What did Eli mean by this?

What did Eli mean by this?

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He wants grandchildren

>tfw he will never get them

>Aisan mixed with back getting COLONIZED

For all the stink people kicked up about Aloy and the new Mass Effect characters being ugly, why did no one complain about Alyx? She's not exactly a vixen herself, and was clearly politically influenced.

Because the rest of the game was good enough to forgive it

Alyx a cute!

What the fuck are you talking about?
She might not be the prettiest one but she actually feels like a real character and is the best girl.

There is a difference between a diverse cast and a diverse cast with anti white rhetoric.

Half life didn't contain any lgbt bullshit, no race baiting no annoying identity politics.

Just people in the resistance and aliens.

Alex was my first vydia crush.
I claim her as my waifu

>father is black
>he is present
Now that's what I call "sci-fi".

Do you really think she was politically influenced? Or maybe it was the chance to make an interesting looking character who was cute and fun to be around?

Keep in mind this game came out in 2004 and development started in 2001. It's not like they made a conscientious decision to appeal to ultra liberals to make money, they were just trying to create a cute female companion for the player to develop a connection to.
and it worked

Liberalism was strong at the turn of the millennium, esp. in games development

Liberalism is strong in life. But Valve was ahead of it becoming a trend. They just wanted to make some kick ass female vidya characters (Alyx, Chell) because at that point, aside from Samus Aran, none existed.

>because at that point, aside from Samus Aran, none existed

It's not like they tried to shoe-horn in a female character in TF2. The relationships between Gordon and the other characters, Breen, Eli, Kleiner, Barry are part of what makes Half Life 2 so memorable and special, it was just common sense to add a female "love interest" and they did a fantastic job with it.

If you want a female character done wrong and for the wrong reasons, look at Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Compare her to Alyx, who is a female character done right and for the right reasons.

reminder that the FUCKING CUBS WON THE WORLD SERIES before half life 3 was even announced

Different times, there weren't as many video game blog sites that can produce their shit into the airwaves. Now these people have megaphones and seriously think that minority quotas will bring us to video game nirvana.

Dr. Freeman, I presume?

Good point. Also Aya from Parasite Eve, Regina from Dino Crisis, Lara Croft in the first three tomb raider games.

So if anything Alyx is a continuation of a good trend in video games of making strong female characters, not the start of the terrible trend of pandering we see now.

>Compare her to Alyx, who is a female character done right and for the right reasons.

Don't play that shit. You know, if Alyx was released now, Sup Forums'd be throwing a fucking fit about how she's a mixed race woman in combat situations, how it's SJWs winning again, etc.

Thanks Bioware.

No but seriously, gross. Kill it w/fire.

>Sup Forums
>liking tool

they're just a meme there

Yes they certainly would, but they'd be wrong.

Anyone who grew up in the 90's and hasn't fantasized about having an asian waifu/gf isn't nerdy enough for Half Life 2


Alyx has a better modeled face and animation than them and Half-Life 2 came out 67 years ago

>"clearly politically influenced"

It's all about this: And that difference is why you can enjoy GTA San Andreas which has virtually no white characters, because it's not an anti-white game


nigga I know fucking nothing about sports and I know this is spelled wrong


Alyx is my girl, I remember crouching behind her to see her pixelated booty and fapping to that glorious 1024x768 denim goodness

>Sup Forums is all american shit

>this shitty design
I cringe at the thought of the neckbeard that made this.

Have you seen real women? Not "REAL WOMYN", but just real girls on the street? Alyx is definitely pretty.

>Eli wants his daughter to marry a guy who was his co-worker when she was a little girl
I mean I know they're biologically the same age now because of Gordon's stasis but still, I feel like it should be weird to him the idea of this guy fucking a girl when he hasn't changed a bit from the guy he was when Alyx was a child. I don't know if I'm explaining this clearly.

Development started in 1998. By 2001 they were already changing from one of the old storylines with hyperborea-kraken-weather control-vertigo-rooftops-citadel to the one that starts in a train.

This is a video game, not real life. Video game women's beauty doesn't have to be artificially limited.

I know what you mean, it would be like asking Kleiner to fuck Alyx.

>tfw hunters penetrated your waifu before you could

there is literally nothing wrong with any of these characters

This shit gets me every time.

That scene did have a fairly rapey vibe to it. A lot of half life's enemies have some serious sexual undertones

*tips anime girl embroidered fedora*

It was wise of you to dip out of the argument at this point. It wasn't getting any better for you from there on out.

>rapey vibe
If I remember correctly it proply kicked her to the ground, stabbed her, and then knocked you out before running away. I don't see how that is rapey. That's just it trying to kill the two of you. It couldn't have been much more succinct in that regard, no rapey bells and whistles.


>He presented sketches of several very sexual-oriented monsters to him and Gabe Newell, managing director, the kind of material Birdwell did not expect. Among them was "Mr. Friendly" displaying an obvious penis. When questioned about it, Backman described that the creature would use its tentacled arms to pull the player towards itself until the point of fatal copulation. Birdwell was worried that Newell wouldn't approve of this material, but it turned out that was exactly what he was looking for. Newell and Backman then began a discussion about possible psycho-sexual alien behaviors and clinical descriptions of disturbed adolescent sexual fantasies. The sexual themes of some of these enemies were intended to elicit a response from the innate homophobia of 14-year-old boys, a significant portion of the targeted audience for the game.

This kills the polygon optimization

>Yes they certainly would, but they'd be wrong.

Not like that's stopped Sup Forums before

also i never wanted an asian waifu, just a goth one

Well not really

Gordon hasn't aged in stasis and has been unconscious

That's basically like being dead except you get to continue life after a long break

Like if a someone young dies and everyone feels like "I wish they'd have gotten to continue their life, they were so young", it's basically that but he actually does get to continue, after a break

You know what I mean? So it wouldn't be weird. You should think of Gordon the same way you would of a time traveler, since he's basically been in a time capsule just waiting for the right time.

It stabbed her with a knife thing that comes from where you'd expect a tripedal alien to have a penis.

Also, striders literally shoot you with their penises. And the Gonarch was a giant testicle.

Not even the same person, dude. I was just commenting on how cringy your post was. You are a 20 something year old male arguing on the internet about how video games should have perfect waifus for you and aren't bound by 3DPG real women. You're like the poster child for how pathetic Sup Forums is.

What's the point in making everything perfect? She's perfect because she is not. I think she is very pretty, considering there's no makeup. Have you seen how girls look without makeup? It's very rare to see a girl who looks good without it. Case in point, my gf.

Because at the time this was some of the best facial animation there'd ever been, and having a realistic face with realistic proportions lent itself to that?

There wasn't any political motivation behind it.

I still wouldn't want my old work-buddy fucking my daughter.

Valve pushing race mixing in fucking 2004

consider his other options though

Both striders and hunters are bodies with three legs sticking out. It would seem it's hard for it to have a non-leg appendage sticking out that you wouldn't consider phallic unless it was goofily sticking strait out from the top.

Generally, people imagine phallic references much too often. You can't have anything remotely elongated without someone eventually saying it looks like a penis. Some days it just rustles my jimmies.

>where you'd expect a tripedal alien to have a penis.

didnt know you were an expert on such things,xenofaggot

>mfw 2003 demo has better facial animation than 2017 game

looks better without all the makeup and filters desu

Well I don't have a daughter

I guess it would be weird but at least since you'd have known him you'd know what kind of guy he is

Also none of your work buddies go missing and reappear years later half your age

Aesthetic isn't enough. He needs everything sexier and sexier until it is hyper sexualized, because it's a video game so obviously all women should have FF cup boobs, the face of a 10 year old (male or female), big hips, and a waistline you could fit your hands around.

But what I mean is like, the last time Gordon saw her she was literally a child, and then wham she's an adult who wants his cock and he is the exact same person he was when he last saw her. That's what's weird to me. It's not that Gordon was in stasis, it's more that until he runs into her in HL2 she's still a child to him.

I would give you a clearer photo but that's the most straight comparison I have. There's like 2 photos of her without makeup. Still, while she looks cute without it, light makeup is still better. Now compare this situation to Alyx who looks pretty good even without.

They are more mandibles than anything else.

Who is this supposed to be?
Mila Kunis?

Well that's the same as not having seen someone in a long time

All your estranged relatives who lose track of time have the same reaction to you suddenly being an adult

Plus everyone has been a child, re-encountering someone you knew in primary school and finding out they're suddenly a bombshell wouldn't be that weird


>Clearly politically influenced

I must have missed alyx's 5 minute exposition about how hard it was for her black dad to get anywhere in his field and how her mom was killed by the KKK or something

it's almost like valve has had perfectly acceptable representation of race for years without pointing at it and screeching "LOOK LOOK"

it helps to make the game feel more realistic and genuine, you don't fight against an alien race that has enslaved the human race with a model.

He meant Valve is aware that all their fans are lonely neckbeards and will be more motivated to engage with their product upon forming an implicitly sexual attachment to the qt waifu npc.

This is spelled out in the dev commentaries.

>He only have 8 choices
>The entire population of eastrrn europe with the 9 same faces

>why did no one complain about Alyx

because HL 2 was revolutionary when it was released, and there was no precedent for being skeptical of developer's political motivations

video games were still pure

the lambda was literally taken from a gay movement, valve has confirmed this

daily reminder that Chell is the best Valve girl

This was never said in the game.

It was said in episode 2

Show me.




I always thought Alyx looked like the girl from Clerks 2.

Had a super crush on both.

Well holy shit.

He wants them to fuck and have children because there was a bullshit field that left them sexless.


They pushed the same angle in Episode 1.

HL3 will be an dating sim, confirmed.


>like chell
>remember what she looked like in the first game

Goddamn that model looked placeholder as fuck.

She was not. I liked her better in P1, she wasn't a Disney princess but an actual person, who looks like she really could have been "not a good person" who hurt kittens or the like,

She's my waifu, cuck. I fapped to her at least 100 times.

Are you gay or something? I would burn settlements just to destroy Alyx.

I know you're baiting but I'm sure there's retards here who don't know anything about the Lambda in relation to radioactivity.

>who looks like she really could have been "not a good person" who hurt kittens or the like,
you shouldn't have fucking believed that you dumb faggot, you literally got the entire wrong idea out of the game because that model is shit and you like to project your shitty thoughts onto placeholder models.

GLaDoS is LITERALLY an evil fucking AI, why in the fuck are you listening to a single word she said? she literally only tells you the truth AFTER YOU SAVE HER LIFE FOR 75% OF THE SECOND GAME.

You're a dipshit with an ugly girl fetish.

>ugly girl fetish

My dude have you seen real grills (or paid attention to them without filtering out the ugly ones subconciously?)

I never believed Glados, but today, 10 years later, I thought, what if she haven't lied? I know that GLaDOS doesn't give a shit, but she has her files, she read her history. We always assumed that Chell is a good person automatically, but what if she just isn't?

it's not exactly politically influenced to insinuate that eli fucked some asian math major

Perhaps, I dunno, the 10 fucking year difference between the two games? The times and the technology were way different.



grats man, and liking, Alyx, double respect.

>tfw no cute civil protection female to impregnate

Yes, it's a game, you have very good eyes.

He wants to make Freeman pregnant.