Name 5 things wrong with modern vidya that don't relate to politics.
Name 5 things wrong with modern vidya that don't relate to politics
Other urls found in this thread:
no mods
no custom servers
But then again, everything is politics, no?
deluxe edition
pre-order locked content
physical dlc aka amiibos
professional voice actors
english localization (totally unnecessary)
women (male)
>Everything is politics
>Shitty casual players whining because of difficulty in every game
viral marketing
forced multiplayer
yearly sequels
Not enough punishment for failure
Going from checkpoint to checkpoint is brain-numbing. Even games that are difficult nowadays still have this fear of giving you true punishment.
Playing Nier: Automata first mission on hard mode was one of the most the most pleasant experiences I've had in a game in a while
I'm not saying games need to be more difficult, just that death needs to mean something. Even in souls games, bonfires are never that far away and you can always just pick up your souls, run past all the enemies and kill the boss
Ballooned budgets
It takes years to make an adequate one anymore
Always online
shit localizations
every game only uses the same three voice actors
Jackie Chan
Preorder shit
appealing to the broadest audience possible
spending too much money to make vidya
dlc can be done well
qtes can sometimes be done respectfully
not inherently bad
genuine but it being serious content beyond a free weapon or some skins is fairly rare
depends on the scope of the project and if the rest of the game will suffer for it
>Microstransactions in full retail games
>Too many deluxe and preorder versions
>Homogenization (especially in Ubisoft games)
>Too reliant on online content and multiplayer
>No quality control
-Plagued with tutorials
-Expensive to make/long development
-Pre-order exclusives
-Mostly expensive DLC
-Rarely challenging
>developers try to make their games more story-focused when they are shit at telling stories
>developers make their games less interactive in order to tell their stories
>developers focus on graphics rather than gameplay, even though graphics are at a point where they have diminishing returns
>games are becoming more expensive because developers/publishers spend so much money on marketing and they have to make that money back from the consumer somehow
>the acceptance of DLC means that developers are allowed to release incomplete games and either patch the bugs after release or make the consumer pay for cut content
Early Access
Not enough cute boys going on adventures.
>content which should be in game already being put up later as DLC or pre-order DLC
>Store exclusive dlc
>games being released, completely unfinished and in terrible state
>£30 to play shitty alpha game which'll probably never get finished
walking simulators
This pretty much covers it:
Too many easy minimaps, markers, etc...
You don't think any more when playing.
Too many games are shit x5
1. Preorders
2. DLC
3. Paid reviews
4. Anti-piracy measures that hurt non pirates
5. Lowering quality/cutting corners and filling in the gap with literal lies, brand loyalty, and fake hype
SJW bullshit isn't political btw, it's purely emotional hysterics by sheltered people with mental illness.
Day 1 DLC that ships with the game's download/media
Inability to host your own server without paying
Modifying localized dialogue in a game targeted for mature audiences
Nvidia Gameworks
Treating mobas as a fair and balanced platform for competitive play
good job
Square Enix
SJW pandering
Stealth missions in non-stealth games
>cosmetic cash shop (people will defend to death having enjoyable content locked away from their full price game experience because "IT DOESN'T AFFECT GAMEPLAY!!!"
>any focus on esports
>design stagnation because everyone wants to copy tried and tested formulas
>this one is specifically for MMO's - Quality of life over immersion and/or feeling of being part of a world. For example a dungeon finder removes the arduous task of running to an instance, but some of the best moments people have in MMOs is random interactions/PVP while going from a to b
1) DRM
2) Cash grab micro transactions
3) DLC
4) "Appealing to the wider audience"
5) Normies
On disc DLC
Giant-ass day one patches
Season's passes
Reusing animation assets from your previous titles because you're a lazy fuck chruning out games for a quick buck
Having to sign into an account on some other service just to play your game, ex. uPlay
>lack of level design in 90% of releases
>lack of in game environmental direction for the player; all hud based
>combat systems that inhibit control of your character
>automatically/randomly leveled loot and enemies
>bad writing
2:Cinematic experiences
3:Paid online
4:open world is everywhere
5:youtubers and their LPs
Jus wait'll ya see my dick
Jus wait'll ya see my dick
Ey bitch
1: Women
2: E-sports
3: CRPG and anime games all over the place
4: Pay to win
5: Cutscenes
And... and... oh fuck.
>>lack of level design in 90% of releases
This bothers me.
Developers just put enemies in a corridor and expect the gameplay to do the work, one of the main offenders is New Vegas (the DLC does it well though, especially LR).
You can talk shit about the Souls series as much as you want but DeS, DaS and BB do wonders in terms of level design. (and parts of 2/3 but not as well)
paid shitty online
day 1 dlc
development cost and the risk involvement leading to hollywood dilemma
Batman Vision
Metroid Prime nailed the concept 15 years ago and everyone still fucks it up completely.
>Soul games
>Soul games copycats
>Hand holding
>Interactive movies
Early Access
Cutting content to sell as DLC
The "Season Pass"
Forced Online
Overpriced DLC / multitudes of small DLC packs instead of a nice meaty expansion
>one of the main offenders is New Vegas
Hm? New Vegas has some of the best open world level design of all time
it's a completely different style than Souls type level design. it's not about enemy encounters so much as it is about spreading out statically leveled content and branching it with both gameplay and story
>focus on making open world (see: empty) games
>fear of making something creative and new is up to indies now who have super small budgets
>western VAs have a LOT of recycling and a small pool of people who aren't awful
>Season passes.
>a shitload of "HD" "GOTY" "MASTER EDITION" re-releases making buying at release less sensible more than ever
jackie chan
Special/deluxe/limited/preorder/pay-up-more-goy editions
Unskippable cutscenes
Unskippable tutorials
overuse of fog, bloom and other post process effect bullshit
others have named the rest
I hate you
>Microtransactions in any game that isn't f2p
>DLCs that are basically 2 armors or weapons
>Objective markers
>Voice acting in RPGs (which results in less dialogue and options, no matter what it shouldn't be in this genre with maybe an exception of main quest being voiced)
>QTEs (literally only MGR did them right so far, adding them at the end of the fight as a hype as fuck finisher at the end of the boss fight)
>General casualization
>Games treating you like a retard that can't read (and it's sadly true for most of people playing video games nowadays)
>Story focused but the story is the most generic shit
>Early access
>No demos but shitton of anti-piracy, add a corrupted as fuck video game "journalism" and you are literally buying cat in the bag each time
>Lack of quality control
>Lack of depth in mechanics of any game (compare everything magic related in Morrowind to magic in Skyrim, this feature was completly stipped from any depth and interesting mechanics making it boring and uninteresting)
>Very few games try to add any new or interesting mechanic (only recent ones I can think of are Titanfall 2 and Dishonored 2 both having a time travel level where you can switch between two time periods whenever you want)
I know it's more than 5, you don't have to point that out.
What? So, my father who works his ass off in the freaking coal mines somehow didn't work because some user said it on the Internet? You're confusing media narrative and your own biases with reality. Also, the white trash people you are so quick to put down are very important to society. And niggers, really? You might be surprised but some black people actually do work.
Is that ear underneath his beard?
and to apply these criticisms to games released in the last 5 years
>Witcher 3
>Grand Theft Auto V
>Breath of the Wild
Games which I feel I have a hard time applying any of these criticisms to
>Red Orchestra 2
>Witcher 2 (FCR 2)
>Fallout New Vegas
>mobile "games"
>DLC /season passes
>pre order only "its fucking nothing" edition
>e sports
I think you replied to a wrong post, user.
Why is there so much quads on Sup Forums these days?
Wow wow, calm the fuck down!
OP said 5.
when you have to press a button for more than 2 second
i mean what the fuck ? do they really need me to waste time ?
>some black people actually work
a small fraction does not constitute an entire race. back to africa for you, nigger
so a small fraction of black committing crimes doesn't mean they all commit crimes ?
>milking franchises instead of making original games
>no risk, always stick to proven formulas
>spending too many resources on the story
>bugged and unfinished games are released as finished
>dev laziness
some of the points may overlap a bit
>For Honor
>every menu choice is holding down the button
I'm willing to bet a fair sum of money that the reasoning behind this is they didn't want people to accidentally select something. Same complaint goes for games that make you verify choices. I know it's just
>video games
but give the player some fucking credit and basic responsibility in reading comprehension.
What the fuck? There's not a single post in this thread that would justify this
OP pic reminds me of this
DLC and anything relating to it such as Season Passes, Microtransactions, Subscriptions, DRM, Paid Online, Day 1 DLC and Special Editions
The belief that Linear = Bad and Open World = Good
Appealing to casuals and dumbing down games for them
Corporate Monopolies
Various well known IPs have either long since become shells of their former selves, become forgotten, or are basically in HD REMASTER hell. Basically, there is no sense of life in them anymore.
Cosmetic cash shop isn't bad but only if the money from it is used to add free content to the game, take Titanfall 2 for example, devs add new maps, weapons and gamemodes to the game for free but every major update also adds new paid cosmetic pack, so paid cosmetics are fine as long as it means free gameplay content.
As for the MMOs I agree, immersion and player interaction are the most important aspects of an MMORPG and yet they were completly abandoned, you could literally remove every other player while not in dungeon and nothing would change, it's sad.
>small fraction
>Name 5 things wrong with modern vidya that don't relate to politics.
- Permanently missable items / quests
- Bullshit mechanics like slowly leveling magic by sitting around and button-spamming it for hours until it finally powers up by a trivial degree
- AAA studios
- Marketers asserting too much creative control over the content of games
- Developers removing things or censoring them out of fear of being rated up by the ESRB (usually done on Nintendo platforms to avoid T or M ratings)
yeah that what i though too but why now ? it's unnatural as fuck every ps2/ps3 games doesn't have this in the menu i think it's because of the laways online thing to prevent the accidental DDOS
i have notice it the most in destiny where IT'S 8 SECOND TO QUIT A MISSION AND TO SELECT ONE that's shit is NUTS
>small fraction
take your (you) and fuck off retard
>- Permanently missable items / quests
That's been a thing for years though, it's still a shitty deal, but it's not exclusive to modern vidya.
black don't all live in america mate
Pushy dlc
Server connection for single player game
No manuals
No cheat codes
Buggy at launch because they plan for patches
I've always felt the map design in RO2 are somewhat lacking. Rising Storm's maps are a bit better though, imo
>map design in RO2 are somewhat lacking
>Rising Storm's maps are a bit better
I'm close to raging but sure, opinions are opinions
Open world sandboxes taking the place of storytelling
Achievements for simply playing the game
Focus on photo-realism leading to the uncanny valley
Shovelware 'retro' games and mobile ports on Steam
Poor / Non-existent quality control
Prioritizing a fickle, casual market which will only play a small amount of a product before moving on, if it's even played at all
Publishers making unreasonable demands that every product must make millions while giving an unreasonably short develop period before demanding release
Pre-ordering and crowdfunding, which cause developers and publishes to lose interest in current projects, thus making them unfruitful
False advertising and paid reviews to disingenuously push a product
Honorable mentions:
Unnecessary censorship during localization
Putting memes in your game that don't pertain to the product at hand
Cut or locked content which is then sold back to the customer in order to wring more money from them
quest trackers
interfaces flooded with pointless information
movie games
games like skyrim allowed to have good scores
poorly written dialogue that's also voiced
Yeah they live in Brazil too and commit half of the crime in london
>No manuals
Is it really that necessary though?
>Putting memes in your game that don't pertain to the product at hand
This one especially disgusts me. Indie devs are the biggest offenders of this shit and I wish they'd show some fucking self control.
I'd say the bigger offender is making games so casual that they don't even need manuals
Hah, fair enough. I just can't stand any of the "wide open with windows everywhere" maps in RO2. They always seemed to devolve into pissing contests. I like Spartanovka and the snowy trenches one.
I honestly don't remember looking at a manual to learn commands or some bullshit, unless it's something like mechwarrior or steel battalion
voice acting
hollywood wannabe devs making "cinematic experiences"
>quest trackers
I'd like to see a game that had an actual map & compass. As in, actually having to know basic orienteering to know where the fuck you were. No HUD, no quest marker floating in your FoV, just a map and compass that you have to mark information on yourself.
- Sjw developers.
- Early access games.
- Paid mods.
- DLC that's more expensive than the game itself.
- Releasing an unfinished product.
Snowy trenches one is my least favorite, lel
love Spartanovka and Winterwald, Bridges, Apartments, and especially Stalingrad Kessel
and fuck, I can't think of the name of my favorite one; it's a German Offensive one with a Tank. Map is huge and snow covered. It flows like this
A. Trench
| |
B. Bunker C. Ammunition dump (in the open)
D. Hangar
and then I think it goes to like F or G. Can you think of it?
>no mods
only console games
but even then, who gives a shit?
maybe if you're an autistic pirate
part of why I enjoyed DayZ so much at the start was having no GPS
Sometimes it's more that they are there if you need them. They also usually have nice illustrations or backstory info which makes them nice to look at.
I got it: It's Rakowice. I fucking love that map.
-"premium" aka "season pass"
-fake gamer normalfags "i'm such a nerd! i've been playing fallout 4 for 30 minutes now!!! XD "
well that was easy
The west
Microsoft entering the console race
Western devs
Forced diversity
Western women
>the only people making decent games in 2017
someone got triggered by
Quads have been spoken!
>the only people making decent games in 2017
define "decent"
Games that sell because of graphics only
Franchises and sequels that do nothing new
Incomplete games that need DLC for the full story
The gameplay being backseat to the story
Developers bending backwards to appease a vocal minority
Actually I just got into the thread and typed that before I even saw his post.
sure ya did
Content withheld from final game to be resold as DLC.
The practice of putting graphics before game play, a game that looks bad but plays great is more likely to be remembered than a game that plays bad but looks great.
Spin offs to series that are in long overdue need of a proper sequel.
Falling prey to hype mongering and false promises.
The constant infighting between people simply over what console or kind of pc the player has when we need to be more focused on why we started playing: to have fun. Sure, be happy with your chosen platform, you chose that one for a reason. But fighting divides us and divided we can't properly demand the kinds of games we truly desire.
Extra one for fun: the constant use of anti piracy that, while meant for the authors protection, also has the potential to make legitimate buyers suffer the same counter measures.
Extra extra one: lower the God damn prices.
>Fucking weebs
You sure showed me.