In which the video game industry turns into Hollywood

Ah, I see.

The Blizzard way of marketing your games.

I don't get it.

Why? What fucking virtue do you seek by making your ARTS game have homosex in them?

They wanna look good for the SJW that don't buy or care about games unless they can spread their message.

Nah, I'm pretty sure even SJWs play League.
It's too big for it not to.

Example is solid though, it's the same shit that happened to Marvel.

Virtue signaling

Didn't they already pull this card with Taric?

>its a "white male in his mothers basement who's never contributed to society gets triggered by something that isn't white and male like him" thread

Who cares, 134 champions in the game right now and you're bothered about 1 being gay?

>it's a mentally ill trannie thinks it contributes to society by pumping itself full of estrogen then committing suicide thread

Taric was just a fabulous stereotype.
Only the fanbase were shipping him with Ezreal.

If Riot tells you they're planing LGBTQRPSTXLMNOP characters, expect something else.

>Thinks xe contributes to society by supporting and perpetuating the mindset that is going to result in the destruction of Western civilization if allowed to come to fruition

>character gets nerfed
>people complain that the character is nerfed because they are gay and the developers want the gay characters to feel inferior to the straight ones

you know this is gonna happen.

I'm a fag and I know that no one cares about the sexual preference of fucking LoL characters other than autismos wtf

That's the fucking thing. 134 characters.
But now they're suddenly deciding "huh, do you know what would spice up our Aeon of Strife clone up? Yes, a gay. That'll really make our lore about alchemic werewolves and literal god beings truly unique."

They have ulterior motives. This is a trend now.

Better to not contribute than actively attempt to harm it with marxist bullshit, so what's your point plebbit?

Then why is Riot making a dedicated LGBT character if it does't matter to anyone playing the game?

>storytelling in a exclusively multiplayer game

lol ur a fag do u tak it up da bum?

Name one game without ulterior motives

By which I mean name one game that isn't out to make money. Because that's the motive.

>the sjw jew marxists are the reason why I'm a loser



What fucking impact does "muh lore" have in League? Oh yeah, Gangplank is such a hardboiled barrel bandit, but got almost-killed by Misfortune.

Man, what interesting story, I wonder what impact it's gonna have on me actually playing him... oh wait, nothing.

>Implying fags aren't just trannies too scared to take HRT
You like men, clearly you're a girl.

> Riot
> Listening to complaints about nerfs

Unless it affects the pro scene or high tier challenger players, Riot gives zero shits. Lucian is regularly said to be needed because he's black (whole Ekko isn't in a great spot either), and he's only recently been buffed through items probably because the Spring Split Finals are coming up in a couple weeks

>I liek it up my bum

>Not being retarded
Pick one, remember this is the company that hired Anthony Burch.

Pandering is the motive.

there a difference between a game that features a character that happens to be gay, and a game that features a character thats "THE GAY CHARATER"

That's the fucking thing that bothers me. They don't give an actual shit about gay minorities, they are only pandering so they can make money of them.

It's fucking horseshit, yet it has suddenly become a trend to make your games "more exclusive" despite repeatedly breaking with the tone of the rest of the game.

Wauv, I'm sure Renekton would be more fun to play if we knew he took it up the bum. Said no one, ever.

>faggots arent hostile degenerates out to destroy society

>fuck, he got me
>better strawman lol it's ok when we do it :^)))))

Reminder that this guy works for Riot now.

>Watching TV
>Some commercial comes on
>It's about couples or some shit

I assume being a homo now is boring. All the cool kids are trans non binary space whales.

I don't play western games.

goddamn, that autism

don't they already have taric?

why don't devs just let people enjoy the game for what it is?

>By which I mean name one game that isn't out to make money.
>pandering to SJW LGBAYQWUEQFNWAUDOVNWEONVT is making money
r u retarded?
SJWs are not the main consumers.
they won't pay a single shit.

They don't give a shit about SJWs. This is 100% a PR move. Riot only cares about money. 90% of in-game models is pure sex. Dota2 is more SJW-friendly than fucking League.

>proper storytelling method

righto ghostcrawler

It's honestly just insulting that companies make a big deal out of being gay nowadays.

Can't watch an HBO show without some character explaining / putting their gayness into action, often within the first episode or so.

I'm gay myself, and honestly I just wish people would stop using me like their fucking token

>the Anthony Burch disease already spreading
Good, that's what you get out of hiring him.

ASSFAGGOTS have stories? Since when?

>Dota2 is more SJW-friendly than fucking League

Wait, what... how? Because of Legion Commander or something?

>anyone against shameless faggot pandering is white and male

I thought assuming peoples gender was taboo in the fantasy land of the mentally ill.

>the right belittles, insults, strawmans and does other shit against the left all the time on Sup Forums
>wtf you can't use that against me not fair :(

LoL has 134 champions. IIRC, LGBT are ~3% of the population. The real question is why don't Riot already have 3-4 of those?

Also, a honest answer is that journos and Sup Forumstards will give them free advertisement. Publishers will never say no to profits, you know.

Why the fuck do you even care, btw? Are you emotionally invested into LoL characters personal lives?

Dota already has lesbians and crossdressers and sex-demons

americans are mentally
accept it and cut their propaganda out of your lives

There's like a hundred thirty league champs and you're that fucking triggered that one is going to be gay?

>Dota already has lesbians and crossdressers and sex-demons

Uh...? I literally can only count one, and that's Queen of Pain, who is a succubus.

>nobody should have problems with tokenism and virtue signaling

Like Cait and Vi?

Most people don't really care, OP is (involuntarily?) Part of the controversy/marketing machine, he just wants to bait and stir up shit.

There is no logical or grounded reason to oppose diversity or alternative sexuality unless it offends you, i.e. you're a het white male who can't deal with others that aren't exactly like him.

>soviet union never happened goy

>At some point
>Taric is one of the oldest champs

it's blatant fucking tokenism in a game about draconic space gods, vampire hunters, Ayy lmaos, vikings and pirates.

Where exactly is their vision for "a game about draconic space gods, vampire hunters, Ayy lmaos, vikings, pirates... and also GAYS!"

>Strawmans AGAIN

Just stop replying.

He got fired in less than a week

can we somehow remind the Chinese government that Leauge of Legends is still a Chinese owned IP/product and what RIOT is doing is harming Chinese culture.

i want to see them crash and burn

Windrunner is obviously a boy.
After all, she's 100% flat.

Mortred is part of an all-female cult, you must be delusional if you think they don't fuck each other.

Templar's biggest secret is her penis

I imagine because Riot oversexualizes all their girls, and Valve only does so if there are lore reasons. SJWs are much more comfortable with game companies who doesn't oversexualize women.

he was never gay, how dumb do people have to be to think that

windranger's negative B boobs
so progressive


I agree.

It was fucking stupid making child porn illegal in the early 80s.

Hopefully liberals can wind that back.


>willingly using the term MOBA, coined by the very same people in OP

>Windrunner is obviously a boy.
>After all, she's 100% flat.

Why it's always on Sup Forums that you find such amount of shit-taste?

Taric is already a fantastic homo meme, fucking gay cunts ruining characters for no reason

Eh, I guess.

I mean, I like Dota 2's artistic designs better anyway - it's a lot more grounded, whereas League is all over the fucking place with their design choices.

>not just using ASSFAGGOTS

why is the alt-right full of pedos?


what's the % poulation of rock elementals? and fire gods?

of course Sup Forums are going to sperge out, but the fact remains that having an LGBT chmpion for the sake of having an LGBT chmapion in a fantasy setting that nobody cares about because it's not the kind of game people play for the lore is completely stupid.

IIRC, Riot had previously stated that they didn't want to make a gay/LGBT character because you can't simplify it to a theme like cowboys or pirates. They felt whatever they did wouldn't be representative. and they were right.
What are the features of a LGBT? What does it mean to be LGBT in Runeterra? Why do we need to know the sexual orientation of charaters in a MOBA?

it's basic pandering and you know it

now i know you're underage and have not been alive when glam rock and metal bands were a thing

that pic is fukken epic winrar

>googling Taric no longer randomly gives an image of a dude giving another dude a blowjob
I guess it's been a little less than a decade ago...

There's a different between being "flat-chested" and having nothing there.

>Being a tranny is a completely valid lifestyle choice, and not third parties indulging you in your mental illness.

I really don't understand the logic in arts. There's almost 0 action on these. If you want less letters, at least use something like HBRTS for example (hero based).

you got me, i will reprimend

Nah they're just bigots they don't understand that love transcends age and species.

It doesn't matter who made up "MOBA". It's the accepted and widely used term now. It's like correcting people who say "kleenex", with "um, no, it's TISSUE PAPER".

That person just looks like a tool.

It's not to make money off the people that are LBGTQ7HIV+ it's virtue signalling to make faceless corporations look like they have ethics and are guided by morals.

Same with McDonalds calling out Trump, it's to make liberals side with these corporations more. This has been an agenda for a while now because people on the left have normally been anti-establishment and anti-corporation. Now they're becoming pro-corporation and pro-establishment by praising coca-cola for an ad with Indians and wanting Hillary to be president.

Sorry to bring politics into Sup Forums but it just bleeds over as of late, everything has become so political.

They just need to canonize Vi and Caitlyn as being lesbos and make some irrelevant male character a token gay (without pairing them up with anyone, of course)

>It's like correcting people who say "kleenex",
'murricunt pls go

>Same with McDonalds calling out Trump

Was the claim that it was a "hack" debunked?

I mean, I get that it is the perfect excuse, but come on.

Just make more shortstacks like Tristana please.

>i'll just repeat what he said it's all good it's ok when i do it :^))))

America gave everyone the internet. We're allowed everywhere.

You're welcome.

I'm so glad you retards elected a reality tv show host as your president, he's gonna fuck you over so hard you won't even be a superpower after his term.

Thanks user, you said it better than I ever could.

Please, both sides do the whole:
>belittles, insults, strawmans and does other shit

thing constantly to eachother. Neither is more righteous than the other.


>It's another episode of a tranny who did nothing but cry about Shrunpf's election and leeching off the government tries to appear better then normal people because he's part of a sekrit club of frea...ehm..."minorities".

I know anime about this.

Not the first or last time we've elected an idiot into the White House. He'll only been in there for 4-8 years, do some superficial damage, and things will chug right along.

>former obama administration person gets job at McDonalds for worldwide communications head or whatever
>this happens soon after
makes me think

>there will be a LGBT character soon
>Eve rework in a few months
I already see it coming, she will have Sombra's hairstyle and will hunt white hetero males because they are evil

Taric, Vi, and Caitlin are all literally homosexual already.

>I like to project how i felt about Shrumpf getting elected to insult other people for trivial bullshit