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Video Games #3712
Video Games
Sup Forums will defend this
Why didn't you faggots tell me this was literally the best open world game in the past decade...
We will see her remake announced this sunday?
Steam friend complaint thread
What went wrong?
Three months in
Wow..... very deep
Is this game worth 5 bucks?
So when is pat just gonna abandon matt and stream with paige full time instead?
Bloodstained for Wii U cancelled
Bioware using a transgender woman as the base model for the romantic interest in Mass Effect
ITT: Games only I played
Can you bang her? Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines
Why does Sup Forums hate sports games?
So yesterday an FFXI thread was up for around 16 hours
What will be his first lie about TES VI
Now that Bioware is on its death bed, who is EA going to kill next?
Who is your favorite Pokemon and why is it your favorite?
Worst fashion in vidya
Have you ever paid real money for a cosmetic item in a video game?
ITT: Games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
ITT: Characters that are literally you
Man, Nintendo really made Link fatter than he used to be, didn't they?
She's shit
ITT: You nostalgia, you lose
This is gameplay footage on a $250 console from 2013
*blocks your path*
Arena shooters
What do you guys think of Dunkey?
Why is she so pretty?
KH2FM has good comba-
Comfy Minecraft "Nostalgia" Thread: Server When Edition
500 word essay due tomorrow
I can only pick one
Dead Rising 4 Thead
Do you think you should be allowed to play anybody you want in the video game you bought or do you think there's some...
170 backlog games
Guess who's back?
Not intelegent enough and no omnigel
ITT: We name the Pros and Cons of this game
Paid online
Anyone else worried this game is going to be Sonic Adventure tier...
That one friend who only plays mediocre Sup Forums memes games like Nier, Valhalla and undertale
Boss is some frustrating bullshit that spams near unmissable attacks and using grapples/throws that deal a retarded...
V says japs make better games
Is somewhere a functional Ludwig's Holy Blade in rl? Is even possible to make one?
Profile pics you're tired of seeing
Valkrie is still too op with her spin attack that knocks you down and her damage is too high
BF1 or MEA
47 hours of gameplay and this thing still isn't dead
Mass Effect Andromeda is being hailed as the most diverse game ever made since you cant make a white character...
Is this a good game?
What are the chances of there being a Final Fantasy Collection akin to the Metal Gear one...
New Vegas
Why was every LoZ after this one shittier and shittier? Was this the peak of the franchise?
What is the best boss fight in the souls series and why is it manus' boss fight?
So v, will it be a masterpiece or will it be a shit bg clone like the original?
What did they mean by this?
Name 1 person who can beat Sir Anjin in a duel
So do you think ARMS will be Nintendo's next big hit or will it be an utter flop?
What's the best adventuer/rpg game to experience being Clint Eastwood?
What the FUCK went wrong?
Why can't PC get a good monster hunter-esque game
So I emulated this to figure out what the fuss was all about and you niggers didn't let me know it was god awful...
We mash up da place
Whats up poorfags? ;) Ujelly jelly...
MEA's autism incest greentext thread
Villains that did nothing wrong
Can I get a quick redpill on DA2?
Why is she so popular here
Remember how this wasn't the "mainline" Mario game?
What's his name gives BotW a 9/10
Fucking damnit BioWare
It's a good game, just not a good X game
Best value per MB
Will Metroid ever again get as much love and attention as Mario, Zelda, and even Fire Emblem get...
Will you buy it when it gets localized?
What are the chances that she is playable in the dlc?
Wii = Genesis
Who wins in a fight?
It's not ugly if she's an alien
ITT: Post examples of good boxart
Crack when?
There's so much thicc Zelda out there, but where are the drawings of thicc Link? Easily the best girl in Legend of Zelda
Was the hate for Dark Souls 2 largely unjustified?
Is this the best controller ever?
It's confirmed the best Tales was not localized because Troy Baker wanted to disassociate himself from anime
Varg's favorite games are the original Deus Ex, Stalker SoC and Morrowind
Why do people consider this an unfinished mess?
Nier Automata CRACK
Start playing Guilty Gear
Xbox Live is down
Mass Effect Suvi
Will you miss them?
Lets review the confirmed info:
Gamespot executive predicts Switch will outsell Wii
Let me dps
Damn this game is good. Is everyone enjoying it?
Has he been redeemed?
Hollow Knight
What are some premium gaming ~headsets~?
Mass Effect Andromeda
What did Eli mean by this?
MMO classes
Release a 4 year old game
This is art
Who else thinks that project scorpio will literally be a pc running a locked down version of windows 10 with all...
What are some large video games?
When link is on Epona are you still controlling Link or are you controlling Epona?
So... this any good?
Persona 5
Mass Effect TRAINWRECK general
What's the probability that Bioware was the target of corporate sabotage?
Filename bread
Is there any point on keeping your old games when remakes start coming out...
Me and my friend are booting him off. He's a hacker on a game called H1Z1. Help us
They changed her default face in the Day One patch
Fuck you Sup Forums. This game is fucking awesome
Why does Sup Forums never play games that have actual graphics?
He makes a male character
I need some help Sup Forums...
Name a better RPG
Yakuza thread
What are some games where the protagonist is responsible for all of his problems?
Predict its lifetime sales
What is wrong with this game's water?
Nsider here. I'm here to leak all the upcoming Nintendo Switch titles
We had one earlier today, let's get proper rolling
Monolith Soft could've made a sequel to Xenoblade X with more focus on mechs and sci-fi
I'm so glad I spent most of my life playing video games
Mfw 3 million sold and the best western game in 2017 so far
Why aren't there any games about the Spanish Civil War?
TLOH/Trails Thread
Why is it not okay when Nintendo does it?
What went wrong?
Recommend me a good adventure game that's on PC
Main character is a loner autist that's ugly with no social skills
I wish I was worth playing without my supers
Cringworthy steam profiles GO
Is there any Game Theory episode that legitimately made you mad?
Dark Souls 3 Patch 1.11
Nintendo wins again
Take a charger and HDMI for your tablet
Will this aesthetic ever come back?
What is it with this game ?
He put points into dex
Artificial difficulty. Fuck this
Anyone else feel like this was only just ok...
Nintendo's back
That kid who was so fat that the framerate dropped when you looked at him
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is Mipha the best zelda girl of all time?
You will never play Nier Automata for the first time again
Are we all in agreement that this game will go the way of Bubsy...
Zelda is a Rip-Off
You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't installed Honey Select yet
How would Shadow play different from Sonic in a 2D game?
Redpill me on this game Sup Forums
Almost 15k people playing the game right now
Any thoughts on this thing Sup Forums?
Are there any video game podcasts that are Sup Forums approved?
ITT: mechanics in games you've ignored
Linkle's debut discussion
Explain to me whats wrong with this game without using the buzzwords
Always have to be afraid of being ambushed by Reaper Leviathans at the surface
What are they good for?
Game has gameplay
Considering how shallow NieR's gameplay is I hope not
He plays hostage mode
Mass Effect general trainwreck thread
Backwards difficulty curve where the game starts off hard then gets easier until you're steamrolling every encounter
How is Symmetra autistic when she is depicted as extremely intelligent and emotionally detached and not extremely...
Show off your youtube channel
ITT: Invalid vidya complaints that you only see on this dumbfuck imageboard
Holy shit, I haven't laughed at Grumps video this hard in months
Is it fair?
LITERALLY the same game as ALTTP released 20 years later
Have some kind of problem with a game
Zero Skill Casual Garbage: The Game
You WILL watch her movie, right, Sup Forums?
Year one (1) Switch games
Whats up poorfags? ;) Ujelly jelly...
Mass Effect Andromeda DLC: Cutscene Animations
250mb patch
How do I make friends in online vidya...
What does everyone think about Brazilian gamers?
Choose the switch
B-but weeb shovelware! b-but not AAA experience | Sup Forums was wrong again!
Does Sup Forums believe in astrology?
Tyranny DLC
Shoot red barrel
So this... is the power... of Terraria modding
So, given Nintendo has been giving Wii U owners a huge middle finger lately...
Risk of Rain Thread - More like Risk of Pain xd
Steam Avatars
Catherine playable on PC through RPCS3
We wuz aryan n shiet
Press c to crouch
What's the best type of death animation?
Tfw to intelligent for any other game then league of legends
The Legend of Zelda: Binding of Two Souls
Earth, Fire, Water and Air
This character is a million times more unlikable and obnoxious than Shadow the Hedgehog
"friends-only" or stricter privacy setting with no legitimate reason (such as having rare DOTA/TF2/CSGO items)
Humble Bundle
Fantasy game
Whatcha emulating Sup Forums...
So now that ME:A turned out to be shit, the only WRPG I'm looking forward to is Cyberpunk...
Wots THAC0?!
So? Mikae or Remi?
Resident evil 7 thread
Remember the time in which video games were only and exclusively (loser) men's thing and no women were in the sector ?
What is this game even about?
Waving white flags level
ITT: games that you remember fondly 'cause they made you feel strangely yet extremely good/at peace/alive while playing...
10,000+ copies sold
Tfw new hero is a boring band-aid
What is the most fun class in ME1?
Now that the dust has settled, was Mario Kart 8 the weakest entry in the franchise so far?
Its only 0.01% of consoles having issues
Did you buy it? It has a booklet and stickers you know
Is this the biggest flop in videogame history?
How would you make a Gurren Lagann video game, Sup Forums?
Is there a better character than Illidan in video games, Sup Forums?
Is there any mmos as comfy as vanilla wow?
Why are not playing the best 3D platformer of the ps2 era on S T E A M RIGHT NOW?
They really could have squeezed one more game out of this engine...
Kain refused the sacrifice
Is this the original Reddit videogame?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
"Sorry, my face is tired from dealing with... everything."
Hiromoot said each board is allowed to have one thread dedicated to discussing the board's problems and how to fix it...
Hey there user, I was wondering what your favourite co-op is. Maybe, you could show me sometime?
Red pill me on Dolphin emulation
Tell me again why did they decided to develop Max 3 internally instead of hiring Remedy?
"Frame rate drops ruin the game"
I've been playing Jumping Flash lately, I like rabbits, give me another game with rabbits in it
Breath of the wild thread
Main character is a loner autist but hot girls throw themselves at him
This is how you do a black character
Is this the best fighting game ever? Yes or Yes?
The last television show you watched is now receiving a videogame adaption
How do we fix reviewers, Sup Forums?
The last video game character you played has to protect you against Dark Donald. How fucked are you?
Game "mechanics" that should've died already
The Witcher 3 > Zelda Breath of shit
I'm under the impression that the Raven dlc is out, but I can't find it
Can The Spoon make a comeback and turn 2017 into The Year of the Spoony?
Are multiple romance options necessary in games, or do you prefer a single...
What's the FIRST thing you think of when you see this picture?
FFXV Directors Cut Confirmed?
User how is that gaymen channel coming along? have you reached 100 subs yet?
Which to play?
Why do people watch girl streamers? I'm really curious about the real answer...
What is the shittiest story in the history of games and why is it Nier Automota?
Name your dream game that will never be made
What's the next Battlefield about?
What are some good games that I can look into playing? Like actual good survival Games...
The new Digimon game coming west in early 2018 for PSV/PS4/Steam
Should i get Nier Automata right now or wait for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe...
Who is the David Lynch of vidya?
What are some simple, fun games? I haven't had fun in vidya in years
Angry Joe Review
Is resident evil 4 the best resident evil?
If Metacritic scores are now plagued by fake profile reviews, what can I trust?
Why is handheld gaming so superior to console/PC gaming?
Anyone here gonna get Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
Post a game without posting it
Star wars
What a thrill
DAYS GONE vs State of Decay 2
Why wont they make a Xbone release??
How do you feel about the fact that nintendos four big franchises are mario, zelda, animal crossing, and splatoon?
Are you ready Sup Forums?
Have you bought Yamato's game yet?
Follow le red footprints simulator 2015
What 2017 releases are there to look forward to?
Why did the galaxy get rid of unlimited ammo technology, and why does Shepard know about it as soon as they wake up?
Blocks your path
Have you or will you buy Ryzen?
Game about hunting a bunch of robotic dinosaurs with bows and tools
Denuvo confirmed
Thanks to EA now i want an autistic girlfriend
Does Sup Forums even know what a Neo Geo is? I just got a 6 Slot & could use 6 suggestions
So is it 2017's Battleborn?
8 hourse left
How do you imagine the future of the Zelda series?
So why do people hate this?
Has Sup Forums ever bought a gun because it was in a videogame?
PS4 Pro or PS4?
Why can I not make my character white???
ITT good character design
Don't mind me just pirating some wine!
Why is Link so expressionless in BOTW compared to his other incarnations. He just seems so lifeless in this game
Tfw too tired for vidya games
Did bioware really...??
Sup Forums suddenly loves sara and ME now
What's the most unorthodox but fun build to do in New Vegas?
ITT: we give opinions about games we haven't played
With ME:A being massive shit, why are you not playing this right now?
Ryder's mother was literally brazilian
Toukiden 2
Patch 1.11 about to drop. Maybe poise will mean something this time?
What are some of the comfiest video games you've played, Sup Forums?
Can we all agree now Sup Forums that open world games are now a bigger saturated cancer than FPS games are...
Should I get Witcher 3 for 18 Bucks eventhough I dont like medival settings that much ?
Episode Gladio Next Week
Games With Spiders
Is mario white?
Metal Gear Solid
What are some good dinosaur games?
Looking to buy old Gamecube game on Ebay
Debate me
With the right setup bare fists become the best weapon in the endgame
Project Scorpio has no target audience
What's the most fun Souls game to play as a sorcerer? I've never used magic in one of these games before
Your favorite racing game
Meanwhile at Sup Forums's gaming house
You must and can only press one of the buttons once
GameStop: Nintendo Switch Sales "Phenomenal," Could Outpace Wii
Is there anything this game did wrong?
Is this a success?
Even AJ liked BotW and it was his first Zelda
Nier Automata Crack
Radiant Historia for 3DS
He criticizes games
You don't get the true ending on your first place through
How are you supposed to play this?
Sup Forums BTFO
Now that Horizon Zero Dawn is a confirmed major success...
League of legends or Dota? Which one do you prefer and why?
Bioware employee spills guts
Making up names for boss attacks when none exist
Sup Forums tells me to avoid it
Post images, rec games based upon images
Josette seems really cute. I want her in my party
Would you buy a videogame adaption of "My 600lb Life" developed by Telltale, Sup Forums?
Why are the devs always incompetent?
Would you?
What does Sup Forums look for, in the inevitable 3ds successor?
Breath of the wild thread
Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?
What the fuck Sup Forums
Game spends time to build up an enemy as the ultimate evil
Can I skip the first one and play the second?
What are some big, natural games?
You can already emulate Persona 5 on PC, why are you waiting for the inferior version?
I just noticed that this guy looks like an arab
He's right, you know
Why are the Japanese such delicate, fragile emos?
Square Enix has announced the Seiken Densetsu Collection for Switch...
Star Citizen
I don't understand how anyone could play old RPGs these days. The text moves so fucking slowly...
How do you feel about the Muslim/Middle Eastern origins of Zelda characters?
What are some good Party RPGs with strategic combat, Sup Forums?
Best action game in existence is only on 360 (maybe xbox one in the future)
Listen to my story, this may be our last chance
SJW's in Gaming
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Persona 5
Move to japan. Learn Japanese. Enjoy all good games earlier
Mass Effect animations thread
Is really Skyward sword worse than this ?
I don't know why everyone is destroying ME:A so hard...
I don't get it
"With this instalment, we're returning to the franchise's roots"
Fucking when Todd
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons
League of Legends
Dark Souls 3 DLC
Is Dark Link the most evil character in the Legend of Zelda in its entirety?
This image became real life
Is he dead?
What causes someone to irrationally hate a game
Come the fuck on
How autistic do I need to be to start enjoying this?
The year just started and already has a great library of exclusives with more to come
Fuck Denuvo
Boss sees the error of his ways
Is anyone else almost compelled to play it just to be a part of the trainwreck first hand?
ME:A User reviews on Metacritic can be submitted
Nintendo makes games with underage girls seductively swinging their hips
Why can't vidya developers make cute characters like pic related
Why do people like this flat chested witch so much?
How hard is it supposed to be to beat one of these guys? I'm having to use the vita chamber like 4 times for each fight...
Could they fix Mass Effect?
Red Dead thread
Mother wants to have a serious conversation with you
Why do you guys care so much about women being in the gamer community? When have they done anything to you...
You are playing the GOTY right, Sup Forums?
I love Tharja!
Life is Strange
Thousands of years of war where millions of minds searched for the ultimate weapon to defeat an existential threat and...
Is there any reason to use stock over the Iron Bomber?
January - Nioh
What did they mean by this?
ITT: We laugh at bioware and the faggots who bought ME: Andromeda
Former BioWare Employee sheds light on MEA's development
I have Joy-Cons with the connectivity issue...
What video game has the best chance of being adapted into a movie that won't be total shit?
How does Sup Forums make money in games?
Are amiibo worth getting now?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Walk past NPC
Need I say anything?
Is this the best game ever made?
EA won't let you refund Mass Effect Andromeda
Itt: under the radar games
ITT First Vidya Faps
What is the one feature you'd like Marvel Infinite to have?
Glitches: The Horror Game
Hey Sup Forums, have you ever played a RPG on roll20? Or tabletop simulator? It's fun!
Mass effect andromeda
What does Sup Forums think of this hot, sexy chink youtuber?
I-I bought the deluxe version... I'm sorry Sup Forums. Just want muh star trek vibes again
What went wrong?
What games let you eat breakfast?
Does your family vidya?
Is this going to deliver?
Is there still a chance for some dev to make a version of this game that's not shit...
Is it really that bad?
MCC Ruined Halo Forever
This is still so fucking disturbing
6 years old
Transwomen are major characters in AAA games in 2017
It's a raven tengu episode
What the fuck was his problem?
How was he able to continue to make games despite all of them being critically panned and commercially flopped?
Finally acquire a job and girlfriend
Absolute perfection
Mass Effect Andromeda HYPE Thread
This is your protagonist for the evening
How hype are you?
What was wrong with him?
Morrowind General
Where do I start with these Sup Forums? There's like 10 of them of steam and I just don't know
E3 2017
There has to be someone else on Sup Forums that played this game back in the day. I miss it so much
Say one thing Wild did right and one thing it did wrong
Who will take her virginity?
Breath of the wild thread
Hand over the second demo Fujo, I know you're in here
Why are these two so popular?
What are some good games that will run on a shit laptop?
So apparently Catherine's fully playable through emulation now, neat...
Anime steam avatar
Boss is too big and powerful to fight head on
Is there anything similar to Fallout 1, 2 or NV?
ITT: Fucking Kickass Game Trailers
Where were you when Neon Chrome was actually the best game of 2016
Please recommend me some games that I should play to deal with my depression...
Proper Zelda: Breath of the Wild BotW thread
/v2k/ - 2000 to 2010 gaming discussion
Tfw no planet of the apes game
Filename thread
Piss off transgendered fans
Core 2 quad
>Nintendo is literally not capable of making a good Star Fox game
Character Action Game thread?
Have you made the /Switch/?
Minecraft Nostalgia'ing thread Vol. 3
Hey Sup Forums...
Discord is down? catch me in here my dudes
Alright Sup Forums
What did you think of Linkle when she was new? What are your thoughts on her now...
Best PS4 games
Resident Evil 6 was just as good as the rest
People in mass effect lightly sniff cups of jello
The "trans community" is getting upset because a game that tried to include their plight didn't please every single one...
Exposes shitty anti-consumer practices, like On-Disc DLC, and Day-one DLC
Sexism doesn't exist in video games
How come her game was one of the worst ones in the series? did mikami sabotage it because he hates best girl?
Which one should I get, Sup Forums?
This is Geralt
What is the backlash against this, exactly?
ITT: stupid shit you own
New Radiant Historia title to be announced this week
Are the puzzles in The Witness good or is it time to cancel my subscription?
He believes gameplay is the most important part of a video game
What does this game gain by not simply restocking your Blood Vials when you respawn?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Dwarf Fortress
What is the community's problem?
Why is no one talking about it anymore?
3x3 thread
Zelda's Gap Appreciation Thread
What are some good vidya openings?
What happened? Why did they go full SJW?
Got a PS4 two weeks ago. This is my library so far. Opinions?
There will never be another good star wars game
Screenshot thread
Xbox One Service Bullshit
ITT: Profile Pics You're Tired of Seeing
Monolith Soft's involvement in BotW
My Fucking Dick
Is Windows 10 good yet?
What do you want Halo 6 to be like?
Last One Died
Feel like playing this all of a sudden. What am I in for?
There hasn't been a single fucking thread about this game
Rainy japanese neon city at night level
Post any dark skin female you can think of. I want to see characters I haven't before
Should he leave game grumps?
Trying to please SJW
Congrats faggots! In one day you got me from being convinced that Bioware and Mass Effect are dead...
Real question Sup Forums
Give me literally one reason why you aren't hyped for Tangled in KH3
Game gets a remake
It's just the facial animations, no way the rest is like thi-
Things that make you FURRYIOUS
Aren't you?
Is this the best game of all time?
*ring* *ring*
Your choice?
Dragon Age
Post the best levels of their respective games
What are people's thoughts on this...
Did you rike it?
Bro tier party members
Sup Forums plays fire emblem 8
Is it worth buying one, Sup Forums?
What does it mean?
Here's your controller bro
Tell Yoshi bedtime story now
Does the game actually have exploration?
Best DBZ game?
What's the most pretentious thing you've seen someone on Sup Forums say?
What is the "Revolutionary Girl Utena" of vidya?
ITT: Bullshit casual filters
Is there any monster stronger than a Lynel?
The half-A press guy was probably one of the biggest thing that made me low key hate video games...
Which one?
Tfw have to buy a Switch just for Genei Ibunroku #FE 2
Post legitimately good reasons why you still come to this shit-hole of a board
ITT: marketing ploys
What does Sup Forums feel
Noticed this line in an interview
I was a writer on ME: Andromeda before being fired. AMA if you want
Zora appreciation thread
The worst part about these fucks is how they take really good franchises...
Haha that's awesome :D
What are some simple, fun games where I can do fun things? I haven't had fun in video games in like 10 years
First game was terrible
*blocks your path*
We could get a sequel to this
Add Russian servers
Why does every single line. In this game. Have a massive pause after it?
Are you going to play best game of the decade or what?
Friendly reminder
Why are you still solving shitty rigged captchas and why haven't you purchased a Sup Forums Pass instead?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...