Halo 6 is in this stage right now. What are your hopes for it?
Halo 6 is in this stage right now. What are your hopes for it?
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I think you mean disappointment
For it to be canceled.
Chief only, split-screen confirmed at least.
pc version
>no sprint (just like 1-3)
>1-50 ranking system (just like 2/3)
>smaller 4v4 maps (just like 1-3)
hmm its almost like everything after 3 completely sucked balls
but they wanted the COD audience
I agree with those, except for the small 4v4 maps. I think it should be a 50/50 split between big and small maps. BTB has to make a return, and be a much larger focus compared to 5, imo.
If 343 fucks over Halo's true audience one more time, they're fucked. They know this.
>mall maps. BTB has
i dont mean 4v4 maps only. i just mean that the 4v4 maps in h5 are a joke
Knowing you Halo fans, you'll give 343i more chances
They were designed for advanced movement. Halo 6 should be no-sprint and no-ads, maps might get better if they do that. Look at H2A maps, I know they're made by Bungie but they were also designed for classic play.
I don't think I'm getting any more consoles but if I do Halo 6 has to be really good and classic.
I didn't even buy Halo 4. It also coincided with the time I stopped buying console games at all but I specifically didn't buy 4 because it was terrible. 343i is hopeless.
>What are your hopes for it?
That it's actually Halo 3 Anniversary
Halo 3 Anniversary is coming first. There's this.
>itt people who never actually played 5 assume it's shit when it has some of the best gameplay in the series
I played 5. the story was alright nothing special.
Multiplayer was actually really good gameplay wise but they fucked up by releasing game modes and other things way too late. I was tired of the game by then. It shouldve been available in release. Now me and all of my bro's moved on to other games. Playing alone isnt as fun since my past halo memories were playing online with friends.
lmao what is it 2005?
I can't believe there's actually people on this planet who buy xbone shit and will buy another cash cow entry of halo, there's almost no way that someone is actually hoping for Halo 6 and this is probably the work of microsoft shills
Even if it is, which it isn't cause I am OP, this type of thread would be made to see how the community wanted 6 to be. So far classic gameplay, so that's a positive.
This when the fuck are we getting modes like King of the Hill or Oddball, which basic Halo modes?
You're never getting them because you already spent your money on the game there is no reason for microsoft to put any more work into it, maybe you should be more careful how you spend that $60 next time so it doesn't get swiped by con artists
A better fucking user interface.
Not being able to even see who you were facing and a lack of basic lobby controls made parties terrible.
Sorry senpai, there's a whole world you're unaware of. I'm stoked for Halo 6. I know four people in my state that will be buying it, not including myself. Plenty of my online Halo 5 friends are excited as well. People who play Halo 5 are true halo fans. We never abandoned the franchise because we don't blindly follow memes.
I don't know about that, I liked Reach. Everything with 343 sucked balls.
Its cause there wasn't paid DLC for the game, this what you get when the content is free.
armor skills were a broken as fuck crutch.
2005 is a weird year to use. Why'd you choose that?
You have too much faith user. 343 has learned nothing. They went after the CoD audience and failed. Now they are going PC which should mean more complexity not less but instead they seem to be staying the course. CoD sells like shit on PC. If you're going to port your game to PC out of desperation to keep it relevant add complexity, don't remove it.
>the game that lets you pay real money for speed boosts and zoom around the map instakilling everyone has the best gameplay in the series
Fuck sprint in Halo, really not needed. Maybe H3A will start the trend of good Halo gameplay again.
that would be nice
>one more time
the halo audience grew up and got families and unlike nintendo ip have no interest after them ruining it
halo is already dead
I refuse to play Halo until it plays like CE/2/3 again.
Smaller gun models. Why the fuck is that like 25% of the screen?
>What are your hopes for it?
That it's just a port of Halo 3 to PC. Or even just a re-release of Halo 2 without GFWL.
Reach was mostly good with huge flaws that ruined it.
>Armor abilities sucked in anywhere that wasn't the MLG playlist
>Higher TTK
>Shit maps
Sad truth here
After the Master Chief Collection and Halo 5 launching with a fraction of the features it has now the multiplayer is a hidden gem. No one had faith in it and it didn't get good until everyone had already moved on.
Halo will never be relevant again and sales will continue to decline. If 343 and Microsoft really wanted Halo to make a comeback they would be ready launch the game finished at release with no connectivity issues (lol products you buy should work, what a radical thought) then delay it for another year and add what would have been dlc maps and forge options to the base game.
why do people keep saying h3a is going to happen? there's no reason to, it doesn't look dated enough for a complete overhaul and they already rereleased it.
So what? Current gen launched with year old games as launch titles. The Matrix is getting a remake user, this is the world now. If you don't like it you should become a PC elitist and automatically dismiss any and all remakes as utter shit by default.
Cause it's coming wait till e3, whether we need it or not. (I want it though, new engine pls)
>it doesn't look dated enough for a complete overhaul
wew la
This, for legendary games its
>What are your hopes for it?
Been ignoring it since 4
pretty good that they do it*
Being that much of a casual and playing warzone, no wonder you think it's shit, you're probably getting owned in arena all the time
That makes no sense though. You agree the MP is good, so why don't you and your friends just start to play it again?
>bundled with Halo 6 like CoD 4 was with IW
Screencap this shit.
>So what? Current gen launched with year old games as launch titles.
Those were just ports with extra grafix or higher resolution/framerate which they already did for H3. Not even close to what they did for CEA and H2A.
>Halo will reach a point where there's more 343 games than Bungie ones
Halo 5 is one of the most feature-rich games in the series and the only things holding it back are poor UI and retards who think the gameplay should remain like the borefest that was halo 3. The campaign was hit-or-miss but I was not so much in a rush to slog through it like previous campaigns. Warzone/warzone firefight is actually really fun and half the time more satisfying than big team battle (where half your team will be jerking each other off rather than playing the objective).
We all have fond memories of halo 2 online but the game is in a better state now. If you don't think so, go play on the master chief collection after experiencing Halo 5.
Its at that point already, if u count the mo ile games.
Not just halo fans. Gamers in general are really that pathetic and they're the reason shitty companies still exist.
They are seriously the most pushover consumer base of any industry and its pathetic how beta they all are.
That's a shop
The gameplay in h5 is great, and so is the forge. Evey thing else it does, from the music, to the story, to the art direction, to the graphics, to the dialogue and delivery of characters, to the UI, to the general tone of the game, etc... Is absolute shit, not worthy of halo, and enough to make anyone despise the game.
Reminds me of that one dinosaur game that's always on sale for like 50 cents and stole assets from Call of Duty.