Horizon comes out

>Horizon comes out
>It's shit
>BotW comes out
>Suddenly Horizon is good

Really makes you think...

Other urls found in this thread:


At which point exactly was Horizon shit? Can't remember...

more like
>horizon comes out
>it's shit
>botw comes out
>it's shit



from the moment it was revealed to the moment zelda came out

BotW is actually fun

Ok you win this time, user

You're not getting away with le neutralnmiddleground man today, BotW is actually good.

So when people were memeing about unfinished side-quest cutscenes before launch? People liked it when it came out and they got to actually play it.


i liked that side quest, got the dude to jump off the ledge and kill himself.

post it

>Sup Forums is counterculture rmyt

Sure is newfag in here. I bet you didn't know Sup Forums was entirely leftist and atheist during the bush administration. It's only a matter of time before we turn on Trump and Sup Forums becomes a minority again instead of Sup Forums 4.0

>It's ok when sony does it!

Fuck off.

There are a lot of people on Sup Forums that only own PS4's OP. So of course they're going to have to pretend their game is better so they can feel better.

How are they gonna do that for the next month or so? Sales numbers. Eventually Horizon is gonna hit the sales shelf and will drop drastically while BOTW hits a plataeu of consistent sales on both systems.

Some people were stupid enough to not get a Wii U for all its great games and subsequently BoTW for free.

both a garbage

What exactly makes Horizon shit? Your opinion?

Because it have:
-Good reviews
-Good Metacritic user score
-Good sales

> So of course they're going to have to pretend their game is better so they can feel better.

I can't argue this.
I did exactly this for overwatch when i made the mistake of preordering, then I realize the game is just too shit.

Horizon is a mediocre game that visually looks good for something on ps4 and has weird ass facial animations and a forgettable story.


You can only ride like two dinosaurs.
Not even the fucking trex

>completely ignores all those webms of the game that showed how terrible the hud, combat and bad animations
>'its j-just your opinion!"

By your logic, Twilight is a masterpiece.

Horizon was always shit.

Well shilled.

Sup Forums was leftist and atheist and anti-Bush because back then the right was full of pearl-clutching fucktards with power trying to censor vidya and fuck with entertainment and stifle creativity.
Now, the right is full of a lot of those same retards, but they no longer have as much power. Instead, their leftist equivalents who want to censor vidya, fuck with entertainment, and stifle creativity now have the power, and are fucking with a lot of the things people here love.
I don't give two shits about Trump, didn't even vote for him, but anyone who doesn't think the modern left is full of reactionary children who want to destroy the things that offend them is delusional.

>It's shilling when they aren't praising my favorite game

I liked botw. The faces look awful, sure. But it actually tried to stray (a little bit) from the standard ubisoft open world formula. There are still towers, there are still meaningless collectibles, but there's interesting monster groups in far off areas that you'd otherwise never reach/go to, there's hidden errands/sidequests if you go out and explore and happen upon them.

It did a lot right, for all it did wrong. And for being the first game in a new IP, and a new engine on top of that, i'm excited for death stranding

>trying to be reasonable

just call him a faggot and be done with it m8

>both games have flaws but their pros outweigh their cons

Can't we just enjoy video games? They're both great.

> this thread
people want to see nintendo fail so hard they are willing to shill ubishit farcry 6

I try to, but can't really appreciate anything when we have retards starting console war shit.

Especially when they are so delusional to think their game is free from criticism

KILL YOURSELF before you hurt her


wow, that webm is cute. who is he?