
>the Nintendo Switch unsurprisingly holds top spot with a comfortable lead over the PS4. Although its week one results were higher than the Wii U launch, Nintendo's last-gen system held greater momentum in it second week and continued a decent run through the Holiday season in December 2012. The Switch sold 61,998 units in week two compared to the equivalent Media Create Wii U week 2 number of 126,916; as a result the Switch is now behind the equivalent total of the Wii U after two weeks.


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Not having any in stock and having 1(one) game might be part of the problem

>T-they have poor sales on purpose!

>none in stock to buy
>sales are down

You don't fucking say!

I fucking swear you shit posters would parrot anything as long as it's anti-Nintendo.

>5 post
>3 IPs
Hi OP.

Switch was a mistake.
Literally trying to recapture the Wii lightinning in a bottle and failing miserably for the second time


I'm pretty sure OP is being paid by Sony.

The fuckers are so terrified. So terrified.

Them photoshoppin skills!

>out of stock

Kill yourself

>Nintendo Switch Stays On Top in Japan


>posts 60 seconds apart

The town of Poland, Japan.

>Switch sells half as much as Wii U in second week

This is no surprise?

>Implying I didn't see it coming

I'll consider buying one when it's got more games worth a damn besides fucking Zelda.

Why are sony ponies so easy to trigger?

i dont care, it's going to get the best games of any of the consoles in the next 6 months
switch is objectively the best console of this gen and i'm not a shill because i own every current gen console

canceled my xbox live and ps+ on switch launch day, been playing fast rmx and zelda non-stop


The best thing about the Switch is the third party support. Now I can get rid of my gaming PC once and for all.

Prove its sold out in japan. Ill wait

I wish people stopped buying nintendo shit, after the game cube everything went to shit

People need to learn how to let go. Nintendo is finished, the Switch is literally a tablet with defective motion controllers that attach to the side. Just build a PC and wait for emulation within a year

>no stock
>mass launch week faults

yeah, it's no surprise that sales are down in the second week. sony fags are just mad that their console got btfo straight from the launch of the switch, just pathetic.

i'll be aiming to buy a switch around when splatoon 2 gets released, hopefully nintendo would have sorted out the faults by then.

switch emulation isn't going to happen bub
enjoy your defective physics and single digit frame rates for the next 5-10 years while i actually enjoy games on my switch

Persona 5

Various information about Switch’s debut sales have been coming this week. In its first three days, the console is estimated to have sold around 330,000 units.

Dengeki now reports that Switch sold through 95 percent of its initial shipment. Given that, as well as how it’s tough to find in stores, the system’s first shipment is almost entirely depleted. That means when next week’s sales are reported, Switch is likely going to have a major drop off – so don’t panic when you see the numbers.

By the way, on another interesting note, Dengeki says that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has an attach rate of 60.8 percent with Switch. That’s higher than the rate for Twilight Princess and Wii at 35.9 percent.

Nintendolife is the clickbaitest bullshit site.

>being this autistic
lmao, get some help

The Switch is single handedly the best console this generation. I should know, as I own a Switch, PS4, and Wii U, as timestamped. I've had tons more fun on Zelda then I have had on ANY of my PS4 games. Sony just can't compete anymore.


Fortunately, if the emulation is as poor as you say, there are countless other games I can play in the meantime. With the Switch, however, there's nothing besides BotW

He cant prove it because its not sold out

Please educate me on how to spot samefag posts, senpai.

>not everyone who bought a Switch bought Zelda

>Switch still on top in Japan
>"b-but its not s-s-sold out in p-p-poland"


Fuck off sonybro


Right here you dumb fuck. Why is basic internet searching so hard for you faggots? Everybody hates you faggots running around saying absolute untrue bullshit because you're just fucking HURR DURR ONE UPPED BRO

What kind of retard buys a switch and no zelda?

Why is the date wrote with paint?

>initial shipment
I said "prove its sold out in japan". Not "prove it was sold out in japan last week". Face it. Everyone who wants this pos already bought one and now sales are plummeting

Japs don't give no shit about Zelda.

They could of sold 10s of Millions of copies of Zelda if they ditched the home console and decided to live in 2017 rather than 2002.

For the GOTY 1-2 Switch, an actual Switch exclusive. I have a Wii U for Zelda, but there's no 1-2 Switch on Wii U.

Does anybody in Poland actually buy consoles? Does anything even get Polish translations? I thought it was all PC all the time.

Yeah exactly.

You're a fucking idiot.

I honestly think anyone who thinks the switch is good or owns one should actually kill themselves how can you support such a scummy company you should be ashamed

I will enjoy drinking your tears when all the e-celebs die off because of Nintendo.

>admits the sales were terrible this week and cant even provide evidence the system is currently sold out in japan
>still insits the system is doing well
>having the audacity to call anyone else an idiot
Serious mental gymnastics

I'll bite, what makes Nintendo so scummy that a customer should literally kill themself?

nintenkidz already bought their console, meanwhile normies still think is just an expensible tablet were you can't play gta, cod or minecraft clones that exists on the cheaper tablets.

>Why don't you have a Switch? :^)

Because I fell for the "Why don't you have a Wii U? :^)" meme and now I have a dead as fuck console now.

Up yours, Nintendo shills.

>Get AppChanX
>you will need script monkey to do this
>see [post / file count / unique IP / page] in the upper corner (or wherever if you move it)
>obvious samefags become obvious

de-monitizing muh videos fuck nintendo

>he gets triggered by ecelebs

This. Won't consider it until the first revision. By then it'll hopefully have a game or two worth buying.

Nintendo always wins, baby!

I live in Japan and I'm not in a hurry to buy one, but I stop by the game store on my way home every other day. The Switches have been consistently sold out. Hard to sell something they don't have.

Circle jerking to e-celebs instead of talking about video games should trigger you as well.

>sold out in japan last week

This is Nintendo, they can't restock for shit.

Midwest USA here, none in fucking stock, fucking pissed. Fuck Nintendo and they're false scarcity bullshit.

>if they ditched the home console

Because normies are clamoring for new handhelds and aren't just playing that shit on their phones now.

it's not sold out anywhere in Australia

even EB games (gamestop) has signs saying "STILL AVAILABLE!!"

* their

Just your friendly neighborhood grammar nazi!

Just kidding, my grammar sucks ass too.

Speaking as I think they did restock, because things like the controllers and stuff are partially back in stock. They also moved the Switch stuff from the front display bear the end of last week, but it's back up front again this week (and sold out).

I don't give two shits if the fucking thing is sold out in Japan, I want a goddamned console stateside.

Nobody fucking has it in stock. Ever.


I wouldn't think much of it if they weren't literally the only company in the industry being this overly aggressive about it.

Console gaming is rapidly dying in Japan and nips still like their 3DS-es because they have MonHun and Pokemon.

Go be reddit somewhere else

>move production to China for that assembly line slavery
>still understock to hell

as someone who's had every nintendo console since N64 I'm glad they're getting BTFO

stop """innovating""" your consoles and just give us good hardware like N64/GC

too bad there is no switch emulator yet, I have to get one since Monolith Soft is being held hostage

>implying japs are gonna buy this when they have their more portable phone(with cheaper and more games)

nintendo is dead
>nintendo is dead

Shoulda announced a new Monster Hunter with it instead of trying to squeeze every dead dollar left out of the 3DS.

japs use flip phone

>was literally sold out in a week
Yeah, they probably don't have enough stock

You had the most good games out of any console this gen. Sorry you wanted to play CoD instead.

Capcom still want to sell their XX on 3DS.
They won't be hinting anything about Switch version of MonHun till at least TGS.

do people actually think switch will surpass ps4 sales?

You just bough it to jack off to FE /Xeno 2 / etc., didn't you.

I would imagine they'd make more money off switch version, sell for more while doing a low budget "HD" version like 3U

I'm playing Switch right now and having fun I don't get how I'm not dead yet

no but this is about the only time switchfags will get a chance to be on top before they go back to biting the pillow.

let them have it.

which is definitely more cooler than a switch

What does Japan think of BotW? I know Zelda isn't as big over there as it is in the West, but do they like this one?

You don't play a lot per day, do you

Why would they do that when they could sell the exact same game twice?

weren't both version of 3U same day?

i don't get you, there are weeb games on both soby sbd Nintendo consoles why don't you get both? Why hate on sony?

Amazon ratings are almost all 5 star for what that's worth

I assume you are joking based on the picture. If not, make videos about other games?No. PS4 is on pace for PS3 numbers, maybe greater. Switch will do quite a bit better than the Wii U. Enough to quash the "GO 3rd PARTY" crap for a number of years.

>tfw qt trap bf bought a switch
No, they are still biting it

Were in a new gen now.. kinda
>PS4 Pro
>Xbox One Scorpio

Too late idiot, the Switch is still top in Japan.

No, but it'd be nice if it at least passes Xbone.

>stop """innovating""" your consoles and just give us good hardware like N64/GC
yeah because the GC and N64 sold so well

better than this shit

One for home console while the other for handled.

>nintendo still hasn't restocked since many stores still haven't gotten more shipments
>still highest selling console of the week despite this
>article says Japan only
Move along folks, nothing to see

By looking at the bottom of the page..

is this another switch isn't a home console meme