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Did you know you can set them on fire and it makes amber? It blew my mind the first time it happened to me

perfect I have been hitting them for being assholes but this would be the best


Koroaches, if you see one there are 10 more nearby.

*puts rock back down*

the Oaki Trial was fucking adorable

>Pick up a rock
>Climb a mountain
>Dive into some water
>Pick an apple off a tree
>Take a shit
These fucking things

>take off Zelda's panties

It's mind-blowing that there are 900 of these little fuckers.

It's more mind blowing that someone found all 900 of them in two weeks. He probably used the guidebook, but still.

>wander over to a hollow stump in the middle of nowhere
>seconds into a nice quite BM

Why hello there deeply engaging and acceptable content that somehow makes up for the world being empty!


>implying filling the world with these cute little fuckers isn't the greatest possible reward

>what if we added a variety of different collectibles with different themes and rewards?
>how about you shut the fuck up and add another 300 Koroks?
And he did.


Koroks took over the world in this time line

youtu.be/2Z3WTim7ed8 go watch this asshole

It disappoints me that there are only so many models.
They could have made some generator to make them all unique.
Different faces, veins, leaf shape...

how are they so cute

We simply have to prey they reuse the engine and world models they've made
It clearly took a fuckton of time for all of this, so pulling a Majora's Mask as someone said, and simply adding more of everything is the best outcome

But Majora's Mask is the worst 3D Zelda, filled with rehashed character designs and less content than OoT.

>Push rock down hill
>Walk away, do something else for like 5 minutes
>Suddenly YAHAHA, the rock I pushed somehow made its way into a Korok hole

8/10 just wasted a wood and a flint


don't listen to him he's just trying to keep you from getting an extra free 900 amber


>press b


some user a few threads back claimed that getting rid of all bananas in your inventory makes the yiga stop spawning. Anyone care to confirm that? I really don't mind them spawning around and giving me free shit, but I'm still curious

It's true, the encounter rate for Yiga assassins goes up the more bananas you have

It then goes even higher after you've bumped off their leader

It's true. If you want to test it out just drop all your bananas in your house, items don't despawn there.

Is there anyway to save Baral from the Yigya Clan hideout?

Seriously? You can fill your house with a bunch of shit and it stays there?

time to hoard bananas to earn free wind blades and chakrams forever

The Gerudo girl in the cell? I believe she just makes her way back on her own after you defeat Kohga and then head back to the Gerudo barracks.

if you want to farm powerful weapons just walk over to the top of coliseum and sneak harvest your inventory full of royal and elemental weapons


I love them. Korok forest is CUTE.

How do you activate the Koroks that hide in those tree "triplets"? I tried picking all the fruits for every three-in-a-row formation I found, but it never made the Korok come out.

Not all triple trees are koroks, unfortunately.

Bullshit, items do despawn in your house. But I love how this game being so huge brought forth a new generation of THOSE KIDS.

you mad cuck boy

2 of the trees will have the same apple placement. Make the 3rd one the same as the others.

Did you even finish the questline?

Look for the tree with the most fruit.
Make it match the other two trees.

honestly i love it. tiny puzzles everywhere

Yes. You get racks for your weapons, bows and shields, but any items drop on the floor will eventually despawn if you go too far for too long.

also, you might be retarded

You need to finished the whole questline, which includes the entire town you build in akala. The rest you should be able to figure out on your own.

Oh, damn. I don't know why I never thought of that. Fucking sneaky faggots.

Anybody else have that one (or multiple) Korok puzzle type that you kept seeing throughout the game, but never figured out what to do until later, then finally solve it and get hit with the dreaded realization that you'll have to go back and find every single one of those puzzles you passed up the first time?

Today I just realized that some tree trunks stuck diagonally in the ground can have little acorns wedged inside, and that shooting them with an arrow reveals a Korok. I've only seen one or two of them before, but it's still an overwhelming thought that there must be several of those that I missed.

Yeah, for me it was the holes or goals you need to roll rocks into/through

I had plenty of moments in the game that made me feel dumb(constellations, kass's stag riddle, and lost woods after hearing how I was supposed to get through it)

As for feeling the dread of backtracking for koroks, that's just non existant. I have better things to do with my life than solve the same simple puzzles hundreds of times.

realizing there's 900 of these shit lickers was traumatic enough