>Sexism doesn't exist in video games
Sexism doesn't exist in video games
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Bless the French
left was from limitations on the software, and also an art style.
Right is THICC
Lewd isn't inherently sexist
It could even be considered feminist if it empowers women to have confidence in their bodies
That's not sexism if it makes me hard
It's not sexist if it's french
When did the wyvern design right, become more attractive than the one on the left?
If the subject is fat then lewdness is body positivity.
If the subject is attractive then lewdness is misogyny and sexism.
>twinky-ish torso on a dragon
Are you trying to seduce me, Japan? Because it's working.
She's kinda both though.
Ita sexist to think the female cannot look pretty
>>Sexism doesn't exist in video games
whats wrong with being sexy?
> a girl is pretty
>pretty depictions are sexist
go away land whale
Sexism is discrimination based on gender, it doesn't have anything to do with being sexy or not.
That's clear objectification, though.
France has you covered
I don't think this is sexism, I think they call it character development.
>being physically attractive = sexism
Found the legbeard.
Start posting fairies, faggot.
Never heard of this word before, is it an American word?
Explain how that's supposed to be sexist.
>I have a pale, thick ass, ginger girlfriend
thank you lord
>Drawing a character in a certain style is sexism
Keep being joyless and angry all the time.
I've already jerked it three times today but a fourth might be called for
Sexism is hatred and prejudice of a gender. People who make sexy women don't hate women you fucking mongoloid.
>hating on based France
Male characters in kid's games aren't heavily sexualized like that.
She actually looks better with fair white skin.
/vp/ was crazy for SM male characters and Link was designed for sex appeal since OoT because a developer's wife thought there needed to be hot guys in Nintendo games.
You're wrong, and I'm not going to satiate your retardation and/or blindness by providing examples. Do it yourself or stay delusional. Or better yet, just end it all. Do us all a favor, yeah?
I miss pic related
Look, I supported goober gate and everything, but I'm tired of doing the mental gymnastics to deny it. There is a huge problem with sexism in the gaming community. When white men make a bad game, nobody makes it about their race or gender and starts harassing the devs with death and rape threats. But what happened with Mass Effect Andromeda? People sought out the female employees and started sending them death/rape threats, and blamed the whole game being bad on the non white male employees despite most of the devs being white and/or male.
That's a joke and not his default design.
Good cherry-picking. I thought I told you to kill yourself.
Can you show us any "heavily sexualized" female characters in kid's games or than the nymphs from rayman?
I don't know what you're talking about? Do you think I'm someone else that you've argued with before?
posting heavily sexualized vidya man
All anime games.
Maybe you aren't, but you sure sound like every other person like you. Creating problems based on deliberately selective data which favors your argument. Go fuck yourself.
anyone else feel like helping out?
>but you sure sound like every other person like you.
Tautologies sure are fun!
But seriously, how can you deny that theres a lot of sexists in the gaming community? You didn't see women up in arms blaming men for no man's sky. You don't see women sending death and rape threats to the no man's sky devs. But that is happening to female devs right now.
Most anime games out there aren't kid's games and have a T or an M rating most of the time.
This isn't aimed at 6 year olds like OP.
Because women are bitchy and men are taught to suck it up. I guarantee it happens. 100% sure. But men don't make a fuss because why should they or would they?
Take a step back and really think about what you're saying. You're honestly implying shit doesn't happen to men just because you don't see it. But that's on you. Keep up the terrible work.
>You didn't see women up in arms blaming men for no man's sky.
because women dont play video games unless its casual shit, and while grantred NMS is casual shit, they wont be playing i, so they have 0 reason to be bitching about a game they havent played where you are a hand with a gun and visit planets
theres nothing for them to point at and say "LOOK SEXIST" because anyone who would try that would immediately be called retarded
so you take the attention to a game that shows more than a hand in a space suit and they will bitch
get outta here, go play your shitty candy crush games
lets talk every character in f-zero then
>Because women are bitchy
How can you say things like this and in the same argument, be denying that misogyny exists?
Her new design looks more human. Her OG one looks like a fucking puppet.
I'm sorry that the concept of girls wearing bikinis is sexist to you, user.
>attractive female
>attractive male
You literally can't win.
>legitimate critique is "bitchy"
This is why Anita won.
>sex positivity used to be empowering
>hiding women behind burkas is now ''empowering''
I want to get off this ride.
Just remember, in France you can make the most fucked-up, nasty porno you want as long as you claim it's an art movie.
>implying france has ever given a fuck about nudity
even french kids movies user
Fuck Captain Falcon is pure sex.
It's all made by men so yeah it pretty much is those things.
>men are taught to not talk back and take what theyre given
>even if its wrong and unneeded
>women are taught you can bitch about anything and you will get just what you want
>theyre taught to leave the hard labor to men
>and when the men speak up saying "you do it then" everyone loses their shit because "hurr women cant do that job">alright suck it up cunt muffin, dotn bitch if you wont do it
men dont have a choice, women are favored in law, ig equality had existed then things would be different, but until youre born and raised with a dick in your pants you will never understand why youre wrong
women are taught from day 1 to be whiny cunts, men are taught from day 1 to work hard and shut the fuck up
Why is this thread still up? You fucking nu-males.
>implying this isn't sexist
>tfw Mr. Dark was supposed to be in Rayman Origins but was ultimately cut when the game was reworked into its current iteration
At least they kept the Magician.
Can you show us any woman related to gaming one way or another getting rape threats other than sarkeesian?
Go away, roastie. You don't belong here.
>>men are taught to not talk back and take what theyre given
That's not how my parent's raised me.
>>women are taught you can bitch about anything and you will get just what you want
This is just sexist butthurt.
>>theyre taught to leave the hard labor to men
Only valid point you've made, but women are biologically weaker. How is that sexism?
>but until youre born and raised with a dick in your pants you will never understand why youre wrong
I am a male though.
>rayman origins and legends were fucking stellar platformers
>rather than make more ubisoft needs to shit out more tower-climber 2094
why cant we have nice things?
You poor baby, did I hurt your sensitive feelings?
Bayonetta's character and Fifty Shades of Grey were both made by a female, you spaz.
still not sexism
>Fantasizing about anything sexual is evil misogyny
Fuck off
>virgin who knows nothing about the real world.jpg
No, reread my post. He didn't crossdress in OoT.
You have to go back.
This is the objective truth.
Femmnist dont want equality, they want to be lazy, and pandered too. The Western world, at least America an Europe, are too far down the road on a society that has put the pussy on a pedestal.
Why are you talking about 50 shades of grey? What does that have to do with video games?
stop slut shaming her
go bitch about it in your feminista tumblr blog, don't you have some women's march to partecipate and scream your lungs out for no apparent reason?
see, this is the reason western gaming is dying, dumb thin-skinned gender studies students and cucks
i.e. Bioware
>sex appeal is sexism
what, are you fucking that unhappy with yourself?
The problem with reddit is that it is a circle jerk because only the popular opinions are made visible. The great thing about Sup Forums is that a diversity of opinions are all visible. If anything, you're the one that needs to go to reddit if you dislike it when people go against the group think.
its worse
Objectification is thought crime tier stuff that generalizes sexuality and the intent behind something natural like arousal.
>i do NOT like seeing boobs in my video games!!!!!!
not an argument
>just sexist butthurt
Not an argument.
I should have mentioned this earlier but I'm referring to fictional characters in general.
Besides, there are definitely burly male characters in video games out there that were designed by females.
Based Frenchs
Sick quads, well earned too.
Isn't she a fairy user-kun?
Nice get my dude
Completely agree. And this tendency doesn't pair well with gamers' notoriously short tempers. If they feel threatened they lash out very predictably.
Hence some of the responses in this thread.
I fucking hate
How they animate
Can they be both
Shame about her fucking face though
>saying something isn't misygony means you think nothing is
Very "subtle" way to twist the conversation.
>sexy character is sexism, but only for women
>But women are biologically weaker
Hasn't stopped our spineless politicians and military officers from shoving women into combat roles in the military.