Guys i think i screwed up
I romanced triss and fucked her in the lighthouse.
I am currently on Skellege and yen is also ready to go. Can i edit my save to un-romance triss? can someone share his save with me just before the ending of the triss questline?
Guys i think i screwed up
Serve you right for going with worst girl
Triss Geralt OTP
Just live with your decisions you limpwristed faggot.
>fucking triss
You deserve it. Have fun with worst girl.
Just give up user I sure did
Fuck both you cuck
Unless you go to Skellege immediately you don't get to interact with Yen for nearly 100 hours into the game. So it feel you user, it's kind of an oversight.
Is the lighthouse after her optional quest at the docks? You fucked up
No, you cheat on best girl, you don't deserve her.
lmao this nigga didnt keep himself in full chastity for best girl yen
how could you cheat on the mother of your child
>romancing Triss
You can fuck Triss then stay with Yen as long as you didn't tell Triss you love her IIRC.
no man you're fucked. I accidenticaly romanced Yen even though I liked Triss more. If you dumpo her now you'lll be forever alone
this, it's not the fucking that matters so much
for Triss its after you rescue the mages through the sewers and you get to kiss her and say you love her or not
for Yen its after the Djinn quest you either say magics gone or you love her still the same
kys weakwilled faggot
>wanting a black haired hunchback over a GOD TIER redhead
>believing that hunchback bullshit
I she had a hunchback starting to form when she was 9, it was corrected with magic and then grew back into place permanently.
How can Triss be GOD TIER when she is a manipulative whore that wasted years of Geralts life, as well as Yennefers? Can you even into the story? I will never understand Trissfags and their logic.
These girls are both so close to being fine as fuck but both of them have really weird proportions in their face.
It was like God set out to create a pair of 10/10s and got distracted after 5 minutes then said "meh, good enough."
It has got nothing to do with the color. Triss is an immature sorceress who lusts for the mighty witchers sword (wink wink) and thinks of Ciri as her sister. Yen is simply an adult, she is strongwilled and capable of handling things. Also fate has brought Yen and Geralt together and fate (and curse) has kept them together.
TL:DR If you read the books you would have chosen Yen. If you played tge ganes you´d have picked Triss and it´s okay.
>don't romance yen
>she acts like a cunt
>romance yen
>she acts like a cunt
>don't romance triss
>she's nice to you
>romance triss
>she's nice to you
Really makes you think.
So you´d pick any woman that is nice to you ? I bet you play games on easy difficulty as well.
Yea fuck women LOL why cant they all act like my animes?!
Well i picked yen anyway in my first playthrough just cause it made more sense for geralt.
In reality though yeah i tend to like a woman who doesn't treat me like shit. Not sure if that really exists though. My gf of 4 years is lovely and sweet like 60% of the time, the other 40% she's a cunt.
Did a playthrough picking Triss lately and it felt awkward as fuck alot of the time. Geralt has such a fucking hard on for Yen, and I just force him into banging Triss instead.
I made the mistake of romancing triss and then I got pretty far into the game and then decided to take a break and read the books. Seriously considering restarting my game to go with Yen, triss is a mad hoe
Yes but 80% when Yen is being a "cunt" she is just keeping Geralt on track. At the end of blood and wine when theres nothing else to do and Yen comes by the vineyard, shes perfectly fine. In my eyes, I want a woman to stay on track and relax once responsibilities are taken care of. Lovey dovey all the time relationships never work out in the end.
Shani is better than all.
>implying anything can ever top this moment
>magic's gone
This was such a good moment.
This. And if you pick Triss, she comes to your comfy estate that you won through hard toil; that you want to settle down and stop travelling everywhere, and starts nagging you
dat ass doe
This user knows
That is an unfortunate face.
>best tier
either replace him with being on the path with ciri or add an extra tier with her on top.
Geralt has a free estate that gives them all the wine and income they need
Drop Dandelion one and add Triss to top, then it's perfect for shitposting and being the correct answer
>Triss interrogates some guy and warms up his balls with her magic
>Tell her to kill him after she's done
>Bitch disobeys me and let's him live
>Try to help Triss with her mages quest
>She's a sassy cunt the whole time
>Let that bitch fuck off on that boat
>Bitch comes crawling back for the fight once I find Ciri
If I wanted that bitch to stay I would've asked her to stay. I went with Yen out of spite.
looks like john walker flynt
Fucking normies
Yeah, actual interactions with women. You must be a khv.
> Fucking any sorceress
> Ever
I'm gonna murderhobo dozens of people just to get the taste out of my mouth
Lambert ends up with Keira though.
>picked either of them
Both are manipulating bitches. Best grils aren't even a romance option
The best, comfiest scene in the whole three games was in Witcher 1, after a long time of annoying politics, and triss shenanigans, going to the inn with your bros Dandelion and Zoltan, getting smashed, and fucking whores
Best possible ending is Geralt settling down in Toussaint with Yennefer, while witcher Ciri roams saving the land. Prove me wrong. You can't.
>> Fucking any sorceress
>> Ever
This. You deserve everything you get if you stick your dick in a magical bitch.
She loved geralt so much she literally kept him as her hostage. That's kind of endearing in a way.
I had the same ending
Best ending
Drunk Geralt is best Geralt.
Bitch manages to be even batshit crazier than Yennefer, and that's saying a lot.
>mfw you can see her nipples down her blouse
You fucked up.
Sorceresses for the most part are pretty much attention whores, the Lodge ones even more so.
The reason why they place themselves at courts of kings is because they want to have attention focused on them all the fucking time.
Best ending is Geralt ending up alone as poetic justice for trying to screw every woman he encounters.
>not letting Ciri become Empress after crushing Mad Rad and Djikstra so she owns all of the North and keeping the Vineyard with Yen for her to visit every now and then
i just found the console commands.
Do the removefact commands work to remove the fast that triss is my lover and to remove the fact she stayed?
what happened to Duchess Anna
Sorceresses are whores in general, I have no idea how can anyway treat them as waifus.
How the hell do you share a save...?
She lived of course.
Are you daft
They let loose because there's fuck all consequences to their fucking around. Sure as shit can't get pregnant.
Uninstall and play something that isn't a movie/waifu simulator
This. Mass Effect: Andromeda is right around the corner, be sure to order the Super Deluxe Edition!
Why did she go with Lambert? Just because he saved her?
The guy is a colossal undefendible douche
Wanna hear a limerick?
He protects her in exchange for blowjobs, seems like a pretty sweet deal.
that´s not king foltest
wasn´t that guy gay?
>that´s not king foltest
Foltest was a pimp desu. No one can wear a chain like that and not have 4 bottom bitches in 4 different precincts.
Women see colossal indefensible douchebaggery as "self-confidence", which is attractive. Much in the same way as domestic violence is a sign of capacity to defend against wolves and shit, to the reptile female brain.
I just love Yen
I wish to have a girlfriend like her
>pic related