So why can't SJWsmake good games?

So why can't SJWsmake good games?

heads too far up own asses

Because they priorize their agenda over the actual game

>how not to be sjw game for Sup Forums not shitpost

>make hot girl as MC
>that's it

get real faggot.

A hiring policy based on gender and race instead of merit.

I'm not too far into Zero Dawn, but does more SJW "I'm a strong woman" stuff happen after that proving event thing? Seems like there isn't anyone to be a strong female around anymore.

But everyone is equal, that means everyone is equally skilled at every kind of work and dedicated to every task the same amount. Tammy from accounting is a woman, so obviously she is just as capable as our lead programmer Richard who is incidentally white and therefore got his job through his old boy connections. Let's let Tammy take over and show them girl power.

>there's one employee at Bioware that is actually competent
>his entire time is spent making the game technically playable
>everyone else is using their time with stupid shit that makes his job harder
>his face

No, quite the opposite actually. Sup Forums was lying about the game being made SJWS or SJW propaganda.

I want to tell you more but I don't want to spoil major parts of the game for you. It involves how the rest of the world views your clan.

I hope everyone else is in the bronze age and we're stuck in the native american living off the land savages and we all get wiped out.

The wyatt mann is responsible for destorying the world, and the god-figure is a black iranian muslim woman scientist who managed to save it-

ironic lack of diversity in the workplace (lack of viewpoint diversity) leads to lower creativity

>Horizon shills



Because they dont actually play video games

I'm sure many of the men who used to work there felt the same way. A great deal of the actual pressure and responsibility fell on them while they were being marginalized. They leave because of the poor treatment. The remaining men have to shoulder even more of the burden. They eventually leave. Company is now mostly incompetent women and nu-males with no experience or work ethic.

This is the sort of shit that happens because of bad management. When you don't adequately support your company's hard workers or talented workers, they fucking leave, and you're left with dregs.

>everyone sees your clan as savages with backwards logic
>bunch of Matriarchs that worship a metal door
>Aloy literally outcasts herself from the clan with a blessing

There are strong females and males sprinkled throughout, it's basically 50/50. There's like one gay guy who mentions his deceased lover as a he, and I'm surprised Sup Forums hasn't latched on to those loins. Maybe they haven't played the game.


The guy responsible for fucking up the world is Ted Faro, who thought making combat robots with a hive mind and the ability to consume biomatter was a smart thing to do.

Project Zero Dawn was created to restart life on the planet after the unstoppable machine horde ate all life. Various databases were created and an AI called GAIA created to restart life. Elizabet Sobeck was responsible for the GAIA part of Zero Dawn.

The Matriarchs of the Nora clan are lying about everything and promote female-only rule to maintain control. The other tribes are far more advanced and run by men. They view the Nora as backwards, religious nutbags.

Because inserting modern day identity politics and all that bullshit into escapism is retarded as fuck.

Not really, there's politics in every game made. Bioshock is riddled with it, for example. Politics is nothing more than a belief system, a summation of various positions you hold about a number of topics.

People who worked on older titles have moved on or retired
Current developers lack experience and maybe talent
They said on several occasions that the new teams want to take the games a different route
Old bioware is just no more

Thare are politics and there are tumbrl type of politics.

No, there is simply politics. As long as humans make games, their beliefs will make it into their games unless they're super careful or the game is simplistic as shit.

Trying too hard to pander. Look to killzone. People love the helghast? Oh, better try harder to make them into space Nazis.

The game's politics is not always synonymous with the developer's politics. If your game is being used as a tool to push your personal politics you have failed as a creator.

Make it subtle then. It is to in your face the new shit. People shouting their genders or sexuality and shit is fucking self centered shit, Bitching about capitalism or enviroment is a bit bigger atleast.

This is oversensitive garbage. Grow a thicker skin, please.

>be tolerant to the political views I favor

No. It doesn't belong in video games. It's an interactive medium.

>the game is simplistic as shit.
And that's the problem with tumbrl type of politics, games end being shit because those politics are underage shit to begin with.

I do not give a shit about the politics. I honestly could not care more.

There is a thing with people fleeing, refugees in a game. but when it is to fucking obvious they added it suddenly just cause "MAH SYRAIANS" is fucking dumb.

>I honestly could not care more.

Nobody is allowed to critizise anything because it would be body-shaming or face-shaming or ugly-shaming or retards-shaming.

No really, it just makes me avoid the games. Yes I get it is ironic I say so but it do not make me more interested.

The expression is "I could not care less" meaning it is impossible to care any less because you already do not care at all.

Saying you could not care more means you already care as much as you possibly can.

Hell yeah dude. They just need to buy the game and give it a shot. People give it shit with cherry picked gifs but it's definitely one of the best games released this generation so far.

>it's definitely one of the best games released this generation so far.
I hope the industry implodes and no more AAA games are being made anymore.

Just beat horizon (about 20 minutes ago)
and frankly it was pretty good. Wouldn't spend $60 on it but $40, sure, if it goes on sale any time soon. Got through about 60% of the game's content in the 2 days i've had it from redbox.

The side quests and stuff mostly feel meaningful. It's the little insignificant errands that aren't, which is nice to have it split up like that.

The hunter's lodge is pretty shit, but the trials are neat. An excellent excuse to fuck around with your gear and try out new setups.

I hope there's either a solid length DLC (doubtful since no season pass though) or the sequel does a bit more in your face with it's storytelling. It was really front and backloaded, the middle of the game is pretty much fucking empty in terms of exposition and lore. You find like 85% of the datalogs in the last 2 story quests, for instance.

Now, that said, having played a review copy of andromeda, it's beyond repair. There's a lot of overextension that's definitely visible, and things that feel like placeholder mechanics that just got turned into the permanent ones. "hold triangle to scan this and that and this and that" but it doesn't even make an attempt at breaking up the tedium. I can only hope it gets better a few hours in (I got to play through the intro and like a half hour.) but as for what I saw, no. Definitely not. It's just mediocre. Hopefully it's got a huge day 1 patch that replaces half the shit with a new game. They've done it before (thps5), who's to say they won't do it here?

Else we might have another no man's sky on our hands. It's really that bad.

I care about the games, I do not care about creators or CEOs push for the political shit, we get enoguh of this in mainstream media.

Except they're not. There is no deep and complex literature written by a woman, therefore they're lousy as game writter, jet since they can't program, all they have them do is write characters.


Funny guy. Enjoy gaming turning into a political shit fest.

I used to get pissed off and annoyed at these SJWs and their agendas but then I realized something.

They always lose.

>They lost the US election
>They lost the genetic lottery
>They're losing the fight to infect video games with true gems like Zelda receiving more critical praise than the SJW equivalents

Why is this you may ask?

Because they are, quite simply, fighting against human nature. Human beings have an innate sense of what is natural and what is unnatural, what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is healthy and what is diseased.

SJW's dedicate their entire lives to telling people that their natural compasses are corrupt and inaccurate. They're fighting an unstoppable force.

With so much of their energy being expended on this un-winnable fight, is it any surprise that everything they set their hand to turns out to be utter shit?

How to make an appealing female character for Sup Forums:

1. Must be as unthreatening as possible to socially retarded NEETS
2. Must look like a 2d japanese waifu
3. Must be single their entire life
4. Must be weak and overly effeminate, dependant on you

How to make a tumblr post on Sup Forums:

In other words just grab all of the traits of effeminate, young women and put them into one body. Why are you acting shocked that masculine men are attracted to feminine women that are ideal breeding age?

It's literally what we've evolved to find attractive.

>One is a swamp troll
>The other one is an Asari resembling Shrek

Sociel engineering projects never work

Doesn't make for a good protagonist in a land full of aggressive giant robots with a semi-realistic setting.

A real life version of that would be appealing to any guy

For all their "social awareness" SJWs seem to still love the 'white savior' trope (see also Star Wars Rogue One).

All those poor minorities would be helpless without a strong white woman to do everything for them right tumblr?

You're absolutely right. She doesn't make a good protagonist.

It's perfectly possible to have "politics" in a game without trying to forcefeed modern real life politics down your throat.

Why can't they into facial animation?

Ignoring nature and the facts that human beings are animals is resulting in the destruction of our civilization.

Can't even lock ourselves into our escapism anymore, because the hobbies are being injected with the same shitty agenda.

Deep down they know minorities will just fuckup but they wont admit it so they try to skirt around the issue and make it worse instead of letting them sort themselves out or taking complete control. They can't do freedom and they can't do order.

They hate everything, that's why.

>replying to irony with straight complaints
Nigga wut.

This. I see modern thinking fucking glued into RP servers in Forgotten Realms games to "But that goblin might be good! What do you know?" WTF:

It looks like a boilerplate open-world game that turns in to a collectible hunt the moment you leave the prologue. Everything about it is uninspired trash

what is this from

The problem with videogames is that it's not a medium that offers debate. Shoving down a bias towards a political belief is inherently annoying since there's no way for the player to retort, both in-game and in real life.

Politics in vidya only work if they're unbiased or vague enough. Honestly, unless you've got some really good writing talent on your team you shouldn't even bother with it, which is the problem with a handful of modern devs.

Are you saying one is good and one isn't?

your post is flawed due to the idea that putting a woman as a main character is OMG SJW ALERT. youre just as bad, you moron

I never said that

It's funny cause that sort of applies to both.

But i'll just assume you're talking about horizon. And frankly the collectathon stuff doesn't even matter. you get almost nothing worthwhile from doing it. I got like 3 metal flowers, mostly from stumbling on them. The only things I actually searched out were tallnecks, and there's only 5 of those. The reward for getting all the flowers or all the vessels or all the carvings is absolute trash not worth the time you'll spend trying to find them.

vantages are the only exception, I think. Being able to see the old world is pretty funky.

>since there's no way for the player to retort

Off-topic, but the game I posted allows that to a degree, the scene is fro the Law route where the main character decides to allow a while town to be slaughtered in order for them to be used as propoganda to rally his Kingdom's army. The reverse route where you try and prevent the massacre completely changes the story.

Of course, it would be too much work for every game to have branching stories, I guess.

Vista collectibles are a new thing in vidya. They even managed to turn admiring the scenery in to a collectible

Yeah pretty much. The white female savior character also serves as a self insert for the SJWs that write this trash and the SJWs that praise this trash.

Its incredibly racist by their own standards of racism. They lack the self awareness to realize this however.

>The problem with videogames is that it's not a medium that offers debate
Neither do books, plays or movies

Well I liked them because they're not just a watchtower or something to look over the scenery, you get to look at how shit was before the machines, and get some exposition along with it. Still didn't go out and look for them or anything, though.

also sylens is a shit character. the most obvious, cliched bullshit ever.

The main focus of "SJWs" when making games is to spread out a mostly political message, while everything else is secondary. I miss when dudebros were the main market focus in video games. Sure, they may have ruined a lot of other game, but at least they were mostly fun gameplay wise.

they can fuck up a lot of shit in the process though. i can only imagine how long it will take to stamp all this nonsense out and then on top of that how long it will take to fix and rebuild everything they've torn down.

Goblins dindu nuffin wrong, bigot

Are people here really taking this SJW witchhunt seriously ? I mean that's funny for some time, but come on, this is ridiculous now.

Which is why people don't generally enjoy politics in those either, except books since they offer you the opportunity to flesh out your viewpoint properly and polish its presentation.

I don't believe this. Games are still a commercial product. Look at how they had to make the main character in ME still a white dude with all their writers. Sales are still the number one priority. SJW types are always brought in from the outside to supervise and make sure everything is PC

t.bioware employee

It's in promotional material that they start influencing things. And when people start attaching promotional material to the game proper, you start seeing changes.

There's a reason why generic shepard was the more recognizable. He was in the promotional material. You'd THINK that companies wouldn't commit suicide financially by trying to focus on a niche market that has shown in the past it doesn't often buy games it makes a stink about, but apparently the margins are enough to make companies keep trying at it.

Remember me? No one else does.

They are pandering to an audience that doesn't even like videogames

Vantage Collectibles each have a full letter that goes with them if you check them in the collectible screen.

The audio is just the first few sentences of the letter.

If you had told me this a year ago I'd be agreeing with you. However we are seeing more and more SJWs make it inside these companies as diversity hires. Now the social justice narratives are getting more egregious and will only get worse in the next few years (just like in comic books). Luckily this shit doesn't make money and the market will correct.

SJW is ending this year and their opposite is taking their place. I hope you're ready for a few years of counter-counter culture obnoxiousness.

Twitter is the worst invention in modern history.

>Maybe they haven't played the game.

You just summed up 90% of Sup Forums.

"colors only" its coloreds ffs. the only person that discriminates against is goths and emo kids.

colors only. isn't that supposed to be a "good", no-whites type of thing?

Aloy is so much of a Jesus in the end that it hurts.

Minorities wouldn't even exist, hell life wouldn't exist without white saviors and their genius. Black people are pretty much the meatshield buying time for the white people to work for greater good.

I know, and I liked that, still wasn't enough to make me want to go out and search around for them. Much like flowers, there are a few that are just in silly places and not worth the trouble, and it turned me off of doing them.

Sort of like with larger beasts.
>fighting rockbreaker
>30 seconds in
>claws busted, taking slideshots at it's weak spots and peeling armor off with harvest arrows
>ANOTHER rockbreaker shows up and kills me instantly

it was incredibly dumb. Most of the bigger machines have a fucking gaggle of other mobs with them, usually glinthawks, the little bastards.


the race baiting faggots were trying to fake a sign like this, but they can't even use google to get it accurate to the historical example. the sign they put up makes it sound like only people not wearing black can use the fountain. that's the level of intellect you're dealing with here.

That was the best part though.

I always set up a retreat zone with traps when fighting big machines so I would have time to recover from getting blindsided.

>Maybe they haven't played the game.
Get out of here. Sup Forums never plays games. All our gaming knowledge coms from playing 1 or 2 snes game when we were children and from watching youtube and consuming webm-memes made from said yotube videos. We also hate fun in any way.

I didn't mind if I could set it up beforehand, but that rockbreaker setup was just totally ridiculous. And it happened on a fucking creek so I couldn't even set traps, it was just me long dodging rocks and getting one shot off for 30 minutes until I killed one, then another 45 seconds while I massacred the other.

The final fight was also really good. Better than I thought. I actually thought helis was the final boss based on the shitposting around here.

Get fake

Because games are like food and sjws can't cook.

you racist fucks need to stop segregating white people out of everything.

Those fountains look equal though. Why was this such a bad idea?

its not a bad idea. the Nation of Islam and the ANP of the 60's had the right idea. everyone should go their separate ways and not speak to each other again. Away from each others influence both can thrive. Mixing is death to both Black and White cultures.

It has already begun: God save us all.

If a culture cannot survive assimilation, the culture wasn't strong enough to warrant a place in our society in the first place.

