Jesus christ this is so much harder than DS1 and DS2

jesus christ this is so much harder than DS1 and DS2

I honestly thought the first two were a cakewalk in most spots but this game is fucking brutal

The fuck? Which part?

Just look at a speedrun walkthrough. This is why these games take no skill. If anyone just looks at a walkthrough they easily. You can't just look at a walkthrough and win at a fighting game for example, that takes actual skill to win at.

Haven't tried ds3 yet but from what I've seen, enemies seem faster, is that what you mean?

literally everything is way faster and does so much more damage

english pls

are you retarded?

No fucking way

DaS1 was way more difficult for me, especially since bonfires are so spread out and you don't get to teleport between them until way later.

too bad its irrelevant since you can infinite roll everything

Really? I thought it was a lot more evenly balanced, although I played every one since Demon's so by that point you're pretty much ready for anything. It's interesting that different people have different problems with the game depending on how they play/how they build the character. For example, Sif is a wake up call for people who use shields without dodging much whereas only dodging in the Gargoyles fight can be trickier than using a shield. Personally I think Bloodborne is the toughest by a mile, a good number of the bosses and even the later areas can kick your shit in

its faster and technically harder, but somehow less fun. It no longer feels fair in most cases. Of course, by most cases I mean there are a couple monsters which I still enjoy fighting. But I feel like a surprisingly large amount of them are disappointing and not fun to fight at all.

I'm sure you understand it's not a case of Git Gud.

Good luck with Bloodborne then..

What area? I only found the dlc to be hard because they went overboard with the amount of enemies.

Personally i found ds1 the easiest since parry is much easier. To e

no way, DS1 is honestly pretty easy besides a few gimmick spots like upper blighttown

Bloodborne is 10 times easier than this garbage.

Bloodborne is easier.
DaS lll has way harder enemies and more difficult bosses.

bloodbornes fast but so are you. meanwhile das3 im still stuck with same gs moveset against literal bloodborne enemies. can you see why i got burned out?

i'm getting schooled by a fucking black knight in the forest i can't even practice the parry timing because every hit takes 80% and i can't go human because it's le epic meme pvp spot

i had no trouble at all with parrying the knights in anor londo in ds1 but this game is roasting my ass

I think I can count the number of times I died to non-boss enemies in DaS3 on one hand.

bite the towel and go for the parry. accept death as inevitable.

silver knights in anor londo are probably the most easily parriable enemy in the series 2bh

including the minibosses? and the subminibosses? winged angel knights even?

or did you just cheese.

dark souls 3 with a heavy weapon is probably the hardest, most bs souls experience
with a straight sword, the difficulty is probably on par with the first game

there's no black knights in the part of the forest that the forest hunters protect.

> It no longer feels fair in most cases

Way more fair than dark souls 2.

Most mobs with fast flailing attacks in dark souls 3 can eaisly be countered by shields(they get stunned when attacking) so it still pays off to play slow and safe. Overall better consumeable and enemy placement too.

>especially since bonfires are so spread out and you don't get to teleport between them until way later.

That's more punishing, but not harder.

I enjoyed DS3 a lot, but It's not exactly difficult once you figure out the playstyle and patterns.

Also the parry and roll mechanics are kind of shitty imo.

>dark souls 3 with a heavy weapon is probably the hardest, most bs souls experience

It's BS but I still don't think it's the hardest at all. Fighting Champ with a great mace was pure aids though.

What the fuck? I'm running a greatsword build and I can literally pancake every enemy I come across. The important aspect is always that first hit. Once it connects, any mob can kiss 3/4's of their hp good bye

Funny, I actually had a eaiser time fighting the Pontiff with a big weapon than a smaller one. The Greatsword(the ultra one) moveset made me duck under a lot of his attacks while I was attacking.

he is talking about the black knight in the DS3 swamp, crucifixion woods or whatever is called

idk dude I got invaded by a human and an NPC in the area with a black knight, then i died and got invaded by another human

You never struggled during the first two therefore you never got gud and are now having trouble.

Also you probably didn't play BB

t. Someone who had a very hard time with DS1 and BB, ended up breezing through DS2 and only found DS3 moderately challenging.

Reminder that the Friede fight becomes very trivial with the Astora GS.

>finally kill the black knight
>wasn't even the way to progress
>get stuck in deep water and killed by a giant enemy crab

the game is easier though

just spam rolls, you have a million rolls

If you bring up the shield, then im guessing you used straight sword too? im sorry but that really makes the game too easy to the point of nausea.

ah, "going human" threw me off

For some reason I got really stuck on Dragonslayer Armour. Haven't touched it since I finally beat him.

going ember, whatever

My experience exactly

To be honest, the GS black knight is one of the hardest enemies in the game. It has insane hyper armor, crazy as fuck reach that will clip through walls and columns and has debilitating stun attacks like one where he feints an attack to fling sand at you.

ITT: People with 2, 3, or even 4 souls games worth of experience thinking the 5th game is the easiest, and comparing their memories of their very first souls game they played vs their experience of the last souls game they played.

3 is objectively harder, you just know the formula already. Play 3 and then go back to 1 and you'll be stupefied at how slow and easy it is.

Nameless King was the only thing I had a lot of trouble with.

i got stuck there because it's my favorite fight in DS3, farmed a bunch of sun medals and used a lot of bones

I still dont get why people get stuck with ds armor because he was chaotic and forgettable. hard indeed, its not like i beat him first try, but totally boring in design and moveset.

>then im guessing you used straight sword too?

Wrong. I used an axe(switched to Executioner's Greatsword later) my first run. The shield was a very useful tool against the dogs that "everybody" complains about. And against other "bullshit" flailing enemies.

Let me guess user you think using a shield and parrying is cheesing right?

>play DS1 and DS2
>use heavy armor, big weapons, durable shields, and poise
>have fun

>DS3 and BB
>Miyazaki says "no, you played it wrong"
>makes them shit or non-existent
>"rolling and parrying ONLY"

Alright boy I'll help you out:
Step 1) Pick Knight
Optional: Pick fire gem for boosted damage against a lot of early game enemies and trivial dog encounters

Congratulations, you've just started with one of the best armors and weapons in the game. Now level VIG/STR/DEX/END as needed, and spam your R1's and rolls.

>3 is objectively harder
wrong, you have infinite rolls and a fuck ton of bonfires

>inb4 people saying how they beat every boss first try as if anyone cared

And for every roll your enemy has 3-4 wombo combos trailing your ass. Then again, I say this because I was a shield guy back in DS1. Having to learn how to roll for once really crippled me.

This was me as well. I had a shield that I often only used against the bullshit teleporting dogs or the little greirat hat gremlins and their 10 swing charge attack.
Basically all the little annoying fucking enemies that have negative windup to their stunlocking attacks got shielded, because fuck that noise.
I dislike Bloodborne getting rid of the shield completely. Fine, for that setting, whatever. But Dark Souls evokes a sword and board image with it's setting, and while shields were retardedly easy to use in the first game, they shouldn't be looked down upon for being used. It's a fantasy medieval game for fuck sake.

>Most mobs with fast flailing attacks in dark souls 3 can eaisly be countered by shields
Except for those cunts at irithyll. Infinite fucking stamina.

Yeah. The general rule for that stun thingie is; the bigger the enemy, the bigger the shield you need. Most bosses are too big though.

Dark is pretty effective against those pontiff knight though.

>enemy swings
>dodge it
>they turn around on a dime and continue their 10 hit anime combo without missing a beat

OP never gotgud

Probably didnt even get past the first few bosses in prequels.

Its not hard to adapt to ds3 once you already gitgud

>Heard you liking cowering behind the shield
>Heard you liked fishing for backstabs

>Probably didnt even get past the first few bosses in prequels.
I literally beat both games without much incident

These things are a motherfucker. Mid game tier enemies in the first damn stage.

yeah they seemed like an enemy you had to stunlock first and never let them attack
otherwise, roll to the side, not backwards and away, or they'll keep their flurry going towards you
the most unfun shit if more than one is aggro'd

>spam r1 stun-lock
>abuse i-frames
>parry when you have to
>chug estus

it's like you aren't even git gud

Backstab fishing actually works on that one. Also the ultra greatsword lothric knights.

But that shield poking cocksucker with the spear... who you can literally guarantee will attack every time you go for guardbreak and STILL get away with it every time because he always outspeeds. Fuck him.

>das 3

How? Dodging is wayyy more broken here and the cost is so low that i didn't even use shields here

they got nothing on these BULLSHIT fucking enemies

>can get the best greatshield 20 minutes into the game that trivializes both PVE and PVP
>people complain about it being too hard
The fuck?

They will almost always block after you hit them twice. You should then immediately follow up with a guard break(either weapon art or a kick)

Speed runners are generally autistic though

What enemies annoy you the most, user?

You're right, dodging is way more broken in this one. In fact it doesn't work at all 90% of the time.

>the most unfun shit if more than one is aggro'd

That's why bombs, alluring skulls and throwing knives are good to have.

The game gives you a lot of them for free too.

It's always a case of Git Gud.

I never used a shield in 1, does that make dodging in 1 broken?

>finally kill the black knight
>game freezes

i love this game so much
i don't even care how the pvp is shit and the world is rehashed garbage

Get Bastard Sword in High Wall of Lothric, then invest a few points on stamina, and buy resins. Make sure to upgrade the sword and ALWAYS use it one-handed, and grab the Grass Crest Shield in the swamp, it's near these giang crabs.
There, game went from "fucking hard" to "baby mode" with items you can get 20 min into the game.

>This is why these games take no skill. If anyone just looks at a walkthrough they easily.

typical walkthrough user

Is this bait?

DS 3 is seriously the easiest of the 3

really? i thought his moveset was pretty simple and fun to dodge

>bastard sword
just get the raw astora sword


sorcery is ass too. Sorcery builds were the ones I had the most fun with in ds1 & 2, but it was so lame in 3. The only thing I had fun with was cheesing the game with hidden body and slumbering dragon ring, but you don't even need a lot of int to use those things.

I also had more trouble than DaS3 than the other games. No DaS1 boss took me more than 5 tries, meanwhile Nameless King, Sillyman, and Champion Gundyr all took me like 20.

>Bastard Sword
My bad, it's the Broadsword.

urgh noneit does though, get that one ring in das3 and you're basically untouchable

if that's the case you should be a god in das3

the game is meant to satisfy some bloodborne players. I'm guessing you were used to blocking and strafing?

>Nameless King,

This meme needs to die

Why is nameless trash more overrated than Dancer who's way more harder in a tighter arena and has less opening moves?

You can literally beat her as early as you get dark hand. Git gud

I also had trouble with the Dancer. I almost beat her on my first try, and then choked. She took me like 15 tries after that.

In fact, the only bosses in this game that didn't fuck me up were Oceiros, Old Demon King, Wolnir, and Dragonslayer Armor.

I easily you difficltyly

>roll in when she stops attacking
>hit her twice
>roll away
>roll away from the whirlwind phase transitions
she's not that hard

Fuck your magic shit nigga

Dancer first time has unpredictable moves and in the 2nd phase when you think you can exploit him after he jumps to you the nigga does a spin out of nowhere that kills you. Not to mention he has a 1 shot grab.

Nameless king is just matter of fighting the camera


only nameless king and ariandel are hard

Difficulty is just meaningless in Souls games, every thread I go into has people complaining about bits I found easy (like Champion Gundyr, the Lothric bros, Fume Knight, Dancer, Ruin Sentinels, Bed of Chaos), but I found some parts really tough that nobody else ever seems to comment on or just found to be incredibly easy (like the Flexile Sentry, Ivory King, Iudex Gundyr, Oceiros, Executioner's Chariot, or the Deacons).

I think it just speaks to how the different playstyles make different parts of any game different in difficulty, I've recently just about finished a pyromancer run of DS3 and it's probably because I've played the game before but I breezed through just about every boss except for Oceiros (who took an embarrassing amount of lives to beat) and Freide (who I haven't fought before), compared to how I struggled so much with bosses like Sulyvahn or the Nameless King.

Bandit class in dark souls 2 got 1 int

You need to dodge in to the enemies basically every time in DaS3 and you might need to roll twice cause the enemies have longer combos in this one. That was actually the best strategy in DaS and DaS2 as well but those games rarely punished you for dodging away.

it's not that it's harder, the pace is just faster. if you had played bloodborne first you would feel no difference.

Did you even fight manus? Because manus is by far the hardestboss ever made in the soulsborne franchise second place goes to nameless king and third probably orphan of kos.