Post teams. Comment on teams. Ask for help. Do whatever that is mahvel.
I've been with this team for a while but honestly it's lost its charm. So I'm doing a new team and all I know is that I want Frank.
Post teams. Comment on teams. Ask for help. Do whatever that is mahvel.
I've been with this team for a while but honestly it's lost its charm. So I'm doing a new team and all I know is that I want Frank.
Im trying to refund this shit
every match this far has just been
>mix up
>get hit
>combo takes down a character
Are you new to the series?
its just not fucking fun
how the fuck are you supposed to learn if one mistake means death
The game is hard to learn but easy to master.
After you get over the fundamentals and basic combos on your team everything else flows pretty naturally. I can understand why it can be very hard to get into and just frustrating at times if you're new.
im just fucking done with this, 20 minutes to get into a match thats just basically watching a movie
>20 minutes to get into a match
Wait, what?
Hows the netcode for marvel on pc is it better than console?
learn to not get hit and move around the screen quickly with your characters
this is literally how you learn to play fighting games, if things are fucking you up, learn to not get in situations where you get fucked up and try to get your opponent into those situations
or just play keep away characters and spam hidden missile assist
been fiddling around with a bunch of teams
working on nemesis/wesker/doom now
it's pretty fun and flows pretty well together
I run slam/samurai edge/plasma beam
>learn to not get hit
>guy is teleporting around hitting from all sides while spamming assists
by the way dante is a great partner for frank
jackpot racks up a ton of hits and you can do team super shenanigans
>t. someone who has been watching pro marvel for 7 years and who has been playing for a week
im not even going online yet because I know I'll just get blessed over and over
My man. Same here, only I've been playing online. It's fun.
>Want to make a legit Joe team instead of generic good shells + Joe
>Don't want to play/learn Strange, Ammy, or Raccoon
So far it's just Joe / Taskmaster / Anchor for now.
hidden missiles is a great fuck you for joe lame play
Captain America
Haven't touched Ultimate at all but played a lot of Vanilla, albeit pretty casually. It's probably not the best team; I just like how each one plays/feels.
Learning Wesker, Virgil, Wright, Tron and Zero
Viewtiful Joe
>using spencer/doom/dante
>SFfag veteran friend won't stop complaining about how lame Doom is and how braindead zipping in with Spencer while calling Doom's beam assist is
>low-tier player friend that I've been learning the genre with for only about a year literally can't stop crying about how shit his buttons are compared to mine no matter what team of random characters I cobble together to try to appease him
>can't do the GX zip loop online unless it's with my friend to whom I get 30 ping
>literally no hope to do anything hard against the SFfag friend since I get 115 ping to him and it's Marvel 3 netcode
>can't use my Phoenix-driven secondary team against him because his low-tier team out-zones her anyways
Why must you always make winning suffering, Grim?
How can I turn this salt into something I savor instead of feeling bad for inflicting pain on my friends and making them actually ragequit?
When playing online: Zero May Cry
When just goofing around: Wright, Ammy, Nova
I just got this game have no idea what I'm doing beyond basic air combos and hyper cancels
You're supposed to play and learn with friends who are at your level, that's how.
>super jump
>literally avoid everything
>use any character with a fly
>mash dash
>avoid everything
It kind of sucks because all my friends are fighting game virgins who think a 3-hit combo into a special is impossible. but I have trash fundamentals and combo game compared to most people online, so i'm stuck in training mode purgatory
this only delays it
how good buttons are literally doesn't matter unless your name is vergil where you throw out H and hit half the screen
if you really want to make a pity weak team then use deadpool ryu akuma or something. they are some of the most honest characters in this game besides maybe tatsu being pretty good
Rocket Raccoon
Fuck execution in this game I sometimes just play solo wolverine
>used to play Shuma in Vanilla, dabble in Ultimate
>tfw none of my mains will be back for Infinite
>tfw Gwenpoolfags have more priority
Phoenix Wright
I need to learn how to combo as Dante and get reliable 80ks with Spencer, but I am improving.
Tell him Spencer zip + beam is throwable if spencer zips in the air or chicken guard punishable if on the ground
Taskmaster is pretty widely known as the most honest character. Tell him to play that. Tasks only win on fundamentals.
>how to get reliable 80ks
The jumps can't be super jumps. They have to be normal jumps or else the opponent drops out in the zip zip segment.
Chris/Doom/Skrull for a first team, Iron Fist, Spencer, Haggar for a second. I might try to learn a Dormammu or Magneto team as well.
What I've been doing is after a launch M M H two zips forward and then S
When I land and jump H grapple, they don't fall out during the zig zag zips into 80k.
hell nah fuck task master
Holy shit all these new terrible players
>game is out for a week
>omg why are these guys not on par with tourneyfags
trish (gloria costume)
starting on pc
i select my characters based on how they look and feel.
just starting and i suck a little. i can manage trish's solo combos but x-23's are hard af.
i need to change hsien-ko, i love her but, i cant do anything when it's her turn, dont even touch my oponents
i always thought doom said BOOT TIME and not foot five
Morrgan all i see is air combos