You WILL watch her movie, right, Sup Forums?

You WILL watch her movie, right, Sup Forums?

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I really have a hard time seeing this as Rebecca.

I want to kiss this cute boy.

y-y-yes m'aam

>Wesker had a photo of Rebecca in his desk

Of course. It'll be nice to see Rebecca in something that doesn't take place in 1998. Dunno about Chris' newest redesign (he looks younger now).

>that fucking small grin
every time

Did he get a hard-on from looking at it?

I don't know if it's just me but Chris has been looking more mexican since RE6 for some reason.

Looks like there will screenings outside of Japan.

She is still cute after all these years.

Reminder that Chris is still virgin. Wtf Jill just fuck him already, all the 90s children are waiting for that to happens

He's saving himself for his true love, Wesker.

Not me, always thought Chris was unlikable dumbass. Instead of being cool soldier, he is a emo millitary failure constantly going muh suffering, I hope Wesker boned Jill and Christ die before he can get sloppy seconds, also, steroids user.

90s child here. Can confirm.

Also Leon fucking Claire when

Good genes

>Did he get a hard-on from looking at it?
Like you wouldn't believe.

Whenever Leon finally decides to let go of Ada

They need to settle on a design. Leon's had the same design since 1998, why do they have to completely rework Chris every other outing? The RE5/6 model was great, slightly aged, not quite so roided out in 6 since he was dropping some of the muscle mass he'd put on to battle Wesker, just keep that.

Now we have young mexican Chris, and also RE7's design. Wtf, Capcom?

How many CG movies there are? I think the only one I watched was Damnation

He was only like that in 6.

Yeah I don't get that either. Jill has been suffering from it a bit as well.

Leon could actually use a redesign though, by which I mean a haircut.

>watch Degeneration because people say the CG RE movies are decent
>cringe all the way through

Why do people like these movies? The story in the games is cringe aswell but at least the gameplay save it, the only thing that holds a movie is it's plot and RE plots aren't particularly good.

Vendetta will be the third. Degeneration was first and wasn't that great beyond the nostalgia of Leon and Claire together.

Only Degeneration before that, and Vendetta which is coming out in May.

every fucking time

Ah, so I didn't miss much. Thank you both.

The Tyrants in Damnation were the best incarnation I've seen of them across games and movies.

Eh, Degeneration is mediocre. I did it for my girl Claire.

Damnation is pure operator kino though

I still can't believe Chris isn't gay. And that Jill married him.

>best incarnation of Tyrants
>not Nemesis

Really nigga?

I agree, though Leon's haircut is what people identify him with. Change that, and no one would know who he was. I would be like having a Chris outing with him in civilian clothes.

Is this genderbent Central Officer Bradford?

No way fag

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves

They won't cut his hair (it's getting black/greyish though)

But if he appears in a future mainline game he's getting a redesign because of the "photorealistic" thing. They'll probably still use Matt Merc for his face though

Re5/6 Chris is amazing, his face is pretty iconic already, amazing how Chris could show his determination when Jake was aiming at his head

His voice is really good too

Hey, give me a modern design of Nemesis, with his original RE3 voice, and he'll be top dog again. As it is, these tyrants were more impressive and captured the essence of an updated Mr X completely.

Fuck off Redfield, you're a retard.

I'm Redfield.

>young mexican Chris,
That was pretty odd. But no RE character surpasses Jill for drastically different designs despite technically being the same character.

Shame we aren't getting Roger Craig Smith not even for Vendetta. RE7 has that new guy and Vendetta brought back his voice actor from Umbrella Chronicles (which is the guy who did mocap for Piers in RE6 and Leon in Damnation)

Chris is gay though.

Leon is the straight guy, but he has trouble choosing and he's not into group sex.

Wait, this is seriously supposed to be Chris? What the fuck?

But then she's got all the other girls to worry about

As cool as this scene was, Leon could've killed that zombie and the ones surrounding Claire and Rani.

>no RE character surpasses Jill for drastically different designs despite technically being the same character.
I dunno, I think the designs in 3 and 5 were justified by the plot (though the face from 5 on got a little weird).

And Leon was ready to have a knife fight with those things

Yes, and he also works for Umbrella. Capcom is going full MGS

>having Claire look even more like Leon's dumb sidekick
Please no.

Sounds like Capcom being cheap. They drop their more established VAs and use unknowns and crew to save money. I doubt they'd treat the Japanese VAs as expendable assets.

i'm slowly coming to accept new Chris.

especially if he's as hairy as the actor mmm

Now I can't stop imagining Leon saying ''No way fag'' in this scene. Anyway, Leon will only think of Ada.

Is she gonna be infected and die?

But they ARE bringing Matthew Mercer back for Leon
Then again, maybe he's cheap.

Also dropping Alyson Court has to be their biggest fucking mistake. Hope that if they bring Wesker back he's voiced by D.C.Douglas still

Jesus Christ, where does the sweater end?

you just KNOW he fucked all girls in this image other than the ballistics goblin

For now. I'm sure Matt's days are numbered, since he's been around for a while. Same with DC. Alyson might have been a casualty of the american voice actors' unions flexing their muscles recently.

i'd like to find out :3

I know. I was just thinking in a realistic sense. But yeah, it's a shame Claire became useless later on.

They misused her badly, in favour of a one-off character. What were they thinking?

>tfw redfield wasn't hunk after all
fuck you scamcom

The DLC isn't out yet. I won't believe he's actually Chris until i finish playing it.

we don't know for sure, just that capcom is saying it was time for them to update his look to reflect the new look of the series.

Could be a ruse, could be they're being honest.

damn them for making me super interested in the dlc

>What were they thinking?
They weren't. Claire was more than capable to help, but they had to make her hurt just to give Angela more screen time.

>tfw more hyped for the DLC than i was for RE7
i really can't let go of the old characters and plot, dammit.

Capcom is going full force on the ruse cruise. They wanna ruse us harder than Kojima ever did.

>dat pic


>You WILL watch her movie, right, Sup Forums?



not gonna lie i like his new design much more

Fucking Drax the Destroyer


Chris may not have won Jill, but he can win over Rebecca.

i would applaud Capcom if true, but i'd like a good reason for him turning coat

He didn't have a good wife to turn his life around.

you just KNOW Capcom is going for it

i'm on team GayChris and wanting him to find love with a good husbando (bring back Piers, Capcom) but I've always liked Chris with Rebecca far more than Jill.

Chris is already taken.

>other than the ballistics goblin
This. The no way fag was clearly justified.

i'm okay with this too.

Chris will ride Leon's bike and pull a Ashley.

Its fake. Not even bullshitting too. They are not married.

If Ducati is a major (((sponsor))) of the film and Leon's riding the bike, does it mean that Leon > Chris?

It means that Capcom is retarded for not having the official RE biker (Claire) on the fucking movie, and instead suddenly making their fuckboi a biker now for some reason

What the fuck


It's fake. Fans made this image before RE6 launched. "Responsabilities"

oh wait nevermind.

But seriously though, they've gotta be the most platonic best friends in the history of video game partners.

Did they ever flirt in the RE5 DLC?

Not really.

I think Vendetta could've been a good concept for REV3. They probably would have to tone down the action a bit.

Looks like 2005 video game CGI.

RE characters being such clueless virgins saddens me.

But that's what makes them special

Didn't Claire not want to have any of that operator stuff that his brother does?

Closest they ever came was after the Wesker fight. And also a hint in Revelations 1.


And yet she got involved in outbreaks in Degeneration, Rev2 and Heavenly Island.

"Maybe he's already taken" was quite unexpected

Jessica flirting is not a hint