Will it be great?
Will it be great?
Only if it has some sick parkour elements and the final boss is a wall.
Why do these sandniggers even want to go to the US? To sell their drug money?
And why do the SJW and femishits support them?
Will it be about taking a citizenship test or about sneaking into a country?
The game should end with the dumb spic getting deported.
>Will it be great?
It will be the greatest wall the world has ever seen!
>Splinter Cell: Mantequilla
I'd buy it.
>rapefugee simulator 2017
It baffles me how it became moral to ILLEGALLY break onto another country.
Now you have to feel sorry for those who break the law.
A border is protected by lethal force you faggots
everyone that passes it illegally should get shot
>another walking simulator
>game makes you mow down border guards
>either ignored or praised by media
I kind of understand it. Mexico is a shithole and you might only get one chance to enter the country and seek a better life for yourself and your family. The process to become a citizen is time consuming and takes years.
This country was also founded on the ideals of accepting people seeking a better life.
Is there an option to stay in my country and try to make it better?
Final Boss is Trump.
Sen dog with tha PHUNKEE BILLINGUE
Its not about Samurais fighting or Karatemen throwing fireballs so I dont think how it could be.
If your game is built around a message rather than a gameplay idea its bound to be shit.
So far this sounds like frogger to me.
>This country was also founded on the ideals of accepting people seeking a better life.
no this country was founded on european conquest
Is there an option to do it legally instead of breaking the god damn law?
It's only us too, other countries don't have this issue or they do but it's only recently and in tiny numbers
Or if you go to a hostile country, they will shoot on sight of crossing. Most of these crossers aren't even Mexican, they are South American
>muh victim complex
could be good, nice to play a game as the villain
Because people living in different countries offering different benefits and standards of living is INJUST. And we need to fight against social injustice everywhere we identify it. That is the ethos of this century and this era. You can't tolerate the fact that someone might be better off than somebody else as long as there is something - anything - you can do to fix it. That would make you selfish, and being selfish is immoral. And you DON'T want to be immoral, right?
Seriously, this shit is rooted in philosophy that has dominated basically all faucets of modern academia over the past forty years. It's disturbing but it's true. We have been slowly teaching social, humanities and art students to view the world in this fashion for over 40 years now and nobody really challenged it on an academic level. We are now reaping what we began sowing with Habernas and the whole lot. People should have actually paid more attention to philosophy in the past few decades.
>Angry white NEET simulator 2017
It stems directly from the delusion the that U.S.A. is the best place in the world by divine right.
yes but you get decapitated by a druglord instantly and have to start over.
Because US funding of the war on drugs has left every country from colombia to mexico in a state of perpetual conflict.
>I beat Borders on hard, what's their excuse?
Maybe they could stop doing drugs. Just a thought.
Yes, but as far I'm concerned
A) you're able to enter to the country looking for a better quality of life LEGALLY
B) If you get denied access is for some reason and the country is also on its rights to declare you non-grata
C)If you get denied entry you are NOT entitled to ILLEGALLY break on said country
I mean for fucks sake I can put it simpler than that.
Can I migrate legally?
To be fair, immigration is a mutual effort and the Mexican government does not do their part.
I don't condone immigration of any kind but the Mexican government is just as much to blame as the people.
Cartels make most of their money from extortion and human trafficking. Can't make a whole lot of money by just sticking to drugs.
I can finally play as 5 dollar Diego? GOTY!
you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. they don't want to become citizens. are you aware that illegals send back over $50,000,000,000 a year back to mexico? that's all money that forever leaves our economy, never to return. it's also mexico's largest money maker. illegal immigration is an industry. after they leech out of our economy for 10 years they go back to mexico and live a middle class life. stop feeling bad for them. they are fucking us over
By they you mean black and white americans? They're the ones providing the demand for heroine, coke and marijuana. Most people in latin american have an alcohol addiction, not a drug one, they just make it to make money off americans.
No. Any games that are trying to be a "progressive message" over being an actual game are always bad. There is no exception to this.
>cant get past the wall
>the end
yeah sure OP it´ll be awesome
for that sweet sweet welfare, you can make more money than you can working in their native countries for doing nothing in the western countries.
How the fuck does anyone know how much money undocumented citizens send back to their home country?
How do they send it back, USPS?
will it feature brutal rape and murder at the hands of other migrants?
>that's all money that forever leaves our economy
Are you an idiot? Is this the mentality that got trump elected?
No, I remember playing a gmod map that was similar to this.
>This country was also founded on the ideals of accepting people seeking a better life
Yeah, you know, before there was a massive welfare state ready to subsidize the pointless existence of lazy assholes. Which more than 7/10 Mexican immigrants (both legal and illegal) are.
Pretty sure the "better life" that the founding fathers envisioned wasn't built on massive state power and vote-buying socialist garbage.
It's the American drug users who are fuelling it, you ignorant fuck.
America deserves to be nuked.
Who is the patient zero fucker who put politics in video games? Go back in time and put a bullet in his pleb head.
I was thinking of a game like this yesterday but it would be multiplayer based.
1 team would be the border patrol which would be a small team but armed and with traps and the other team would be mexicans, some unarmed with different skills and some armed but with shitty weapon or no weapon handling (like Narcos because they fucking suck with weapons).
The overall gameplay would be fortification vs offensive, where both teams would have time to plan out how its going to be played, where they are going to try to sneak, where the other team will do barricades of sorts, put camaras and shit like that.
You can see how the idea can expand but i am too lazy to drop those ideas.
Holy shit you are fucking retarded.
>wanting to help people makes you a sjw
also its sjws when plural redditfag
Its Oregon Trail for Mexicans.
America isn't sticking the needles in people's arms.
>This country was also founded on the ideals of accepting people seeking a better life.
By the 3 most powerful nations in the worlds, one of which the most successful at colonising.
it's called remittance and we know how much they send back because it gets taxed
nice argument
If it's so hard to get into the US illegally why don't they stay home / do it legally?
The correct derogatory slur for Mexicans is "spics", check your privilege goy
Are you people not aware you have to be a US citizen to be eligible for welfare?
Next you'll tell me millions of illegal immigrants voted in the election
>evil hugging that's so smug and evil it's awkward
Super seems to be redeeming itself
Actually curuous. Can you link it or give me clues as to what to look up?
This type of shit is not what I play videogames for.
This is not entertainment.
Either the players are very small, or the shoes to big I guess
>This country was also founded on the ideals of accepting people seeking a better life.
oh how i remember what it was like being so young and naive.
>Illegal immigrants send back money to Mexico and this fucks us over because it doesn't come back to our economy
>We know this because we tax the payments
holy shit WHAT
Why are Mexicans so proud of their country if they don't even live there?
>Game has country flags available as emblem?
Mexicans use the Mexican flag. Normal people use random emblems.
>Game has clan tags available?
Mexicans put [MEX] as their tag while normal people put random trash as their tag.
>Game has uneducated plumber say "let's go!"
Mexicans hear "Mexico!" While normal children hear something understandable like "let's pickle!"
you have no idea what you're talking about you stupid kid
you don't help people by letting a certain number into your country and then giving them welfare. it's the same as the "Syrian" migrant situation, the amount of money you spend shipping one family to canada could have helped multiple families if you kept the aid local to Syria or a neighboring country.
>trying this hard to fit in
As pale spic I have zero interest in playing game that tells people who got into the states the legal way to go fuck themselves.
it's really not complicated you dumb kid
Kind of baffling that removing illegal immigrants in the USA is a bigger hit to the Mexican economy than if we forced them to close all their oil fields and rigs.
Based on these threads it looks the entire philosophy of Sup Forums boils down to kill all colored people and institute a social darwinist dystopia where everybody stabs everybody else in the back if they are more "alpha" which is basically Orks of Mordor: The Society
how is this shit even popular and how are people voting for leaders based on this? Even ancient romans knew this is no way to run society and frowned on it
Are they all edgy teenage faggots or what?
>mexican game developers
oh my god
Drug trafficking from Mexico to the US is a ten billion dollar industry by conservative estimates. Even accounting for all domestic markup and distribution, it's a highly profitable industry. We seize $100m in cash headed south every year in California alone.
>when a lefty near me says we shouldn't deport illegal immigrants who "haven't committed any crimes"
No no, the Sandniggers go to Europe
The Spics go to USA.
The problem is the same though, a sea of uneducate workers who don't integrate.
Trumpy Kong more like
Last fight is just DK level 1, but you can't win
That is disgusting. Repugnant.
critical thought isnt your greatest strength is it?
>This country was also founded on the ideals of accepting people seeking a better life.
that's a meme
this country has always fucked over the next group to get off the boats, and they've always been met with hostility
not to mention all the times we've either heavily regulated or flat out closed our borders
Papers Please was already made tho
Oh look, it's a Sup Forums thread.
>Mexican developers
You're wilfully ignoring common knowledge of the global market, no one will ever be able to pund sense into you
carl the cuck is browsing Sup Forums
Economics isn't yours, is it?
Make it based on the future where mexicans have special boots that allow double jumps and wall jumps and the goal is to climb up Trumps glorious wall that has a stronger gravitational field
Straight GOTY material there
even if they couldn't get welfare which they do, their children going to school or their use of public services such as transportation or if they get injured going to an emergency room but most likely not paying for the visit all has a cost to the taxpayer which since they're illegal they often don't pay into.
hes right,your either fishing for (you's) or just a genuine bonafide modern day retard
Nice argument
>grand theft auto style game that takes place on the border
I'd play it.
>tfw you're a murderer that hasn't committed any crimes
Are white people allowed to have a country of their own or not? Can you answer me that.
Also, no one advocates all coloured people should be killed. You're just strawmanning, but that's leftists for you.
So you get on a plane, check in at customs and migration office then you get to stay? what a boring game.
I don't have a relevant webm so I'll just leave this here.
oh look its reddit screaming at shadows again
i think you're just underage, maybe 19 years old. those billions that go back to mexico do not enter back into the usa