Since we're not allowed to have a reoccurring thread about NV here, does anyone want to talk about Fallout 1 and 2?
Fallout Thread
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New Vegas is amazing.
To be fair, all Fallout games I've played, save FO4 are amazing.
And FO4 is a good generic, apocalyptic shooter. It's just not a good Fallout game.
No. Saged. fucking piece of shit
I haven't tried 1 yet, and having a hard time getting invested in 2.
Is there a "Project Nevada" kind of mod of the OG fallout?
I had trouble getting into 2 myself. It was a pain early on, before I had a gun.
Played FO2 Restoration recently and holy fuck does it suffer from the "This was cut for a reason" syndrome a lot. Some of the restored content is downright fucking boring.
Nah, there's a patch to make the game actually run at a modern resolution and function better on modern systems, but I don't know of anything like what you're suggesting.
All I remember about the restoration stuff is "dude weed lmao" in the... EPA was it?
Been thinking of trying Tactics, it had some new mod recently or something and there's a character editor out there. I want to make my own characters but I read its pretty involved.
Tactics is pretty great as long as you bear in mind it's not an RPG
I've actually never played Tactics, user. I have it somewhere on disc but that's about it. It's probably good, from what I've read it seems kind of neat, so I'd say try it.
My vista (yeah laugh it up fuckers) was running fallout 1 fine before but then the entire thing fucked up my display, giving it that vaporwave color and scared the shit out of me
anyway to stop that from being a thing
>also how do i patch
This should help you out:
Just pick Fixes Only.
Also, I think I saw an user talking about Vista in a NV a day or two ago. Was that you?
But why? At least run XP like a sane person.
Yeah, I think I suggested you play Fallout 1.
I am also curious why you run Vista.
When Bethesda bought your childhood I played 1 to get an idea of the setting.
It was enjoyable but not really my tastes.
Tried to get into 2 and was just not able too.
Got through the trial thing and lost interest in the village.
Fallout 2 is probably the best game in the series even with the pop culture references and NV builds heavily off of it. Fallout 1 feels very barebones in comparison.
I dont like Fallout 2. for me its too overwhelming and there are too many situations when it is easy to get clueless. and i hate the obvious references popping like every 5th sentence. on the other hand, fallout 1 feels more accessible and is overally better imo. i like how the game can become basically adventure game if you pick right skills
How gay can you be in fallout 2?
For a friend.
I mean, you can become a fluffer, if I recall.
Never really did that stuff when I played Fallout 2.
I'm using a laptop and i'm kinda poor
>college kid
Is Fallout 1 or 2 better?
I personally prefer Fallout 1 myself.
That explains it.
Fallout 1 and 2 aren't really that old.
Also, it's not like Sup Forums is only for modern games.
gay marriage, is that gay enough for your friend?
I prefer fallout 2 myself. fallout 2 is a good bit more lighthearted with more pop culture references and a less intense atmosphere.
fallout 1 is much more serious and is much more suspenseful with it having a time limit and all.
both were before 1999
Yeah, but it's not like you can't talk about games this age on Sup Forums.
I kind of like the seriousness in Fallout 1.
I prefer 2 myself, but I love both of them.
1 is a better rpg. It's short and contained. 2 is more of a sandbox and is pretty much new vegas 2D. Can't really compare the two because they take different directions.
Didn't see this thread was up
Anyway I'm doing dead money for the first time, are the ghosts supposed to do SO MUCH damage? Should I have packed a fuck ton of stealth boys to survive or how am I supposed to make it here?
Beat the shit out of them with spears or whatever.
That's what I was thinking. Fallout 1 is kind of compact, I could complete it in one sitting. Fallout 2 is much larger.
Fuck, my melee skill sucks ass.
You also get a pistol early on, but it's not much good.
Also there's bear traps fucking EVERYWHERE, so I hope you have Light Step.
You best have a good unarmed or explosive or your fucked kiddo
Fallout 2 is the best in series and also is the best game ever created. I fucking love it
What are your favorite builds to run in F1/2? Aside from obvious Small Guns\Speech INT\CHR\PER that is
Unarmed with high DEX\LUC and Finesse is amazing for combat runs, but my favorite is gotta be 10 LUC Jinxed with Throwing, Doctor and Outdoorsman.
I played F1 with Energy Weapons and F2 with Small Guns. Microfusion Cells are more useful as fuel than ammo in F2.
>Since we're not allowed to have a reoccurring thread about NV here
Seriously? thank fucking god if its true.
I like New Vegas but that constant 2-3 times per day circle jerk belonged in /vg/
My explosive stat is around 60ish, I'm in a conversation with God atm so I will check afterwards, is that good enough?
I wouldn't mind a return of /cfog/ (when it was a thing it was better than /fog/ by leaps and bounds imo) but nobody ever posted in it, sadly.
Yeah that's fine
As long as you save those gasbombs for emergencies and shot the ones thrown at you you'll be fine
> did this on my cowboy run
stop samefagging samefag
I would got to fallout general but then I saw one guy dressing up cait from fallout 4 all my waifu like
/vg/ is cancer
Small guns are op in F2
>.223 handgun for early-midgame
Easy crits easy game
/fog/ and /tesg/ are pretty similar, it's mostly waifus and not game discussion.
Like I said, I wouldn't mind a return of /cfog/ though, it just needs to have people to post in it.
Yeah, the Gauss Rifle in Fallout 2 kicked ass. I loved it.
Anyone else feel bad for Lenny
he just wanted to tag along with the vault dweller
I kind of just left his ass in Gecko after I repaired the power plant.
And then, much later in my misadventures of trying to repair a fucking car, I... ended up killing everyone in Gecko.
>not using an avenger gatling gun like a real man
Why do so many Eastern Europeans love old Fallout games?
It's more of a slice-of-life kind of game for them instead of a post-apocalyptic one.
Because of it's accurate depiction of modern Eastern Europe
It's cool for scrub stomping, but it will stutter hard against power armour boys. Even with AP rounds that you'll need thousands of.
And vindicator is practically non-existant due to lack of ammo. Real shame
Yeah some of it is not great, happens sometimes in restorations
Still, could be worse, like the droid planet in KOTOR 2.
Oh shit, I tried that once.
Horrible mistake. The regular Restoration mod is fine, but the droid planet still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Post your gunfus!
That exiled tribesman who hunts you through the game is a nice touch, I really like it. Also Sulik's tribe is alright. At least it has quests, no?
>generic "cool pistol" meme gun
>not the one and only .233
This gun has character dude. This is where it's all at
here you go
real nigga detected
2 is literally a better RPG with more useful skills, progression, and more quest solutions
I love point blank bursts with this guy
Enjoy your 100 bullets in the entire game and 30000 price tag
I know gauss is the best gun in the game just play it cool dawg
I had so much cash in Fallout 2 I just paid for it easily.
Sold the Pulse Pistol at some point later to recoup my losses, I think.
don't worry, we cool
This was always my staple gun for Sulik, fucking amazing
>give this to Sulik
>watch him shred niggas to pieces
>give him AP ammo
>watch him shred armored niggas all the same
Yeah I once bought 3 and gave each to Cassidy and Vik. Vik shot himself dead with it shortly after.
Why are companions in F2 so based
Bozar + .44 Magnum for life
The one and only.
now that right there is my favorite industrial-welding-tool-turned-OP-weapon in the Fallout universe
Patrician choice
I never understood the need of turboplasma in F2. By the time you get the regular one, you could already have visited Navarro, get the schemes and return back for superior pulse rifle.
I guess cookie points for it being somewhat a secret?
>not beating the fucking shit out of disgusting muties knocking them around left and right
So, why do they keep deleting NV threads anyway
I like 2 more but they are both good games
ENCLAVE here. Why isn't your video feed working?
>I never understood the need of turboplasma in F2. By the time you get the regular one, you could already have visited Navarro, get the schemes and return back for superior pulse rifle. I guess cookie points for it being somewhat a secret?
I assume because people liked it and it's kind of iconic. You don't have to scrap a gun you like just because there's a statistically better one. I never played FO2 though.
It's good, but everything bad about Fallout 3 has its roots in Fallout 2.
Damn... I miss this kind of game.
I remember when I was like 7-8 years old and my sister buy me a Fallout 1 for christmas.
This was the best christmass present that I have
one faggot kept spamming reports so they delete him to shut him up
>he isnt fighting russians for territory in fallout combat online
because thread that are constant belong on vg but the fallout vg loves fallout 4 and waifus leading to so anger.
They tried splitting into classic fallout and fallout 3 and 4 but eventually merged again.
I remember my parents buying me Fallout 1 because I got good grades on my progress report (above C was good to them). I used the read that manual like it was the bible so I can understand how to make a good character.
Has anyone tried that Fallout 1.5 mod? I think it released recently.
Fair enough. Good thing non-meta builds are all viable in Fallout.
EPA was really shit. Like they wanted another Mariposa style place but went waaaayyy overboard.
I went down there once, did just enough to get the syringe for 10 agility and got the fuck out without finishing most of the quests. The layout feels really pointless and tedious.
never played a fallout game. what's the best one?
Fallout 4 is the best.
I like 2 personally, but new vegas is objectively better
Start with 1 and go in order, skipping 3 if you want.
Never heard of it
I'd say NV is easier to hop in to and get a feel for the universe.
Fallout games tend to have a slow start, just so you know.
are they very story heavy? i'm not much for long expositions and reading (or even listening if i can skip it)
The start on NV doesn't take too long. What, like an hour tops to chat up Doc Mitch and cruise around with Sunny?
Oh... Fallout might not be for you then. They're very story heavy with a lot of reading.
play NV, the story isn't too bad. I mean, you're gonna have to talk to NPCs, but you can usually cut to the heart of the matter and skip most of the fluff.
If you're not interested in getting into the story/setting/lore I'd actually recommend you start with 4. People harp on it a lot but it's got really fun combat and tends to be less verbose because of the voiced MC. Most people's problem comes from it being a bad Fallout game, and I agree, but taken on its own I really love it.
So you don't like RPG's? How fucking new and young are you that you're asking about one of the most famous fucking franchises in video game history?