goddamn mouse. It doesn't help that I used it back when I was at the peak of my FPS playing ability

Logitech G500 for the past 7 years or so. Still loving it.

It's "alright". Feels comfortable, been using it for 2+ years and only recently got some kind of glitch where it registers a single click as a double click for some reason, but only sometimes. I still don't like it as much as my old MX518 but I don't have any serious complaints.

Mionix Castor
the rubber grip on the left side is meh, but the sensor is superb and build is decently sturdy

They've improved the rubber material in the newer batches, I got one of these 6 months ago and it hasn't worn down yet. Great mouse.

stop fucking hitting your computer equipment like an angry monkey and maybe they'd last a ltitle longer.

Naos 7000.
It's super comfy and all but I'll never get over the G5

Too bad the scroll button is beyond fucked.
Besides that, it's an excellent mouse.

My MX518 is still going strong, none of the mice they sell today are appealing.

God damn it's a good one.

I have the same. I actually liked G500 more but it's not wireless. You can't have everything in life.

Zowie EC-1

I can't use anything with not-Intellimouse 3.0 shape anymore.

>logitech & microsoft
>god tier
Kek. No.

>give a brick a perfect sensor
Fucking retard

>buying a razor product.
Please tell me you don't do this.

I use it but only because the simplisticly shaped mouse was more expensive for some reason

Fuck you op i bought mouse week ago and only now you post this shit
good thing i bought steelseries from your god tier and not fucked up


How do anons feel about gaymen mousepads?

Logitech G602
>Dat battery life

I got this mouse on amazon for short money and it's the best mouse I've ever owned.

While I havn't used one, right now I am just using my table.
Lots of space and easy to clean.


whats a normal, working long lasting average priced mouse for a normal dude who just wants to play some fucking vidya who doesnt care about dpi or stupid weight shit

I've gone from a Razer Mamba (that fell apart because shit quality) to a Zowie FK (the original before the FK1) to a Zowie FK2 (quite perfect) to a Roccat Kone Pure Desert Strike (holy shit that thing was nice) to a now current Logitech G Pro (the most perrfect mouse I ever had).

Out of all the Mice I had the Logitech is my #1 elder god tier mouse. But whatever you buy don't buy Razer.


Willst du ködern, oder ist das dein Ernst, Bernd? Die Liste is grauenvoll.

Still using my decade old MX518
It's just covered in a crust of finger grease, shit looks like it has the plague

Post pics

How bad is the g502 compared to the g302?

Using this one at the moment. Not bad at all imo

>MX518 and G400 in different tiers

it's the exact same mouse with a different appearance package

Tried taking one but you can't really see it with my potato phone camera

The lunatic hai overwatch team uses the cheap logitech g pro and qck heavy as their equipment.

If it works for a top fps team being cheapest of high end equipment then it works for me.

What the fuck ? the mx518 should be ELDER TIER, have mine since 2008.

I like ball too.



A Razer something. It was cheap and I wanted to see what all the fuss is about. I'm pretty happy with it so far

>his mouse isn't aerodynamic

I fucking love that sensitivity lowering button on the side, it's so useful for pulling those pixel hunting long range shots with the bolty in rust

Gaming mice are a meme. Make way for cheap masterrace