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Yakuza thread

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If you want to make a thread don't start it with a cancerous reddit meme.


>reddit meme.
if you think that cancerous place made that meme then you belong there.

>wanna get platinum
>can't work up the drive to replay on legendary
I made a huge mistake on doing 100% on hard.

You seem confused, plebbit. *action* posting has never been Sup Forums behavior and is the reason your shitty thread will be deleted.

Kiwani hype

>Having to play Catfight even once

I've already given up on it

Yeah, I almost had an aneurysm because of that shit.

Glad I got it though, since that and the 100% trophies are probably the hardest to get.

catfight makes me want to kill myself more than I allready do

predates Sup Forums and plebbit

I saw a few threads back that apparently, the odds are kinda against Jennifer, and that the Latina chick has a higher chance of winning.

Might be true since it was a fucking nightmare even when using Jennifer.

wtf is this "catfight"? I haven't received my PS4 yet

You bet on girls fighting while the RNG makes you its bitch.

can you not savescum?

I got every achievement in Just Cause 2 on the same save file which entailed getting 75% map completion on Legendary difficulty, you know nothing of pain. Also you can change the difficulty in Yakuza at anytime dummy. You could have done all that on easy mode.

Near the end of chapter 5, you unlock a new mini-game called cat fights.

It's rock, paper, scissors, but with busty babes.
The problem is that there's like 3 different levels of RNG stacked onto an already luck based game.

You can, but that's only good for the completion point.

There's a trophy for winning 10 cat fight tournaments, and a tournament is 3 fights.
You lose one fight, you're out.

I didn't say 100% was hard, it was just time consuming and burnt me out.

It's why I wish I saved it for Legendary.

I came here to shake down and chew pocky.
And I'm all outta pocky

Which Dojima lieutenant in The Best?
I rank Kuze > Shibusawa > Awano

>Face capturrre

It's Rock Paper Scissors and a buttonmash to break ties. There are hits to beat the RNG but the AI will most likely cheat on the buttonmashes and there's also an RNG chance that you just instantly lose the whole match too with no way around it.

>Tips fedora

why does Goro Majima looks so cool in 0 but so bad in 3?


The worst he looks is Saejima's intro. For some reason he looks better with 1 eye than 2

I am fool, how could I forget that video
I still place Kuze in first bc goddamn that boss theme is the best thing I've heard

And he gets 2 great themes as opposed to Shibusawa who gets only one, to boot


yeah but he just looks so classy in 0 but he looks like some generic badguy in 3

Just rush through story mode. So long as you have shotguns for the escort missions you'll be fine. I didn't even bother unlocking the outer upgrade rings for any fighting style, just burned through the main game in six hours, most of that was just holding R1 and circle through unskippable story scenes.

Yakuza Zero made me love vidya once again. Can't even fucking remember which was the last game i genuinely enjoyed playing and feeling empty after it was over.

Well he was forced to dress up in 0 and do all the classy stuff because he's running a proper cabaret against his will

Once he get out of that he went back to his Thug-like setup like before 0 happens, in addition to a cuhrazy persona

Also 3 and Kenzan looks really fucking bad since it's the first games in the series to use the engine, like Yakuza 6 which looks worse than 0 and Kiwami

>kamuro setsugekka isn't in the yakuza game set in the 80s
How did they fuck up this hard?

Is there a karaoke minigame in Yakuza 2?