How do you feel about the fact that nintendos four big franchises are mario, zelda, animal crossing, and splatoon?
How do you feel about the fact that nintendos four big franchises are mario, zelda, animal crossing, and splatoon?
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I pretty sure Fire Emblem is bigger than Splatoon and it's up there with Mario, Zelda and Pokemon as Nintendo considers it there now back somewhere in 2015 or 16.
>I pretty sure Fire Emblem is bigger than Splatoon
No, FE: Fates sold barely half of what Splatoon did
>FE bigger than Splatoon
It's really not, FE is doing well but Splatoon has much more mass appeal and merch than a glorified dating sim. The Splatoon live concert and Inklings in MK are proof enough.
You forgot pokemon.
To be fair nintendo is the only one with popular exclusives anymore. PC has quite a few but the ps4/xbone are literally multiplat machines.
Metroid isn't dead, r-right?
They're marketing the fuck out of it lately, but it's nowhere near Splatoon levels. Fates sold under 2m worldwide while Splatoon sold well over 4m in a console with an extremely smaller install base.
Of course not, we got Federation Force this gen.
>"adult" "men" play a cartoon shooter made for kids so that they can jerk off to little girls dressed as squids
What is wrong with you "people"?
I bet even nintendo didn't expect Splatoon to do as well as it did. Hell, I remember the general opinion of it being crap when it first was announced
Feel good man
nobody could have expected this
>Hell, I remember the general opinion of it being crap when it first was announced
I remember dicks turned to diamonds as soon as I saw the squid lolis, though somewhat true, most people did not think it was going to be as big as it was
Splatoon got way more marketing than their new IPs usually do. Nintendo above all else knows how to be efficient and make money. They know when a game is good and has normie appeal. Awakening and Splatoon got massive marketing pushes, while STEAM and Dillon get maybe a Direct.
I vaguely remember the team behind it being relatively new guys at Nintendo as well, I hope they get to go for another shot at making a new IP than get stuck on Splatoon sequels forever
After this and FE Awakening, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo doesn't push the waifu appeal more, like they've been doing with BOTW
You're dumb. Pokemon is their biggest franchise. Not only does it sell the most games consistently, but they make a fuckload of money licensing it out for toys and running a popular kids TV show.
I actually have a tremendous amount of respect for the fact that Nintendo don't endlessly milk their franchises.
Nintendo could shit out a new copy/paste Zelda each Christmas like most devs do with their IPs and bank the cash.
I like the fact that they don't. And I like the fact that they don't give two fucks about the rabid entitled fanbois either.
You'll get your new Metroid/F-Zero/Pikmen/Luigi's Mansion/Earthbound/Smash Bros/Wave Race/Pilot Wings when Nintendo fucking feel like it. So shut your cunt.
>Animal Crossing
Bitch please
Fire Emblem is one of their big things now
Kirby and Donkey Kong are both still more main franchises than Animal Crossing
nintendo only owns 1/3 of pokemon.
It's actually a fast paced and fairly deep shooter that has unique mechanics and a killer aesthetic to boot, but yeah loli squids let's go with that.
> Kirby: Triple Deluxe - 1.78 million sold
> Kirby: Planet Robobot - 1.32 million sold
> Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - 1.5 million sold
> Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Conquest - 1.84 million sold
> Fire Emblem Awakening - 1.79 million sold
> Animal crossing new lead - 10.45 million sold
You really have no idea what you are talking about
I remember the 20 minute treehouse segment on it following the E3 direct was what really warmed me up to it. It was one of those games where you had to see a couple of live games first.
That's a false rumor. They own 66%. Pokemon is owned by 3 parts, Gamefreak, Nintendo and Creatures inc. However, Nintendo actually owns Creatures inc so they own 66%. On top of that I'm sure Nintendo is getting most of the returns from it since they're the ones fronting most of the money. Just because Game Freak has a 1/3 ownership of the property that doesn't mean they're getting 1/3 of the profits. I doubt Nintendo would agree to that.
So is Animal Crossing for Switch and sure fire, but it's the perfect console for a game like that, combining both the handheld and console versions in perfect harmony with each other.
People actually play farming the game?
The fuck is wrong with you retards?
People really underestimate just how big Animal Crossing is. My girlfriend has a 3DS and only plays Mario Kart and Animal Crossing.
The consumers of Animal Crossing are actually majority women, believe it or not. I think the only other real video game like that is The Sims. Anyway, New Leaf has a ton of dress up options and an unbelievable amount of shit to shop for (they even added a shoe shop) so you can see why it might appeal to young women.
People will disagree and say Nintendo does milk their franchises but you're right. The only reason why the well hasn't dried on almost any of Nintendo's IPs is because there's often many years between new entries to their series and when they come around they often offer something new.
Just look at Mario. We haven't had an open world 3d Mario since fucking Sunshine, and that's the mainline.
Are you Gardetarded? Animal Crossing is a massive seller and a large percentage of the demographic is female.
I don't care for Mario but the rest are fine
>Fire Emblem is one of their big things now
I find it weird that Zelda is no longer a big franchise for them in Japan.
i can't wait until the pokemon meme dies
>get proven wrong
fuck off, retard.
>Pokemon meme
Pokemon is not going anywhere, and you're retarded if you can't understand why.
What if this statement was true
For real.
I'm surprised that Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes made it out before Animal Crossing. I hope they're keeping it back to coincide with a Switch game or something.
Mario Run isn't even out on Android yet. Fire Emblem came out on Android before Mario.
The bigger question is, how do you feel about Nintendo's four biggest franchises being an Italian plumber addicted to mushrooms, a bisexual elf, a game about cross-dressing animals and something about squid girls.
The last 5 Zelda releases in Japan all performed less than Splatoon user.
Because I didnt assume people would go out and buy this shit
Im a Nintenbro and I cant fucking defend Animal Crossing
You're likely to die first.
>Yeah, but what about unrelated SJW shit that I deliberately post to start a Sup Forums thread?
Fuck off
if you guys are wondering why they arent making the a new animal crossing
because the devs are busy with splatoon
Fuck off, Sup Forums
Shares aside, Pokemon is their biggest platform seller. People buy Nintendo consoles to play Pokemon.
Yeah, you would have said the same thing back in 2001 if you had been born yet.
>I cant defend this
>Doesnt give a reason
user nobody cares if you dont like the game.
I guess that's why BotW had to add Dress-Up Link and fish waifus
the only people that care about FE are people that are fans of the genre. it has 0 mass appeal.
Anyway, i'm surprised splatoon is so popular. For years people have being saying nintendo should do a Super Mario Paintball, it just made sense. But splatoon feels so different to other T/FPS that it's as if they completely missed the point
fire memeblem is a weeb game for weebs
>tfw the Pokemon meme has been going on longer then you've been alive
I feel like I shouldnt give a reason
I ask, what do you do, Whats your goal, whats the plot, what skills do you need to learn to play the game?
The answer for all this is nothing
I cant even call it a "game" anymore than Farmville is a game
Also splatoon is good.
actually brb.
fite me.
I was going to report you, then I realized that people born in 96 are 21
>BotW adding fish waifus
Its fun, so people play it
Yeah im 18 pokemon GS came out a year after I was born
I guess the fire emblem direct with FOUR new fe games and the three from last year weren't enough proof
Splatoon is finished. How can Nintendo compete?
>Nintendo canceled my beloved series for that fucking squid
Squid Loli's.
Too bad all the women have giant tits
don't care didn't grow up on Nintendo
Not all of them.
I've only seen one, and it's the loli
I'd be hard pressed to play the game for one girl
How did you come to this conclusion? Where did you get this list? I feel as though there are plenty of Nintendo first and second-party properties that outpace Splatoon sales-wise.
No you weren't, doofus
Everyone has already realized that people born in 1999 are 18
There's an AA cup, a AAA cup and a C cup.
BotW Zora were made significantly more similar to lolisquids than any previous Zora.
Name them.
New Leaf JUST came out 4 years ago. Why do you need another one so soon?
>Star fox, metroid and f-zero are dead
Maybe its for the better seeing how some of their franchises have ended up
Kirby's still a better series than all four.
>no pokemon
I havent holy fucking shit thats disgusting. Fuck you for making me realize this. God fucking dammit.
You're probably 19 at most
I'm fine with this. They're all deserving to be huge successes
Nigga Im 28, been here since is was 17.
>the only people that care about FE are people that are fans of the genre
Actually a lot of the FE fanbase is there for the Support/Dating Sim portion, SRPGs don't sell, and FE fans don't talk about the gameplay. All FE discussion is centered around who married who. FE was on it's way out till it went off this end.
The school uniform really was the best outfit. Couldn't take it off once I got it.
>Splatoon above pokemon
Why do people care about Splatoon so much.
It's a little gimmicky TPS for children.
get out of here furry
pokemon is over rated garbage rpg for children..
>i cant wait till the x meme dies
I can't wait till this meme dies
I can't wait till you die
I can't wait till I die
easiest way to spot a pedo is if someone over 18 bought splatoon
Feels alright, at least Metroid won't get any more shitty games and it can peacefully die now. Also aren't you forgetting Pokemon.
Waifuism saves another franchise.
I'm glad Nintendo finally got a new (and good) IP to catch on. It's cool that Animal Crossing got some major limelight too but I was pretty much over it after City Folk.
i'd love an AC on switch, i thought the wiiiu was going to get one but nintendo buttfucked us hard there
I hope we get some more DK games in the future, Tropical Freeze was great.