>playing Deus Ex
>reach the prison escape level
Playing Deus Ex
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Before that level, whenever Gunter would kill me, I would quickload. Tried to withstand him for about an hour before accidentally noticing that I would not lose the game if I die.
I actually picked Run Silent instead of Speed Enhancement. I'm really fucked.
>he didn't save Lebedev and kill Anna on the airplane
I like that one though
im a little sneakster, see?
>go to the armory
>find out that all your consumables would be reset to 1
>implying i didn't set up a LAM so Anna would get BLOWN THE FUCK OUT before even reaching me
So, should i tell Reyes to stay at UNATCO or not? I think the upgrade canister later on is worth fighting Gunther
I take it he was agreeable?
Can Jaime even die depending on the choices you make?
No you just dont see him ever again depending on your choice, just like the guy in supplies
>play Deus Ex
>get to the NYC Streets level
God this game is so fucking boring.
Anyway, i will have him follow me into Hong Kong, whatever. I want to beat the shit out of Gunther myself
>staying loyal to UNATCO route wasn't included
Oh, what this game could have been- this could have been the greatest goat of all time.
>there are people in this thread who didn't save Miguel.
Would've been even better.
>yfw seeing that door leads to level 4 unatco
You don't see Gunther in HK, but he follows your ass all the way to the Cathedral in Paris, where you can still just run your ass away to leave him in cyborg misery indefinitely.
I didn't want to believe it.
Yeah, thing is, if you tell Reyes to stay he gives you Gunther's killphrase.
If you tell Reyes to follow you he gives you a upgrade canister.
I'm not gonna be some pussy and run away anyway.
I somehow glitched Gunther into turning friendly during that encounter so I didn't have to worry about him.
How the fuck do you even do that?
I'm not sure where the line was for me between Anna (who I always killed) and Gunther (who I always pitied and spared).
thats wesker not jc denton dumbass
It was awhile ago that I played it but I think it involved setting a gas grenade which interrupted the conversation when he triggered it.
If I tried to talk to him afterward it wouldn't initiate dialogue and he'd just repeat a stock line, so I left him there as a broken shell of a robotic man.
Weren't both killphrases in Manderley's computer anyway
What are you talking about? That's clearly JC Denton himself!
Not Gunther's. You can snag Anna's from two separate computers in Unatco, but Gunther's isn't ready yet.
I guess by the time you fight Gunther his killphrase isn't really needed anyway
>JC denton himself
>not "JC denton in da fresh"
Every fucking time.
if you get speed, you can crouch at a running pace.
>tell him to stay put while I murder everything and everyone
>get into UNATCO base, save
>realize I forgot Miguel
>mfw my friend thought I was serious when I said dump all of your points into swimming so you'll stand a chance against the dolphin boss late in the game
It's a pretty tough fight otherwise. What, did you cheese him with the secret electric darts?
I did a silent takedown with the GEP Gun.
Did you at least tell him to put some points into environmental training so he could handle the volcano level?
nah i forgot all about that skill.
Deus Ex might be the most quotable game of all time.
>A bomb's a bad choice for close ranged combat.
>fucking up my stealth run for 250 skill points and a autist that can't fucking crouch
I let him rot in the cell forever.
>No option to stay with UNATCO
Bitch I ain't goin' back to jail.
how would the route of ended?
[spolier] nuke vandenberg? [/spoiler]
fuck me
Thank me later
Nope, nuke Paris. Page's biggest enemy is Everett. Savage is just a former employee who would have bent right over for Page (exchanging the UC parts for his daughter) if JC hadn't showed up.
I'm a good neighbor.
I actually beat Dark Souls, so I'm not a filthy casual, but that level DeX is fucking bullshit, not even mods can save it.
>tell Miguel to stay put while I clear the way ahead
>doing some random thing in Paris level
>It's been 17 years
>Miguel is still standing there, patiently waiting in his cell
Has anybody done a run of Deus Ex where they kill every NPC possible?
I got up to the subway bomb mission but then forgot about it and lost the save file in a reformat. It added some nice challenge by creating combat in areas you're not supposed to fight in, as well as some pretty extreme ammo management strategies. I was also doing this with melee and heavy weapons only.
Deus Ex is four games in one:
NYC: Lethal Weapon
HK: Oceans 11 + Chinatown
Paris: 'Allo 'Allo!
LA: X-files
Today it'd be episodic and each would cost $60.
>go to clear the place
>neutralized everyone in the way, go back to tell him to book it
>he isn't there anymore
>He dosen't kill anna and then kill lebedev too
If you set pistol to untrained in the games opening and spend those points elsewhere the game resets pistol to trained for free
Now i almost want to restart
>Paul is pleased with your choice, noting that there are security bots around the perimeter
>You aren't planning on using it on the bots
There's an hidden augmentation canister behind Manderley's shelf
of course not, the best way to use the gep gun is as a glorified door opener
don't believe him people say fake secrets. one time I was looking for hours in the monk temple for some easter egg because someone said there was one in there
You're kidding, right?
The true hero of Deus Ex. Without him the streets would be filthy.
kek, happened to me too.
Speed Run Augment
Combat Strength
Dragons tooth
All points in melee
Its a shame the game didnt have NG+ to let you play through the first missions with all your abilities
I'm atm doing a GMDX psycho madman run where I kill everyone I can with my 10mm. Gotta avoid the invincible NPCs though.
>you'll never see Paul and Denton born from Adam's semen
Anyway why is he looking like a fucking Ahmed in MD?
Was MD good? Compared to HR, at least.
>you use it to kill Leo Gold from the dock
Yes, it's good. I wouldn't buy it though. The story doesn't get concluded properly because they wanted to... Divide... it into multiple games.
>Was MD good? Compared to HR, at least.
The only good thing about it is level design - it's like cheese full of holes and you can explore it.
If you don't like exploring then you will only have shitty irrelevant plot which is basically a filler in Deus Ex universe.
New augments were fun. I like the icarus dash and the stun fist.