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Is ''goys'' a real word now? Can we start using that instead of ''goyim''?

how dumb do you have to be to get brainwashed by Sup Forums into becoming a nazi? what a jackass


How exactly is Jon a nazi?

If knowing facts about racial differences and culture makes you a nazi, why aren't you a nazi? What are you, retarded?

Seriously, is he not aware of what Sup Forums thinks of arabs?

Why is he even defending white people? He's a fucking kebab

He had a debate where a sociopath pedo told him that blacks commit more crimes than whites because of poverty, Jontron corrected him by saying that rich blacks commit far more crimes than poor whites.

Therefore he is a nazi.

''Rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites'' - Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf 2017

Yeah, he's "redpilled" alright.
A bit weird to see a vidya e-celeb going all in on Sup Forums's bullshit. Can't help but wonder if this is a phase for him or just the beginning.

>leaves Game Grumps to move his career forward
>promises to be more active and create content
>content is overproduced, lame, and takes forever to come out.
>spends his time in shit flinging "politics".

Slave mentality.

He believes white flesh and blood has an innate superiority in it over all others, and believes it should be protected from any threats.

Standard Alex Jones insanity.

All these eceleb youtubers just copy what pewdiepie does

>"I dunno guys, I'm just saying it's a little odd that every society the jews have ever infested has tried to exterminate them, maybe they're the problem? I'm just spitballing here, guys"
Uh dude, he'sa fricken nazi ok?

Where is the source of this statistic?

>make shitty joke that you would possibly find on Sup Forums
>get lots of flack and attention for it
>repeat for even more attention
everyone is doing it these days
leftists are the modern free advertisement tools

I'm not aware of what Pewdiepie is doing, but Jontron was already being pretty clear in his beliefs the second there were protests against Trump winning. He's just fallen for the political climate and lost his cool about it.

Blue boards are so blue-pilled.

Isn't Jontron a turkroach or something? Does he believe he's white now?

it's just banter m9, no one there hates arabs, like haha wtf

I have seen real jews use goy/goys.

It's a lashout against people he is surrounded with.
People like that fat ginger Cox rant all day about how Trump is literally Hitler, so Jontron has come out in defense of nationalism.
Nothing he says is even remotely Sup Forums related. What he is saying is more Sargon of Akkad purple pill shit about muh civic nationalism.

I don't think he uses Sup Forums. He just listens to Sargon of Mossad, Roaming Millennial, Shoe on head, and other reddit-tier civic nationalists.

t. ShareBlue

literally /ourguy/

>thinking Sup Forumstards are actually white
Maybe 20% of the Sup Forumsocks that went to troll Shia LeBouf were white.

Maybe he likes white people and is glad that he gets to live in a country built by white people?

National Crime Victimization Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

>He's a house nigger
>He's an uncle Tom

Have to say im loving these more red pilled youtubers lately. Never had any interest in their gaming shit but if they can get some more kids woke then its all good with me

he is an idiot

The most ethnically diverse white supremacist group to ever exist, who managed to make meme magic real and summon a god of chaos by posting frogs.

Love them or hate them, Sup Forums sure is fucking unique.

He took it hard.

not videogames off yourself

I think he is more like Molymeme.
The thing about rich blacks commiting more crimes than poor whites was in one of Molyneux video (the truth about crime).

Is pewdiepie /ourguy/?

Sup Forums is true diversity.

>shareblue on overtime trying to push the anti-Jontron narrative

you'll have as much success as you had with gamergate

has the onion boy come out of hiding after getting btfo yet

iranis are of aryan descend.


Sup Forums is like the only real functional form of civic nationalism, it's a weird fucking place

Oh wow, they don't even have a tumblr, clearly fake news

It's honestly a fucking shame. He had such potential. Hopes... deleted.

As if Molyneux was the only one who has read on the topic.
I don't think Jontron is that kind of a guy who is going to sit trough hours of Molyneux videos.
He probably got the info from Twitter. Must have seen someone people get into arguments, and someone must have posted the statistics image that shows whites commit less crime than blacks, even when you account for variables like income.

I know, but what you guys are saying is so mind bogglingly stupid that I can't even begin to comprehend how you even know about politics, is Jontron not allowed to have his opinions because he's not white? Who's the fucking racist here?

Jon isn't the most articulate guy; there were a few occassions during his Not So Grump days that he would spit out a word then right after say "I'm not even sure if that word means what I think it means"

but, at the end of the day, he has good intentions and just feels like the things he enjoys in this world are being threatened

>thinking the people in proximity to one city in America are representative of the entirety of Sup Forums

I like Cox

he's half iranian
persians hate kebabs and kikes more than Sup Forums does

By Jews, though?

But... they are kebabs

Only the original christian arabs are ok

When has Jesse Cox compared Trump to Hitler? I watch a couple of his videos every month and the Co-optional Podcast weekly, and outside of occasional general jokes about Trump that he quickly moves on from I haven't seen him go super political. In fact the times Totalbiscuit tries to get super political on the podcast Jesse tends to not say anything and just lets TB go on and on to get it over with.

Spend enough time on Sup Forums and everything will appear threatened by Jews

He gets political on rare occasions on Twitter. Thats it.

They're Shareblue shills who have been trying to defame dozens of people lately. Styxhexinghammer666 talked about it and made a very good case for why they would do it, and evidence that this is what is happening.

They paint Jontron as a nazi, and then they attack him for being a nazi who isn't 100% white. It's a lie on top of a lie.

It doesn't matter whether or not Jontron is white. What he is saying is 100% true.
He isn't a nazi and he isn't pushing some agenda.
He is pushing back against lies.
People tell him one thing, he looks at the facts and he tells them that they are wrong.

Shareblue hates people like this. He isn't taking sides going ''I AM WITH WHITE PEOPLE!''. He is simply looking at the facts and determining what is right.
They don't want people like this gaining attraction.

Not him but user, the ammount of darker skinned and asians Sup Forums guys fucking around shias cult was really susbtancial, yeah NYC and all, but if you got so many negros and so on that are connected to pol just in NYC, it puts you into perspective, especially when people used to think it was nothing but just white guys gas the kikes and niggers. I wouldn't say its 100% correct but it points to a different amount than expected

Of course you like cocks.

Oh you!

>that Sup Forums meetup
>they're all black/chinese/arab
To this day it still boggles my noggin'.

Iranians are Shia kebabs, pretty much all the others in the world are Sunni kebabs.

Plus based on Jon's own age, I'd guess that his father was a secular Iranian who fled Iran after the revolution.

the difference is the religion
iranians are shia muslims and there are also christian arabs like the majority of lebanon or egyptian copts
kebabs are sunnis = isis, al qaida, burqas and all the other cancer

Sup Forums likes assad too and he also shia muslim

what's his name again?

Iranians were considered Aryan therefore were excluded from the Nuremberg laws.

Boaty McBoatface

Jewish people quite literally are in power of almost every major organization on the planet and also donate millions upon millions of dollars to organizations that directly, or indirectly, contribute to progressive movements that impact video games

Will he stop taking the Jewtube ad shekels now?

That would be unfair to Hitler anyways. The Nazi party liked science, the environment, and dedicated large amounts of spending to national infrastructure. Meanwhile Trump is slashing budget for pretty much everything except the military.

Trump hasn't even bothered being fashionable like Nazis.

Also art. Trump hates art. Nazis loved art.

Google search ''jessie cox twitter Trump''
It seems like Trump is all he is talking about, and he was insulting Barron Trump, a little fucking child because he disagrees with his father's policies (that he hasn't read).

Jessie Cocks is a whackjob.

He's not even redpilled. Just poorly educated.

>fights against a master baiter skeleton manlet with no time to prepare whatsoever
>actually does a decent job
>brings reddit down in flames with it
His content's been getting worse, but shit that's impressive right there. /ourguy/.

Jontron's career is ruine-

Cox was the only good part about the Podcast before TB became the cancer that he has

Seriously when I last listened to the Podcast Tb was such an asshole

I still remember the good old times where you could insult a stupid child whenever you wanted. Barron Trump looks stupid. There. I did it. Fight me.

So under Jontron's own political beliefs his father wouldn't be allowed the US.


Insult children in real life and see how long you go before someone beats the shit out of you.

Did he actually lose 10k subs? Why?

Honest opinion about TB: If I only watch his content about optimization of pc ports and in depth analysis of option menus and performance, he is fine, very good even. But as a person, he tends to annoy me sometimes.

nazi party liked science so much they declared modern physics "jewish science" costing them the atomic bomb

I don't get it. He's arabic and an atheist, don't you right wing fucks hate that?

This really reminds me of the Sup Forumstards "I'm white even though I'm Chinese/Black/Arab" meeting

If you believe what you are saying, doesn't that mean Jews are helping to make good games too?

Why would Shareblue even give a fuck about Sup Forums
Why don't they fuck off to Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Even on r9k, I see people bringing up politic and it annoys me to no end, I might be considered far right wing, but I do not care for one second to talk about this shit. (Sometimes it's fun though, if I feel like posting anime faces to make fun of the opposition. :^) )

hilarious reddit meme video xd upvote

That's completely wrong.
At no point Jontron has said that people from other countries can't move into the US.

You're a ShareBlue shill.

>tfw you can't tell anymore if it's anons trolling anons or actual tumblrites infesting any kind of discussion

He appeared on a stream with Sargon of Akkad and has since been pretty open about his political leanings, which pissed a bunch of lefties off.

A massive meme brigade went on a smear campaign against him and it worked on 10k fucktards.

I did. Annoying neighbours child, called him an idiot. He called me an idiot. The end. In the real world, things are way more harmless. The moment you use twitter, people think that they must defend or attack someone by the thousands.

Jontron is not a nazi, he's just racist and uneducated as fuck. He's not being misconstrued.

Someone like PewDiePie was being misconstrued, as he was obviously just making jokes that were being taken out of context.

There are Japanese Jews in the vidya industry? Since when?

Destiny really looks like a overgrown middle schooler.

Is little witch academy even good or is it just another flavour of month Sup Forumsutist meme?

>There are newerfags than the GG newfags that don't know that Jontron was based back when he joined us in GG

God damn I've been on this hellhole for more than a decade now and I never see newfags lurk anymore

>inb4 sone faggot suffers from PTSD from GG and gives me free (You)s

>facts are racist
hi tumblr

Eh, I found it funny. Shows how much Jon sounded like an idiot.


Not vidya

>he's just racist
That's not true either though, ya know?