ITT: Games where you play as the antagonist

I'll start with an easy one

Most WW2 games

mario 64

This one is kind of complicated but it makes sense if you've beaten the game.



edgy as fuck


I love le epic nazi meme too, fellow /rPOL poster

Bowser's Inside Story, kinda.
I remember a JRPG on SNES that had a part where you played as an antagonist.


>Antagonist: character who is a main block to the protagonist and generally shares opposite view from them

How can you play as someone who blocks yourself and shares different opinions from yourself? Should be "games where you play as the villain"


spec ops the line


Easily pic related.

>le nazis were evul meme
Fuck off brainwashed kike


> being a jew enabler

Nazis were cucks and nothing more

Give it a rest, Sup Forums will never know the difference no matter how many times you explain it to them


But you don't play as the Axis in "most WW2 games"

Modern Warfare 2 except the first mission



any game you fight against the nazis haha am i right

user... The good guys lost...

They did? Because last time I checked up on history, allies won WWII.
Hitler killed himself, ending the war in Europe right there and the japs surrendered after a while, ending the war in the pacific.

Exactly, good guys lost.

But they didn't, the allies won the war.

How is that one even easy? It requires you actually play it long enough to beat it and know what happens.

I still have no idea.

All of those are true except for that "Germans didn't commit warcrimes" and "life would have been better" is a total unknown.

The tiger's only weakness was that it sucked for the terrain it had to fight in.

The Treaty of Versailles was pretty fucked up considering a country that didn't start WW1 paid the biggest price.

>The tiger's only weakness was that it sucked for the terrain it had to fight in.
And it used petrol instead of diesel which turned it into a fuel hungry pile of shit
And it was extremely hard to maintain and quite unreliable
And it was much more expensive to produce than anything else at the time, much less keep running

Tales of Berseria

>"boohoo he killed my brother in order to create a utopia and bring prosperity now i gotta take revenge"

You can't play as an antagonist, you fucking, mouth breathing, cock sucking retard

Versailles was too harsh and not harsh enough at the same time. As a peace treaty it was too hard, as a boot to keep someone down forever it wasn't hard enough.

Which is why even at the time people were able to see it would inevintably lead to another war.

CoD Ghosts.

I know right, us oldfags know that Sup Forums is very tolerant and hates offensive humor. I've been here since 2016.


It statistically farted on everything else.

Logistics won the war, but weakness of logistics on their part were clearly not what lost them the war. Strength of logistics for the Russians to supply so much did.The tankers who fought at Kursk did better than anybody else could have in those circumstances.

What if the game has you play as the main villain for a single mission?

>Games where you play as villain protagonists

There, now you can calm down, spergie.

By the definition of antagonist, yes.

Logistics also include resource allocation, and germany suuuucked at setting priorities.

Persona 4

You can literally be the sidekick of the villain in this one.

>How can you play as someone who blocks yourself and shares different opinions from yourself?

The game thinks you are the heros but its wrong you do more evil and kill more people than the antagonist.
Star Ocean 4 you kill all of humanity and dont ever get punished for it he is emo for about 5 mins thats jump to a different paralel universe and thats it. lol team members cheer him up lol not shitting you.


In Bioshock Infinite, it's revealed that the player and the villian are the same person