is resident evil 4 the best resident evil?
Is resident evil 4 the best resident evil?
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Yes, but it shouldn't have been named Resident Evil
what should it have been named?
It wasn't resident evil.
Part 6 was the next actual resident evil to me
What did they mean by this?
think it means die, kill or something
Wow. I didn't know RE4 foreshadowed what will happen in Revelations 2.
what did it foreshadow
It's "morra"
Yes and it's unironically the best video game I've ever played.
It's actually Resident Evil 2 if you discount REmake. If you're going purely by sales then it's RE5 and RE6 which are about on-par.
Resident evil 2 is correct
Pew Pew Zombie Castle
I haven't played any other resident evils and it's my favorite game of all time. I'd say yes
It has the most replay value and is the most content rich Resident Evil of them all.
7 is the best
Probably, but I also have a soft spot for REmake and Resi 2.
The people have spoken. It's Resident Evil 5.
Street Fighter 2 is easily the best Resident Evil.
I'm pretty shocked at how Resident Evil 2 is that high. Goes to show it really was the best and this was before gaming really went 'mainstream, in comparison to higher expected sales in the market today.
El Diablo 4
cant even play the damn game the controls are hot dog shit
Ken and Ryu are like the Chris and Leon.
>RE5 was fun enough in coop to make people buy RE6
>RE6 was so bad, it killed RE7's chances of being in the top 5 of capcom
god damn
>RE6 was bad
It wasn't good.
It was not bad, it was fucking awful.
>Best combat from any RE
>Best mercenaries due to the fact
>Co-op meant more replayability
>Largest roster of playable characters
>Four interconnecting stories
The only major downside to the game was the fact it wasn't horror, and the story was way over the top. Apart from that, it was a solid 9/10 game.
>True but a minigame, who cares
>Not necessarily
>Four shit stories doesn't mean one big good one
user, you're so optimistic.
Well to compare, I think I must have easily put in 150-200 hours to RE6 the amount I replayed it with different friends or randomly online.
I completed RE7 on easy and then madhouse and I'm done with it now, I doubt I'll go back to it anytime soon either.
>combat is garbage and worse than every other 3rd person shooter
>mercenaries is terrible because of the above
>co-op is shit because you wouldn't even wish this garbage on your worst enemy
>roster is irrelevant since the gameplay is shit
>possibly the worst story of any RE game, terrible use of the RE2 separated stories idea
The downside of RE6 is that it didn't offer good horror for the horror fans, didn't offer good shooting for the shooting fan, nor didn't offer good cinematic sequences for the movie fans. It's awful in all regards.
I didn't particularly care for RE7. I think it was alright, nothing more.
>Resident Evil 8+
FPS/RE7-style, sticking with survival horror.
>Resident Evil 2 & 3 Remake
Fixed Cameras/REmake style, tributes to the original classics
>Resident Evil Revelations 3+
Third-person/RE4-6/Revelations style with Mercenaries or Raid Mode included
This is how you save the RE franchise whilst keeping every fan happy.
>people actually bought RE6
What the fuck?
Feels like horror isn't really the franchise's strong suit. All bioweapons can be permanently killed to death if you kill them enough. Also it seems RE follows a formula like so:
>Scary start, you don't know what the fuck is going on, you're only equipped with mostly nothing
>Middle of the ground midgame, literally and figuratively, when you know bits and pieces of what's going on and you come across some cool stuff
>Action packed late game where you know how to deal with the enemies and shoot them repeatedly until they die
Hope they go back to crazy action packed with the cast we know and love.
Go away nigger. I don't want RE8 to be a doom3 or a left 4 dead clone.
Got a selection of GOOD THINGS on sale, stranger
This is now a 'no way fag' thread, post your no way fags
im playing through it with my gf atm. It's a masterpiece of peaks and troughs and is exquisitely camp
Stop it
We may never know. I hope she dies soon though, like in Vendetta if she shows up in that film.
40 year old virgin
Man, i'm gonna be sad if there's not even a mention to other old characters like Jill, Claire, Ada or fuck it, even Billy in Vendetta.
She needs to die already so that Leon can be freed
prolly cause it pretty much said, "well lets make the fun game we want to make, previous entries be damned!"
is Leon well hung?
Is there such a thing as a bad main game RE? even 6 has it defenders and i'll admit when QTEs don't get in the way combat was pretty interesting.
Also yes RE4 is the best one, maybe one of the best games ever created.
hes a big guy
it's called code veronica