What the hell happened?

What the hell happened?

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It was a bad game.

Not only is the game bad, but the PC port is bad as well from a technical stand point.

>make a mafia game
>doesn't actually make it a mafia game

Good story
Good sountrack
Bad gameplay
Bad graphics
Bad engine
Buggy as fuck
Broken on launch
etc etc

I really wanted to like this game, the story at first seemed like the best of its genre.
But i couldn't finish it for the same reason i couldn't finish witcher 3

The same thing that always happens with Ubisoft games.

Bad port. Same reason Nier isnt a 9/10 right now on Steam while Senran Kagura EV is.

Muh identity politics

>Make an huge open world game.
>Put 90% of the markers as far as they can from you.
>Doesn't implement a quick travel option.

It deserved to fail

>make game marketed to white people
>turn around and say you hate white people and make your game about the mafia have a nigger protagonist
>publicly state how you hate white people
>it crashes with no survivors

Monkey - Monkey
Monkey 2 - Monkey with a sick pair of shades
Monkey 3- Hippopotamus who hates and kills monkeys

Nobody wants to be a nigger.

Turns out media centered around muh good boi nigger din du nuffin he a good boi he jus wans to kill some whities doesn't really sell with the white demographic. Who'da fucking thunk.

The problem with SJW dev is they are too affraid to go anywhere unsafe with the story, causing the character to become bland and gary stu.

Mafia has never been good though so...yeah.

>good story
it is more straight forward than a cod game while not being a character study in anyway.

The gunplay was better in 2, Donovan and the priest were the only good characters, the graphics were shit, everything is far away from everything else, nothing to do besides quests and racing, graphics are buggy as hell, etc. The soundtrack, driving, and the consistency of the story were the only redeeming factors.

>all those faggots hyping up this turd days before release even with all those videos showing glitches
"IT WAS OLD FOOTAGE" they cried, same thing with ME:A now

I want a game where you play as Donovan.


How's it compared to the previous title?


>What the hell happened?

when you skip over things like
>fun gameplay
>varied content
>passable story

and make your only design bulletpoint
>satisfy the MUH DIVERSITY tumblrqueers who don't even buy video games anyway

your game ends up shit. hard to believe, i know.

30fps lock in a time where people have 120+hz displays

Tbh I might buy that DLC about him.

The majority of Pc players are playing on toasters that can barely keep up with consoles.

>make a mafia aka shit about the italian american mafia about social justice crap in the 60s
>destroy legit diversity for token black guy whining about dem whities again
>let it be developed by nobodies who are social justice freaks (as seen on twitter)
>pat yourself on the back because the game sells a lot due to the higher install bases and proclaim its the best in the series and ignore the rather big backlash

rinse and repeat for another old IP coming soon

PC gamers are a bunch of bigot racists.
Thats all.
Do yourself a favor and sell your pc and buy a ps4 and a switch.
You will have so much fun.

>game sells a lot
But Mafia III sold like shit.

It's an overall shit game.

Avoiding racial shit aside like the rest of the faglords in this thread, the game is basically a monotonous grind to the point where it feels like a trudge repeating the same shit for hours on end. I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea.

The main feature in the game, it's stealth, makes the game so fucking easy that you'll be finding ways to test yourself just running in guns blazing and shooting everything.

Literally nothing to do in the game outside of just following the main storyline. The world is fucking balls useless, and stores are nothing more than to exist to point out "MUH RACISM" of the era where you'll get a shop owner telling you to fuck off and get out of his shop. You can't even rob them on gun point instead of just snatch and grabbing 20 bucks behind the counter.


I can think of a few things

>fun gameplay
[citation needed]

All of the mafia games have been shit. Why was anyone surprised?

what are you trying to say

new studio uses the already established ip for marketing purposes and creates a game that has nothing to do with the first two games in terms of game play, story and world. the developers are scum

Diversity hires instead of people with actual skills?

Boring characters, bad gameplay, really bad technical performance.

There's really not a good thing about the game and everyone knows it.

It's a big crock of shit that was glitchy as fuck at launch, with horrid skyboxes, car handling, wonky physics, and the dullest most sterile gameplay imaginable (with stealth being laughably bad and the AI close to braindead).

Couldn't give less of a shit about the SJW-crap but the game is a huge step downward from Mafia 2 and a big fuck you to the franchise itself parading as something Mafia-related when it's literally just black angst-fuelled revenge wish fullfillment.

it has emotionally satisfying story to say least, but what makes it amazing is presentation, the voice acting and everything is amazing.

I think the graphics looked plausable and all. But the gameplay killed it. And also the buggy launch, but the gameplay was it's hugest flaw. Honestly, if missions would be well scripted and fun to play like in mafia 2, it would be good 8/10 from me. They claimed they learnt from their mistakes and story Dlc will be linear like older titles so im bit looking foward to that

>it has emotionally satisfying story to say least, but what makes it amazing is presentation, the voice acting and everything is amazing.

That must be some top notch quality acid you're tripping on, mah man.


nah m8

If that's top notch video games have a long way to go before being taken seriously as a medium.


Got this shit game through Redbox for the Xbox One and managed to get halfway through, semi conscious past midnight

>Staff shows their utter incompetence, and still has the gall to put their politics in this game
>game has no relationship compared to previous titles, yet still calls itself Mafia III
>Story is boring and very forgettable
>the only thing shittier than the plot or graphics are the levels of gameplay
>You drive, assassinate, commit arson, break shit, rinse and repeat
>game looked like shit on PC, even more horrendous on console
>clouds look like shit
>there's no sense of immersion. The Witcher III looked gorgeous, and this abomination of a game won't even let you see 50ft from the rear view mirrors
>game came out unpolished, lackluster, and in all, unfinished.

They could've been innovative. They could've kept their biases away and write a real story. Instead, they shitted on the previous developers' legacies, like all other SJWs infesting the gaming industry, turning this series into a shitty clone of GTAV. It is an insult to the industry, and yet, this Mass Effect: Andromeda were not the final nails in the coffin.

This game is shit and fails to distinguish itself from other garbage games, hoping to ride on the title, alone. We are going to truly experiencing another Gaming Depression, much like the 80's

The soundtrack and the playboys were the only standout thing about the game.
The story was mediocre with some fun characters sprinkled in.
The bugs were what killed it though. Bug EVERYWHERE.

I didn't even know there was Donovan DLC. That would also be the only thing im interested in. Best character in the game by far.

Just got the RPG. Use it for the first time on the dude standing in the middle. Damage radius is XBOX huge. Kills every white hood in the crowd. Instead of their bodies getting blown around by the explosion the all just fall down like dominos.

>Jeans and t-shirt in the Nam
>What looks like a bastardization of an M1903


Underrated post

Shit port of a shit game of a shit franchise

gameplay was fun you faggot

>we never find out what happened to Joe and Vito because the fucking faggot developers decided that the sequel needed to be about shooting the KKK

I'm still fucking upsetti

You do know Vito is in the game, right?


Bullshit, really?

is Joe kill

>we never find out what happened to Joe and Vito

You do, Joe is RIP and Vito is literally in the game with his story told and continued.

Hint: in one of the endings he takes over the city

>the fucking faggot developers

different devs

Mafia 1-2 was made by Czechs, Mafia 3 is made by americucks

>muh poor niggers
>muh niggers in the mafia
>muh villain is literally drumpf
>game is broken and buggy as fuck

all true except the sells
it had abysmal sells

No, sadly, although in the ending there's a guy who look suspiciously like Joe, who drives some big mafia head, and Joe was said to be a good driver in Mafia 2.
Vito in the game is one of the three guys who help you take over the city, and after taking control of a district, you give control to one of the three.
In the best ending of the game, Vito takes control of the city.

Well, shit. I figured as much. Would have been nice to keep playing as him, though.

And yeah, I was talking about the new devs.

The developers were more concerned with pushing a racial agenda, than actually making a competent game.

Actually, Joe shows up as the driver of the old guy from Mafia 2 who saved Vito, the camera purposefully highlights him in one of the final scenes

But we never get confirmation it is so lol fuck you we took your 60 Dollars to buy anal beads in the sexshop next to our San Fran studio

Actually it's 2Ks most succesful game, sold almost 5 million copies.

>have a long way to go before being taken seriously as a medium.

Theres people that enjoy cinematic story experiences in games and play games for presentation and story, Mafia 3 presentation while not top notch, i consider it somewhere at top, while story is not strongest out there, it dosent need to be. I'm sick of critics and people taking games for granted in that way , for example, Sleeping dogs. A great solid game that's well worth the money got, has satisfying good story, Panned by critics because it wasnt the next GTA, it dosent need to be.

Mafia 3 did manage to deliver a solid good story, and amazing presentation in that regard, But like i said, im not claiming it's good game, infact, it dissapointed me a lot, however, credit is where its due, Hangar 13 did an amazing job on that side of things so i can say if they would work on issues that mafia 3 really had, i can see them making an actual good game.

Amazing gameplay isin't everything, there needs to be a balance between good gameplay and good story, for me, it's what makes a game good. Sadly mafia 3 did do good story, but did not do good gameplay.
Ofcourse there are other factors, but point i'm trying to make is that people look for different things in games.

I would also on subject bring out and trigger a lot of people here by saying that i dont think COD IW was a bad game. Infact , i think its bit underrated. Sp was somewhat enjoyable and did deliver that action movie cinematic story with good voice acting, MP while staying the same was very well balanced compared to other cod games after bo2 , its the best current gen COD MP yet, and zombies are also Best current gen zombies and better than bo2 ones... but im getting offtopic with that here. im just kinda sad to see some talent that went into it go because entitled cuckboys "didint like its space" and started flamewar.

Obviously didin't played the game. Without spoilers, they do reveal what happened to Joe and Vito.

>Game about italian mafia.
>You play a nigger.

Thats what happend.

What the fuck is this real?

I readed that while it sold amazing, it was supposed to sell even more, did not made the money back on it... though that might have changed?

Not that it matters since the entire franchise has always been a shitty, bootleg GTA clone.

>Good story


h o w

this game didnt flop hard enough

It's some guy who said ''he heard'' about it, he said the game needed 8 million to break even, but if that's true, it means Mafia 3 cost about twice what GTA V and Star Wars Episode 7 did.

Stale bait.

Mafia > GTA 3

macks lips profusely
gets jiggy wit it
eats a skittle
checks for nearest KFC
collects welfare
licks teeth then smacks lips
does the crip walk
opens up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown
tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer
dindu nuffins
sucks air through teeth
pulls up sagging pants
instinctively looks around for the police
faints and then gets up repeatedly
scopes dem titties
shouts at movie theater screen
chucks spear
sets down cotton bale
strokes welfare check pensively
throws up gang sign
swings from basket ball hoop
grabs dick and shuffles left and right
participates in drive by shooting
converts to islam
repeated world star yelling in background
sells crack


you are either 12yo, troll or you played San Andreas and think you are world-class gaming expert.

Mafia 1 is a modern classic. I'm not even going to start listing all positive things in that game.
Mafia 2 is great but had few problems, mostly with missed opportunities in world map and main character being an asshole.

How is Mafia 1 a GTA clone?

Unfuck your head, m8.

Is it at least a fun game?

Fuck off, faggot, Mafia 1 is a true masterpiece, game which had the mechanics that BLOWN out every single similar game of it's age

Gta 3 had some cartoony absurd shit animations, not even a GRAIN of the quality and detail Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven had

I dare you to find a better game in the same genre in whole 00 era, up to, let's say when GTA 4 came out, no choice!

>Brilliant story
>Great voice-acting
>Mind-blowing graphics for it's time and in-depth detail
>great soundtracks

Mafia 1 is a legend game, Mafia 2 got butchered by publishers and cross-platform bullshit - a rushed up crap

Mafia 3 is an empty shell, a disgrace to the series, a joke, sad!

Probably, but it's very plausable since using songs from rollerstones and then also selling them as vinyls should have been hugest hit in their budget since they are very well know for not easily and cheaply lincesing things to games or other media (unless they struck some kind of deal)

>Mafia 1 is a
it was a game that got completely destroyed by GTA 3 in every single way.

>Mafia 2 is great but had few problems
Maybe the fact that 80% of the game, including literally every single element of the open world and, between main and secondary missions, about 200 levels were cut?

>Mafia 1 is a true masterpiece
The only memorable part of Mafia 1 is the race level because the car controls were a gigantic clusterfuck.
This franchise died as it lived.

>but it's very plausable since using songs from rollerstones
Rockstar said they pay about $5k per song, and considering GTA V has like 20 radio stations, and Mafia 3 only has 3 and only a couple of songs.

Well said friend
Remember to stop for a big Mac meal and some lays potato chips now in new spicy and spicy mild flavours on your way home to play mafia 3

It depends really, if you a story snob and looking for something new, go ahead, but if you looking for good gameplay, you aint gonna find it there, personally for me it's solid 6/10 but a bit painful one since i loved mafia 2 and 1

pick it on sale

The biggest crock of shit about all this is people pretending Mafia 2 wasn't a dumpster fire. Then 3 turned out to be one, too.

It's bad. People who actually played Mafia 1 waited for this sale and are mad because its so dumbed down.

you're a retard

yes, the gameplay is great, shooting and movement is very good and the only reason i put up with the repetitivenes because it was actually fun

if it would have some shitty GTA gameplay i would've dropped it in an hour

>onsidering GTA V has like 20 radio stations, and Mafia 3

Did u read my whole sentence? rolling stones takes Millions per song, and they used couple of them, plus sold them on vinyls

It genuinely is not. Its so bare bones, so many features removed, its not even worth it on sale.

Suspension of disbelive.

It matters the most.

No niggers,irish or what ever are in the family.

Your italian or you can sleep with the fish.

We wuz mafias'n'shiet

And you're a faggot

>trying to pretend that the Deep South wasn't racist as shit in the 1960s

come the fuck on, anons

>it was a game that got completely destroyed by GTA 3 in every single way.
Wow, nice of you to refute it all , oh wait, you didn't answer a thing, sad!

Gta 3 is a complete joke, absurd and childish story, poor and bland characters, no graphics and mechanics. Bouncy cars - pathetic!

The franchise could have lived on with 2 and been a blow-out, only if it wasnt for the owner of Rockstar buying off 2K, just to stop that, a sad fact!

If it wasn't for that, Mafia 2 would also been a legend - GTA IV wouldn't come close!

>neckbeard on Sup Forums unironically trying to act like he's some mafioso or knows how the mafia works

Nice short, shame that it comes with an awful game attached

>reddit spacing
>unironical usage of !
>unironical usage of -
Why would anyone bother replying to an obvious redditor?



>No niggers,irish or what ever are in the family.

And there are no niggers or irish in the family even in the game.

Lincoln is taking down Sal Marcano who is a small part of the mafia, because the dude killed Lincoln's family.