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Video Games #3709
Video Games
I need a new gaymen chair (master race)
I take it he was agreeable?
Can someone please tell me or link me a tutorial to jig a PS3 controller to a PC so I can play ROMS. Thank you
3x3 thread
Its ok 7/10. Certainly no gaming revolution that people have been going on about...
*Backstabs u*
Bethesda cities
How do we fix Australia's vidya development industry?
I miss MGSV speculation threads. Those were my happiest times
Hopes for Pikmin 4?
ITT: Games that have really good GRAPHICS regardless if the game itself is good
The one thing that bothers me about this hardware is how the fuck are you supposed to play 2D platformers like Shovel...
Why are Western games always such fucking trainwrecks...
What do you say to this princess?
Breath of the wild thread
Post patrician video games
So is the port any good or is it yet another buggy piece of trash that will never get fixed because Nicalis are fucking...
What's wrong with this broad?
In all metrics other than ass, Yakuza 0 is better than Nier Buttomata
I fucking caved, I bought a ps4
Woah... so... this... is... a Dark Souls player
Why aren't you making games at your favorite video game studio yet Sup Forums?
Captured on Switch
Kotaku and Bioware at it again
The final boss battle is taking so long to end that you starting wondering if you're doing something wrong
So what game can I play that makes me feel like a samurai? I was thinking of doing a Dark Souls 1/2/3 Katana build...
What games let me be a Anarcho-Capitalist?
Is this game selling well?
M-MY NAME IS P-P-P... PEEEEE B-B-BEE. LETS B-BE F-F-F-RIENDS yet another me:a thread
Lets make these amiibos give really cool items in this game that just came out
So, you're not going to watch his videos anymore, right?
As someone who hasn't played BotW yet
Tomb Raider / Uncharted
How can Bioware even compete?
Best Starcraft players
Filename Thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
The boss is easier than the enemies leading up to it
*hooks and one shots you*
Why are the great fairies in this game so money grubbing?
How to clean vita screen
Doom 3 still looks pretty good even without mods
Did achievements ruin gaming?
Yahaha! You found me!
Is this the best Metroidvania of the last few years?
ITT: Vidya characters you want to be
What went wrong Sup Forums?
Hey senpai, just calling to catch up with you! You haven't been around lately...
Your most favorite developer/publisher during your childhood is now your most hated
Breath of the wild thread
$59.99 for a plastic disc
Models/Facial Animation
Resident Evil
I'm currently waiting on my tax return to go through so I can justify upgrading my GPU. I'm gonna be grabbing a RX 480...
Mount and Blade thread
7 fucking years ago. How d'ya feel?
PTR Changes the Control Point mode ensuring there will never be any draws ever again
In keeping with tradition what features will they remove from the new Elder Scrolls this time?
Nioh Thread
This is Sera. She really likes you
Nier for PC or BOTW for Wii U?
Underworld level
We warned you guys
Thread Reversal
Battle station thread?
Did anyone actually like it?
Is this faggot actually gonna fix game media?
Why Mass Effect is actually remembered
Perfect protagonists don't exi--
Now that the dust has settled, can we admit that this game was actually really fun?
A link to the past
Story of Seasons
How do I make friends to play video games with?
Seriously wondering when this game gets fun
I decided to start playing this game after years of having never to experience it. I am playing on my Raspberry Pi 3...
You better talk about video games or I'm going to
Is he "our" guy?
Starting a quest blocks 99% of sidequests for that playthrough
Game set in the future
Can we just agree that he's the worst thing that happened in smash?
This is my room
Why is smell never incorporated into games?
Dad walks in
ITT: Post Glitches and Bugs
If you use this website to purchase games you are a criminal and should go to jail
You just can't trust those bioware fellas, can you? Another broken game, what a waste
I played Mass Effect trilogy because Andromeda, and holy fuck this is literally the worst ending in video game history
Final boss is the good guy
*bing bing* WAHOO!
What's the most contrarian thing you've ever heard someone say on Sup Forums?
Who are your favorite lolis in video games?
How do I git gud at playing video games?
Find a flaw
So Sup Forums, tell me what's bothering you
Don't mind me, just pirating this wine
Whats the best battle net name for a Mei main?
Bioware will now play the victim card
Kenshi Thread
E3 2017
Still out of stock
Well Sup Forums? Have you bought the best water gun shooter since Splatoon yet?
Game unironically gets good after 20 hours
People still think Zelda and Horizon are equal, or even worse Horizon is better
Why do these monitors trigger Sup Forums's autism so badly?
My lifelong best friend was recently killed in the middle of a bank robbery shootout
Video Fucking Games
You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not playing the new Iji 1.7 right now
Who's lying here?
He didn't buy a PS3 at launch
Mom walked in and saw my Skyrim mods
Game hasn't even been released and we're all assuming it's shit (and even harassing innocent women online)...
Lucio PTR Changes
Yakuza 0
Mass Effect Andromeda Isn't Actually That Bad
This is a Mayan space robot
Why don't people like this game
Boss gives you a monologue
Hardest Game?
What happens if he takes the helmet off?
So we can all agree that Zelda was better than Horizon even though Horizon was still a pretty good game in its own...
What game let's me be a space boy?
Fighting Game Bosses Suck
Meanwhile, on Neolithic Sup Forums
What does he say Sup Forums?
Game lets your male character wear women's clothes
Why does Nier wear the blindfolds, how does she see the enemies?
How can I help you, King Sup Forumsv/v/?
How do I get started with the Ninja Gaiden series?
How do I do this grip?
How do we fix Okami?
Is it a game?
Who do I romance? Leliana or Morrigan?
Pretty much my experience with Overwatch :-/
Final boss of the game is on the box cover
H-hello. my name is Ryder. I like LEGO,Spongebob, and Video Games. I also have autism. Who wants to be my Friend?
NieR PC port performance
Breath of the Wild Thread
Rosalina Coming To Super Mario Run
"What do you mean you dont want to have sex?!"
Smash v/kend
What did Nintendo mean by this?
If you would've bought this instead of Xbox, we would be playing Metroid Prime 5 and Eternal darkness 3 right now
Here we go again
Hey lets post some Poison in this thread okay?
Filename thread
Daily reminder that this happened
Alein plot twist
So I finally built my pc and was wondering what are some solid games I should play right away
What does this emotion convey to you?
Vidya buyfag thread
Play an MMO on android
When will you recognize her as THE creator of the modern speedrunning scene?
Who else is enjoying Horizon Zero Dawn?
Games Literally No One Knows About Thread
ME:A bombs hard...
Convince me to finish this game Sup Forums
Tfw CEMU finally ended the "muh Nintendo + PC" meme
What was his problem Sup Forums?
How do we fix females in Western Games?
What was the hardest dark souls 1 boss for you?
This is not real life, I repeat this is NOT real life. It is in fact from the PS4 EXCLUSIVE game
Hacker's Memory
Why is this?
There's this battle system some JRPGs like Neptunia have that I like where it's turn-based...
Filthy MEN blaming a woman with NO evidence!
Sports games are literally copy paste products every year. How are they able to fuck it up this badly?
I'm properly drunk and it's been forever since I've done one of these, so it's time for a Sup Forumsingo thread...
P5 grid thread
Yu-gi-oh! Thread: OP is autistic for dragons edition
Find a game with worse box art, I dare ya!
This is a Japanese hobo
Nier Automata
Hurry user! We need to awake those crystals!
It's official: Sara is cute. CUTE!!!
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Really makes you think
Now that the dust has settled, which boss had the best theme?
How does he move his arms and his head at the same time?
Hollow Knight
PS4 Collection Thread
Favourite AVGN episode
Bought this at the store now what should I get Sup Forums?
Are budget PC's even worth it?
I miss them so much
Game isn't even two months old
How do you guys hold your controller?
Claim your vidya wfu
ITT: Games that rely solely on graphics
Sonic Forces/Project 2017 Thread
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Dead Space 2
2017 isn't even 4 months in and we not only have the GOTY...
Fire Emblem Heroes
Hi Sup Forums
I've been paying pic related because I wanted to get into the series but until now (chapter 13x) the lack of the...
What are the essential PS3 exclusives?
I can feel the Warhammer 40k vidya thread taking over me, it is a good pain
Giftan a couple more Steam games tonight
And this is where the magic happens
Nintendo Comfy
Sup Forums hates morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim
Just beat this asshole. SMT thread. Is an Anarchy playthrough worth a go...
Game development thread. Weekend edition
Top fucking kek
Just build a PC bro
How exactly did Blizzard manage to completely ruin the Diablo franchise? Who let this happen and why?
Did you try it out yet? It's free now
So should I buy Gothic 1 and 2 Sup Forums?
Trails thread
Mass Effect Andromeda
A website that measures how awesome an image can be
Hi. I decided to fall into le PC gamer meme and bought this computer today for $800 new...
I once had a dream that Orbb from Quake 3 became the prom king at the highschool i used to go to
What games let me take control of enemies?
ITT: "Yeah, that actually was an actual thing at some point"
*blocks your path*
*deletes blighttown*
Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch Might Allow Gamers To Make White People
How good are you at fighting games
Post vidya comics
Bioware are a bunch of SJW pandering faggots!
It's a gimmick boss fight
How much dust is yours collecting, Sup Forums?
Left or right Sup Forums?
It was at 60% yesterday
Why is the Witcher 3 so much better than other games?
Another Fan Project Shut Down by Nintendo
What are your thoughts on Oblivion
Which of these games do you plan on playing?
So, Sup Forums, will you be getting the standard or steelbook edition?
God of Starcraft
Smash Sup Forumskend: SDI NOW edition
Is replaying this the most autistic thing you could do?
*sighs*, the last good generation of consoles
So what is the worst 3D Zelda game?
Thread for games that are over 8yrs old, but that you still play regularly
I find this weird. When he completed Xenoblade Chronicles X...
S-onybros...How will we ever compete?
Games Sup Forums told you were shit bu that you ended up enjoying anyways
Chaos Code
You have 2 hours to show me a better looking game. I'll wait
Where's the crack?
Mass Effect Andromeda trial includes complete game files lmao!
You see? it is possible
Why do I keep hearing people on Sup Forums say that Half-Life 2 aged badly?
What's your favorite TF2 video? Could be official, parody, whatever
Woah hey guys
Why are Etrian Odyssey Girls so hot? Why do some classes have 3 girls and only 1 guy?
Ice level has terrible design choices, but amazing background music
Are you guys excited for Persona 4 2.0?
What are the best games to play on a crappy laptop Sup Forums?
ITT: must-plays for atmosphere- and immersionfags
What happened to him?
Nier's combat is shallow and b-
This is Alice Liddell. Say something nice about her game!
Cora is legitimately one of the most attractive female characters ever created only behind Citra from FarCry 3
How did ME:A go wrong with such a rich, diverse dev team?
What did Bioware mean by this?
Why are so many indie games using terrible art style, sprite work, and palettes, yet getting so much praise?
ITT : games where you were spoiled before playing them
/kothog/ - King of the Hill Online General
Smash/Melee | Frame Perfect 2
How was video game graphics able to improve so much across the same hardware from the beginning to the end of the NES's...
Pc or ps4?
Haha what the fuck is a "PSX" bro, this is the Playstation 1, dude
Name a worse Wii U game
I never thought I'd miss him Sup Forums, but I do
Yakuza 0
How do we fix rhythm games?
Come play pictionary anons
Was it autism?
Vidya cringe/autism thread
Is this series worth playing?
Games with satisfying gunplay
What traditional Zelda enemies do you hope make it into the Breath of the wild dlc?
Digimon CS Hacker's Memory announced for PS4 and Vita
What color and lightsaber type did you choose?
Main character of the previous game does nothing but sperg like a retard or cross his arms while sitting on the...
What do you want to see in Resident Evil 8, Sup Forums?
How do you diagnose a problem with your gaming pc?
I just got this Trinitron PVM hooked up with sega saturn through S-video
Speccy thread
Filename thread
How can this work anymore when two Zeldas are tsun?
Can we have a nice comfy Stardew Valley thread, bros?
Will you buy her game?
What's a good Space Opera RPG to play on PC, that isn't Mass Effect or Star Wars?
What is your opinion on diversity in video games?
Zelda Breath of the Wild
MC defeats people who've trained their entire lives after a year at most because of talent
Thing you can't belive you have done
Name a video game swordfighter that could beat Jack
Daily reminder that Godot literally did nothing wrong
Perfection, the game
Are the Xbox One controls worth the price if you're using it for PC?
Who are they talking about?
Why is this still allowed?
Have you played it?
Forced stealth section
Which console had the worse launch?
Why would anyone give a girl like this the time of day?
Are there any games critics were outright wrong about?
Now the dust has settled, what is our opinion?
What is the best time to buy the PS4? Are there any mid-year sales or something...
Monster Hunter
Why do people who criticize JRPGs always have a massively outdated idea of what a JRPG actually is...
I feel like trying one of these from PSN. Which Harvest Moon (from this list) would you recommend...
Always loved werewolves
Best GTA ever
Did you buy her game Sup Forums?
What percent of gamers are actually female?
Less than 1% of hentai games have a male MC
Ignoring the quality of everything else...
ITT: post lesser known things in vidya
The game opens with a quote from the Bible
I don't know what you're talking about
I platinumed it
I'm a console gamer who tried for years to convince myself that PC was better, before giving up and buying a PS4 Pro
Postal 2
Which vidja world you want into
Turok 2
Colin was right
Whatever happened to that KOTOR remake that was supposedly in the works?
How is this compared to the rest of the series?
Your opinion on Dragons Dogma?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that the Gamecube was the best console of the 6th generation?
How do we fix the western game industry Sup Forums?
Horizon reveal
Can we post games that were forgotten as quickly as they showed up
2 > 1 > 3
How does he move both his hands and his head at the same time?
There she's fixed now
Hit enemy
Mass Effect Andromeda
How is the GPDWin for performance?
Hello fellow lurkers! Are you guys looking forward to Mass Effect: Andromeda as much as I am?
There was a video on YouTube of the Vetra/Ryder romance and sex and it was really awful...
Is speedrunning the most autistic thing ever?
Choosing "quick start" versus entering the character creator and leaving default Ryder in results in two different...
Redpill me Sup Forums. I impulsed bought this at Target for 10 bucks and I'm not sure if I should open it...
Wii u
Episode 109 when?
Am I a good roster yet, Sup Forums?
Lets have a NWN thread
You just couldn't help yourselves, could you?
Open World
Who should i trust?
Injustice 2 thread
Thread where you look at the filename and chortle or gasp
What are the best games of this genre? I just finished Castlevania SOTN and i fucking loved it
Have clocked in 40+ hours now
What can I do for people to give me free games?
Are there any good anime games?
ITT games in which the hero was wrong
Reminder that YOU weren't there to help HER when SHE needed YOU most
What do you realistically want from Dark Souls 4 if it were made ?
Dishonored 2
Gravity Rush 2
Rank the PS2 Shin Megami Tensei games from best to worst, Sup Forums
Has anyone played or even beaten this game?
It's another comfy Saturday, Sup Forums. What are ya
This is by far the best looking game right now. You have 24 hours to prove me wrong, you literally can't
I want Peach to "Ha-tcha~!" on me face
Should i get overwatch or nah
No "Only on Playstation" on the cover
Why do beast races wear little to no armor or clothing?
Rockpapershotgun hates it
JUST effect andromeda
Even Krogans are manlets
Alright retards, settle this once and for all
Breath of the Wild
Fire Emblem Heroes Thread - getting destroyed by whales edition
Do Nvidia make games run worse on older cards when they bring out newer cards?
Tfw Mass Effect is dead
Good western game
Describe a game in three words or less
PC gaming in 2017
Where are, i repeat, where are games for the Xbox One?
How the fuck do you get hearts fast? The Shrines are so spread apart and I know you need 13 hearts for the master sword...
Persona 5
"Critical Hit" is just a regular damage value, except it completely ignores defense/resistance
Waited a bit. How is Wildlands?
Why is she so fucking big?
Implying mods can't fix skyrim
Last jap game you played
Could someone direct me to video games with monster girls? Preferably as main/playable characters
Okay Sup Forums I'm trying to make a decision here. I only have money for one game. But I cant decide...
What went right?
Post GOAT vidya music in this thread
Why are all of their games so great? Can we all agree they are the best game developers of all time?
Is the Witcher better than Mass Effect?
ITT: Life is a game
Cyberpunk 2077
Wii u 2
This entire series is about poor hitboxes and shit no one would ever figure out without a guide but drones call it...
This is the best rated vidya of all time. Say something nice about it
How do we go from THIS
Hinata best girl
Is crash bandicoot SAVED?
Don't support Mass Effect
Drakengard Thread
Pic related is the best fighting game ever made
ITT: games Sup Forums used to love until they got popular
How do you organize your games, Sup Forums?
Alright Sup Forums given the fact that the last couple of months the Andromeda shitposting and original trilogy...
Aloy's crooked teeth are still alluring
That one party member that steals the spotlight from all the others
What one was the most edgy?
Starts in windowed mode, already a bad sign
ITT: series that had a rough start
What did you think of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided?
PC master race
Journalism outrage over mass effecf character not being gay
ITT: Games you enjoyed that everyone shits on
ITT: It's 2013
Why in gods name are they making a 2?
Do any of you buy vidya in Cex?
Which one Sup Forums?
These are "male" characters in 2017
ITT: subtle video game clothes
2 new Digimon games announced
Literally can't customize and play as a white character
Have you heard of the Elder Scrolls thread?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Everyone complains about the witcher 3's combat being shit but when you use the [dodge] button it really fucking works...
Glad to see Sup Forums is finally joining the RIGHT side of history for once and standing strong against bigoted games...
ENVIRONMENTAL ART - is there a more underappreciated aspect of game design on Sup Forums?
Why is this degeneracy allowed in Zelda games?
What's the Sup Forums's equivalent of a studio like pic related that regularly produces trash with no substance and is...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Am I the only person who is looking forward to this?
What are the WORST tracks in the Mario Kart series?
When people talk about "toxic" games, they usually try to avoid naming names. Here's one - CS:GO...
Risk of Rain
What are some games where best girl wins?
Tfw dark souls mmo in 2018
The Element field is completely white and Miguel is using HolyDragonSword...
What is the most autistic game you play Sup Forums?
Is this the last chance for the FPS genre to be taken seriously?
Year after year. Somethings never change
Hey guys, rate my new case!
Today is the fucking day
So are we just ignoring this or
NieR PC port
Games that don't hold up in 2017
Has a game ever made you cry?
What's the optimal perk tree if I'm maining Charlie?
Boring open world
Queues to login
How do you think REmake 2 will be?
What was the consensus on Linkle?
You did pre-order my game, right user?
Why are international otakufags into weebshit when japanese are into simpler games?
Breath of the Wild thread!
This can't be legal
Filename thread
It's an enemy throws a silent fuck huge boulder that's out if frame at you and you die instantly episode
Nintendo is represented by three children
Why do reviewers forgive Bethesda for bad faces , but trash Mass Effect for the same thing?
ITT companys you miss
Do you bot in games?
What are the Top 5 Worst Sonic games?
What did he mean by this?
Playing Deus Ex
Why is the Wii U version so bad...
"Hey guys, what if-what if the Simpsons were in Kingdom Hearts haha?"
What popular Playstation only characters would you add to a sequel?
Why does nobody on Sup Forums take anything seriously anymore?
Comfy Switch
Lead facial animator for ME: Andromeda
Will you pirate games for your kids?
Name some video games with bullshit story that doesn't make sense
Hi. My name is Skra and this is my first build
Have you killed Goblins today Sup Forums ?
The new face of PC gaming
Jesus christ, I want to pull the trigger so bad even though I redpilled myself hard
Somebody just spammed message this on my ps4 could he hack me
Was it good?
It has pretty shit gameplay but a great story!
/ourguy/ is at it again
I'M SORRY Sup Forums
I paid $450 for a switch and a copy of Zelda
Why does dota players always get so mad about anything that happens in their game?, why are they unable to enjoy games?
Shit was great until you got on the ship, then it got boring. Also...
Let's get /comfy/
So, why is it okay when japan does it? Where is the autistic outrage?
What comes to mind when you see her picture?
Who /piratingjustforautisticwaifu/?
What was his name again?
Timecalm thread
EA buy Bioware
Witcher ruined RPGs for me
New Galaxy, only two new species?
What does Sup Forums think of Detective Cole Phelps, badge 1247?
Oh shit...
So, eh, i heard you have not bought skyrim on the switch yet user, why's that?
Do you hate jap games just to be contrarian?
R6 Siege thread
Is he /ourguy/ Sup Forums?
RIP Halo
Shell-Walker is cute! CUTE!
Who are the best Nintendo husbandos?
Sonic 2017(Sonic Forces)
Will 2017 be the next 2004/1998?
What the hell happened?
Is this good if you never played an Atelier game before?
How rare are these going to be 10 years from now
ITT: ugly characters
Bioware gave us a new TORtanic
Stop pretending you can name 5 countries in Africa
I see you're having a hard time user, I know, I'll reduce your max hp every time you die
Screen goes dark
Nier PC
Is this really as bad of a game as Sup Forums says that it is, Sup Forums?
So we can all agree that fps is more important than anything, but what do you think is better...
Childhood is idolizing GDI. Adulthood is realizing Nod makes more sense
Honey select
Senran Kagura Estival Versus is out on Steam
He doesn't give a fuck about us anymore
Never trust a woman with this kind of facial make up
Richie Tries to Play Dark Souls 2/2
I'm scared guys...
ITT: Games only you played
How did you deal with him on your first playthrough?
Why every game I have hopes for, ends up being shit?
Its out
Official GOTM
Why not bring all their games?
So, we can all agree that spam button to win and sometimes use your bow shit-tier combat is okay when Nintendo does it?
Convince me not to buy Skullgirls, Sup Forums
The Console Wars
He did NOTHING wrong
What kind of video games do famous people play?
Favourite games
ITT: get a vidya recommendation using three words
So is the new Mirror's Edge any good?
NieR:Automata, need help!
He's right, you know
NV Thread
This is your new Lara Croft, Sup Forums
Eternal crusade is finally free to play
So it's a deal then?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...