Path of Exile is the only game left that hasn't become normalshit casual trash. Prove me wrong

Path of Exile is the only game left that hasn't become normalshit casual trash. Prove me wrong.

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its pretty good but every time i want to get back into it im searching for a build to play and then give up because theres so many builds and most of them costs tons of currency and special items.

Grind more you CASUAL

>they add a Self-Found Mode
>"oh neat maybe it'll tweak drop rates and shit"
>all it does is tag you onto one of those e-peen spreadsheets GGG host

also when i start a new character i play a lot but once i reach a point where mobs oneshot me its just not motivating anymore. and building defence is boring.

Was it ever confirmed that the new solo league will increase drop rates, since trading will be impossible in it?


PoE is normalshit casual trash. I get the feeling people only defend it because they think SJWsidian is good without Avellone.

But it's not.

Get life on gear or ES, sounds like you are a full on CASUAL

>hasn't become normalshit casual trash.

>xbone announcement
>only several viable builds and only if building ES
>go through all content in less than a week

gtfo, this game is going Diablo route and fast.

New Vegas is the best Obsidian game and it had minimal Avellone involvement.

Anyway, wrong PoE.

ARPGs are definitively better on a console utilizing couch co-op.

Only lonely NEET spergs think otherwise.

Gameplay is good. It's unfortunate the art direction and animations/spell effects are bland as fuck.

Hopefully, now that they'll have the full 10 acts thing completed this summer, they'll be able to revisit and update all the graphical shit. It's the only thing preventing this from being truly great.

I think the xbone announcement was actually pretty good for the game. more players = more money into the game. besides, most console players have OW or CoD in their ass.

im somewhat casual, played since it came out on and off and got a few chars to 60-70. the thing is, getting the gear you need isnt always so easy, i want to progress, not farm gear or filter all the spam in trade chat.


Yeah, I just kinda glanced and shitposted too quickly.

So yeah. Disregard. I suck cocks. Etc.


Nice counter argument

You think they will balance each game individually? I don't think so. Look a the new stupid ass skills like Blade furry or that flame thrower shit. Skills meant for console. THey will just dumb it down even more for casuals. It's already easy as fuck.

>get to high level content
>find out that 99% of the game consists of grinding the same zone repeatedly until you get a drop with good elemental resistance so monsters don't 1shot you

dropped it

They've been trying their hardest to casualize Dota and you still can't find Sup Forumsirgins who've played it for more than 5 hours.

That's why you do a leauge-starter/budget build dumbass.
Scion (ayy lmao) ED/Contagion
Any Elementalist build because Elementalist is broken
Pretty much all Marauder/Duelist builds

Pick your poison

Not everything has to be an argument. Maybe he just wanted to let you know that you're a retard.

i mostly played before they even had these leagues.
now i will play a righteous fire build budget build because that looks comfy


>Only several viable

Pretty much any build can become Shaper/Uber Lab viable nowadays with things like ascendancies and good enough gear. You're gonna need some real specialized shit if you want to do stuff like Hall of Grandmasters because of the nature of it, attempt that before you start shitposting.

Yeah, it's pretty hard to become casual trash when you start out as casual trash

I dislike DotA but not because it's too hard or anything. The community is just full of subhuman trash and it's incredibly boring for the first 20 minutes of every game

Also, it seems like a really retarded idea to have a game where the winner is pretty much decided already at 10 minutes from gold advantage, but you still need to keep playing 20 minutes after it's decided to finish it. If you have a 10% gold advantage at 10 minutes, then you have an 80% chance of winning. The rest of the game at that point is just an exercise in futility if you're losing or boring snowballing if you're winning

Nigger why do you think you have items literally called CURRENCY in an online game?

>gets to level 70
>thinks it's high level content
you're really complaining about needing resists on gear? it's not even hard to get capped...

Don't see how stating facts makes me a retard

>Righteous fire

Not totems I hope, that shit is boring as fuck.

ill follow this guide

id like to play a build where i dont have to spam buttons constantly

It's official support for a player made challenge ruleset, making shit as easier to get as in path of economy would defeat the point

YOu're a fucking idiot. That build is 2ex minimum. Play a starter build tard tard

facts =/= opinions

Anything that says "2-1 chaos to get started" is a noobtrap. You are a dumbass. Go back to Overwatch you shitscum

Just play this, it's a great and fun starter build I recommend to all returning/new players.

ITT: Mostly Sup Forums babbys who don't know how to play PoE but are quick to assert their opinions as facts.

I've got 9.7 hours in it. Its fucking garbage. I wasted two years playing League of Shit and I still couldn't believe how fucking awful everything was in every match. Even played some matches with my autistic friend who's got this high rating and I still thought the game was boring as fuck and played like shit. DoTA is fucking cancer and the only thing worse is HotS

Tell your parents I'm sorry they had a son with such devastating asperger's

I bet you're the type of leauge-shitter that complains about turn time.

Keep defending your f2p diablo 3 reject. This garbage game is nothing but grinding and grinding to do more grinding. There are no good skins, no good ways to challenge yourself and every damn class shares the exact same skill tree. The only thing carrying you in this game is raw gear, at least fucking Diablo 3 has the decency to put some level of player input into each fight.


but then id have to play a build for a long time just to farm enough to get what i need for the build that i actually want to play

i just now decided to go with this build, i didnt read the whole thing yet but with 100 pages im sure it works. and of course its not going to cost 2 chaos, but 2ex isnt impossible to get either.

looks alright but its basically just a regular melee build.

Can't respect GGG after they removed CoC because it was intensive on their servers and they wanted to save money.

I love how each and every reply to something like that is the exact same. I don't give a fuck about what two third-worlders think but I'll humor you anyway.
I didn't care about turn rate at all. When I saw a champ (Zeus) who could press a button to automatically hit every enemy player on the map regardless of location I knew I was in for a shitshow. I know League copied your abortion too by the way. Both of your fucking games are shit but you can keep going ahead and thinking I like either anymore.

Did you just completely miss the main reasons (which you actually listed) this game is better or something?
Go back to D3 blizzcuck, hope you enjoy Necromancers cockguzzling.

CoC was literally the only FUN thing to use.

>This garbage game is nothing but grinding and grinding to do more grinding.

I believe I've now seen the most retarded argument I've ever seen on this site.

Did you forget that you're comparing ARPGs?

>The ULTIMATE ABILITY of all characters does something ridiculously broken!
>Waah waah, this can't stand in my league-babby mind!

And this is why everyone despises leauge-babbys.

You make a bold claim. Please screen cap your hours in PoE.


It's the most normie game ever, it's the pinnacle of casual trash.

Sorry, you have shit taste and you're probably underage.

CoC was among the only things you could actually customize. Almost everything else is standard 6-link without any choice. But GGG removes it because of server costs. Then they also fucked all older players in the ass by making new strictly better stash tabs.

Already casual normalshit trash.

Automatically garbage


> Path of ES CI.

>Path of Exile is the only game left that hasn't become normalshit casual trash.
>Prove me wrong.

>always online

Absolutely not.

So yea guys let me tell you why this game is shit.

1.) I didn't instantly like it.
2.) All my friends play Diablo 3
3.) I didn't put much time into but I can tell you everything that is broken.
4.) I saw a bad review that I agree with despite not knowing anything about the game.
5.) My friends don't like it.

DId I miss anything?

>not-nazi armband

Is that a Nazi armband?

Is this political commentary? Is that a Drumpf supporter?

*chuckles heartily*
this game is 100% free. Only stash tabs and skins cost money


6.) Too complicated

The best one

>only several viable builds and only if building ES

Hybrid builds are better than ES builds at the moment considering how much currency you need to build for ES.

I also completed my atlas in every league since Atlas dropped on pure life builds.

Stash tabs give you an advantage. That you paid for. Pay to win.

It's really simple, piss ant.

is that Frank Coldsteelheim?


Twitch streamer that pretty much does nothing else BUT life builds, finished dozens of builds all completely end-game viable with

> ES is so overpowered hybrid is better because only lucky players can afford ES.


>Awful Hospital reaction image

>Hybrid builds are better than ES builds at the moment considering how much currency you need to build for ES.
this is false

Marauder tank.You can just run through the base game with basic gear and a bunch of gems you get in the act 2 shop
Enemies kills themselves attacking you.

Ok guy watch this!

Please explain why stash tabs give a player an advantage.

If goes off on a tangent or just starts calling people names this poster is confirmed to not know what he is talking about.

It's a fucking ARPG, and a shitty one, at that.

This looks like Lantern symbol.

Can you explain how it isn't an advantage?

Fuck this guy Diablo seems interesting enough to me. Like a good mindless time-kill. But at least its not a fucking MMO.

And this guy Is just baiting, but doing it way harder than I was.

But seriously Fuck MMOs.

Stash tabs give the player the advantage of being able to store more gear.

As to if it's a meaningful advantage depends on the player.

Not the original user, but, I can see why some people feel the stash tabs shouldn't be cash shop only in a game about amassing loot.

They're pretty cheap though, honestly.

Just in case you you're wondering what these MMOtards are talking about, ES means Energy Shield. We all know that every MMO must have its own abbreviation slang for no reason.

ye ill play marauder with whatever until 65 or something when i can use righteous fire. should be fun.

>Get a shitton of stuff on SSF with boosted rates
>Drop out of it and keep your SSF stuff

>no reason
Yeah because typing energy shield takes as much time as ES, right? Neck yourself faggot.

Make SSF mode permanent.

The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim.

I guess the flying sphaghetti monster is real then because you can't prove it doesn't exist.

I have no idea how they're going to handle some builds on the xbone. Like, Scorching Ray + Cast when channeling + Ice Storm.

Hold a button down to cast, one analog to aim the direction of the ray, and the other analog to aim the "cursor"? I don't know how they're going to get an analog stick with the speed and precision of a mouse.

I don't know how they're going to do point cast in general, like Cold Snap.

I think he already made his point. But besides, you seem adamant about it, seems like it should be pretty easy to provide an argument against it.

False analogy. Even so, you have plenty of room to suggest why you think it isn't an advantage, just like you could provide an argument for why you think the spaghetti monster doesn't exist.

They need to give out stash tabs as low-tier race rewards.

who /grim dawn/ here

I am excited that they are adding 6 morenchapters and getting rid of the difficukty next season.

Are the Baldur's Gate games good on android?

Console announcements/releases are rarely ever good for ARPGs.

>False analogy

What does that even mean?

Come on don't pull that shit. I'm on my 3rd character this league (lvl 91, 92, 96). I have 4 tabs for selling, a currency tab with multiple things almost at 5000, the bottom rows filled with coins. I have 2 tabs for maps and fragments. I have a tab for talismans, a tab for essences, a tab for cards, a tab of rare jewels, 2 tabs of legacy stones. I have a tab for good leveling gear for 1-68 so I don't spend more than 5 hours getting to dried lake post rip. I have 2 tabs of uniques that I want to use on future characters. I have a tab full of hubris for lab, and another tab full of high ilvl regalias, rings, crystal belts, and etc finish crafting.

There is no fucking way someone with the default 4 tabs will be able to make even a 10th of what I make.

I play grimdawn with friends in between poe leagues but I just wish it was visibly more appealing. Often times your character is covered with spell effect you can't even see him or the mobs around you. Its like playingold coc with only skill gems linked except with 100% more bloom and blur.


If you think having stash tabs as a store isn't an advantage, you are fucking retarded. Not to mention that just extra normal tabs is a huge bonus since tons of the cubing in that game is collecting a bunch of high level rares and converting them into chaos orbs.

>decide to try POE
>get overwhelmed by the amount of customization
>no idea if i should keep upgrading my gear or just find better ones
>get confused and give up
Also does it have level scaling now like D3? Last time i played it didn't and that really put me off.

I was banned from the game for shitposting in General chat instead of being muted.

Granted, I deserved to be punished for the things I said but I was pretty surprised that just saying some naughty things was enough to be banned from the game entirely. I suppose I hurt some Path of Exile moderator's delicate sensibilities.

There are tons of good cheap builds at the moment. And huge 3.0 update coming soon