Name a better lore

Name a better lore.

You literally can't.

It's not just the concept that's bad, it's the writing holy fucking shit

Fucking JESUS I'm spitting blood.

Authorfag here who makes a living off of it and everything. I want the fuck who write this put on trial and dropped from a trapdoor with a rope necktie.


That Sally Bowyer quote is just insane.
How does something like this even happen?

>assmad Nintenigger over the Horizon sales numbers

Predictable lel

Is this horizon i thought it was mass effect lol
what a piece of shit game


>low sales

your point?

>our nation really needs this
>what climate refugees endured was really bad

>Dialogue from an elected politician

What a shit pile of a game.

Have you read your own presidents tweets, amerilard?

>implying I'm american

Shitposter begone.

I quite literally totally can't.

It's totes uncoolies, jazzcat


Can someone tell me what game this is from so I know wether to shitpost against or shill for it???

Asking for a friend?

Horizon: Zero Sales

Damn here I was ready to assume this was another SJW made game

Why is everything so egregious now?


>That Sally Bowyer quote
>nation totally needs
>was really bad
>completely deserves
>literally stand

Wut, is this game a parody of SJW, or did SJWs really make it "totally unironically"?

Maybe it may surprise you, but the main writer for Fallout: New Vegas, John Gonzalez, wrote this. He wrote all the dialogue for Caesar, House, and the Survivalist's story in the Honest Hearts DLC (which might be the most lauded side story in vidya history).

did he have a lobotomy just after he signed the contract to write for the game?