Sup Forums pirates anime

> Sup Forums pirates anime
> Sup Forums pirates software
> Sup Forums pirates movies

yet somehow Sup Forums is filled with corporate bootlickers willing to defend 60$ for some bytes, and yet we get even worse games years after year.

is it just because of all the kids grown up on microtransations and paid DLCs?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just corporate shills and shitposters which is what Sup Forums is famous for.

It's a mix of
- Idiots exclusively playing on consoles being mad
- Redditors
- Underagefags
- People who can't use a computer for shit and are mad because they got a virus while trying to do so and now pretend they're above it

But yes Sup Forums is a terrible board with the worst posterbase right up there with the likes of Sup Forums and /cgl/

What is wrong with /cgl/?

it's because /vg/ is where video game posters are here it's just shills.

yeah why are they so obsessed with being honest?
there's no reward in life for being good

look at hillary

You realize like 90% of these corporate bootlickers actually WORK for video game companies and are viral marketing here right? Anime isn't big enough to viral market, movies are so widely appealing that Hollywood sees no need in damage controlling an image board. Software is too wide and unfocused to really virally market a smaller board like Sup Forums rather than going through larger tech sites.

>it's because /vg/ is where video game posters are here it's just shills.

I got stoned to death on /vitagen/ for writing "henkaku"

>being good

you literally halted America's progress to make dank memes about a nazi frog

Because pirating console games hardly works you retarded fuck.
>b-but I can emulate this pure kino Shadow of the Colossus PC wins again

Yeah congrats you get to play it like a decade after everyone who was interested already played it.

I'll pirate PC games and multiplats though because fuck those indie faggots and half-assed PC ports.

>But yes Sup Forums is a terrible board with the worst posterbase right up there with the likes of Sup Forums and /cgl/
I wish i could say you were wrong, but i can't Sup Forums is indeed a shithole.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums have way too much influence

I go out on my way to shit on piracy just because I hate self-entitled Gen Z mustard race cunts who feel like they deserve to steal every game they want and that it's some just and righteous thing to do. This mentality is only there with gaymers, people on the boards you mentioned don't say "Oh yeah I pirated this anime because I wanted to see if the translation was good before I bought it" or something, and they don't then proceed to whine that not enough anime is made available to them. It's completely normal for the subgenre of culture those people find themselves in, yet on Sup Forums there are a ton of fedora-tipping neckbeards who think they need to have 400+ post threads on why piracy isn't bad for the developer or how they're standing up to anti-consumer policies and DRM by doing it. The other groups just don't care.

I pirate 99% of games I play and would pirate the ones I've had to buy if only it was possible to because you'd have to be a real retard to spend money on video games but mustard race children are the worst. Faggots make petitions and threaten to boycott games if they dare lock it with DRM to keep it from being stolen then act like their rights as a consumer for a fucking play and trash digital toy are in danger.

>Because pirating console games hardly works you retarded fuck.

>wii u

just to cite a few console where pirate was literally donkey kong easy

The music TV movie and anime industries are dying because of piracy.

>I go out on my way to shit on piracy just because I hate self-entitled Gen Z mustard race cunts who feel like they deserve to steal every game they want and that it's some just and righteous thing to do.

I am 42 and always pirated.

I bet you never even copied a vhs

>crying over fat pigs at the top having to go without that second private island

Did you forget to take your pills, grandpa? The sentence you quoted has nothing to do with your post. Do you need help finding the aisle where the adult diapers are stocked?

Did you read my post you dumbass niggerlips? It took years for emulation to get all those. Your mom is donkey king easy

he said "stealing" game was a gen-z thing

But in the end you've found a way to feel superior to the people doing the exact same thing you do.

I'm happy for you, user. You're the fedora.


>t took years for emulation to get all those.
no you mongoloid

I am talking about pirating games ON THOSE CONSOLES

no emulation

fuck you're stupid


No, I didn't, Pablo.
>was literally not even born until 2001 at the earliest
>pirates PC games because they're "half-assed"
Looks like I was right again.

On the contrary, there's way too many shitposters ruining discussion to talk about how they're gonna pirate games because they hate 'x'. It's essentially blogposting at that point.

Pirate as much as you want. but why the fuck do you feel the need to tell people why you're doing it?

fine, steal if you want.
no one cares really.
enjoy your assassin's creed sequels.

>lmfao look at all these cucks going to church!!!

>by the way I still believe in god and pray without telling anyone

Pirating anime, software, and movies is all wrong

I especially hate the niggers who say shit like "Oh it's not available in my region, I better pirate it instead"

Fuck this thread
Post more mokos


How does that jewish cock taste?

With pleasure.

> get worse by the year
except that this is not a clear cut thing

What's wrong with this? It's not an argument but it still works to point out hypocrisy



i only do it for ubisoft and ea games

You're not wrong OP.
I don't understand the loyalty to companies that just care about people's money.



What game allows me to have an abusive and toxic relationship with a shrimp?


You mean Nintendo drones. They are the only fanboys here who routinely froth at the mouth defending their corporate overlords.
Please don't lump the rest of us in with those fucking idiots.

piracy has completely changed the movie and music industry. they both get their money from their live performances and cinema. youtube and spotify money is so little no one cares about that
in vidya, something similiar happened with microtransactions. free or very cheap game but doesnt matter because there is a million sized playerbase with people spending thousands on a game. you cant really do that with a single player AAA game where the only money comes from actual sales

also, i have no problem with piracy, im eastern yuro fag, i try to buy games i like but cant really afford 60 eur for a few hour long game when it comes out. but too many piratefags are go full communist and entitled as fuck

Pirating anime actually gives you an objectively better experience than buyfag options.
Pirating games at best results in an equivalent experience to buyfag options.







Sup Forums is just as bad as Sup Forums, though

Reported for illegal content.

>Sup Forums pirates anime
>anime is total garbage now

>Sup Forums pirates movies
>there are like two good films per year

>people buy videogames
>good vidya releases every other week
>but only on consoles



It's fine, he was merely pretending.

It's not in many ways. There are people with shit taste on Sup Forums too and Sup Forums is generally quite a lot like Sup Forums in how you're waifu and her anime a shit without exceptions.

On the other hand, in overall quality Sup Forums has nothing going for it compared to Sup Forums. Sup Forums is full of phoneposters, underagefags and redditors, along with normies.


>an industry

This is why it should die


And you think you didn't deserve it?

...and they lived happily ever after.

Are these pictures Chinese? There's no okurigana.
Note: I have barely studied Japanese

>good vidya releases every other week
>but only on consoles

A chinese guy takes some phrases and makes Mokou images very tangentially related to them

>Anime is total garbage now
Not a single soul who says this ever made a good argument why.


Meanwhile on pc

>Her story
>That dragon cancer

back in my day we had good anime like Evangelion but now we only have waifu and moe bullshit

>And you think you didn't deserve it?
no I'm having tons of fun

coudln't run retroarch on my vita if I was a good goy,
even if I paid for all my vita games

Moko deserves better than that hussy

Just watch porn. Are you 15?

Japanese GTA bootleg

Wow I can't wait to play the same game again for the 5th time!

Go home Sup Forums you're drunk.

Nier is also on PC so every other week amounted to only two games Yakuza and Persona. I wouldn't have destroyed you if you said every few months.

>SAO clones
>Haruhi clones
>Lucky Star clones
>action anime has lower budget than a chinese escalator, but still flops anyway

Everything that begins must also eventually come to an end

>>Haruhi clones
>>Lucky Star clones
those two didn't even start anything new

fucking newfags

Sup Forums buys a lot of merch though. and manga. Some niggas are even crazy enough to buy BDs.

What Sup Forums hates is giving money to middlemen.

pls come back ppx

She has trouble maintaining a healthy relationship and thus resorted to sluthood.


>SAO clones
>Thinking isekai started on SAO

>Haruhi clones
>Doesn't actually exist

>Lucky Star clones
>Thinking cute gag shows started on Lucky Star

>Action anime lower budget
>Never actually seen Madhouse shows, Ufotable, (high budget) Trigger,and others, just knows them from webms and meme humor.

All four kinds of ironic weeaboo cancer.

I buy games because I have enough money to buy them and don't buy many to begin with. Also, multiplayer and stuff doesn't usually work with pirated copies. I also buy software for more or less the same reasons (most software I use is free + I want updates).

I pirate everything else, though.

it's because of autists that can't play a game if they aren't showing all of their (equally autistic) e-friends on Steam that they're playing a certain game, with achievements unlocking every two seconds and taking EPIC meme screenshots.

Steam ruined PC gaming forever. I sitll pirate everything on PC and then maybe buy a console version of the game to keep if I really liked it, because they still come in fucking physical boxes and has no DRM.

in the beginning i thought people saying others are drones was just projecting but then I saw people defending the most ridicilous shit like the switch can't transfer save files

like wtf I never took part on any side be it NVIDIA vs AMD
NINTENDO vs whoever

i just don't get how you can be filled with pleasure when a new product is out and it's shit
>hahaha amdfags btfo
what the hell kind of mindset is that
if a new product is good I am glad and I am going to buy it, not because it's from nintendo and it's good

also you should hope for everyone to do good for the competition

>people defending the most ridicilous shit like the switch can't transfer save files

what did they say?


your master sworld is badly damaged

>badly damaged
try again baka


the thread was nintenbros will defend this

and tons of people posted shit like
>what do I need this for
>i never transfered a save file in my life

and shit like that, often times I think they are trolling but people will defend some ridicilous shit if it's a feature that a lot of people use BUT THEY INDIVIDUALLY DON'T

pisses me off, basic features should be included

like backwards compatibility, where the fuck did that go, people defended that shit when the last gen was released

I don't even own a Switch but why would I ever transfer a save?

wtf dude

what if you break your console? what if you want to upgrade to a new console revision

what about multiplayer games where you unlock shit, you take the save with you to a bro so you can use all the characters/cars or whatever

also it's really nice to have a hacked console so I can backup my save files like i do on my 3ds

say you have to do a rma

say you are selling yours but want to keep the save

say you want to share your save to a friend


>the games are worse than ever meme

I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible for people on Sup Forums to enjoy games anymore so everything is perceived as bad regardless of its quality.

The only way people in this pit of misery could see games as good again would be by time traveling back to their childhood when they were still happy and had far lower standards.



>>I don't even own a Switch

sure thing falseflagger

>thinking Hillary isn't good means you're from Sup Forums
I thought the paid shills were laid off.