Why can I not make my character white???

Why can I not make my character white???


fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl

Because that curry nigger hates whites.

One of the game designers who no longer work at Bioware for being racists, hates white people.

>it's okay when Poland makes game all white, because Poland is all white

>it's not okay when Canada make game all non-white, because Canada is all non-white


In the future whites dont exist anymore. all races are mixed as perpetuated by the jews. It's a realistic vision of the future.

Delet this.

you can't customise your character in the Witcher 3

Because the character you play in TW3 actually has character.

actually its basic genetics

people are white because of the current ice age

15000 years ago 1% of the population was white, max, based solely on climate

so considering that were currently in an ice age, the same things bound to happen in the future

because you play as Geralt

somehow natural selection stops being a thing in the future?

Diversity = white genocide

u can just play as male ryder
u can do that right ?

Natural selection isn't the same as 15000 years ago. Even idiots are allowed to breed and succeed in this day and age. Selective breeding isn't just about adapting/surviving in the current human society were even if you're a literal retard you still get a chance at a decent life and kids.

This so much. Selective breeding now even works better for the weak people who live on welfare and breed nonstop while the strong humans have to work their ass off.

Ummm, sweetie, that would be racist

*sips tea*

dumb people are successful while you, a smart person is not

yea youre not the idiot here


Can you really not make your character white?

Cause best race doesn't belong in such a shit game mate.

y'all better delete this, white boy. *smacks lips* don't be gettin' jealous a all our cul-chuh......

The "Default" Ryders are white. Outside of using the defaults, no, you cannot.

>t. Playing the game right now, about 3 hours in. It isn't so bad as everyone thought yet, but yeah, you can't be white. I'll check back in a bit if you have questions from someone who is actually playing out of curiosity as to how bad it's gonna be.

The animations aren't good. But no, stuff doesn't keep floating after anti-grav, facial animations aren't as bad as the WEBM's showed, so on. They mighta last-minute fixied some stuff. Not sure. Will report back.

>Whites walk on the moon
>Explore the seas
>Invent the computer
>Invent the internet
>Invent the gun
>Invent cars
>Invent radios

Isn't a future without white people.... kind of a bleak and dead future then? I'm just sayan.

>Work 50 hours at 19$/hr cuz im a good dindu white boy (trash)
>Slut on her phone still make more than me because dat ass

I get a lil mad but i mean how can you even be mad when she got dat ass?

it would definitely be a darker future

top tier bantz tbqhf

Bioware btfo

Who's to say Geralt has to be white? He should be portrayed as he was meant to be: a strong woman of color.

Can't make your character white? Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus vidya really is dead


Yeah I'm sure it was the color of their skin that made them able to do all these things.

Here comes dat diversity


Good thing you're portraying yourself as the thing you were meant to be: a trying too hard to be funny user.


Canada is tumblr tier

Not specifically the pigment of their skin, it also had to do with them being more intelligent than nonwhites

>Outside of using the defaults, no, you cannot.
What the fuck?

Wasn't there a Day 1 patch that changed this?

>default character is white
>can't make custom characters white

because sjws ruined gaming

Because of their white genes, am I right?

>not acknolwedging biological differences between human races
>thinking everything is a social construct

I'm not even racist, it's just a fact there are biological differences - skin color is just a product of that. You can tell a black skull from a white skull from a asian skull. Whites and Asians both have up to 3% neanderthal DNA as well - and 3% is huge in terms of information. Then you look at the world's inventions and you see almost everything has come from either white people or Asian people.

I'm not saying you cant have smart black people, because you can, but their entire race drags them down. If you don't believe in racial differences at all I encourage you to take a simple look at strongman, sprinting, NFL, NBA, and pretty much any high level sport.

Also we should value the diversity of humans, it's better to live in a society where everybody is different, I don't know why libtard are so scared of it and just want a mixing pot where everybody is the same. Earth was more diverse when people had their own countries/cultures, a mixing pot advocates for less diversity as people breed outside their race and lose their culture.

7 out of 10 Canadians are white statistically.

You mean.... we should celebrate diversity, differences, ability and performance instead of trying to force all the different races, culture and religions it into a blender until everything is a shit shade of brown and devoid of anything unique and diverse?


You are a racist.


this is the only thing that is stopping me from buying, I'm okay with mediocre games

but fuck it if I can't make pale pathfined

Skin Tone.

Once they are done leeching on our superior culture, they'll have catched up to us.
We are in fact, teaching them to be like us, like the superior race we are, we try to lead them through examples.

So there will be a time where they will grow to surpass us.


>he wants to make a custom white character

wow, stop being racist maybe ????

Try picking a white preset instead of the nigger first, idiot

Man, it shows just how badly they fucked up when you succeed in making Wu look attractive in comparison.

Deleete this11

You're talking like any of this matters after you're dead. If you're so worried about genetics, just go have kids.

Jk, no one will touch you.

Atleast your character has the exceuse of "dindu nuffin" if she is a negar.

yeah you can you just have to pick a preset that's not a nigger first because you can only adjust the skin color tint based on the original color

Obvious bait but whatever

You act as if hundreds of years of repression and racism holding back massive amounts of people from holding any true full human potential as compared to someone who is white was given means absolutely nothing while looking back at innovation and accomplishments

>letting whites colonize yet another place.

They already fucked up one galaxy it's time for a real race to have their turn.

no, they said it MIGHT be patched later, and definitely not as a day 1
they're claiming it's a technical issue with the skin texture they scanned (which smells like a total crock of shit)

I agree fully but attempting to convey this without some retard screaming racism is difficult

Not to be that guy, but lets not pretend the problems with the black community weren't directly caused by white people and redlining

But why didn't blacks do that before the white man?
Could it have to do with their vastly lower average IQ? Could it also be why africa is still in mud huts when even south america has cities?

goddammit. i forgot this gif existed

I get what you're saying, but it also sounds like you want those races and countries to stay separated and isolated. Like it or not, our world is too connected and accessible to stay that way, and we're better off for all having easy access to everyone's knowledge and abilities. Look at what we've accomplished in the last 200 years vs the 1000 before it.

>Why can I not make my character white???
You can if you play as a male. Bioware are blaming the engine for not being able to make a white female.

>fucking prime minister of humanity in galactic council was a nigger

Made me laugh somehow

I get what you're saying, but it also sounds like you want those races and countries to stay separated and isolated. Like it or not, our world is too connected and accessible to stay that way, and we're better off for all having easy access to everyone's knowledge and abilities. Look at what we've accomplished in the last 200 years vs the 1000 before it.

>They already fucked up one galaxy it's time for a real race to have their turn.

So, not niggers then? As if Niggers didn't shit up africa, and everywhere they go to be honest.

>You act as if hundreds of years of repression and racism holding back massive amounts of people

You are having a fucking laugh right? Britfag here, we had the middle class of the blacks move into the UK, sure enough with in a few years they fucked shit up. These guys had the same start as indians, sikhs, whatever. They fucked up.

The world is waking up to the fact it's niggers thats the problem, not everyone else. There is a reason why you are hated.

Even by the time a young white person of today dies of old age, Canada will still be around 5/10 white.

Also people here assume there isn't going to be an uprising when people start to notice their country and culture being taken from them. White flight is real. When whites have nowhere else to go and are backed into a corner you are going to see a fight back, you are already seeing rises to this in Europe right now and a lot of those countries have larger white populations then even the U.S.

I wouldn't be surprised if Canada splits completely at some point, the U.S splits. Whites are without a doubt a minority globally, and arguably the most self hating race on the planet right now, but there is a large portion of their population that wants to preserve. All these rich white hollywood liberals that live in white gated communities and advocate for mass immigration will continue to move to white gated areas, eventually when there are none left and they are forced to live in the politics they advocated for you might see a change in thought. I think even 100 years from now there will be at least one or two white majority countries with populations that are nationalistic and self preserving. Even the most blue pilled of whites realize their mistakes when their wife and sister comes home after being raped on the street by Muhammad and after they themselves get mugged and beat up for simply being white.

Will it be Canada? Probably not, but then again, I think people have gotten to a point now where they are so at odds with each other politically that the only option left will be the splitting into smaller nations, I think you will see this in the U.S and possibly some parts of Canada at some point in the next 50 years. I could see America splitting before then. Canada is going to collapse economically if it stays on its current path and the divide between the west and the east will become bigger.

The next 100 years is going to be a hell of a ride.

>default character is white
>can't make custom characters white
>can't just edit the default either
has a more deliberate """"""""""bug"""""""""" ever been found?

MC's mom is brown, thats the reason why you can't make them white

Official reason: it's bugged, we'll fix it :^)
Real reason: ugh, fuck you white people this is a game made by POCs for POCs. Ugh, fucking shitlords

In Drumpfs America....guns..have more rights...than women..and people..of color...

>(which smells like a total crock of shit)

It absolutely is, and it's a blatent dig at whites. Why not incluse whites and the other colours, so people can choose? They had to purposly leave it out.

Could also be resources and luck buddy. Isolate 20 different groups of equal ability in different settings and you're bound to have different results

I don't have the game and I don't intend to have it so I can't check!!!!
What's OP saying is that if I would like to make IDK Nord type, I literally can't?????

>Inb4:"so,why yo GiB a fcuk."
> I honestly think that casual\console approach to AAA SP RPGs that Bioware started with DAI/ME/ and to some degree KOTOR (Obsidian pulled that game from total crapfest into actual decent game), ruined/stupidified whole genre, that was an benchmark devs should strive for.

>People still expecting Bioware to produce anything worthwhile

Finding a Big Mac at a Michelin rated restaurant would be a surprise, but people should have gotten used to finding them at McDonalds by now.

You picked the wrong base.
For some reason you can't make the character too different from the base.
If you want a white person you need to pick the white person base to start with. Not to imply this isn't an issue, the character creator in this game is fucking dog shit awful and I hate it

Only fucking morons will take your "there's no whites in this game" bait OP

>Trusting someone getting the Nobel peace price
>Trusting Norwegians, ever

Look at the slums in Africa senpai, they were going to end up like that regardless. Only difference is the backdrop.

So why did the negroes not move to where there were resources and then subjugate whites?

>can't just edit the default either
Jesus, whites are really getting the boot in this game.

>one minor technical error
>scream racism

Whites have never experienced racism ever.

>skin color represents culture

You'll see a few race supremacists getting their panties into a bunch, for sure. That's already happening.

>Race is only colour of the skin

Holy shit the delusion

>muh resources
Big portion of Africa is much much, FUCKING MUCH richer resource-wise than the bulk of the Europe. Why do you think the Europeans colonized it first and now the Chinese are doing it you stupid mongoloid?

but the default MC are white, kek

who cucked who on Starshoop Andromeda?

tune in next week, to find out!

Haven't competent games done a thing where if you change the race of the MC the race of parents/children change along with it?

Didn't even the Bethesda Fallout games do this?

>"It was because of the white man bringing us down, that's why we couldn't build a society" said the african surrounded by plentiful natural resources and no winter to contend with

>"it was because we were conquered by other nations" said the african who was defeated by foreign nations because they were inferior

they were too busy fucking goats and getting chased by lions in the savannah, user.

The character customisation is so bad

Everyone's character ends up looking the same as a small amount of presets

Not really

The more advanced people become, the paler their skin as they're indoors more

Space will also make paler skin

Does anyone have the collage of people getting banned on Sup Forums for calling that one black actor a nigger? All this "fuck why peepo" and "bioware din'n do nuffin just select the whitest preset and turn up the gamma and deal with half white, raycis" has really gotten my noggin joggin if you boys catch my drifo down Mount Akina

>7 out of 10 white
are you even trying Canada

'Race' is the colloquial term to describe different ethnic groups between humans.
'Human' is a race, it's very basic, simple biology, I don't understand the willingness to ignore biology and science simply because they don't 'feel' that's right.

Oh fuck off. Whites were forced by nature very early on to literally grow a brain and adapt, solve problems. Niggers never evolved because life was ez mode already. Now theyve gone backwards

Let's not get too carried away with exaggeration, user

>ez mode
Yo cracka lessee yo outrun a lion mothafucka
