Give it to me straight lads, how shit is the combat in this?

Give it to me straight lads, how shit is the combat in this?
It's clear it's not Bayonetta levels, but is it at least on the level of so-so western combats like Darksiders?

Also I hope you don't have to grind stats if you want to deal decent damage to enemies, sponges are the worst

It's on par with other Platinum games, so it's really fucking great. No grinding either: just fight whatever you come across and do as many or as little sidequests as you want and you'll be ready for the bosses

I have both games and didn't even notice a difference. desu automata plays better to me cause it doesn't have button mashing finishers.

>It's clear it's not Bayonetta levels, but is it at least on the level of so-so western combats like Darksiders?
There are four different weapon classes
>short swords
>great swords

From what I've seen so far, the weapons of each class have approximately the same moveset, maybe one sword can do a 4 hit combo and another can do a 5 hit combo, but no major differences in power.

You might as well just go with whatever you think looks the best or has the best upgrade bonus (I'll probably stick with the dual katanas through the whole game)


Yeah, so I guess the combat is slightly more complex than Darksiders 1, but slightly less complex than Darksiders 2.

Nowhere close to cuhrazzy shit like MGR, or DMC, but still enough to be fun

It's Nier 1's combat but better.

Or, if you want to compare it with another Platinum game, it's about at the level of Transformers Devastation.

And you really don't have to grind levels. You might have to farm a bit for upgrade materials, but that's it. If you do a good chunk of the sidequests as they come up, you'll be fine.

Better than the licenced Platinum games by a large margin.
On par to ever so slightly less complex than MGR.
Each weapon has a tap light and heavy combo, a launcher, Hold attacks (lights get a series of attacks on hold while most heavies get a charge attacks of some sort), and each weapon has a different light to heavy finisher with each other. such as Heavy sword on light and Spear on heavy makes 2B pole dance as a finisher but switch out the heavy weapon slot for something else and the ender is completely different.
There is 3 attacks you can perform on a perfect dodge. Light, Heavy, and Pod attack.
You can install a chip that makes the game have witch time on perfect dodge instead of just nullifying damage. 2 character play basicly the same except one of them is a straight upgrade. Removing thier Self destruct ability for Berserk mode and acquiring a longer dash that can increase the power of an attack and a taught that lowers both you are your enemies defense while boosting both you are your enemies damage. Further enhanced with various chips.
The third character has the ability to use only one weapon at a time which makes his combo's different from the other two. His fighting capability is staunched but he has the ability to hack enemies and make them friends, blow them up, or control them entirely. Several chips augment the hack with increase the robots level when subjugated or stunning and putting a DOT effect on them.

It's not bad. It just isn't bayonetta or DMC levels.

>it's about at the level of Transformers Devastation
No it isn't.

Weapon combo's for both thier lights and heavies are determined by their level.
Some weapons can't get many attacks.

Alright but how hard is hard? I'm on normal and I feel it is too easy for me. What are your experience with hard mode?

I mean if you're going to compare them to other Platinum games, I would put it closer to Transformers than Bayo. Anarchy Reigns is a bit of its own beast.

I barely ever died on Normal. I haven't tried hard, but the idea of not having lock-on in a game like this where the camera and enemies move so much sounds like it would be more frustrating than fun.

The only enemy in the game that ever required lock on the least bit are the snake fuckers.
They are few and far between and there are so many other machines to break for the same resources they provide.

Well you certainly wouldn't need it for the full sky shmup sections, that's for sure.

This game also has Witch Time and Revengeance parries hidden in the Chip system. I know a good number of people who missed that.

I do really like how they let you customize the battle system in there. I know Bayo had bits of that, too, but this game goes even further. Although this game's version of witch time isn't as strong, since you aren't fully invincible during it. But you can instead make it last a REALLY FUCKING LONG time with a high enough chip set.

hard is 1 hit kills early game, fine mid game, some 1 hits later, overall the best way to play.

It also slows down the music which was annoying.

OP, why even ask? You know a game sucks ass if the only thing fans talk about is a girl from the game. Silly question.

I never truly appreciated the combat and chip system in the game until I got up to eve without any healing items
I managed to beat him without getting hit

>thread is full of combat and chip mechanics
>ree all the fans do is talk about 2b
Siq argument mate

While not as CUHRAYZEE as Bayo or DMC, NieR:Automata does allow some neat combos with relatively simple inputs and some proficiency with Pod Programs/Weapon Switching.

And this is just a combo with the character who has the shallowest moveset of the playable characters.

Got some other combo webms?

>Or, if you want to compare it with another Platinum game, it's about at the level of Transformers Devastation.
How fucking dare you.

Transformers Devastation is a masterpiece of action game design, it is second only to Bayonetta 1 in the pantheon of Plat's games.

Automata is Korra-tier

I'm bugged that Platinum games literally adds Witch Time to all their games

I would recommend not equipping it, since it also slows down the sound and I think it sounds bad.
But yeah it's stupid.

Why? It's an amazing mechanic

It's shit. By far the worst hack and slash game Platinum has ever developed. The combat is extremely shallow, and the only progression that adds anything to combat is weapon upgrades, which simply extends your basic combos - all of which are the same for each weapon in the four weapon categories.

Also, the balance is shit. You double your damage output within an hour in the open world by creating 6+ attack chips. Most enemies die in a few hits, and the only time you'll ever see a full 7 hit sword combo is when you fight groups of enemies on hard and above.

fuck off shill

Difficulty balance is pure ass, either too easy or oneshots/two shots

How's the end game?

To add to this, the camera is pure shit and there are about 10 different enemy types in the whole games so even if the base gameplay wasn't so bad the game would still feel like a chore to play

In defense of the camera, if you're playing on Hard like you should, you need 100% control for aiming's sake, and the game gives you the ability to disable auto-tracking and plenty of fine control over distance and move speed

Who cares post 2B's 'end game'

>It's on par with other Platinum games

That's a flat out lie. It's nowhere near Bayonetta or even W101.

I say this as a big fan of the game.

It's not even on par with MGR, and MGR isn't great.

Don't play on hard actually. I did and I regret it, it's cheap unfun bullshit. Only play on hard if you're an autist like the guy playing in this webm

It's got really cool unique combat options that are completely unnecessary. There's tons of cool combo's and ways to beat groups and stuff but you can get away with spamming shit for most all of the game. It's as good as you make it basically.

The combat options are pretty minor though.

Apart from your command launcher (jump+heavy) and your dive-kick, it's basically just mashing out strings. There are some alt attacks but they have no function

spam one or two buttons and sometimes hold R1 (or both at the same time). it's repetitive, but a lot of fun. Evading is really satisfying and so far I've been enjoying the story. Though when your game is about becoming sympathetic to your enemy, maybe give it a couple hours before throwing in the heavy-handed "we're pacifists" trope

It took me seven hours to beat the hard mode tutorial but it got easier from their the problem is the damage output. It was satisfying to beat though. The only issue with hard is plugin chips. Tacking on a shit darksouls mechanic wasn't the best move. I wish this was character action though and not just revengance tier.

You'll enjoy part c of you hate that trope.

Lock-on is active in that webm while Hard mode doesn't allow it.


if anything bosses die too fast late game imo

best boss was the opera singer for me seemed more balanced in terms of health before it got out of wack late game when i started to wait for all dialogue before killing bosses didn't even stack attack chips or anything


It has the same amount of weapons as MGR but the pod programs and plug-in chip just slightly push it above in terms of possibilities, with stuff like the grapple beam, witch time bomb, projective creator and others.

What do you mean by dive kick?
Do you mean Pod + (I forget if it is jump or dash).
That makes you zoom directly to an enemy like 50 yards away. good for getting into battle and used for all of one section to acquire a box.

That's strange, I have tthe opposite experience. I beat the hard tutorial in an hour or so but now the game is kicking my ass hard. The escort mission sidequests for example are utterly impossible. Does grinding make a big difference? Because taking 2 minutes to kill a regular enemy while being oneshot is not fun

No offense but you clearly haven't put much effort into learning all of the stuff the combat lets you do. there are a ton of different attacks you can use if you combine attacks with directional inputs and stuff like that, like I said, it's as good as you make it.

>Tacking on a shit darksouls mechanic wasn't the best move.

If you die you lose xp and plug in chips. If you fail to find the body that died. You lose both permanently. This is hell on hard where chips might be the only thing stoping a one shot.

Levels and chips. escort missions suck some of them have way higher levels than what you can do so i would be careful.

>mfw I read the twin's backstory


dash and Heavy is different for every weapon.

True but most of them are still diagonal downward attacks: the angle and speed are just different

I didn't even know the game had a dive-kick until after completely clearing the main endings. Would have seriously saved me a lot of trouble in a few spots had it been indicated more clearly.

How do you get that chest in the flooded city that's sitting on that submerged building roof? Tried stacking evade distance but it wasn't enough. I heard someone say once it was some precision jumping puzzle shit like the one for the Cypress Stick but I combed that area and couldn't find any hidden paths that would lead me out there. Only one I saw was the one near the couple for the sidequest and it was only for an item or two with no other routes I could see.

Just jump from the other submerged building.
I just double jumped, r1+x, Hold x and square, r1 and got there.
If you don't get there with that, you can do an additional X+square after the dodge.