Comfy Switch

Comfy Switch

Handheld is more comfy

>no sexy feet in stockings for me to think about licking
Why even post

Seriously, that looks so bad. Wish Nintendo had the balls to actually deliver on graphics one day.

Go play your pc fag. You can enjoy the graphics of your farming simulator

It looks like a video game


who plays on a screen that small?

>not using the wrist straps to make the joycons berrable

post dick

You only need to use the wrist straps when you use one joy can as a sideways controller

They still feel like shit to me without them. Probably because I have actual man hands

Whats under the pants user....

The game can look really good sometimes. When the sun is setting on tall grass blown by the wind, it's really beautiful. The title of the game is spot on, I'm having the same problem I had with Skyrim: play for hours walking, screwing around and exploring.

Spooky skeleton legs



I'm not gay

me neither
you don't have to be

>no grips on the joycons

little hands confirmed

No shit though, with the grips on using a joycon in each hand is comfier than anything else I've ever used. Can't wait until someone gets these working on PC properly.

>taking the joy con straps on and off

fuck off back to Sup Forums


Who /ClawGrip/ here?

reporting in


p gud

I fucking guffawed. Even as a total nintendofag.

>6 hearts

You've got work to do, user.

I'd be happier if it wasn't made for ants when you put it away from your face.

Screen 2 small

that was a solid pic but well over half of those replies were samefag iirc


I wouldn't SWITCH my console for a dime tho

>Neck pain
>Screen is so small you can barely see shit half a meter away

Nintendofags, ladies and gentlemen.

Eh, not as funny the sixth time.

>implying cemu looks better

do you know what else is like that? almost all entertainment


I remember these threads for Wii U

>"I'm playing muh comfy tablet in bed, u jelly?"
Not really, that's what I have a big screen TV for

this is what the internet was made for

quality thread

i know this isnt your pic, but whoever the fuck makes that argument is a fucking dumbass, knowing it can plug into your TV

How'r those exclusiv- oh, wait.

the range of the WiiU was terrible, I could barely play it one room away let alone in bed

>when you know you're wrong and try to be funny

what is that?

gameboy akin magnifying kit when

If you have tentacles for hands.

you sound jelly tbqh