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Video Games #3707
Video Games
Could Solid Snake infiltrate a compound secured by Kevin McCallister...
Warhammer 40K Ethernal Crusade
Breath of the wild thread
Nier prostituting himself for Yonah's medicine
Battleborn Cheap because 2K sale
Are you enjoying your Switch, Sup Forums?
Deadlocked/Gladiator > 3 > 2 > 1 > everything else
50 minutes left until Steam release niggers
The Evil Within 2 is happening
Zero Suit Everybody Else
Play old game that is praised for being one of the best games in history
So what are your thoughts on those guys ?
Pillars of Eternity thread
You will never guess the name of this game
Denuvo V4
Turok 2: SoE
Do you play as the good guys or the bad guys in RTS games?
The plot is kind of interesting but the gameplay is terrible...
I'm a normie and this and the GTA series are my favorite games of all time, what do you think of it?
JUST effect andromeda
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind, eternal will of the Swarm...
Post a picture of an obscure game, and others write wild assumptions about what the game is
Controller Discussion
Redpill me on Witcher 3
Jontron career is ruine-
Competitive gaming ruined the fun in most games. Prove me wrong
Is "back when Konami was still great" just a meme or the truth? If so what went wrong?
That multiplayer game you will never play at its peak anymore
Hire feminist "Game Designers" and curries by the truckload
Toukiden 2 hype thread
You ready for sci-fi souls?
This is it. These are all the games you need on Steam/PC
Where would you be without Sup Forums?
HZD critique by onwer
General Reminder: Horizon outsold Zelda
Fire Emblem Heroes
How will Sup Forumsintendo defend Mario Odissey inevitably having Ubisoft towers?
How come everyone just snarks at the phrase "I am never buying another Sonic game again"?
Pick one
What happened?
ITT: games ONLY (YOU) played
This is Pelessaria B'Sayle, say something nice about her
Banished is released in an unfinished state
Don't worry, it's not your fault you're worthless
What are some games where i can have great hygiene
What do you WANT it to be and what do you think it WILL be?
KH 2.8
Who's the best SH protagonist and why is it James?
With all this talk about Mass Effect Andromeda
There's no patch for the animations
Do you thank your healer, Sup Forums?
Should I buy this
Legend of Zelda Breath of the wild
Nier Automata or Horizon?
Unless you torrent you take part in mindless and destructive consumerism...
I preorder every AAA release because I have the money to do so
Who currently makes the best games Sup Forums?
Steam Refunds
How is this a 10/10 game? Its good but it I'm not seeing how it deserves a 10/10 with so many flaws
Who will buy ass effect now that they pissed off SJW as well?
3 hours left until release
Sup Forums is the shittest board on the site
How the FUCK did a bunch of pipe-fixing Auschwitz survivors make this??
So when will the madman release his hour long Mass Effect: Andromeda video?
Why is this game so overlooked compared to the other Resident Evil games? I barely see it ever discussed here
Sara Ryder Appreciation Thread
Anyone wants some free vidya?
Most phones nowadays are at least 1080p, what is the Switch's excuse?
I heard you wanted a terrible boss fight...
Pocket Card Jockey
Why are people buying this?
GOTY unlocks in just 5 hours,lads
It's shit
Name a single video game healer that is more fun than Lucio. Protip: you can't
We all had her, but he married her
Thoughts on the ending?
In which the video game industry turns into Hollywood
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Is DS2 worth finishing
It's not about the choice itself, it's about making the choice feel like it matters
Nigger music starts playing
You can no longer change the layout of your party or order them to use powers in combat
When did we beat Japan at anything?
1080ti BROKEN
Game has dual audio
Should there be a 40% tariff on games not made in America?
This is a video game released in 2006
So now that story DLC/Expansion is coming, what do you want from it?
What kind of video games do you guys think David Lynch likes?
So Horizon is going to have an expansion maybe Guerrilla Games is going to show a trailer during E3 2017
Why is this guy so praised here on Sup Forums?
Why can't i sleep?
"Anger and hate...are supreme."
Emulating a PS2 game that has a PC version
Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
Not a single mention of this game on Sup Forums or anywhere else in other social network sites...
Me on the left :^)
Damn...Skyrim looks like THAT?!
Post your favorite indie game
The post-apocalyptic itch has come back again, but I've replayed F3 and FNV at least 10 times each...
This is your average PC Gamer
Competitive RTS is dead, replaced by shitty MOBAs
Should I just buy it, finish Zelda, and then sell it ?
Hes /ourguy/
Nier Automata is a bad game
Could Raiden beat Ironman and Batman in a three person free for all?
What went wrong?
Which Link do you like most and why?
It got delayed
Anyone find it creepy how fucking merciless this guy is compared to Asbel...
Any game recommendations for shit tier computer
People still complaining about docked performance
How's your game coming along? New thread
Games Sup Forums was wrong about
Anyone playing Elder Scrolls Online? Just got it today
Sengoku Rance
Is this the most ABSOLUTE WORST port/version of a game ever made?
Capcom Says Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite Is "Simplistic," Street Fighter 5 "In A Good Place Now"
What are some games that require emotional skill?
Post something smart about video games
2b or not 2b
With Mass Effect Andromeda being complete shit, let's talk about one of BioWare's best games
Gaming died the moment the D-PAD became the item select instead of the main movement control
Castlevania Thread
Now taking CPU/Mobo donations! ;_; kill me
What will it take for you to justify a purchase of the switch?
Breath of the wild thread
Bioware on suicide watch
PS3 ceases production soon
Name one reason you're not playing it beyond "muh origin"
Mods are asleep post cars
Nier Automata
Open bedroom door
Next Sonic game will be called Sonic Forces
Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
Holy fuck how will filterfags ever recover
When will the reviews for this come out? I honestly want to buy it because even through the shilling, shot posting...
Games with better animation than Mass Effect Andromeda?
Anyone else fall for the PS4 meme?
Sounds agreeable
I dare you to name 5 GOOD western games
What games will you be playing today?
Discover something new in Zelda, you lose thread
It's just a flesh wound!
Now that the ryzen 1500x has been announced is it worth getting it over the non k i5 7500 ?
Cautiously hyped for this. Looks like its gone a long way in the past years
Don't expect a fun BW game until Dragon Age 4
Be me
Turok 2 Thread
What are some good Video Games set in the Republic of Zaire?
Why is Sup Forums so mean?
Why does Sup Forums hate indie games so much?
Is it safe to say nobody on Sup Forums actually owns a Neo Geo?
Sequels that should had never happened, but did and are shit
What is the true golden age of video games, Sup Forums?
Yandere Simulator Thread
Just a reminder, Spears are the best weapon
Why don't they make perfect games anymore?
What is that game that doesn't exist that you wish was made?
Daily FFXIV shill thread: clusterfuck UI edition
I didn't do ANYTHING yesterday... I just sat on my chair and shitposted, and drew these retarded game covers in mspaint...
Can't 1 hit headshot people with pistols/a bunch of other guns
Nintendo to double Switch production
Steam machines
Xbox one
Hey anyone wanna play doom3 game is fucking dead and i wanna skirmish
What games have a robust potion brewing system, so that i can create the strongest ones?
After playing nier, what is a good game to play as a robot chick?
Mass Effect
Has this game already crashed and died out? It can't even spin up enough talk to warrant a /vg/ general anymore...
For Honor
Anyone else miss the old Samus?
When does it get bad?
Holy shit, they actually fixed some of the 60FPS bugs for II FM
This is canon
How Open-World-y is Nier?
Are there any Pokemon rom hacks that
*blocks your path*
Find mundane Pokemon a few minutes in
Why don't black men play on PC? Why is it always Playstation?
So are the DLCs worth trying?
Is there a worse video game company than EA?
be manveer heir
Have you ever dealt with a video game addiction? How did you cut the vidya and go back to being productive?
ITT: Betas of games that look better than the final product
Character Creation
Breath of the wild thread
I play multiplats on my consoles
Final Fantasy Tactics
What is the Greatest vidya backstab?
Name a more iconic shield
English class
What does Sup Forums love about this series so much?
Do you guys ever feel sad about gaming?
Top 5 Best Zelda Games?
Are there any good modern TMNT vidya?
Let's have one of these threads...
Sup Forums decides 2017
Have you ever gotten genuinely mad at someone because of their opinion on vidya, Sup Forums?
What mouse to you buttfaces use for gaming
What video games do black men enjoy?
When will open world meme stop? Its like capeshit in film industry, poorly done and everywhere
Is it true?
I don't care about censoring sexuality in video games. If I want to see anime boobs, I'll look at porn...
You're in charge of a Donnie Darko video game
The game opens with a quote from the Bible
What is in these canisters roadhog takes to restore health?
Why do Western devs make their women so ugly?
Literally the best boss in the Souls series
Has your hype for Mas Effect dissipated?
Zelda and dark souls dont have a story
What are some games with Irish people in them?
Would big tits save the mass effect franchise?
Rank their soundtracks
[Air horn sound]
Don't mind me, just being the worst Power Rangers game
Yfw 55,555,555 downloads
Why did so many new players go straight for the graveyard right away?
ITT: vidya characters with autism
Tell Yoshi bed time story now
I haven't gotten any feels from a video game for a long time, recommend me some shit
Why is this game just windjammers, but shittier and people buy it? how can they get away with this?
Fallout 4
Breath of the wild thread
I put a hole in that n*gga
Have you ever purchased multiple copies of a game to show appreciation towards your favored devs, Sup Forums?
Why is there never any Last Guardian threads?
What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
PC Master Race
PS3 Discontinued soon
Outlast 2 banned in Australia
Fire Emblem Echoes
Does Animal Crossing need to "return to its roots" like Breath of the Wild did?
Thinking about importing this for my Vita that's not doing anything because someone told me it has full English menus...
Thoughts on this character?
Pick male character
Best Tales girl
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Post your backlog
ITT: Most rare or otherwise valuable thing you own in vidya
Why do sony fans laugh at nintendo switch owners for buying a wii u port when they have been hyping up a ps3 port for...
DAMN Breath of the Wild looks like THAT!?!
3 more days until the second best 3D platformer ever gets rereleased in HD on Steam
This hurts. This really really hurts you guys. Fuck, I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2, I have a N7 hoodie for fuck sakes...
Tv show has vidya references
ITT: That one vidya song that always strikes a chord with you. One that brings you back to a special time and place
So is it pretty much 100% confirmed that any of the Sonic 3 stages that have music licensing issues will NOT be...
Explain this game to me, Sup Forums. Why is this considered good? What's so special about it...
What does Sup Forums think about digimon?
Accidentally make thinly veiled gay thread on Sup Forums
So I downloaded every worthwhile game directly from Nintendo and filled up like 250GB on an external drive for my Wii U...
I love Tharja!
Dude play the entire game again as a character with a way more boring combat style
R.I.P Sonic
Yfw Square actually listened for once
ITT: We call peoples names and tell them to play a game, If your name gets called, play said game
Developers should put more importance in the atmosphere of games
Post women who are literally 10/10 Wife material
How do we fix the western developer problem?
Trump Plan To Defund U.S. Arts Endowments Could Impact Video Game Programs
What is the worst developer of all time?
JUST effect andromeda
What's the videogame equivalent of fucking fat chicks?
you know the drill
Found this gem on /r/gaming earlier, lol. So true
Momodora and the sunlight pupperoo
Happy birthday Filia! Let's all wish the best Skullgirls character the best!
Breath of the Wild thread
Must use magic to save the people you love
This is a smelly hobo
This is Quetzalcoatl from Shin Megami Tensei
Is it safe to say the sega saturn had the worst launch of all time?
Have you ever supported a game that's been censored?
You know the drill
This fucking game
Please congratulate Aloy on her success
Why are you autists wasting time on Mass Effect when there is a better game to talk about?
Does anyone have that "Hey game designers - make THIS, not THIS!" image...
It's time to play some games
Are you going to buy mass effect andromeda? Why?
Fire Emblem Heroes
E3 2017
Soul Saber 2
Nier Automata
Nice job Nintendo. What if I identify as niether? Then what?
Soulsborne literally perfected the 3rd person action game combat system...
Am I retarded?
*blocks your path*
Klepkek forces sjw agendas in his work despite people tell him to fuck off and talk about da games
What are some good niggacore games? Can't really think of any besides SA
You literally cannot name a more overrated game
I actually feel sorry for them
What are some comfy, long-form vidya youtube channels?
Stella Glow Thread
Why so many normalfags like and consider TLoU one of the best games ever...
Is melee a solved game? How can anyone catch up to the top ten at this point as a new player?
He hasn't played Arx Fatalis
Pirates won't be able to complete NieR:Automata even if Denuvo is cracked
Who was in the wrong here?
When will video games have the same graphics as the first toy story?
How lucky can one guy be?
My friend made a swastika in ROBLOX
Filename thread
What's the best controller t use for PC? Can I use my PS4 controller? Because I heard somewhere you can't use it
What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
Hollow Knight thread
How the hell are they supposed to continue NMH's story exactly?
I said post your fucking gunfu!
What games has terrifying farm equipment?
S-so, which game lets me play as a cute girl (male)
Game has visual equipment deterioration
Breath of the Wild had a bad soundtra-
Are you playing any Megaten games in preparation for Persona 5? Which one?
Game lets you play as a loli
Realistically, are you enjoying your Switch purchase?
Which version is superior? Wii U or Switch? I can't find a Switch anywhere for a decent price...
Is she right, Sup Forums?
The best boss in the Souls series
OK, who want's a Nier: Automata acticvation key?
97 on Metacritic
Why can't this man make content anymore?
What are some games with protagonists that sacrifice themselves to save their party / the world from evil?
American level
Mass Effect
I wonder why Sega Died?
Say it Sup Forums
Dead or Alive
Where were you when Pokemon was officially dethroned and killed?
One week later and i'm still having fun
MountainBlade Thread
PSA: Mass Effect Andromeda and the original Mass Effect trilogy were made by two different studios
JUST Effect Andromeda
Welp time to kill myself Sup Forums
I really don´t know where else to fucking go. This shit is driving me nuts
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
This is Mass Effect: Andromeda
My Dad getting to play the new Zelda, he passed away the next morning
Half-Life 2 got facial animations and lip syncing right in 2004
I heard some rumors we are getting a remake or continuation of Wave Race 64 since the sequel for GameCube was so bad...
Fucking your dead girlfriend's little brother
Who here hype for the testfire
I bought Horizon day one. The game is not SJW and is actually well made
So does nier use the new denuvo? what are the chances of a first week crack?
ME Andromeda
Discuss Alpha Protocol or I'll shoot up a veterinary clinic
How is it that nintendo always captures the normie audience? For the most part...
Even mainstream media reporting it
Words That Follow
Autistic Rage Thread Over Switch
Anyone get an itch for a new Overlord game when they saw Shadow of Mordor 2's concept?
It's a video game has a political (mostly liberal) commentary episode
DRM free
ITT post your phone and what vidya you play on it
What's the best laptop for $600 or less?
Desktop Thread
This level can suck my ass
Tekken 7
Why did the numbers stop growing in Wrath?
"10000 feet"
Race for butt
We can agree this is the best BOTW boss right?
Sonic Mania
2B is legitimately the most attractive video game character I've ever seen
Best video game of all time
Fighting game
What do you think about current state of Diablo 3 Sup Forums? Is it better than other hack'n'slashes on the market...
Will /ouryoungguy/ ever be the star of another 3d Zelda?
ITT: You hear it, you lose
How can a character creator from a small japanese company that amounts fyo essentially a western indie in terms of...
I was just given a *New!* 3ds
THIS sold 2.63 million units
Post your top 3 favorite games
If you struggled against the Anor Londo archers, you might actually be mentally retarded
Horizon zero dawn has female tribe leaders
CanaWhy ?
Being above the age of 16
There are people on this board who unironically defend and like pic related
Monster Hunter Double Cross
Can I get a basic gestalt on why people think this game's fanbase is cancer? Played it,decent game...
Dark Souls
ITT: Games that have amazing draw distances
What did they mean by this?
Rank the 3D Zelda games
SOnic Forces :DD
Best RPG ever
A Night In The Woods
How do we improve females in Western games?
ITT: Underrated or/and forgotten games from last gen
ITT: games only YOU think is the best in its series
This is what happens when a female gets infected in Resident Evil
I think I hate Nintendo more than Activision
Now the dust has settled, what is our opinion?
Mt. Chiliad Mystery. Let's get one of these going
Trying playing console after PC for a while
I challenge you to find a game with better atmosphere than this
Has a game ever got shit on more than Andromeda before release? Even normies are shitting on the game
Its ANOTHER fanserviced undersized loli with an oversized rock-sword rules the world episode
Post examples of objectively shit game design
What is the best video game
It's the year 2000
Rain World thread
Will the inkling girl's sexually suggestive animation remain in Splatoon 2?
Oblivion Meme Thread Start
Who did you throw it at?
Best Vocal vidyagame Songs Thread
Find upgraded version of weapon
What are some good card video games? Doesn't have to be a card game, it just has to involve cards in some way
What are some good games that feature cute animals?
Rate my collection Sup Forums
Horizon comes out
Speccy Thread
Anons, I've finally become a master race today and I really want to play to skyrim with the best graphics and mods...
Post yfw 1 HP
ITT: cool cut content
Harley Quinn in Arkham Knight
CRPG thread
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of the New Super Mario Bros series? How would you rank them?
Ok, the default Ryder sucks but how about MY Ryder? R8 pls
This is what gaming has come to
What kind of lineup announcement would make you happy...
Which was more of a disappointment. BotW or MGSV...
Will anything top Halo 2 Anniversary graphics?
Play Fallout 1
Do people in Japan who know English ever browse here and try to explain this board's character to other Japanese gamers...
Path of Exile is the only game left that hasn't become normalshit casual trash. Prove me wrong
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Story details
Why does everyone seem to have a disdain for the BoS?
Sculpt a video game character. Post results
You could imagine NuBioware designing something like this?
Have paid to get game on the 17th of march with a more expensive preorder
This guy comes up to you on the street and slaps your girl's ass
Make it vidya
When will we know more?
KAT mirrors are all FBI honeypots
Anyone here enjoying this? Cuz i sure am
Racing game has your car
You always start out as a criminal
When is the last time you played DayZ?
Who is your favourite Dangan girl Sup Forums?
Why the fuck does she have eyebrows?
My girlfriend lost her shit on day 10 of my Zelda binge. How 'bout yours?
Story of Seasons & Harvest Moon
Best bad dudes
Should I sell my Xbox One...
Shenmue 3 update
Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2
How was your day at Uni Sup Forums, play any fun games?
BOTW comes out
This is your reward for getting all 900 Korok Seeds
Literally ancient evil awakes again in Dragon Age 4
Why do Japanese games maintain such a more consistent quality than western games?
Breath of the Wild thread
A bunch of Breath of the Wild Threads are up
Be real, when was the last time you felt satisfied when finishing a game?
Bloodlines thread
Nintendo Switch first year lineup
First time playing Witcher 3
Why haven't there been many comic or manga adaptations of Videogames?
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Remastered
Without any warning best bro who's been with you the whole game and is pivotal to your team randomly leaves/turns on you
ITT: Underrated last gen games
Craigslist Thread
Horizon sells 2.6m
How does it feel to be wrong, fuckers?
Brains Thread
Fall in love with girl character
Why would someone build a sexy android with dat ass?
Doom 4 is -50% off on steam
There is no way this can be real
Is this game actually good or is it just a meme
Why are y'all complaining about Roadhog when it's literally impossible to kill this bitch? Seriously...
Someday, this place will devour all the lights in the sky
Am I the only one that prefers the classic Zelda formula?
ME Adromeda PC
Zoolert and brickseek says WalMart near me has the Switch
Who is the best girl in Stardew Valley and why is it Leah?
These are the heroines from a pornographic visual novel called Maitetsu. It features sex scenes for every one of them...
Who will leave the console market first?
Sup Forums suddenly hates Mass Effect
Is this better than Hearthstone, or is it suffering from deadgame syndrome...
Why do people think BotW has masterclass open world design
How's Sup Forums been enjoying They Shall Not Pass?
What is this expression meant to convey?
I fucking hate this game
Enemies can open doors
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
BoTW turned out okay, at worst
Gravity Rush 2
The perfect multiplayer FPS doesnt exis-
The ethics of piracy
Nintendo Switch Adds Four New Games This Week, Including Binding Of Isaac
The last few days have been amazing...
Nothing will beat Witcher 3 face animations until Cyberpunk 2070 is out
Risk of Rain
Predict the score and general consensus
Say something nice about Bioware
Daggerfall is Bethesda's Magnum Opus
How would you feel if we didn't get another new 3d Zelda game for a long long time...
Why is he two popular
Currently downloading this. What am I in for?
Jesus christ this is so much harder than DS1 and DS2
Why is having gay characters in a game a "political statement"?
Yakuza thread
So they're gonna be garbage now that Colin is gone, right?
Horizon thread
Horizon sells 2.63M
How do speedrunners do it? How do they find all these insane little glitches and paths?
Magic the Gathering
What game has the most satisfying revolvers? 66.6667% posters get this wrong
Going to play this for the first time, what's in for me? Any tips?
Why is there only one company doing anything creative in the industry today?
The carrier has arrived
So in the new Quake you can get frags by just landing on people
Just got my first gaming PC yesterday. Recommend me some good games
Fire Emblem Heroes
Why Sup Forums likes japanese games so much?
Which video game has the most autistic fanbase?
Why are people so mean in online games?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you love the Vita and what games are you playing on it
Feel that shame yet,Sup Forums ?
ITT "Villains" who literally did nothing wrong
Best FF
Okay Sup Forums, name something good about this game
I wont Be Here long As My boss is coming back soon but im a dev working on borderlands 3 that will be coming out...
Are you surprised? Anybody could see it was a fotm game
Even Blizzdrones turning on WoW
How's your game coming along? New thread
Why was Chandler Bing in Fallout New Vegas?
Star Fox is dead again
What's the next game you are looking forward to playing in 2017 Sup Forums?
The Switch
Which one?
So what went wrong?
A Hero abandoned by the Gods
Webm thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...