>the game was actually all a dream
Was this the biggest Fuck You in gaming history?
>the game was actually all a dream
Was this the biggest Fuck You in gaming history?
not when mass effect 3 exists
Yes. Bloodborne is dogshit and just for cancerous meme kids.
DaS2 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS >>>>>> BB
The hunter's dream, at least it wasn't an end game reveal you are aware from the start.
Fixed it for you.
Just because it was a dream doesn't mean it wasn't real
Acquire more eyes beastly idiot
They literally tell you you're dreaming at the start.
The biggest fuck you in gaming was Star Ocean 3. You're on vacation on another planet. You and your cousin decide to take a break from the beach and play a video game. While your playing aliens attack the planet forcing you to go on an adventure across the stars. Halfway through the story they reveal that the invasion was bullshit, you and your cousin are still playing the video game, its VR. They expect you to keep playing
It's almost as if the journey is more important than the destination.
best post
I thought you were actually AI in the game who escape to the outside.
if you knew anything about Lovecaft you'd know that the Dreamlands are a real place, kinda like the astral realm
When will they learn?
look another dogshit meme-lord.
DaS is shit, so is Bloodborne.
DeS and DaS2 are the best games From made, fuck off nigger.
Please elaborate on what makes DeS and DaS2 superior.
Because they're not popular so liking them makes me feel special and important to make up for my pathetic life
jesus christ that is pathetic, user. see a doctor
The douchebag can't see
Your stupidity is awe inspiring.
I've got 1400 hours on DeS and 2100 on Ds1, Ds2's only redeeming feature came in the way of DLC, the vanilla release game was so bad i returned it, terrible level design, boring enemies, uninspired bosses. The combat mechanics were a little better, but that improved with each game.
I've got my physical copy of all the other from games still.
Perfect rating bro
haven't played demon souls (why no fucking remaster or even ps now?), but other than that I would switch DS3 and 2 and I agree
Would you still switch them disregarding 2's DLC?
DaS > DaS III > BB > DeS > DaS II
Everyone sucks Bloodborne's dick but the lack of variety in the game really kills it for me. Now before I list its problems let me state that I think it's a 9.5/10 game, it's just that the Souls series is so damn good I have to hold it to a higher standard when pointing out problems.
>Lack of diverse locations
Biggest offender, I appreciate the original setting but most of the areas looking identical really wore me down
>Lack of diverse enemies and bosses
Ok, the bosses are of course excellent compared to every other non-Souls game, but by Souls standards it has the worst boss variety after DaS II. While DaS II was dudes in armor, BB is big hairy beasts. And even as far as big beasts go nothing was as memorable as something like, seeing Gaping Dragon for the first time in DaS.
DaS III being a bad game is the absolute worst meme that caught on; and is perpetuated by DaS II babbies who want a new "worst game" to take the spotlight away from II, and Bloodbabbies who want to shitpost because of console wars and shit on PCfags by making them believe they have to "settle" for DaS III.
>he still hasn't grown up from giving shit about video game narratives
I still love froms storytelling. I'll never be a plotfag but the way from tells their stories is always interesting an engaging
>big hair beasts
like ebreitas, rom, gherman, blood starved beast, maria, OoK, shadows of yharnam, mom presence, micolash, amygdala, martyr logarius, and ludwig?
all big hairy beasts
I thought you were in a mmo played by beings from the 4th dimension or some shit.
DS2/DS3 should be above DeS, but I otherwise agree with you.
You dumb fuck. Dreams in Bloodborne aren't normal dreams, it's not the imagination of people sleeping but a real alternate dimension. This was inspired by Lovecraft's (wow strange, right?) Dreamlands. "The Dreamlands is a vast, alternate dimension that can be entered through dreams, similar to astral projection. Experienced dreamers are among the most powerful inhabitants of the Dreamlands and may become its permanent residents after their physical deaths."
Also you didn't get the squid ending, did you?
Dreams are basically extensions of what you're feeling at night. In that sense, the dream is real, it's just echoing a reality at several removes (the reality of your body taking on this transfusion).
I think the events of the game pretty much just telegraph what your body does with that transfusion in the first cutscene. What was it, anyways? It seemingly contained contained whole swaths of the history of Yarnham, as well as Loran and the labyrinths.
Bloodborne follows the lovecraft idea of dreams beiong your mind transported to another world, so everything in your dreams are real, just elsewhere.
My opinion
No consolefaggotry.
I disagree with all your points. Some are blatantly wrong, I wud say. For me bb had BY FAR the best pve in the series.
Disagree. I'll admit that some of the locations had me feeling burned out, but I'd also just played DaS3 before I went through BB. I'm pretty fucking sick of 'Area around the outside of a castle' being a primary location. Other than that, I think that the 'Jack the Ripper'-esque feel of a lot of the areas gave it a unique and interesting feel when exploring. Dark Souls makes me feel like I'm exploring the husk of a forgotten location, but Bloodborne made me feel like I was exploring a nightmare realm. It did well to distinguish itself outside of some of the standard pitfall locations that From has a tendency to always include in any game as what genuinely feels a bit like location 'filler', though I can't fault them too much since I'd rather dick around in DaS/BB filler than almost any other game's landscape.
I feel like enemy diversity is one of the areas that the game thrived in. It almost felt Monster Hunter-y, insofar as the mutations and changes that'd occurred inside the dream/nightmare were affected by environment and lore. Plus, I'm a sucker for lovecraft, and the cosmic horror element really drew me into shit like the Ebreitas and Rhom fights.
Wrong. "Dream" is just a name for another dimension. Let me break down the transfusion see for you, big guy
>you come to yarnham for blood transfusion
>get it
>beasthood is about to take hold of you from the yarnham blood, represented by the blood werewolf rising out of the ground and attacking you
>the moon presence chooses you to be a hunter, granting you immunity to beasthood and temporary immortality in the hunters dream (represented by the molotov killing the bloodwolf and the messengers embracing you)
Counting chalice dungeons, only 10 out of all 43 Bloodborne bosses are beasts.
The thing about Bloodborne is that just because it happened in a dream, doesn't mean it didn't actually happen.