Debate me.
Debate me
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Swap Samara with the the shitty ME3 characters & it's perfect
100% accurate, good job.
Miranda and ME2/3 Liara deserve to be with Zaeed and Thane. Javik and Vega should be downgraded to Ashley/EDI tier. Put ME1 Liara in the worst tier because she is literally a different character and she's a boring one.
Otherwise a decent list.
>James above small brain tier
Zaeed and Vega should be shit tier, Samara should be where they were. Otherwise solid list.
>Bold Bigflank that high
swap him with Tali
Switch literal who refrigerator man with Jack and bump Grunt up one and I legitimately can't argue with this.
Look at these numales threatened by the broest Chad in eistence who has more charisma than any other human squadmate in the game
>being attracted to meatbags
Tali is way too high. Perfect otherwise
None of the ME2 characters should be in the same tier as Kaiden.
What game?
>Zaeed not dead dog shit turd on a stick fuck faggot last
pretty close, switch legion and zaeed, also thane fucking sucks
otherwise pretty good
This meme is overused and unfunny
That's why it's on Sup Forums you dumb cunt
legion should be next to the picture with no brain at all
>hates meatbags
>still puts legion and edi in small brain tier
Can EDI and Legion ram a Turian cruiser and wipe it off the windshield? Thought so.
why are you so mad
>not immediatelly recognizing Freespace
I gotta be
But user she's dead
Anyone who isn't tight with Biff Roidrage can fuck right off.
Thank christ, a sane person. Although I am still hopelessly lost as to when and why "Chad" went from the most metrosexual name in existence to the word for alpha jock.
Reminder on how this "meme" is supposed to be used
The bottom image should be the new small brain
This is the ultimate in contrarian opinion.
>Everyone likes Boone
>therefore Boone is the worst companion
That's what I gathered from your shitty meme picture.
Let me tell you why Boone is small brain.
>overpowered as fuck, game is trivial even more so because you meet him so early
>edgy brooding my name is not important never talking lone wolf
>cliche backstory
>locks you out of legion
No one cares about doing it right. We only want to assert our opinions as fact and call those who disagree with us dumb fucking assholes.
This is objectively correct.
>Whiny Forced Bro, Muh Fade and Liar Forced Bro that high
So would this fall into the small brain or big brain category?
maybe talk like a normal person and I might understand you
Alistair was good because he was whiny and a pussy but he overcome those to be your bro, unlike Garrus who was engineered to be a perfect bro of bros. He had no flaws.
>who was engineered to be a perfect bro of bros
He really only became that in Mass Effect 3, though.
Let's get this straight.
>no cdpr to be seen
kys yourself
That is the best picture I have ever seen.
>being a fag
>is OP
Everything checks out, I see no need for a debate.
i love you guys
>Liara and Jack that low
>Katsumi, meixcunt and samara that high
Why are people so shit?
GSC game world where?
> kys yourself
What did he mean by this?