This level can suck my ass

This level can suck my ass.

Good to know

It's not that bad. But when you get invaded up stairs, i can understand your pain

Are you a grill?

That Crystal Sage is legitimately annoying and frustrating.
Not something I'd ever die to but still extremely fucking annoying. The area would be much more enjoyable without that prick.

It was the first time in the whole game, twin princes included, that I felt they were actually trying to be better than the last 4 games before it.

git gud

If you're mage it sucks but has one of hte best rewards on the game

If you're a lolfighter/warrior is annoying but not as much as mage

If you are pyromancer is a fucking cakewalk..

I'm gay. So, to answer your question, kind of.

It gets comfy revisiting it after you've beat it

I will admit, Grand Archives kicked my fucking ass my first run. It's like everything about that place was specifically made to counter my build. Now that my PVE character is more well rounded, I can get through it without dying, even on max difficulty, but that first run...

The entire game is fucking cake of you're a pyromancer. Even fire-based enemies get fucking scorched.

Yeah, even though I watched walkthroughs of it, I still wasn't prepared. Those little fucking black fucks kept dodging my attacks, the fucking candle shit heads that kept spamming those miracles, and that fucking crystal sage was the death of me. The hands weren't bad at all.

Yeah is astonishing how broken is pyromancy on this game, Great Chaos Fireball breaks the game

>dip head in wax
>spoopy ghost hands don't hurt anymore

Best level.

The closest that the souls series has been to a castlekino level. right up to the final staircase to the boss. immaculate level design.

>tfw you will never look as fabulous as Ayami Kojima's drawn males

The whole series blows dick. Not sure what you're getting at here.

Of the endless franchises out there people want to have a game made by From Software to the point where it became something to be mocked on sight, Castlevania is mine.

I just want to fight SotN Dracula.

I liked it.

Ahahahaha, how the fuck is that place difficult, hahaha nigga just press B. Like nigga, evade attacks.

I honestly have no idea how people can possibly struggle with such things. I beat it for the first time the other day and I died maybe 20 times in PVE against non-bosses. Nameless King was the only enemy I found to be challenging, having died there like 6 times just because I would get tired of dancing around his attacks and snap, taking those two deadly hits to my face. Meanwhile I bested every other boss in under 3 attempts, with the Consumed King being my coolest and most intense fight because I stumbled there straight after the dancer (killed in my first attempt) without using the bonfire, so I had 0 healing items on reaching the arena and 2/3 of health remaining, and I still did it on my first try. The game is incredibly easy as long as you have decent reflexes and a working B button on your controller.

You forget that most people here play on PC which doesn't have a button mapped to roll by default.

the only part of ds3 that could be considered somewhat/relatively difficult is sister friede and nameless king, but even the latter isn't too bad

>not 2Dog
Literally Satan.

Friede is pure bs when using anything heavier than a straight sword, arbalest annihilates her though.

She's quite easy with a greatsword or a greatshield.

The medium type weapons she's hard with, bigger weapons you can hold R2 and she staggers like a little slut.

Ultra great swords are for fags
I'd rather a thousand washing pole invasions

It's the best level in the game.
You suck, especially considering DS3 is the easiest one by far.

ds3 is the hardest of 1-2-3 minus 2's dlcs

the bosses in the earlier games all move like theyre walking through sludge + 99% can be cheesed just by sticking close to them/their feet

>oh look an elevator, but it doesn't work from the bottom floor!!??
>wow there's that elevator again, it works on the top floor! What a convenient shortcut!
>do this 3-4 times
>sasuga fromsoft, genius interconnected design

It's a fucking garbage level. Cathedral of the Deep uses the same meme a little but is overall way better.
That and listening to fucking "wulololololo PSHEEEEEEW" constantly, not sure if the poison cheese is still there.
AND they don't even give you the Scholar's candlehead at the end of the zone, even though it looks sick as fuck. I mean oh no your shitty curse hands that have killed exactly 0 people don't work anymore, it's completely ruined now.


Son, have your IQ checked. Every elevator in the series becomes bi directional as soon as you ride it once, those are no exception