Whats in the box, Sup Forums?

Whats in the box, Sup Forums?
We also have a special guest who will be helping me unbox tonight
This is my first unboxing thread, criticism welcome


Say hello to white KQ
No this isn't a jojo reference

I'm mildly curious.

What's in the box, OP?

thats a definite jojo reference you lying cunt

Dragon Dildos

some anime bullshit

White KQ is quite strong so I had him do the cutting
I will say that the box is too big for a regular video game

>No dragon dildos

Pack up boys, nothing to see here

The key to unboxing is to fucking take all your pictures first, crop them how you want, and then make the god damn thread
nobody wants to fucking wait 45 minutes

Even cat humanoid stands get tired, please be patient
I already took all the pictures you angry cunt
I'm just pacing it out a bit, its literally been 10 minutes senpai

Better have dragon dildos.

>big box
Must be a big dildo.
Maybe dragon sized..?


Back to work lazy cat
I just moved, its just a box I got from the liquor store to store shit
I'm a teetotaler

if it's some weeb shit you gotta kill yourself

Quit fucking around and just post the weeaboo trash you got so we can all move on with our lives.

If you keep delaying no one is going to give a shit anymore, stop larping

Killer Queen is very excited to find whats in the box, must be something good and almost reminiscent of something
Can you define weeb shit for me because quite frankly anything is weeb shit now
also I have a jojo figure so I should already kill myself for having weebshit
Calm your autism, its been 15 minutes and I'll be done in like 10 max

>its been 15 minutes and I'll be done in like 10 max
no one wants to look at this garbage for over 20 minutes just to realize you ordered some dragon dildos
fuck off

>no fun allowed
Thanks but I'd prefer not to have a thread thats just two photos
Literally done in the next photo

Listen OP. Its your first unox thread, so I'll be nice and give you some tips.
Tension is good, but no one wants to see too many images of a box. The opening part should be fairly short. More tension can be built through undoing the inner wrappings.
Hopefully you've pre-shot all of your photos.
Please, continue.
Also, all shitposting ITT is jokes. Take it easy fag.

This it happens when crippling autism and an intense desire for attention are combined, get on with it you failure of a human.


Is it a switch? I bet its a switch. If its a 1080 ti that'd be impressive too.


explain yourself

Some weeaboo shit

Stop posting in my thread you autist
I did besides the actual insides which I'll gauge the interest for


Wait, how

weeb trash, big fucking surprise.

I was just thinking about SMT. What a coincidence.
Also, poor build, bad payoff. I give this thread a 5/10. Better luck next time.

Do you work for Atlus USA?

Also please rip the .iso.

You Mother Fucker. How did you get it so soon!?

Oh shit
Killer Queen is a stand and the game is about stands

Which page did you order from nigga

WTF is going on, why are Amerifatskis getting their Take Your Heart editions already?
Isn't release date still set for April 4th?

where is the dildo?

what the shit

Open the other box
I refuse to leave these threads without my dildo

>ripping a iso for a ps4 game
Atlus sent on P5 to stores like two weeks ago
I don't know why their waiting for april to release it
I went on amazon.ca and it was sold out, but there was one guy selling it for 3 dollars more so I bought it from him, but I put the wrong address since I'm moving, then he said he had it in stock already, then I asked him if he could ship it early and the based nigga did for no extra charge
It was a jojo reference all along, I lied
In my boipussy

Isn't there supposed to be more with that edition though? Like a whole heap more?

Yeah maybe they are inside the box hmm?

eh the japs and everyone who knew jap already played it anyways


There's supposed to be a full bag though, don't tell me it's all squished into that tiny looking box or just really small.

good for you. enjoy, just don't spoil it for the rest of us like a faggot here on Sup Forums.

1% of people already played it wooow

Aw man I'm in the same position as you and also have a white KQ (forgive the mess)
I'm also from Canada

>yfw Killer Queen armed his copy of P5

This was delivered two days ago to your house in St. Catharines. Why the delay in opening?

Oh fuck I didn't realize how dusty it was

Sorry for the delay, computer was being autistic
Yeah theres quite a bit, it looks absolutely beautiful
Thanks mate, I have no plans too
I don't want to say his name and get him banned from selling atlus products, I owe the nigga
St.Catharines is a shithole
Also not sure why you're replying to him but I away for work
Where you at senpai

>open thread
>tissue paper isn't purple
>close thread

I'm from mtl

>That bag.
What the hell man, it's like a pencil case. That's pathetic.

The japanese voice dlc isn't out yet LOL have fun with your shitty dub

I guess you could say that you could almost...

... bite za dusto.


Purple tissue paper? The fuck?
I know rip
Nice I'm Niagara region although I live in toronto a good portion of the time

Anybody want to see anything in particular?

OH now I get the jojo reference

>Anybody want to see anything in particular?
A few pictures from the Artbook, please.

Post some of the concept art in the art book. Please.

Morgana's butthole, just for laughs

That's it

Tomorrow im gonna hunt for a early P5 copy since Atlus USA seem to be leaking all over the place

Holy fuck that steelbook.

Dragon Dildos come in purple tissue paper

Bag layed out, I'll get the art book and morgona's butthole in a second

Steelcase in comparison for the size

Is there some encrypted way you can get me in contact with your seller? I have dick all to do for the next 3 weeks and want to play Persona 5.

sent ;)

Send me pics of your dick and I will think about it

God dammit.
Welp, guess it's time to avoid Sup Forums if people are already getting the game.

The full art book's been out for weeks now, if you just want to see the art.

On the hentai sites, you mean?

how small, they don't really expect you to use it.

The game has been out for months in Japan. There's nothing new to be spoiled in English that I couldn't have spoiled for you when I got my copy 6 months ago.

Got a better picture of the cat?

>us box is a mess with awful art that looks like a design student made it
>japanese box is beautiful
>they took the art from the back of the japanese box and plastered it lazily across the steelbook despite it not being designed for two vertical covers
atlus usa needs to be nuked

I'm guessing. It's also in the Persona general. The book that comes with the TYH edition is the same one Japan got with its special edition, meaning it's just a sampler. There's not nearly as much art as in the full version. The only thing that would actually be new is the Soejima interview in the back, if it's been translated.

No butt hole but legitimately what the fuck???

Not a ton of great concept art honestly

Neet-chan's is pretty weird and far more different then the rest of the sketches for the other characters

>ages 17 and up

That's because all the actual concept art is in the proper separate artbook Japan got.

>ages 17 and up
>do not bleach


Could you post the Soejima interview at the end, if it's been translated?

>arriving april 4

why do the gooks always draw themselves with big eyes.

None of this is new friend. The artbook was scanned months ago.
That's the protagonist in the cell, just demonstrating a different pose.

The better to see you with, my gaijin.

>was originally suppose to
>concept art
nigga it was likely an idea tossed around for five seconds
not "originally supposed to" happen

Guys what the fuck a janitor reported me for flame war????????????

You responded to someone who responded to a reported post

>anne is a slut
>futaba is into your party member
>makoto is a mafia slut
>last girl has a fiance


doctor, chuuni and twins are best girls

it's like I'm really in september
Anne is not a slut, and gets nervous in her romance with the MC.
Futaba is not into Yusuke and jokes about him being annoying, while she has a relationship with the MC that is much more affectionate.
Makoto does not have any ties to the Mafia and one conversation that the rest of the group are also present for does not make her any closer to them, and certainly not a "mafia slut".
Haru has a fiance because her father wants her to get married to a powerful man to benefit her business, but she breaks up with him and wanted no part in it.
Just in case anyone believed this.

Nice marketing tactic, faggot

>Atlus USA

bad cat BAD you are not allowed to wear pizza