Denuvo V4

Im pretty sure Nier Automata will use Denuvo Version 4

Other urls found in this thread:

>CPY are huge weebs and it still took them a whole month to crack Tales of Berseria
>it used v3
You'll have to pay if you want to look at that 2B butt, she's an expensive slut

Yet RE7 was released in 4 days. Denuvo is a meme.

>re7 cracked in 7 days
not caring != unable
did the leaks and cracks get denuvo scared to the point where you shill for it on Sup Forums?

the more popular it is the faster it gets cracked
everyone knows what RE is, Nier is a rather obscure title that only weebs know about

>Berseria is cracked

RE7 is 6 hours small game dumbass.

Also its still using Denuvo V3

Length of the game has nothing to do with the difficulty of cracking it.

>paying some jews just stop people from enjoying your game
Why are game devs so spiteful? What do they gain from this?

>You'll have to pay if you want to look at that 2B butt, she's an expensive slut
I'll wait the next sale to buy this memeware.

Trump is Denuvo.

Denuvo V4 is entirely different DRM system than V3

Remember the wait for Denuvo V3 crack year ago ? it will happen again.


good argument

I wouldn't know.


Kek, truly a Piratefag on Denial here.

>Remember the wait for Denuvo V3 crack year ago ?
No, I don't. Uncracked Denuvo games don't register on my radar.

And you don't register on game devs radar.

>implying I care

I have God Eater 1/2, Berseria, and a ton of other games to play while I wait. As long as it gets cracked eventually, I'm fine.

>Im pretty sure

You mean to say you have no idea if a "denuvo 4" even exists and are shitposting.



It exists, ask Voksi Bulgarian on

>RE7 is 6 hours small game dumbass.
Nothing to do with the copy protection, retard.

Apparently I do, because they spend hundreds of thousands just to keep me away.

Who is that and why should I care.

All DRM gets cracked eventually. The purpose is to get sales at launch. All versions of Denuvo have been pretty successful at this.

Hes the one that makes your pirated games able to play multiplayer or access online features, kiddo.

I have never been able to go online with a pirated game. Except on the 3DS ofcourse.

Pretty sure they should start working on Denuvo Version 5

Maybe they did.

They gonna wait to the point CPY able to crack Denuvo V4 in only a week, and then they announce Denuvo V5.

I still haven't even finished Witcher 3.
I've downloaded but haven't played any of the Denuvo cracked games so far.
By the time I actually want to play this it will either be cracked or on sale for $15

What game that already using v4?
Is this the first one to be using it?

Sniper Ghost warrior 3 is using Denuvo V4

Also every Denuvo games (And patches) that are released in mid february onwards are using Denuvo V4

None of them. It doesn't exist. OPs shitposting.

Dosen't matter. I can wait a few months. You in the meanwhile, enjoy your even more bloated DRM shutter experience.

>All versions of Denuvo have been pretty successful at this.
No, they haven't. There has been no noticeable increase in sales for games with Denuvo.
In fact they tend to sell worse than previous installments in the same franchise.

I remember when a retarded user here said Berseria would never be cracked. Denuvo is not 'uncrackable'. There is no such thing as uncrackable, especially when almost everything is on the host's PC.

It's almost like pirating before buying is common place for a market that attempts to fuck you over at every turn and people don't want to put up with this shit anymore.

But nah, you guys are right, those piratefags surely are impulse buying day one.

Did there exist a demo for PC version?
RE7 had a demo which was used as extra vector to break Denuvo.

No, SE is a fucking clown with pc version.

Nope. Delayed release of a Denuvo protected game with no demo.



berseria crack was the best thing that happened to me this year so far, rekindled my love for vidya enough to make sure i got nier on launch today

Why are you faggots so intent on pirating Nier? Why are you so upset about DRM in this one single game so much?

>gets cracked
>gets cracked
>gets cracked

im honestly getting tired of seeing this shit

Because I don't buy Denuvo games on principle, so I can't play it until it gets cracked.

I'm a sonybro

more PCfats pirating games = less games come to PC

So if it was DRM free you would not pirate it at all and buy it at full price directly from steam and not grey key selling sites?

Why are you such a good and servile goy?

This 2Bh. If I'm going to buy Nier it'll be on PS4. I don't support Denuvo

Yes. Platinum has earned enough cred with me that I would buy their game sight unseen, if not for Denuvo.

tfw during the steam sales I check to see what's on sale, then buy them cheaper from G2A. As long as they activate on Steam I've done my legal part

I don't know about him, but I would pirate and make sure it works, then buy it. Or in the unlikely event that a Platinum rescued game isn't good, not buy it.

Ive asked this tons of times but get no good answer im just gonna guess its poor people/NEETS upset.

>There has been no noticeable increase in sales for games with Denuvo.
>Bartholomew said that sales of Total War: Warhammer and its DLC have exceeded expectations - the phrase "off the chart" was used - and they were clear that this has enabled them to be more ambitious than ever. "

>tfw have to resort to pirating because the jews at SE thought theres only 4 regions and Asia does not exist
god fucking damnit. either I buy a key from some site and risk my steam account getting banned because hurr region locked game hurr or I wait for CPY to crack the new denuvo

Sad. Total War is an ever growing cancer that will hurt Sega eventually.

Because any kind of DRM should fucking die already

>Why are you so upset about DRM in this one single game so much?

No one is. Every pirate knows it will be cracked soon. It's anti pirates and shills that keep making these threads to brag about Denuvo despite it being useless.

this time its different tho, new denuvo so gonna take a bit longer

One game is a statistical outlier and as such most likely owes it's success to other factors.
If Denuvo was actually such an amazing sales booster then all games that have it would have sold "off the chart".

Here's a question I don't see discussed often, how/where do you learn to crack? I know about penetration testing software for websites but nothing spectacular specifically for software. I think the cracking community could really use some more people with how slowly it's going these days.

I refuse to own anything with Denuvo in it, and most likely won't even pirate Nier because/despite being a fan.
Here's hoping it gets dropped like D44M.

Square's never done it. Let's see if the public backlash is enough to make them go for the no brainer PR move once it's cracked.

Denuvo is for devs that know that their games suck ass. Just take Witcher 3, basically no DRM at all. 5 godzillion GOTY awards and you don't get these through pirates. I pirated it, loved it and bought it later.

...But Witcher sucks, user.

If the whole world disagrees then that puts you into the position of an annoying contrarian

Do you actually take these threads seriously? Goddamn

>Galileo was an annoying contrarian

>everyone knows what RE is

I only just found out after reading this thread that the series didn't end at 5

wtf I love AAA now

But Copernicus, who came before him, agreed with him.

Weebs, as westerners, are entitled as fuck, and resent the big bad video game publishers charging them for video games.

We sure are, Colin Moriarty.

>love a game series
>but don't want to pay money for it
>begging for cracks and piracy

Why not just buy the game? Not like it's hard to press a button to purchase

>5 godzillion GOTY awards
That mean literally nothing while their playerbase is actually less than half of what Skyrim - a 4 year older game, has, LMAO.

Galileo didn't get the Inquisition up his ass for claiming the Earth orbited the Sun.
That was actually for insulting the Pope.

Look, Witcher is trash, but the only staying power of Skyrim is how many mods are there. Todd's game would be just as irrelevant without them.

Are Steamworks games commonly hacked, by the way? I wouldn't know since I'm not a piratefag anymore, but I hope they are. Anything that needs online verification to launch should be cracked, out of principle.

Because you don't wanna pay money for it

They were busy with other games
Berseria isnt too great (as are all tales of games), so they didnt focus on it right away
Takes them about a week to crack a game

>so upset
It's Denuvo shills trying to force controversy, like they have always done.

So, how many days until it gets cracked?

Steamworks is usually cracked on launch day.

Just Cause 3 takes 450 days to get cracked, so...... lets see............

659 Days.

And RE7 5 days.

About a week.

Typing like this is a symptom of redditness and virginity.

Buy me Nier Automata please:

If you need a reason it's my birthday in 2 days and I'm unemployed.

i need 2b in my life

This is Denuvo V4 we talking about user

CPY had already cracked Denuvo V3 before (DOOM 2016)

So, 6 days?
Denuvo better start working on V5 before this one gets blown open just as hard.

Because steam isn't connected to an imaginary bank account of mine with unlimited funds.

>Piratefag thinks Denuvo V4 can be cracked less than a week

Kek, you should find another hobby, poorfag.

Every single ''uncrackable'' DRM ever made was cracked, and they are in the 4th version for a reason.

>you should find another hobby
Denuvo is a failure.

>can't be cracked
>can't be cracked soon
>can't be cracked in less thank a week

Just give it up.