Denuvo V4


No matter when CPY gonna crack this Denuvo V4, Denuvo will always one (or two) steps ahead

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Incoming poorfags

And my money will reside safely in my pocket anyway

So what makes Denuvo so hard to crack?

>one or two steps ahead
>games get cracked in a week

at this point publishers would profit more if they didn't pay for denuvo

they code in chinese so fat americans cant read it

Keep Going. the Nier Crack should knock you some sense

well obviously, when you're going after someone, they're gonna be ahead of you.
you don't expect games to get cracked BEFORE they get released, do you?


How much is denuvo anyways?

It does some weird shit (moving around entry points and wrapping functions) with game's machine code on the fly and runs inside a virtual machine, meaning it's not easy to understand what exactly the weird shit is.

Why did you make this thread.

this desu

What's the point of this thread m8? CPY or whoever does the cracking nowadays will always cuck you no matter what you do.

It's not hard, they just paid off all the major groups not to release the cracks. All protection can be cracked simply by inverting a bit check of "IF IT'S LEGAL THEN RUN GAME" to "IF IT'S LEGAL THEN RUN GAME". I have all Denuvo games cracked for myself, why do you think people upload uncracked games on piratebay? Everyone who's not retarded just switched to downloading those uncracked versions and doing the cracking for himself.

Hopefully CPY penetrates 2B's crack soon.

Search for VMProtect

No you tell me

Nier automata puhhleeze!! ^_________^

OP is from neogaf

Only 1 Denuvo game that are cracked within a week after release dumbass.

And Denuvo realize that V3 is already obsolete, then they announce V4.

Denuvo are smart unlike CPY.

And this will happen again if V4 can be cracked in less than a week after the game release date.

>I have all Denuvo games cracked for myself, why do you think people upload uncracked games on piratebay? Everyone who's not retarded just switched to downloading those uncracked versions and doing the cracking for himself.

In short and layman's terms, it hides the code you need to crack from the cracker.

>In 2020

Kek, keep dreaming faggot.

2B dies in the end.

I don't buy games with Denuvo on principle (even if I like them). I just pay 2-3 bucks to some Russian to connect and activate the game. Fuck Denuvo. Gaming is dead anyway, so I play like 1-2 new games per year

I'm well off because I don't waste my shekels on things that I can get for free like an idiot would.

>t-this time it's going to be uncrackable, t-trust me!
lol no

I heard, that Nier will have the old version of denuvo.

CPY and 3DM are chinks you idiot

pirates cant even beat nier without online connection

its impossible

Nope, already confirmed it it was using Denuvo V4

>cpy are chinks

As long as they crack nier and wildlands soon, ill be good for awhile.

How do they hide it, and where?
Cannot the crackers just reverse-engineer the file or see directly what the process is doing because I'm sure they have tools for that.

>The protagonist dies in a Yoko Taro game

Oh wow lad, any other hot spoilers?

Anyone who pirates Nier should literally be killed. God forbid you leeches support something that is actually different for once.

Chinese Pirates YOLO

Just a matter of time user.

>paying 60 euros for a cat in the sack
how about you go and fuck yourself?

>shitty PC port
>uses microshutter inducing DRM

Why the fuck should I care, if I'm not member of cracker group or a Denuvo Software Solutions shill?
I'm just a video game consumer who is not buying "digital" gaems with "online authentication", only physical media.
How your little war with the "scene" goes on has zero relevance for my purchasing decisions.
What's the fucking point?

CPY are italians.

judging by denuvo game sales on the whole, they'd profit more if they never paid for any form of denuvo

How can you not afford videogames? They're cheaper than they've ever been. If you can't justify paying for games, you probably have more important things to worry about.

Did you ever read hes post?

>God forbid you leeches support something
I don't have the money to do so. When its price is going to go down, I'm going to buy it, provided it was good.

>They're cheaper than they've ever been.


Let's just say it works like this, when you launch a game from steam with denuvo, steam sends an encrypted key, which functions as a temporary license, so it can't be replicated.

Ok, since it's encrypted you cant figure it out what it's sending, here comes the tricky part, denuvo gets the encryped code and puts it on a virtual machine inside your game, a pretty small and lightweight virtual machine and then decrypts it.

Since the code is already inside a virtual machine, you can say the code is virtualized, making it way more hard to find than non virtualized code.

This is a pretty easy way to understand it but there's a lot of technical shit behind, as I said before, search for VMProtect if you're interested, denuvo is basically that.

They are. Due to inflation, $60 today is cheaper than what $50 used to be.

>They're cheaper than they've ever been
Please, tell me of a single pc game, standard edition, from 10 years ago, priced at 60 euros.

Nier; automata V4 denuvo? was this confirmed? i thought that since RE7 got the cracked that fast and the release date isn't so far back that they didn't have time to prep it with V4 denuvo and just used the regluar denuvo

aaaaaand it will be cracked it less than a month
Dear Denuvo,
You are making the price of games go up because devs are paying you out the ass for your failed DRM. You are scamming the gamers. Go the fuck away so I can pay a fair price for my games.... or I'll just wait for the pirate and give it out to everyone I know for free

>They are cheaper due to inflation
>American (((education)))
Inflation makes things more expensive, not cheaper.

what about games that cost upwards of $100 on release?

This, thinks are more expensive, money is the thing that gets cheaper

What do pirates do with the money they don't spend on video games?

Are you fucking braindead?

Do you know what inflation is?

Nice rebuttal

I'm English, friend

I would buy the game if it turns out to be good and gets a DRM free release, it's not about money.

Inflation makes money worth less. Let me spell it out for you English Second Language people: less means cheaper.

Internet bill and electric bill

Invest in more meaninful things? Also, like previous user mentioned, can't even know if this port is any good. There are no free demos whatsoever on pc and with that Denuvo SSD controversy, why would any pay full price for this?

Not how it works faggot, this is calculating price for an item considering inflation.
It's the money that gets cheaper, because the things get more expensive.

Apparently you don't

Are they teaching that inflation is a good thing in school now?

nice proof of your retarded ass claim

But I asked about the money

That must be rough

I was asking specificly

Americans are so stupid, you can even tell them, that global warming makes their fridge more efficient, because it's now colder than before.

"THIS TIME IT WON'T BE CRACKED" claims increasingly nervous shill for the fourth time.

Inflation also decreases the purchasing power of your currency, making goods more expensive.

Look at the price of food in Zimbabwe for an example.

I really don't understand how you can be this fucking stupid. Did you drop out of school or is your educational system really this basic?

"hurr durr our money is worth less now so everything will get cheaper, right?" Jesus fucking Christ this is just unbelievable. Where are you from?

Why the fuck does steam put east European prices on western Euro level? Our prices should be Russian tier if they don't want me to pirate it.

>PC Game

Fuck off.

Dakimakura covers, dragon dildos, paying girls online to talk to me.

But it's not about money

$50 corrected for inflation in 2005 is more than what we're paying now in equivalent value. 60 being a bigger number than 50 means nothing.

I'm 27 and English.

Shouldn't this thread be in Sup Forums?

I miss the 90's when the Scene had more chicks.

Yes inflation is a good thing and definitely makes goods cheaper, especially imported goods.

You stupid fucking retard money is worth less now then ever before. In the 1900 you could buy a house on a minimum wage job now you can barely pay rent for a small shithole with 4 walls. 60$ now is the equivalent of 200-300$ then just kill yourself you sub-human moron.



bought it and did my duty. fuck the cheap/poorfags crying they won't be able to play at launch.

Figurines of my waifu.

tell that to the my workers in my 3 hair saloons.

i waste exactly 0 money on games, except some multiplayer ones, while you waste you autism bucks on supporting the devs so that they can make more games that i'll play for free, again.

thanks for the games user, cry some more :^)

But that's wrong. Housing prices have nothing to do with the price of Nier Automata on Steam

Suck my dick faggot. I decide if I support them after I've pirated and played the game.

Wherever 2b's butt is is where i'll b

Made me check.

Inflation in Zimbabwe makes everything worth almost nothing, that's why they are so poor.
If inflation made everything more expensive then Zimbabwe would be the richest country in the world now, since they could just trade with their expensive products and get more food than they ever need in return.

So inflation devaluates, but then food became scarce, which greatly increased its value so the net effect is that food is more expensive.
It's simple math, really. With 20% inflation if something cost 60%, then 60 * 0.2 = $50.

Read the fucking chain retard were talking about currency value.

>wahhh why don't developers give me PC games for $5 :((((


Per dollar, yes. That's why the price of things goes up, to correct for inflation. We pay the equivalent value to what they payed back then. That's what inflation calculators are for.

>Inflation makes things cheaper.
This is hilarious
Kikes really can make Americans believe anything, even the complete opposite of the truth.


The thing is that the programmers at Denuvo get paid a shit ton of money and live a lavish lifestyle for doing what they do.

The hackers get....nothing really, they don't even sell their shit. Not only that but they face legal action if caught.

In reality, who is winning here? Even though they are hacking some of the games now the companies are still throwing money at them to use it because only the first month matters in real terms, since the vast majority of sales are in that time frame.

Denuvo also destroyed the hacking community by infiltrating it, so the war is over. All these hacks now are nothing more than skirmishes.

Like it or not it's over.

>Anglos are too stupid to understand why inflation is bad

Not surprised.

I don't know what side to romanticize/admire more, an uncrackable, perfect anti tampering software or a team of cool ass chinese hackers

Yaar haar fiddle de dee~ Youuu are a pirrate!

i'm going to get that precious 2B Booty yearrr harr harr!

>All protection can be cracked simply by inverting a bit check of "IF IT'S LEGAL THEN RUN GAME" to "IF IT'S LEGAL THEN RUN GAME"
Are you the cs-grad meme of Sup Forums?


Seriously you goys deserved to get jewed.