>Nintendo is literally not capable of making a good Star Fox game
Just be glad we have all this gay porn, okay? uwu
But I don't want gay porn
I want to be a pilot and a hero
The problem is Nintendo has to go far out of their way to try and be innovative or not re-hash the same thing with many of their franchises.
This is why Nintendo won't make another traditional Starfox, Metroid, or F-Zero game despite that being what everyone wants.
But how many loz games did they make in the same vein prior to botw? Those sold reasonably well didn't they?
That being said, if some hypothetical future nintendo console could drive a VR headset, I'd be all over that.
>make a traditional game
>[insert franchise] is so stale!
>make a new game
I'm probably the biggest Nintendo fan on this board, but they literally cannot win.
That's because Star Fox games aren't good.
They all had gimmicks user
>using the touch screen to control a statue zelda (wtf?)
>some shitty 3D effect that they spent millions on that was supposed to be the next big thing but nobody even used it
>a gay rabbit selling you items so you could do the dungeons "in any order"
>sword combat that you had to physically get up and dance around and swing your controller to get to work
Star Fox Zero was good, though.
>inb4 "fuck off cody"
Zelda is a strong enough series to make a "traditional" game as well as experimental ones, along with Mario.
If a series can only last as one of those, Nintendo doesn't usually bother making a yearly-ish entry. At best, you'll get one every generation or so.
Not to mention, the most important thing is to have an idea to base the game around. Whether it turns out to be crummy or not, it keeps the series fresh instead of eventually running into the ground.
What do you consider a good star fox game?
I don't think thats true.
gimmicks don't make something appreciably more novel.
Oh, I thought you meant actual innovation.
I do absolutely agree that this braindead concept of innovation (read: irritating gimmicks forced by higher-ups that no lowly nipponese worker dares oppose) is a millstone around the game and the company's neck.
What would the user's of this thread do with
a: a game in the vein of 64
b: whatever sort of star fox game you want
star fox 64 was good.
so what made starfox 64 good?
I still think a game that was exactly like ace combat but in space with furries would be good
>they literally cannot win.
Heres a tip for all you fucking retards that dont know jack about shit:
people who complain about franchises doing the same thing over and over again and being "stale" arent actual fans of the franchise.
ie see people who complain about mario always being the same despite having mario party, mario sports games, side scrolling mario games, 3d platformers etc.
If the people who complained were actual fans they would know about all those games and wouldnt have a deer in the heedlights i just got outed as a sack of dogshit retard look in their eyes when you tell them about it.
Also no one who really enjoyed game A then plays game B and says yeah i didnt liek it cause it reminded me too much of that other game i really liked.
I understand from a business perspective, but I think given time, resources, and energy you could make a great "traditional" star fox game.
64 of course
Sparse though it is, the plot is an effective rendition of the classic hero's journey.
You've got big evil influence, reasons for character motivations, room for personal development, all that.
And the gameplay follows up on it. It's fast, the bosses and enemies are all wacky polygonal origami or science-fiction inspired fun.
Now there's no crazy gameplay deconstruction or fourth wall breaking, the gameplay just services the plot very well.
You fly to all these different locations, and just systematically dismantle the bad guy's war effort. It really feels as though you're having an impact due to all the alternate paths, secret bosses, and general rewards due to display of skill.
I can go on if you want, i left a fair bit out.
>multiple paths to choose from
>lots of secrets
>not a lot of obnoxious story cinematic taking away from gameplay, most of the dialog happened when you were playing and in control of your character.
Tt was kind of like an arcade game you could sit down and beat it in a few hours and get a high score then try again and try and figure out how to do better or whatever.
Feels bad man.
But at this point I have already moved on.
I didn't even feel disappointed by Zero, because I saw its redflags very early on.
The simplicity off it.
The problem with Starfox is the Fox part, it attracted the wrong crowd
Nintendo could release Starfox 64 again for what, the fifth time now?, but with a human cast and people would love the fresh new direction Nintendo is going in
How do you fuck up a rail shooter of all things? They've got to be some of the least complex games to make game design wise
By adding dumb gimmicks and slowing down the gameplay to much.
You know user, before the reddit transplants on this board attempted to emulate Sup Forums culture by having a conniption every time something with a snout appeared, anthropomorphic animals were accepted and widespread in video games.
It's just a style, and visual shorthand for character traits.
>>multiple paths to choose from
dont other starfox games do this too?
>rail-shooters are irrelevant in 2017
>the remaining fanbase that's left only cares about furfaggotry and not the gameplay
>the LE QUIRKY CHEESY DIALOGUE has aged badly and most people find it cringey now
>the huge furry stigma it gained from the later games and Smash
>fanbase suffers the same problem with Sonic's, but to a less extreme
>nobody knows what they want anymore
>Miyamoto's unhealthy obsession with gimmicks and innovation
>starfox cucked out of NintendoLand for metroid and f zero
>Sakurai choose KI over Starfox on the 3DS
>KI Uprising beats star fox at its own game, but won't ever get a sequel
>4 out of 7 games are the exact same game with a new coat of paint
>Zero was supposed to save the series, but it killed it for good, thus making Starfox a Smash only cameo series
Can't say I blame them anymore. This series has lost all its relevance
To some extent, but it isn't as well executed or implemented.
Also the games themselves aren't very good, so there's not huge incentive when all paths lead to mediocrity.
Nintendo isn't capable of making a good anything anymore.
>the remaining fanbase that's left only cares about furfaggotry and not the gameplay
>KI Uprising beats star fox at its own game, but won't ever get a sequel
Not with those horrific gimmicky controls.
Star Fox assault was the only good star fox game.
you'd think starfox would have benefited from an open world (open space whatever) model more than zelda
Again, star fox assault was the only good game, and what starfox should have always been. But the shitty nostalgiafag fanbase found it unacceptable.
Your bait is shit.
>nintendo rehashes 64 with Zero
>nobody likes it because it's basically a game where you have to constantly check the rearview mirror
It's not bait friendo
>On foot combat
>Free moving ships
>Cool environments to explore up close
>The best multiplayer in the series
>one of the best 3rd person arena combat games to this day
So much more
Not possible on weak hardware unless you severely cripple the game graphically.
My issue with Assault was it had ten levels, and two were actual flying levels, the third was half of a boss fight.
The two full-ship levels were the biggest tease of the decade.
That said, the controls could have been a little bit better, the HUD was cool as shit, I'm a giant sucker for that aesthetic, and the sound quality made the whole game sound like it was being played through a wiimote speaker, which confuses the fuck out of me.
The rest of the game was kinda neat, I honestly enjoyed it. But my big gripe is that the whole game only had two rail-shooter stages. You can only replay them so many times
It has more gameplay styles than rail segments user.
Star fox is incredibly well-known, surely you remember the barrel roll meme cancer a few years back. I'm not saying that there's a massive hidden contingent of people salivating over a new game, but it's well regarded. t. college going normie
I agree with nintendo exec's gimmick fetish, but there's really nothing conceptually in the way of a good new game besides the people who own the francise.
Given that it wasn't trying to be an evolution of 64, absolutely.
Even worse than that. The main screen targeting reticules were inaccurate, you needed to use the gamepad for ideal precision. Now I respect differences in opinion, but the ONLY good sf game? come on now
I meant more like what they did for botw. That looked pretty neat. I think if they made different sections of space or planets to explore it would work a lot better than trying to just ape old starfox mechanics, since the rail shooter is a little archaic now
Assault's multiplayer and gameplay, but expanded and improved
More branching paths
Online multiplayer
A more light hearted story
Drop the corny dialogue and memes, and just write have dialogue and VAs
No retconning/rebooting characters or stories except Command since it's universally hated, and just start after Assault
Customizable vehicles
Leaderboard system to make arcade story scoring relevant
And there, Starfox is saved. too bad nintendo will never do this
People didn't like it because of the terrible controls, if they had rehashed 64 most here would be singing tis praises.
so why wouldnt people like starfox 2 for the snes?
>only two rail shooters
That's why its the best game
Rail shooters are severely confining and archaic
Nintendo can't make the impossible
so basically it was a lot of fun but not enough levels at all. Sargasso Space Station was a blast.
Things Star Fox needs:
-rail shooter where your reticle is aimed by steering your ship, not sliding a square across the screen the way KI:U and Rez do it
Levels with multiple ways to complete, some of them hidden
Thus, branching paths
At least a fight with star wolf
At least some stages have alternate bosses, or secret ways of defeating bosses
Forks in the paths through individual stages
Everything else can be build around that. The level in Assault that ends in the fight against Pigma used scripted scenes to great effect, I distinctly remember a wingmate shouting 'hey watch out' and the path suddenly veering into a narrow corridor through a wall. The opening starfleet battle in the first level, combined with the scenery transition to landing on the planet and fucking up a base was awesome.
There's plenty of room to 'innovate' on that basic framework without fucking with the two most important things: the controls and the multiple paths/win conditions
They had one job.
Make Star Fox Zero FEEL like Star Fox 64
Instead we got the impossible controls atrocity that no casual player can pick up and play.
But it had a copy pasted plot of Star Fox 64...?
I don't know what happened, I think nobody wanted to challenge Shigeru's ideas. I owned and 100% completed the game but the gameplay was wonky as hell. Too much work to be fun.
I mean, there's room for both, I just think what people expect from Star Fox is an arcade/flight-simmy sort of rail shooter.
Thinking Assault is the best Star Fox game because it has the least amount of rail-shooting segments is like thinking Super Mario RPG is the best Mario game because it has the least amount of platforming.
Star Fox with Ace Combat tier story and music
You never played a good rail shooter.
>being an F-Zero fan
I think smash bros spoiled me from ever wanting to play as starfox in a ship. I'd much rather play him on foot.
Holy shit I meant Fox Mccloud, pls no bully
I think i may be a bit mixed up in the reply chain here, so apologies if I'm not the correct person or you're not.
sf2 wasn't released to the best of my knowledge, so I really don't have much of a position on it's quality.
and as far as I remember it had a more free form overall game world design, you'd fly back and forth between planets and space missiles and corneria had a set amount of health or something.
But people would probably expect more from a game now than one that was released over 20 years ago.
But again, it's been a while since I've seen/played that game all the way through.
As a turbocasual for whom starfox adventures was a gateway drug to the zelda series, what'd you think of that?
er, I mean that's how much of a turbo casual I am. I liked starfox adventures.
>Nintendo is literally not capable of making a good game
>Nintendo is literally not capable of making a good console
I didn't like adventures because you couldnt jump, I also didnt like the 3D zeldas because you couldnt jump
I'm a turbo autist about little things
I know I'm getting off topic but I have some good news about BotW lol
>Nintendo can't make a good Star Fox game!
>After Sin and Punishment 2
>After Kid Icarus Uprising
>After Star Fox Zero
I always felt like the ground sections were disappointing, and should have embodied more of the core star fox values, speed, freedom of movement, etc.
What would you anons like to see in these gameplay sections?
Jet packs?
Tribes-style skiing?
double Jumping and wall movement?
Grappling hooks?
why does falco have both wings and arms
Jet packs!
Dark Void Style!
The USS Cyclops and the Shield Generator levels were awesome!
>tfw Assault 2 never ever
That Miyu looks terrible.
>Hey! Let's stick a male body on a female!
I've got some ideas knocking around and I think I might attempt a Assault 2 homebrew.
what did you like about assault user?
From the same artist
That looks a lot better.
Favorite rendition of Fox?
You could play on foot, explore the environments and it had good multiplayer
The thread is dying
I must now return to bed
nintendo hear us
then one more haiku
I don't get this strange image
you are mistaken
Star Fox Zero is complete dogshit for the simple reason that 90% of the levels are all-range levels instead of on-rails.
Imagine if they made a Mario platformer where 90% of the levels were underwater. It would be fucking shit and everyone would hate it. That's the same reason we hate Zero- it doesn't offer the gameplay we expect from Star Fox, especially a game that is claiming to be a "new 64"
But Zero was pretty good, other than having forced motion controls. It's the Zelda DS syndrome.
The controls were the least of its problems. The levels and bosses are awful.
If it didn't have shoehorned motion controls, people would've gave a shit
Is there even a single boss that wasn't in all-range mode?
Nope. They even made the attack carrier all range.
I thought so. I don't know who thought that was acceptable.
I actually thought that having the attack carrier be in the other mode was cute at the moment, but I figured that they would make the other Corneria boss into an on-rails boss. I also thought that I'd see good bosses later, but hey.