I paid $450 for a switch and a copy of Zelda

I paid $450 for a switch and a copy of Zelda.
How did I do?

is zelda the only game you wanted to play? because in a month or two you can just emulate the wiiu version for free.

>asking for purchase advice after already having spent the money
>seeking validation for your shitty purchases online
really, faglord

You got scammed, they cost 300

Not for another few months, they don't.

>not getting Zelda on Wii U and waiting for Mario to come out on Switch to buy it cheaper.


Was it the special edition Zelda?

I double preordered so I have a spare switch and Zelda SE still sealed. Anyone want them? I'm not a scalper.

btw the switch is great. Fuck the haters.

>not buying a switch so you can play BOtW anywhere and ignore your family.

You're a fucking idiot

i have one and no its not great
its decent in portable mode and complete garbage when docked

>living with your parents

Worse, I have a wife

>not living with your family
>not saving up mad cash so you can afford a property
>throwing money on rent

Subhumans everybody

horrible, that's more than I paid for the switch, Zelda, and a pro controller on amazon

No it isn't. With no tax or shipping, at msrp, that's $440

Shipping was free, BOTW was $50 with prime.

I almost paid 450$ for the console alone.

But I managed to hold myself back and wait a couple more weeks lol

So $430 plus tax. Basically op paid a pro controller in scalpers fees.

This. I'm 26 going on 27 and only just getting ready to love out. The only reason I stayed so long is because I just finished getting my masters

you're complete garbage all day long

yeah, you say that though as if the pro controller isn't expensive as fuck for a controller.

Been playing zelda with the pro controller. Been using the joycons to play cosy 2player Snipperclips with my qt 8/10 gf after sex.

It's all good nigga. I have zero complaints.

also it was $420 before tax, a Pro controller was $70 and the Switch was $299

I feel you user

Playing it together with the kids is fun tho

Like a youropoor. Or a slav. It is more expensive there, like always with nintendo jews

I always hear people say "I can play Zelda on the toilet"

Is this for real? Do people really play games while doing a shite? That's just fucking demented.

Ffs just wait until they make more

$300 for the console, $70 for a Pro controller, like $38 for Zelda, $80 for a 200GB mSD card, and $30 for an accessory kit

Should've just gotten the wii u version

But I wanted a switch

>Not pinching a loaf while playing vidya

Then you're a dumbass


>He's a dumbass for wanting the brand new console from the world's most celebrated video game company, which is also home to the new Zelda - which is being touted as one of the best games of all time.

Why post shit like this a video game board? Seriously? On a video game board.

Was Zelda really worth 450$?
You're not going to play anything else on it for a good while

Welcome to the hivemind. Your Nintendo seal of approval is in the mail. And remember, if anyone tries to tell you the truth, throw out all reason and logic and keep buying. Thanks for supporting Nintendo!

>in a month or two


I really wanted the multiplayer portable console. Mario kart, bomberman and vc on a plane will work for now. It's not like I am not an idort


It's *than*.
If you're going to insult the intelligence of an individual, than you should at least learn basic language skills, or else you make yourself look like an ass, via the Internet.

Also, you being so triggered by someone wanting a switch is awfully petty.
Lay off drinking negro piss, it's giving you brain damage.

Also, The Game.

Because Sonyqueers are mentally inept.

Thays why all their best games ate cinematic experiences.
They are too stupid to think.

Sonyqueers are very much like Religious weirdos.