What does Sup Forums love about this series so much?

What does Sup Forums love about this series so much?

The games are a decent challenge in the age of hand holding.
They're also masterfully crafted with nice gameplay and beautiful settings.

because they provide a decent challenge, without being unbeatable, have a pretty great atmosphere while also having a plot that you can ignore without being forced to unskippable cutscenes, so that you can jump right in and have a good time without any distractions, and last but not least they have a pretty unique multiplayer system, that starts with thoses messages scattered around and ghosts appearing everywhere for brief seconds and ends with phantom summoning, all of which actually feel like a purposeful part of that world and not just a tacked on seperate multiplayer mode

Demon's Souls.

OP has never played them, is rather uninterested in the style, although a growing fan of the general genre. Thinking about getting Bloodborne. Convince me.

Because they're great games.


great story, bosses are mostly pretty fun and unique, I personally like the faster pace of it, only gripe is the lack of other hunter questlines, and theres not too many varying builds or weapon variety. Still a great game and i'd recommend it.

they're fun

that animation was gross

You can be good at it while shitting on other people for being bad at it because they don't know the game.

too bad I'll be the one whos bad at it. how do i git gud?

get out

Game has a lot of weapons types, I like games with a lot of different types.

Bloodborne has cool weapons, that's the main reason why I like it. It has a quicker and more offensive gameplay, as you basically have to dodge around enemies all the time and regain lost health by attacking. If you can deal with one or two bullshit moments, like a few enemies in optional locationa that have a horribly unbalanced status effect, then you won't be disappointed.

It's also more straight forward, the upgrade system is now just slotting up to three gema with various +X damage effects in weapons and there's only one type of upgrade material for weapon +X improvements. There's less weapons over all but they are all viable, unlike Darl Souls where your sword will be replaced by a slightly better sword constantly.

If you love the souls combat and think you're nowhere near getting tired of it, then get BB.

Everything is so ugly, that you can't tell if it's sjw or not.

The game is a devolved version of the older CUHRAYZEE games. It's only good if you have never played anything better and actually challenging. Only neo-Sup Forums likes it, remember when the majority of Sup Forums liked Bioshock? Bahaha.

It gets 1 point for having good looking art, see DaS1's opening hours which makes a great impression and Anor Londo's aesthetics.

Wannabe NES game of the decade. Should have stopped after DaS1. Newer games are cash grabs and BB is just bait used for console wars.

I was told by Sup Forums that it was really hella epic so I followed what they told me and now I do everything I can to remind people that Dark Souls exists in every thread about any game ever!

i think the single-player content in 3 has been fantastic so far and looks like it will be a good bookend for the series

however i gave up on the pvp for that shit a looooong time ago

>What does Sup Forums love about this series so much?
>The games are a decent challenge in the age of hand holding.

nah. it was because it happened to be one of those games that pcraccers were dying to play and started sperging out on forums. this is the result. it was never this bad util the "prepare to die edition".

it's challenging, it's not that hard as some people say but you just need to learn your enemie moves and be patient, that's why so many players can't git gud, they just can't deal that even rats can kill you when you max your character stats

>Sup Forums
>love dark souls
Wrong. It's just reddit memeing aroung.

Sup Forums loved the shit out of Dark Souls before it became popular.

Sup Forums is just a bunch of pathetic hipsters.

>why do people like this good game?

>Thinks Dark Souls being good is an axiom

Reported for underage. Reddit admins gonna get ya.