>doom 4 is -50% off on steam
Doom 4 is -50% off on steam
When did Doom 4 come out? I thought there were only 3.
Too bad it isn't that good.
Are you one of those people who call it DOOM?
>-50% off
Since when has steam started marking up prices?
Just at doom wads; they're better
Nudoom is fun for the fulfilling sensation of shredding demons in HD but the level design is almost entirely absent and grinding through arenas is just tiresome, especially with those fucking pinkies
its pretty shit trust me
you mean DO4M?
I call games by their titles, yes.
Its 2017
We can stop talking about D44M now
It's 100% off on rutracker
Why would we stop talking abou the best game of 2016
here we go again
You mean Nu-DOOM?
>-50% off
that would make it 50% more expensive you doublenigger
"haha older dooms r so much better, fucking millennials lol"
Because I played it and I thought it was an another generic FPS. I played it once and uninstalled it
Please stop liking what I dont like, Thank you
New DOOM is a good game, but a bad DOOM game.
but they are right though
It was $20 during Winter sale. I would wait for Summer Sale in a few months unless you're completely out of games.
Are you trying to insinuate that nudoom is better?
I love this meme
The only good DOOM game was 3
Try and deny it
Cake has good games.
Me too. Get's more people to play the classics and see just how much better they are.
millennials are garbage, that's a undeniable objecvie truth
actually fuck GenX too
>t. Born in 1998
>the old games known for straight up shootan, good level design, and good music
>nudoom comes out
>shit level design where you fight 3 enemies before heading to an arena and killing waves almost every single level
>executions and restoring health via executions
>shitty industrial noise as music until you get to hell
OP pointed out the game was on sale on Steam, and I implored people to save their money since I did not have a good time with it.
But sure, strawman argue all you want.
Delete this right now or I WILL SUE YOUR ASS
>3 enemies
But, that's wrong?
>Executions give you health
Barely, if anything, you're getting yourself killed by performing executions while other enemies shoot at you
>Shitty industrial noise
You are wrong
Prove me wrong if you can, noob
Is this a portal reference?
dont really have the hardware to play it, waiting a couple years. looks really fun though.
>only 50% off
It's been 66% off, what happened?
Dont talk to me that way, Apologize right now
No one calls me a noob
>But, that's wrong?
no shit, what is exaggeration
>Barely, if anything, you're getting yourself killed by performing executions while other enemies shoot at you
you didn't play the game then
fucking fact
>BFG edition
This proves nothing
>expecting people to buy an arena shooter with a dead community.
enjoy your shitty ingame map creator
nuDOOM is pretty mediocre
The old ones were much better