Instant pull / kill combo

>instant pull / kill combo
>retarded amounts of hp
>heals more than anybody can dps
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller

How do we make him less of a broken hero, Sup Forums? Literally the definition of anti-fun.

By not being a noob that gets caught out

I think you're implying that I'd play against a roadhog that can't aim. A lot of them can.

Git Gud


Oh look, it's this thread again.

It's the same copy/pasted thread and the same image name, look at the archives

>instant kill with a charge
>retarded amounts of shields that not only protect him, but also his team
>Has armor that makes most of the offense against him take more hits than another tank.
>if charged, may as well put down your controller

How do Roadhogs even compete?


Also, why did we get rid of sage? It's perfect for threads like these


someone has a different opinion than you about the balance of the game and it's sage worthy? By the way, i'm gold. I know what i'm fucking talking about.

I was mocking OP if you didn't catch that by how nearly exact our posts.

I only have it on PC but I needed to stick to my joke so people would realize it's a joke, but I guess that failed.

I could seriously do this for nearly every hero, but I fear that even then, my satire would be lost on the masses.

>PC elitism
>about fucking Overwatch, the most casual game on earth


My bigger problem is that his altfire at head height instantly kills people with 200 health or less

Do you know how hard it is to time a successful alt- fire to one shot someone? They have to be in a tiny sweet spot with very little wiggle room. While most Roadhogs should be trying for it, it is still basically a luck shot.

Sage still works. It's just not visible.

Sage for baot thread

It's supposed to be a skill game, so anti-fun isn't an important criticism.

>only two ways to kill anything
>with your hook
>or somehow manage to sneak up on someone and hope you can land 3 out of the 4 shots you have
>ranged attack's damage is trash
>ultimate is worthless

Just because something is hard to do doesn't make it fine.


>instant kill with a charge
his charge is usually a suicide

Other than dva and rein, I never use charge unless i know it isn't suicide. And even then, you have to bait people into being in the right position so you don't end up near a pack of wolves after the charge.

>set down the controller

9/10 for subtle

I exclusively play as this guy.
he's the only one hero that makes Overwatch bearable.

>put down controller
There's your problem, now fuck off.

>How do Roadhogs even compete?

By walking past your shield and two-shotting you. That one month period when the hook pulled targets closer allowed roadhog to body literally every character with ease.

Reindhart was never a problem for Roadhog especially when Reindhart could only block towards the front and never from above, and maps usually had a lot of places with catwalks and rooftops overlooking the main choke points which were very accessible to Roadhog.

hook him from above and from the side, he is so slow you'd be ashamed if you missed, do that and their entire push is ruined because they don't have a walking wall anymore.

Yeah hog typically beats rein but his combo would do upwards of 350 damage on tanks in the last patch. He was taking out Zaryas like they were supports.

He's garbage now though. He was hardly OP with hook 2.0, with the slight nerf they gave him I just see him as a way to easily build up ult off of.

>By the way, i'm gold. I know what i'm fucking talking about.

friendly reminder

So one of the only reasons I still play this game is to grief low elo ladder because there are so many people who aren't used to it and are easily baited. In some cases I can get a whole team screaming oer the mic by jut picking widow and never saying a single thing in chat. Sometimes my elo drops so low people stop realizing I am griefing and I have to spend some time actually playing. During one of those climbs yesterday I met him, the true god of overwatch and I was humbled by his presence.
>get in game
>korean insta picks widow
>as per usual when other people troll pick, I take sombra
>korean wordlessly walks to point
>get rolled over on defnece
>some of the team is raging at both of us
>he still doesn't say anything
>right around the end of the round I check career profile
>500 hours on widow about 200 from quickplay
>4 hours on mcree total
>1 hour on ana total
>a man of true taste and refinement
>I swap onto support for the attack round

I remember. I haven't played for a few months, but hooking someone was usually taking them out of the fight even if you don't kill them.

>falling for it