>The ethics of piracy
Cemu's community never ceases to make me giggle
The ethics of piracy
>giving away free software is bad
>stealing software that costs money is ok
It's hilarious how people try so hard to beat around the bush about stealing shit
please stop being so rude
implying im stealing offends me
>complaining about rude comments
i want all these fucking millenial nu-male crybabies to go away
its not even rude, its just a child feeling guilty for stealing and lashing out
we are dealing with fossil company that barely make any new innovation and anti-consumer, they deserve to get slapped
piratefag logic
just understand that you are a piece of shit human being and enjoy your free games, like I do
Wow rude mods please help
>its ok to steal because they deserve it for not letting me buy it on pc
am i being rude?
I have no problem with people pirating games, but they shouldn't pretend what they're doing isn't petty thievery
It's as delusional as the tumblr shoplifters and carhoppers
It is diskish to release closed source code without the developers permission, which is exactly why cemu should apologize to Nintendo.
Gay ass trolling attempt aside these guys really are going to fuck up emulating for everyone.
1) Emulation is seen as okay by law because it used to be about very old obsolete systems that they know most people using emulators don't have and 'need a back up' but they turned a blind eye to it because it is stuff so old its irrelevant. They are creating piracy off of brand new products and also profiting from it, speaking of which
2) You know the horrors paid mods would had done to all of game modding if they successfully took off? These guys are going to do that to emulating.
If they're so anti-consumer and anti-innovation, why would you want to play their games in the first place?
Zelda is obviously a shit game if a fossil company made it, so just stick to consumer-friendly PC games.
>Nintendo are shit i dont even want their games
>Theyre lucky i care enough to pirate them
>I don't have any problem with people pirating but if they pretend they are not thieves then I have a problem
Contradicting this much.
>paying to pirate
dumb, smelly, stupid, CEMUcuck
What's contradictory about that?
Software piracy does not bother me
Cognitive dissonance does
You dont have proof they use stolen code.
Frankly the whole conspiracy theory seems to be just freetards screaming a big REEEEEEEE because their open source emulator is shit and closed source proves once again to be the most reliable choice.
>barely make any new innocation
>and anti-consumer
But damnit I need to emulate their hardware and play their games!
Piratefags are fucking retarded, thanks for providing another example of that fact.
ugh, we're undocumented players
Yes, capitalism has proven time and time again to show proven outcomes. However in certain cases capitalistic system have shown to backfire in the long run on things that should be neutral. There had been attempts of privatizing the police and firefighting forces and they eneded up disasters. Doing this with community efforts like emulation could have the same effect. And possible worst case scenario if this effect Nintendo sales the case for game emulating WILL be open and they are PROFITING making it highly likely that emulation could be ruled illegal if the case is reopened. .
Yeah, Im sure it will have extreme consequences toward the sales of Wii-U consoles, fucking retard.
And what you said has nothing to do with having or not having stolen assets. Its just a stupid bs from jealous freetards that cant code a fucking wii u emulator and need to put up excuses.
poor stealing criminal, why do people hate him making money out of the works he stole from others? a blobloblooooo
But piracy is objectively not stealing. Or can you show me someone who was arrested for theft after pirating?
>crime is ok if I don't like you!
the edge.
I'm a non-fan of Nintendo and when it comes to having options I prefer having a hacked/modded real thing to emulation so I really have no horse in this race. I'm just throwing it out there that becoming a thorn in the side of a multi-billion $ company while opening showing your making over a $100 grand doing it is probably going to have wide reaching legal consequences.
By your logic i have to buy the brand name pc of a record label if i wanted to convert m4a in to mp3s else its piracy.
You are fucking retarded bro.
Emulators are not illegal though, you fucking retarded underaged nintenbro.
Jesus Christ this thread is depressing. Someone could just google "is piracy theft" and "are emulators illegal" and know the facts, but instead they make retarded assumptions and take them as fact, because of course a 16-year old gamer must be infallible. Sad.
>emulators are illegal
This is the new troll phrase just to trigger you ignore it.
Is this guy homeschooled by chance? "Rude"? Tell him to come to Sup Forums.
>how dare you tell me not to steal. Apologize right now.
Nigga what?
On second thought, I take back what I said and hope this blows up. AFAIK patreon is currently tax-free and if something were to fuck up all the smug hipsters making tax free 100k salaries who still thinking they're sticking it to evil white men, that would be just grand.
>mfw I pirated CEMU 1.7.3d and a plethora of Wii U games
You ommited the part where you still need the authorization of the developer before you distribute the software even if it's free, You mongolod. This is assurance that the distributor would abide by devs wishes and his/her software would not be used in any malicious manner. Ow wait, Sorry. You probably don't know that because you haven't made anything worth a damn in your life.
Bring back demos you cunts.
Either that or piracy is the way to go.
>Try game
>Buy it halfway through if it's good
>Delete it if it's not
What's a mongolod?
>piracy hurts the industry
When will this stupid meme die.
Pirates are
1. Bored people that won't buy the game anyway
2. Third worlders that won't buy the game anyway
3. Underage the can't buy the game anyway
4. Neets that can't buy the game anyway
how safe is the crack, I don't want another chink botnet
You forgot
5. People trying to play a game that was never released outside of Japan
That falls under third worlders
>i'm a little kid who participates in pathetic "platform wars" tribalism
>this is why i get uncontrollably angry and shitpost when people get to play a game i don't want them to play
>i actually throw away good boy points and assault my own mother when i think about how they're playing it for free
Closed source emulation is absolutely worthless for the sake of video game preservation. When the project dies (and they all die, in the end) then there's noone to port it to the next OS and the next system after that.
Supporting closed source emulation is fucking dumb.
It's not tax free. I have to pay tax in America and my own country for it. I hope everyone else is too, otherwise they've got an undocumented income...
What we were before we became humans.
That would be a mongoloid. A mongolod is a faggot, aka you.
Ok, redpill me on this CEMU thing. If it's emulation, why are you tards throwing money at them?
But we're all faggots on the Internet.
Because throwing money at them gets them more current builds of the software, which they're hoping will let them play BotW sooner.
Don't make things up, Mongoloid is an old racist term for retard, stating that the person was from Mongolia (and thus, primitive). Obviously this got phased out.
Strangely enough, we still say gyped though
Can't tell if trolling or just retarded.
I know, if it means retarded then it's ableist, not racist.
I just steal the games I don't want to pay for. I don't sit around trying to justify my piracy with some ideological nonsense.
The best pirates are those who know they're stealing and just accept that they're thieves, but try not to be huge dicks about it. The most annoying pirates are kiddies who think they're some kind of commie revolutionaries against corporate corruption cause they stole a game.
adjective: Mongoloid; adjective: mongoloid
relating to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of East Asia, SE Asia, and the Arctic region of North America.
having Down's syndrome.
6. people that don't want to pay for shit even though they can and would buy the game if the game wasn't available to pirate
>thinking windows will die soon
linux fag plese go and stay go
Thinking is delusional but
>implying Microsoft and Apply dyign woudln't be a good thing.
I would have bought a ton more 3DS games if it wasn't possible to install CIAs on there.
Thank fuck I didn't buy Sun/Moon, absolute garbage.
I don't get why we have discussions/bait threads about pirate morality. Justified crime is still crime, is feeling better about doing it really that important? Especially the romanticized Robin Hood pirates that add on that they are stealing from corrupt corporations that don't deserve their money.
They'll never do anything to you because the cost to pursue you is orders of magnitude higher than your damage, not because you'll somehow sway the courts because it was justified.
How come 12 year olds think of copying 1s and 0s as piracy? Actual piracy only happens around places like Somalia now. Whining about copy and pasting data on a computer is just bizarre.
>pirated Omega Ruby
>it was such a fucking slog that it took me weeks to get through it, it just wasn't fun at all
>realize I could've wasted 40 bucks on this shit
I dont get the big deal with people pirating shit, been using emulators ever since i got a computer to play those nes/snes/gba/n64 and so on, i live in a 3rd world country where games cost almost twice as much as their retail price on the US. I wasnt gonna stay without playing something i wanted to but wasnt gonna be able to buy either thanks to inflated prices or because the game just didnt release here(looking at you twewy and infinite space). That never stopped me from buying games whenever i could after saving money for months,even if i could get them for free(most ds games,mh4u ,GE when it released on pc). Something i noticed is that when you get a game for free you dont feel the same need to play it,its just there unlike when you buy it you cant drop it until its completly dry, at least from my experience.
People saying they pirated something just to make clear they didnt pay for it are just baiting.
>im 12 years old and how do i language